• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 12,522 Views, 520 Comments

The Fairy Tale Fiasco - LaWombat

Trapped in a magical storybook with King Sombra, Twilight must escape by finishing a collection of fairy tales. All they have to do is reach the ending. But not all heroes get a happily ever after...

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Chapter 12: Flipping Your Fins (Part 3)

“Wakey, wakey!”

Twilight woke up to an energetic sounding voice as a pink blur bounced across her room to open the curtains and let in way too much sunlight for so early in the morning. She squeezed her eyes shut and wrapped the pillow over her head while the maid moved around and pulled her covers down.

“C’mon! Get up! Breakfast is ready!” It took Twilight a moment for her drowsy mind to realize that the high-pitched voice was not the same maid that had helped her dress the previous day; when she finally jolted into a sitting position, she found Pinkie Pie lowering a tray of food with a big grin. “And it’s happy to see you!”

Twilight looked down to see that the pancake on her plate had a smiley face made of strawberries and chocolate syrup.

Pinkie giggled at her expression while pulling a folded outfit from her mane and placing it on the bed. “Here, I also brought you your clothes for today!”

Twilight sniffed at the enticing smell of her breakfast, but her eyes were drawn to the bright clothing, and she couldn’t resist reaching over the tray to pick up the dress that unfolded before her. While she didn’t have Rarity’s fashion sense, she knew enough to see that the gown had been designed for function, even though the elegant ribbon and black vest looked fairly expensive. Twilight turned to Pinkie and raised a curious eyebrow.

Her friend apparently didn’t need words to know what she was asking. “Oh! Oh! That’s right, nopony’s told you yet!” Pinkie bounced up with an excited giggle. “The prince is going to take you into town today to see if anypony recognizes you! He actually didn’t want to go, but I wouldn’t take no for an answer!” She beamed proudly, and Twilight silently giggled, only imagining what sort of Pinkie shenanigans Sombra had been subjected to so early in the morning.

After Twilight finished off her breakfast and pulled on the blue dress, Pinkie led her down to the castle courtyard, but not before they made a quick detour to the study. When Twilight finally walked down the front steps of the castle, Sombra gave her a suspicious look when he spied the book she had tucked beneath her wing.

“The ride isn’t going to be that long,” he grumbled while a servant held the door to the carriage open. “You can see the town from here.” Sombra motioned with his hoof. Sure enough, peeking above the vast fields beyond the castle gates were the quaint looking buildings of the nearby town.

Twilight used her magic to float the book inside the carriage anyway and followed after it.

“Have a safe trip!” Twilight heard Pinkie shout from the steps as she waved enthusiastically. “I’ll swing by later! I’ve got a big surprise!”

Twilight leaned out the open window to wave back and noticed Sombra standing rigidly with a grimace on his face. When Pinkie winked at him, he quickly turned to jump into the carriage before slamming the door shut.

Pulling her head back inside, Twilight gave him a curious look while he settled into the plush seat across from her. When he saw her expression, he let out a deep snort. “Your pink friend is… troublesome...”

Twilight looked a little too smug while popping open the book she had brought with her. She had planned on trying to educate herself on the trip, even if it was brief, but as servants started to pull the carriage leisurely down the road, she quickly became frustrated at her own lack of comprehension. No matter how closely she studied the letters, she couldn’t make any sense of them, even though she should have known the book by heart.

Letting out a deep huff, Twilight slammed the book shut and tossed it away. It thudded against the seat next to Sombra, and the pages fluttered in a crumpled mess before slipping to the floor. He watched it with a raised eyebrow before picking it up and flipping through it.

“I was curious about your choice of reading, but with the way you were skimming through so quickly, I didn’t believe you were enjoying it.” Sombra closed the book and looked over the cover. “Honestly, ‘The Friendship Journal’? Who comes up with this nonsense?”

Twilight blew out through her lips before slumping against the window sill to watch the fields of farmland pass them by. The carriage passed before a small group of ponies tending to some of the crops, and when they looked up, they waved their legs in a cheerful greeting. Twilight blinked at them and hesitantly waved back.

“I wonder if they’re all the same…” Sombra mused quietly, and Twilight turned to look at him curiously. He was staring out the window with an unusual expression on his face—at least, unusual for Sombra. A soft frown pulled at his lips, and his eyes looked out at the ponies without their usual intensity.

When Sombra noticed her attention, he gave her a scowl and stuck his head out the window. Twilight heard happy shouts from some of the workers in the field as they greeted their prince, and Sombra quickly pulled his head back inside, wearing a fierce frown while he fell back against the seat with a grunt.

“Sire? We have arrived,” a muffled voice called from the driver’s seat after only a few minutes had passed. Outside, Twilight could hear the muted murmur of voices from a large crowd, and the door opened to reveal the old servant, bowing to them as he stepped aside.

“After you?” Sombra mumbled, waving his hoof at Twilight with an exaggerated flourish. From his expression, Twilight got the feeling that he looked uneasy about meeting what awaited them in town.

She was suspicious, but her hesitation disappeared when she stepped into the charming surroundings. The cobbled square spread out before her, with cozy buildings neatly lining the roadway. The place was bustling with so much activity, it was hard to find an open space beneath the crowds moving about, and an air of excitement rippled through them. Music drifted from a band playing beneath the trees in the nearby park, and colorful banners and flags decorated almost every shop and home.

As Twilight took in the sights, a few ponies stopped in their tracks to glance her way and murmured softly to one another. While she shifted uneasily at the attention, it took her a moment to realize that they were pointing behind her, not at her, and she turned to see Sombra disembarking.

One bold colt trotted up and happily waved in greeting. “Good morning, Prince Sombra!”

The hum in the air increased, and the crowd’s chatter grew louder as several groups of ponies trotted together and quickly formed a small, cheerful mob. Twilight tried to step out of the way, but she quickly got caught up in the mass of bodies closing around her. She ducked down and crawled around the clutter of hooves, managing to pull herself free once she reached the edge of the throng.

Twilight caught her breath as the cheery and eager voices called out to be heard above the rest, all clamoring to say hello to their prince or ask him about his day.

“It’s an excellent time to visit the fair! I heard the dancing troupe will arrive later tonight!”

“Are you going to participate in any events, Prince Sombra?”

She couldn’t even see him over the heads of the ponies, but soon the edges of the crowd shifted, and Sombra burst through by shoving his subjects aside, looking flustered and panting, as if he had just finished running in a marathon.

“Enough!” he snapped at a nearby filly that only grinned at him happily. “All of you, get back!!!” Sombra’s expression had a mad edge to it, and his eyes shifted around the kind faces that only laughed as if he were making a joke. He eventually spotted Twilight, and lunged for her, linking his leg with hers and dragging her up roughly. “I need peace!!!”

Twilight nearly tripped while Sombra tugged her along and ducked into a short alley between a pair of buildings. When the murmur of the crowd faded in the quiet, Sombra released her leg and flopped his back against the nearest wall to release a loud sigh.

Shaking her leg where he had grabbed her, Twilight gave Sombra a curious look, but he wasn't paying her any mind. She let him have a moment to catch his breath, and when he opened his eyes and noticed her staring, he wrinkled his snout with an uncomfortable look.

“If we kiss now, this blasted story ends sooner... right?” Sombra asked quietly.

Twilight felt her heart flutter at the word 'kiss,' but tried to keep herself composed. She shrugged her shoulders slightly, not certain how to give him the right answer. She had been hopeful that the kiss might save her from the mermare's original fate, and if it did, it was reasonable to believe that it might bring the tale closer to a swift ending.

Sombra slid himself away from the wall, and with a jolt, Twilight scrambled back a few steps. While she was willing to prepare herself to give it another shot, she couldn’t forget the way he had treated her the night before. Sombra must have caught on to this when he saw her suspicious look, because he stopped in his tracks.

“I’ll… behave this time,” Sombra grumbled. “You have my word.”

Twilight gave him a narrow look, not really trusting him, but it wasn’t worth her life to put off for much longer. A soft jittering ran along her spine when she moved forward, giving Sombra one last sideways glance before taking that final step that brought her to stand in front of him. Sombra shifted his own body, and her pulse started pounding in her ears when he leaned closer.

The light at the end of the alley darkened, and Twilight nearly jumped out of her own fur when the old servant spoke up. “Sire? Would you like to show Miss Twilight around?”

Why would I want to do that?” Sombra growled through grit teeth while Twilight tried to settle her ruffled wings straight against her back.

“If you take her through the fair, somepony may recognize her,” the old servant explained. “There are many travelers from far and wide visiting for the festival, and one of them is certain to know her.”

Sombra turned to Twilight, looking like he wanted to say something, but instead, he simply cleared his throat. “I doubt that,” he grumbled, then stood up and trotted out of the alley. Twilight trailed behind him slowly, only slightly concerned that he appeared to have moved on from their attempt to kiss again, even though she didn’t try to press the issue, since she wasn’t too keen about their lack of privacy.

Even if they were just fictional characters, it still made her feel nervous to think about being watched. It wasn’t as if it was a traditional kiss between actual lovers… the moment didn’t have to be perfect or atmospheric. She couldn’t afford to be picky for much longer.

With this thought in mind, she emerged from the ally with a determined frown, but found Sombra already surrounded by a group of ponies. His eyes darted nervously from one face to the next while the friendly group greeted him and tried to chat about the fair.

Hanging her head and letting out a quiet sigh, Twilight trotted closer and reached for Sombra’s leg, getting a surprised look from him when she tried to pull him away. Making sure that the other ponies could see her, Twilight pointed to the fair tents and waved in their direction, tugging him forward to get him to move to that area.

The villagers exchanged confused glances before understanding dawned on them, and they politely moved aside to let them through. Twilight strolled with Sombra between the smiling faces that watched them curiously as they walked by, but the villagers were happy to give the pair some space when they saw how close they were standing. Meanwhile, Twilight’s face felt hot from all the questioning stares, seeming to have earned them even more attention than before.

But as they moved along at a leisurely pace, Twilight could feel Sombra slowly relax against her. When they passed villagers that called to them, Twilight simply bowed her head in return, with Sombra moving to mimic her and occasionally waving in a quiet hello. The ponies returned the gesture with cheerful grins, and most went back to their own business or continued on to enjoy the fair.

“I suppose this... isn’t as terrible as it first seemed,” Sombra said quietly. “It almost reminds me—” He stopped himself, glancing at Twilight while she looked up at him in surprise, but he didn’t elaborate; instead, he quickly fixed his gaze straight ahead.

If she’d still had a voice to badger him with, she would have pressed further, but as it was, Twilight didn’t feel like figuring out how to sign to him all the questions she had floating through her thoughts.

The morning passed quickly after that, and even though the villagers appeared to have given them some room, Twilight could still feel their eyes upon her. Groups of whispering ponies tried to be discreet as they strolled through the many shops of the fair, but she couldn’t help but notice their attention—and she didn’t really blame them.

It was almost something she would have expected from back home had the situation been reversed. The villagers couldn’t help but feel curious about a mysterious mare that they knew nothing about, spending her day with their prince. The way Sombra stuck to her side even made it look and feel as if they were on… well, a date; that explained why ponies were giving them their space, but also appearing curious wherever they went.

Even if she had tried to signal to him about the kiss, they had no privacy in the throngs of the crowds. And Sombra, strangely, didn’t try to bring it up again, so Twilight was content to remain silent for the time being.

“Well, well, aren’t you two quite the couple!” A boisterous voice pulled Twilight from her thoughts, and she looked up to see Flam trotting towards them. “And the talk of the town, as I hear it!” He pulled his hat off and waved it towards the tent behind him. While most of it was covered, Twilight could see the empty floor through the open flap. “What do you say, Your Highness? Fancy a pair of tickets to Flim and Flam’s Marvelous Show of the Century?”

Twilight watched Flam with a narrow look, suspicious from the get-go. Most of the ideas run by the enterprising brothers often ended up being some scam to fill their own pockets, but she wasn’t certain how that could affect them in the story.

Sombra, meanwhile, appeared bored with the idea, but asked with a curious tone to his voice, “Do you… want to see it?” He glanced down at her with a small frown. “It might be… welcome... to escape the crowds for a while.”

“And may I add that, for you and your lovely lady, Sire, entry is free,” Flam said smoothly while digging out the pair of tickets from his vest before Twilight could shake her head. He floated them closer to Sombra’s face, and the magic around them turned dark when he accepted them.

Even in the storybook, the brothers were quick to seize an opportunity, and Twilight followed Sombra into the tent with a sour look. Her expression changed, however, when she passed through the open flap. She had been right about the empty tent, because when they entered, nothing but a bare ground stretched out before the waiting stage. They were the only two ponies inside.

But that appeared to be a work-in-progress, as Twilight heard both Flim and Flam shouting to try and bring in more customers.

“Hurry, hurry, folks! Step right up and treat your eyes to the wonders of Flim and Flam’s Marvelous Show of the Century! Enjoyed by none other than the prince himself!”

Twilight snorted, realizing that had been their catch. Sure enough, ponies began filling the floor, and soon there was hardly any room to stand as they all clamored to find a place. Twilight found herself pressing close to Sombra, a blush warming her face when she realized that, even though the show hadn’t started yet, most of the audience were paying more attention to her and Sombra than the stage.

And then the show began, with Flim and Flam introducing themselves with a song, hyping up the crowd for the spectacles they were about to witness. The lights and the simple magic tricks were actually quite entertaining, but Twilight couldn’t help but feel a few stares still cast her way. She couldn’t pay attention to the show, and eventually, she tried to hide beneath her wings just to escape the feeling of unease.

After a time, she was only slightly aware of a voice calling for her attention, and an object floating in front of her, but it wasn’t until Sombra shoved something over her snout that Twilight snapped her head up in surprise. She crossed her eyes to see the red-and-white-striped bag while the smell of popcorn invaded her nose.

“I was trying to offer you a snack,” Sombra growled crossly, leaning closer to be heard over the rising roar of the crowd. The music had become more intense as a pony balanced himself atop a unicycle while juggling flaming pins. “But you seemingly had something on your mind. Are you really so worried about a kiss?”

Twilight pulled the bag off her muzzle and lowered her ears, timidly nodding her head. There was so much more to it than that, but her overall thoughts of the kiss were the source of all her problems. It might have been silly that she could get herself so worked up over it, but she couldn’t help fretting about the limited time that she had remaining and her concern over the crowds, even if the onlookers were only illusionary storybook characters.

“I won’t try anything here. It is not something I intend to do carelessly,” Sombra grumbled while floating a glob of popcorn into his mouth, his words muffled as he spoke around the food. “It will be more enjoyable when we have some... privacy.”

Twilight blinked at that. Was Sombra being… considerate? Or at least having his own concerns about kissing her in public? Regardless of which, Twilight felt herself relax a little at the thought.

“Popcorn?” Sombra offered her the bag again, though this time he didn’t shove it over her face. With a small nod, Twilight picked up a few pieces in her magic and popped them into her mouth, finally able to sit back and pay attention to the show. Their impending kiss had faded to a small note in the back of her mind.

Even though her concerns had been relieved somewhat, the day seemed to fly by in the end. The afternoon activities quickly wound down, but the crowds only grew as the street lamps lit up, and the villagers celebrated through the darkening hours in anticipation of the grand finale for the night.

With the sun setting the sky ablaze as it sank into the sea, Twilight found herself alone, save for the few travelers passing behind her while she rested her hooves on a stone bridge that arched over a wide river. Sombra had excused himself a while ago, leaving her with a mumbled excuse before disappearing into the bustling fair.

Twilight stared at the setting sun—but not directly, because she didn’t want to blind herself—and nervously wondered if they would act on their inevitable kiss when he finally returned. Maybe he wanted to prepare for it this time around?


Twilight’s ears perked at the sound of a soft hiss, and she looked around for the source of the noise.

“Psst! Twilight!” She heard Spike’s voice whisper from nearby. “Down here!”

She leaned over the railing and found Spike waving at her from the river below. With an overjoyed grin, Twilight sprinted to the end of the bridge and practically jumped down the hill to the sandy banks. She nearly fell into the water when she leapt right on top of Spike to hug him.

He laughed and nuzzled against her. “I missed you too!”

“As have we,” another voice said, and the water rippled when Celestia lifted her head, followed closely by Luna and Cadence, who held a giggling Flurry Heart in her hooves. Her 'sisters' converged in a hug around Twilight, and she melted into the warmth until a loud throat-clearing made them all look up. Starswirl glared at them with a stern frown while his hooves crossed over his chest.

“Spike has explained everything to us.” Starswirl tugged at his beard as his brows furrowed in anger. “Just what were you thinking!?”

“Father, please.” Luna hushed him, pointing back at the town beyond the bridge. “If you yell too loudly, the surface dwellers will hear you.”

“And what of it?” Starswirl snapped. “I’ll drown any one of them that tries to intervene!”

“Father’s only worried,” Celestia said while swimming between him and Twilight with a concerned expression. “We were all afraid when we heard what happened.”

“I think it’s romantic,” Cadence swooned, hugging Flurry Heart tightly against her. “I wish I could meet a prince like that…”

“You’ll do no such thing!” Starswirl scolded her. “What your sister has done goes against everything we are, not to mention the danger to her life! A merpony can’t live on the surface. We draw our power from the sea!” He began to move back and forth as if pacing. “If the prince doesn’t share his magic with her in the form of his love, then hers will expire, and she will dissipate into seafoam!” Starswirl splashed his hooves into the water angrily. “If you hadn’t lost your fins, young lady, I would demand you swim home this instant and confine you to your room for ten years!”

“What’s done is done,” Celestia said in a calm tone, placing a hoof on Starswirl’s shoulder. “All we can do now is support her, or else the only outcome will be the loss of our dear sister.”

Starswirl made a loud “harrumph,” but went quiet and folded his legs. With that at least, he seemed to agree.

“So, have you kissed him yet?” Spike asked, looking up at Twilight. All eyes turned to her, and she felt her face grow warm beneath their gazes as she shook her head slowly in response.

Starswirl threw up his hooves with a frustrated groan and slapped his forehead. “How am I supposed to support this relationship? I have to rely on such innocent love for the life of my youngest daughter!”

“Perhaps we can ask the sea witch?” Luna turned to Flurry Heart, who was entertaining herself by blowing bubbles in the water. “If she can summon the sirens again, we can ask them if there is an alternative should things not work out.” Luna then swam closer to Twilight and put a hoof over her own. “In the meantime, I wish you strength, Twilight. Do whatever it takes to secure your happiness.”

Luna dove beneath the surface with a splash, and the rest of her family followed after their own goodbyes. Spike swam closer to the bank and let her off his back, pausing to watch her with a thoughtful frown. “Twilight…” he began softly. “Do you… do you think the kiss will work?”

She nervously bit her bottom lip, trying to come up with an answer to that in her own thoughts, but eventually just gave Spike a slow nod of her head. He stared at her for a long moment before turning in the water. “Okay.” He continued out into the middle of the river and spun to face her once again. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” And with that, he dipped beneath the surface.

When she carefully climbed up the hill by the riverside, she heard a bombardment of popping and a loud, echoing boom as a firework screamed into the sky and exploded into a sparkling sphere of stars. Twilight passed over the bridge and heard the sound of music rising from the square, where crowds of ponies had gathered around the center to watch dancers moving to a spirited tune.

“Twilight!” Her ears perked when she heard Pinkie’s voice yelling for her and noticed her energetic friend briefly lit by the glow of the exploding fireworks. “Surprise!”

Twilight couldn’t help the smile that lit her face, and she trotted over to join Pinkie.

“Do you like the fireworks?” Pinkie asked as she bounced closer, and Twilight nodded, earning a squeal from her storybook friend. “Great! Then you’ll love the rest! C’mon! The party’s just getting started!”

Pinkie pulled on her hoof and led Twilight through the crowd, jostling ponies to move out of her way and securing a place at the very front. Twilight had an unobscured view as the dancers twirled over the stones and swung about in time to the beats of the exciting music. The dresses and decorative outfits that the ponies wore fluttered and swayed, adding a colorful display that was just as impressive as the lively band with their array of unique instruments. Spotting a caravan of carriages parked in the nearby trees, Twilight remembered a pony mentioning the traveling troupe earlier in the day.

As she watched, she became mesmerized by the group of ponies swinging their legs to the music as flutes and drums played in a catchy tempo. The crowd stomped their hooves in tune, and Twilight soon found herself tapping her own hoof to the energetic beat while Pinkie swayed along next to her.

At the last note of the song, another firework shot into the sky and burst into a rainbow of colors, and the crowd “oohed” before stamping their hooves in light applause. The dancers took a bow, only for the musicians to start up a new song, and they launched themselves back into another dance without missing a beat.

In the brief pause, Twilight took a moment to look out around the crowd, but despite the scattered light from the lamps, in the darkness of the faces that surrounded her, she couldn’t see Sombra anywhere.

“Ooooh! That looks like so much fun! We should join them!” Pinkie bounced up and jumped into the circle before Twilight could stop her. As she reached her hoof out to grab for her friend, Pinkie took hold of her leg with a grin and asked, “You wanna join too?”

Twilight tried to pull away and shook her head, wanting to go out and search for Sombra, but Pinkie dragged her forward anyway with a giggle. “I didn’t hear a no!”

Though she wasn’t in the mood for dancing, she felt a strange sensation come over her as Pinkie spun her into the flow of gliding bodies, with the music appearing to grow stronger as she felt surrounded by it. She didn’t know when she had taken the first step, but once she had decided on a move, the music instantly caught her up, weaving her into something like a dream as instinct tugged at her consciousness. It took the lead and she simply followed, moving about the cobblestones with a grace that she had not possessed before.

Twilight felt her wings unfurl from her sides, adding their display to the dance as well. They rose and fell with her as she trotted and twirled, dancing beside Pinkie, but quickly losing her in the whirling of motion. She felt the eyes of the onlookers, but something whispered in her mind not to let their gazes fumble her movements. It told her that she wanted their attention, and so she danced for it all the more. Twilight kept her steps steady, neatly keeping in tune to the music, and the two intertwined in a dazzling display to embrace the focus of her audience.

Too caught up in the dance, Twilight hadn’t even noticed the disappearance of her friend. Many ponies twirled around the square, and another dancing partner quickly took her place, bowing swiftly in introduction before joining her side. The crowd cheered as they moved together, and the stallion spun her, only to pass her on to another partner.

And somewhere along the halfway point, a new stallion bumped up against her, taking her hoof and sweeping her around to face him. Twilight looked up in surprise to see Sombra standing before her, and she only faltered for a second, almost tripping over her own hooves before he was the one to steady her and continue through the movements. She was even more shocked to see him stepping lithely alongside her in tune to the music.

All at once, the song reached a high point before fading into silence, and Twilight found herself kneeling with her wings spread. Her sides heaved while she panted, and she felt a dampness of sweat beneath her fur. She looked up to the applause of hooves and a few whistles from the crowd. The dancers that she had joined were laughing with appreciation, some of them even bowing, but she could only stare at Sombra with a bewildered expression.

Sombra opened his mouth as if to say something, but only grunted as he instead brought up a small object in his magic. A bright orange lily with a blue ribbon tied to its stem floated in front of her. “I wanted to give you... something... for last night. I may have acted brashly.”

Twilight stared at the gift, feeling her heart pounding quickly against her chest, although that could have simply been from all the dancing. Her stomach fluttered restlessly when she tilted her head, and he tucked the lily behind her ear. With his gaze lingering on the flower, he let out a soft grunt that might have been his approval.

A pony stepped up to them through the dispersing crowd with a friendly shout. “Excellent! Bravo, my friends!” The orange unicorn grabbed Sombra’s hoof and shook it vigorously. “You must join us for supper! My troupe wishes to dine with the fabulous mare and her dancing prince!”

“I am not her—” Sombra started, but the stallion swung his leg over Sombra’s neck and was already dragging him toward the caravan where Twilight could smell the scent of food wafting their way.

“Come, come! Join us! Nopony should refuse good cider and good company!”

Twilight balanced a tray of food and drinks in her magic, stepping carefully around small groups of ponies that were enjoying their dinners in the quiet of the night. While the festivities of the fair had settled down, the entertainers hadn’t completely packed up. Soft melodies drifted through the air amidst the laughter and chatter of conversations floating around the glow of a large bonfire.

As Twilight moved over the grass, a light blue pegasus suddenly stepped in her way and bowed to her with a smile. “If it isn’t the dancer that’s captured our hearts! Would you do me and my companions the honor and join us, milady?” He directed her attention off to the side, and Twilight turned her head to see a group of stallions raising their drinks and grinning hopefully.

She tried to politely decline with a shake of her head, but she felt the stallion’s wing lower over her back, attempting to lead her away. Twilight fluffed up her own wings to discourage him, but just as she was about to brush him off, Sombra’s shadowed figure appeared to step out of the darkness.

“You’re delaying my meal,” Sombra rumbled, staring the pegasus down with a stern frown. He smiled politely and stepped back, bowing his head in defeat. In the background, his friends roared with laughter.

With an impatient snort, Sombra took a hold of the tray in his magic, and stood close to her side. “This way.” He nodded his head, and Twilight followed alongside him as he strolled past the light of the fire. Unsurprisingly, he settled over in a dark corner, where there were fewer ponies lounging about, but the music and low voices could still be heard as a soft murmur.

When Sombra set the tray down and slumped to the ground next to it, Twilight sat herself comfortably across from him and lowered the two mugs of cider in front of both of them.

“What sort of food is this?” Sombra wrinkled his snout while poking one of the floral sandwiches with his hoof. “Why are ponies so content with only eating these fluffy kinds of food? It’s not filling.”

Twilight frowned and nudged a small bowl with a cover over it closer to him, giving the porcelain top a soft tap. Curious, Sombra lifted it to stare in surprise at the contents inside. “Salted fish?”

She nodded before picking up her own sandwich and taking a bite, trying not to be too obvious while she watched Sombra lift up one of the dried fillets to inspect it. She had been surprised when the dancers offered her the fish, but at the same time, her knowledge of sea practices reminded her that some sailors added it to their meals.

Even an earth pony could find it difficult to grow sufficient crops while sailing out on the sea. It was a common practice, but only in areas where food was scarce, like the vast oceans or blistery tundras. When she thought about it, that could have explained how Sombra might have acquired the taste for meat. Unfortunately, she had no ability to directly ask.

“Aye! If it isn’t our stars tonight!” A gruff-looking pony strolled over with a mare following close beside him. “You’re going to steal all of our patrons if you keep dancing like that!”

“What about it, prince?” the mare asked with a grin. “Fancy running away from the royal life and joining a troupe?”

“I don’t plan to,” Sombra grumbled, taking a quick sip of his drink.

“Well, if you ever reconsider, the invitation is always open.” The mare winked, and the two ponies fell into their own quiet conversation as they strolled away.

Sombra simply stared at them in silence, and Twilight’s eyes moved between them while she chewed slowly on her sandwich. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but his expression was unusually calm, and Twilight could only assume that he was curious about them because they appeared to be a couple.

She choked on her food at the thought, remembering that they still had a kiss to act out. The quiet of the night and the glow of the fire over the distance gave everything a soft outline of ambient light, hiding some of the other ponies across the park in partial shadow. Twilight realized there were actually quite a few pairs spread out over the grass, and she found it difficult to gulp down the remainder of her dinner.

She stole a glance at him, but Sombra wasn’t paying her any attention. His gaze was on the others moving around the fire, still awake and enjoying the night. He watched while the musicians played their quiet instruments, leading on the slow dancers as they leaned their heads against one another and swayed to the tune.

“This truly is some kind of nightmare.”

Twilight blinked as one of her ears fell in confusion. Her mind frantically tried to sort itself out, distressed over the possibility of what he was referring to. She briefly thought that he was voicing his feelings to their eventual kiss, and felt a bleak, almost hollow feeling fall over her in her dismay.

She must have been making an odd face, because Sombra watched her for a moment before asking quietly, “How much do you know about the Crystal Empire?” He paused, but not for very long, because he knew she couldn’t answer him. “What does history remember me as?”

It took a minute for her to restart her thoughts, realizing that Sombra was thinking of something else entirely, yet that didn’t make his statement any less baffling. Twilight lowered her ears with a frown, recalling what Princess Celestia had told her about King Sombra. There wasn’t much to tell, since there weren’t any history books that actually covered his brief reign.

Sombra had appeared 'from the shadows,' as her mentor had put it, and swiftly conquered the Crystal Empire. He enslaved the crystal ponies and, during his short rule, subjected them to all kinds of unspeakable horrors.

Her expression must have said it all, because when she turned back to him, Sombra snorted. “Typical. History is always written by the victors.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes with a glare.

Sombra eyed her expression warily before giving a small grunt and folding his front legs over one another. “Fine… there may be varying amounts of truth, but only because I wanted what was mine.”

He fell silent after that, letting the quiet stretch between them. When it was apparent he might not continue, Twilight lowered her head with a wave of her leg, as if to say, go on. Then she lifted her hoof to her ear. I’m listening. Or I’m all ears, he’ll get the meaning.

Sombra’s look made it seem as if he had just stepped on a bug, and his ears flattened. “I’ve never had anypony to… confide in.” His snout wrinkled as his eyes narrowed. “That is what… friends do… right? Listen to one another?” he grumbled softly, looking unsure about it. Twilight simply nodded.

“I have said it a few times,” Sombra hesitated as he began, “that the Empire was mine. It is not simply some desperate claim. You appear to be well educated, so you may have heard of my aunt: the princess who ruled before me.”

Twilight nodded, knowing only a portion of the Empire’s history. What little of it remained in the memories of the crystal ponies after his rule had managed to survive in the library. A princess had led the Crystal Empire before Sombra’s mysterious uprising. Wait… his aunt!?

Sombra continued, appearing oblivious to her shocked reaction. “She had no children, so it was only natural that the throne pass down to the next eligible heir.” Sombra’s look darkened, and he ground his teeth with a low growl. “I was her eldest nephew… it was supposed to be mine.

With an abrupt lighting of his horn, Sombra brought the mug to his lips and gulped down the remainder of his drink. He exhaled loudly and slammed the empty mug against the ground. “But my own parents didn’t agree that I was the right successor,” he quickly spat. “All because I…” His voice wavered, but that hesitation quickly disappeared when anger contorted his face. “I wasn’t good enough in their eyes. My brother had—” Sombra abruptly stopped, glancing at Twilight with a bewildered look before continuing. “He was... much more proficient in magic.”

Twilight had no choice but to sit quietly, ruminating on the past that Sombra was presenting her. She couldn’t imagine what that was like… spurned by his parents simply for a lesser magical prowess? But it was believable… because some unicorns could be like that: holding their abilities in high regards to their worth—she had seen it for herself.

As she noticed Sombra staring forlornly at his empty mug, Twilight leaned forward and pushed her unfinished one in front of him. Sombra considered it for a second before dragging the drink closer, but he only took a quick gulp before holding it between his hooves.

“They favored him over me,” Sombra continued in a much more subdued tone. “And in my naïveté, I thought that if I studied enough, trained myself, became stronger… maybe I could win their approval. They might look at me with the same recognition they reserved for my brother.”

Sombra’s expression furrowed as he stared into the darkness of his mug, glaring at it as if it were the source of his misery. “But no matter how hard I studied, or how much effort I put forth—” his teeth clenched with a snarl “—I wasn’t good enough. It was NEVER enough!”

Twilight ducked out of instinct when Sombra’s magic suddenly sent the mug flying into a nearby tree, even though it hadn’t gone anywhere near her in its path. The cider foamed as it splattered across the bark, and the cup bounced to the grass before rolling off into the shadows.

The alarm on her face was more from the shock of what had caused his outburst, but when she looked at Sombra, his expression faltered, and he lowered his ears with a surprised grunt.

She wasn’t certain of what she wanted to do. There were so many things she wanted to say and ask… but she only grew frustrated by the limitations of her silence. She was beginning to understand a bit of his fury… Her mind wondered what it would have been like if her parents hadn’t been so supportive of her. Just the thought of it felt lonely... and maddening… but did it merit the suffering that he had eventually wrought?

And she was surprised to learn how similar they might have been… wanting something so badly and turning to books to achieve her dreams. In the end, she thought she had failed that fateful entrance exam, but luck had other plans. Without Rainbow’s Sonic Rainboom, she never would have passed: a turn of events that led her on the path to where she was today.

“Umbrum Appendicem.” Sombra’s voice interrupted her thoughts, and Twilight’s ears perked as she looked at him with curiosity when she recognized the word. “So you did read through my spellbook.” Sombra tapped against his own horn. “I came across it in my studies, and driven into the corner I found myself in… I tried to control what I thought would be a harmless spell. It gave me strength, power... and an unfathomable magic. I was so caught up in the corruption that I took over the entire kingdom through unparalleled force.

“I dethroned my aunt and defeated the royal guard… all on my own...” He let out a disheartened chuckle before the shadows cast on his face seemed to deepen along with his thoughts. “And my parents…" His gaze stared out at the dancing ponies, but his thoughts seemed to be a thousand years away. “They were devastated... and the kingdom was mine.”

His voice cracked, and Twilight heard the rumble of a low growl begin in his throat. “But I was a foal to think I had won. To believe I had attained the happiness I desired. When I stood before my subjects… my…” His gaze lighted over her. “My friends… they only cowered before me in fear.”

Sombra went quiet, and Twilight felt tears prick the corners of her eyes as she gulped quietly.

“Nothing good came from those dark spells,” Sombra rumbled softly. “I thought I could control it, but I was weak-minded. In my madness, I only destroyed what I sought to attain. And in my anger… I…” Sombra’s face fell, his eyes widened as if only now realizing the conclusion he had come to. “I went too far…”

If Twilight had still had her voice, she wouldn’t have known what to say. She could only remain silent, with her ears hanging low as a heavy pressure settled over her. She wanted to offer him some comfort, to let him know that it might be… alright?

But how could something like that ever be okay? If she could speak, what could she even say to him? Her vision blurred, and she tried to blink away the pooling tears.

“They only remind me of what could have been, if I hadn’t ruined everything,” Sombra said quietly, staring at the ponies still gathered around the fire. “Maybe they could have been happy. Maybe I... could have been content?” He watched the flickering firelight as the couples danced before the flames. “This… delusion of a world isn’t real, and yet… even after all of their annoyances and pestering, I… I find myself reluctant to leave.”

In the quiet that fell over them, she couldn’t bring herself to move, staring at the ground as quiet tears finally rolled down her snout. When she sniffled softly, a rustle of movement caught her attention, and she quickly looked up to see Sombra moving closer. He stopped in front of her, brushing his hoof lightly against her wet cheek, and she blinked at him in surprise, seeing an unusually calm expression on his face… one that almost looked… regretful.

“Do you want to go home?” he asked softly.

She knew he wasn’t talking about his seaside castle in the storybook. Twilight tried to wipe her tears away, shaking her head slowly to explain, but she had no words to let him know the conflict of emotions warring within her. Instead of controlling herself, she only broke down further, feeling fresh tears spill down her face.

And Sombra, surprisingly, was there to console her. His warm fur pressed against her as he stepped to her side and hesitantly lifted his hoof until his leg rested over hers. Other than that, he didn’t make any further movements.

“If I am to be a decent friend, it would probably be customary...” Sombra began with a low rumble, “to give you that kiss now.”

Twilight’s ears lowered, finding it difficult to go through with, even though it could have been her solution. It might have done away with her concerns, and it could have even ended the story right there, but the fact was... she just didn’t know. All they had to do was try, and with a simple kiss, she might be able to escape the nightmare of knowing what may or may not await her.

And yet… she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Not right then, at least. Twilight shook her head slowly, letting out a soft breath. Sombra said nothing more, only nodding before returning to watch the ponies as they dispersed around the fading fire.

The peaceful music continued to drift slowly through the air, keeping on long after the final embers in the camp had gone out. The night took over, and the quiet chirp of crickets eventually replaced the musicians as they prepared for sleep. The villagers departed, leaving Twilight and Sombra alone—the last to remain sitting next to one another beneath the gentle twinkling of the stars.

Author's Note:

Seems like Sombra's starting to care about what Twilight thinks of him. :trixieshiftright: