• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 1,228 Views, 19 Comments

Always In Style - Homeshine

Rainbow Dash decides to shave herself nude to be more aerodynamic, much to the amusement of everyone around her.

  • ...


Rainbow had meant to stay up all night, but had to settle for waking up with a start early in the morning, "Omigosh; I fell asleep." With a multicolored zoom, she streaked into the before-dawn sky, desperate to get to Rarity's before anyone woke up for the day.

The wind tickled the peach-fuzz of hair that was growing in Rainbow's mane and especially her tail, allowing it to act as a rudder again when it caught the wind, although her fur had yet to follow suit. She had all her control surfaces back, as her feathers were coming back in nicely, as well; those were meant to fall out and be replaced after all, but they were growing in faster than usual. Perhaps they picked up the … colder air on her feathers, like a winter versus a summer coat. Rainbow was glad she hadn't tried this stunt in winter; she would have froze for sure.

Her tail wasn't anywhere near long enough to cover up her private parts, though, and that concerned her for reasons even beyond modesty. She could feel the air flowing over their sensitivity, and this threw off her tracking, among other things. She was going to need some sort of cover-up before she did any further major flying, especially if the wind kept blowing as it was today. And if there was anypony who knew clothes ...

* * *

"Darling, of course! I rather expected to see you after … that ... bit … the day before yesterday. I've even started a whole new ensemble. It's almost finished. I'll have it by this afternoon."

"I don't need an 'ensemble'. I just need something to cover myself with so I can fly straight and, besides, not get any wolf whistles."

"well, yes, yes, but if you're going to wear clothes, why not be gorgeous!?"

There was that word again. Rainbow paused at that, at least seeing where Rarity was coming from. Rainbow did want to be gorgeous, for once; she wanted to turn some heads and be paid attention to, and for all the right reasons instead of the wrong ones.

"Oooohhhhh kaaaaay, how about something to tide me over until then? Do you have some shorts or something?"

"I have a couple of nice skirts. I think this one-"


"I'm a dressmaker, not a shortsmaker. I really think this pattern would go with your eyes."


Rarity sighed. "Fine, I'll grab you a pair of dress trousers. No, don't complain. I know its hot outside. It's the only other thing I have already-made, that would cover your … indecency. If you want anything else, I would have to make it up on the spot and it will just make everything else take longer."




" … "

So Rainbow had nothing to do but sit tight for a couple hours in a pair of dress pants.

She couldn't practice flying tricks; the wind was too harsh. They'd already canceled Wonderbolts practice for the day because of it. And it was too hot of a day to do anything athletic, especially in long dress pants. She was glad, once again to have a lot less fur. She could get used to this on hot days. Maybe she could just shave her top or something, in future. Or she could wear a swimsuit.

And that gave Rainbow an idea.. She could wade in the swimming hole.

* * *

Well, this was certainly interesting. No one else here on such a hot day? Then again, it was VERY early in the morning, and on a weekday. There shouldn't have been a surprise there. But then, of no one else was here, that means ...

Rainbow and already taken off her pants before the thought had even finished, and was heading for the water for some skinny-dipping at full speed. Without even slowing down, and with an absolutely cacophonous splash, she impacted the water, and then bobbed back up like a cork. Now THIS was more like it.

The water felt so different on her bare skin. It was cooler, too with less insulation between her and the water. This was perfect for the hot day. Even with the breeze, it was still too hot for comfort, and it wasn't even noon! There must have been a lot of complaints about the cold mornings this week for them to schedule this much heat. But then, at least they added a breeze to make up for it.

In fact, the wind had really picked up. Rainbow Dash looked over to see it was tumbling her pants end-over-end like a tumbleweed. Wow. If the wind picks up much more then it might even …

Suddenly it occurred to her. "No. no. Please, Celestia, no."

But Celestia evidently did not hear her, and they inflated with the wind, and then flew off like a sail before she could do anything else.

"Well... this swim is going to go a lot longer than I thought."

She couldn't fly to her house; as soon as she cleared the treetops everyone would see her body. She was still getting flashbacks from all the nude photos plastered all over Griffonstone. She could wait until nighttime again, when everyone was asleep, but that would take all day, and Rarity might not even be open by then.

Rainbow Dash spent much time feather-dipping through the water, pondering over her problem.

Well, at least she could enjoy her swim in the meantime.

Dash was still pondering when her ears perked up with the familiar voice of... Scootaloo. That's right, school was out wasn't it? She must have wanted to go for a swim. Scootaloo did love swimming.

"Rainbow Dash?!" Scootaloo dropped her towel in shock seeing her hero in such a compromising position.

"Uh... Scoots! Can you do me a huge favor? Go to Rarity and get me a dress as fast as possible. And Scoots-" Dash interrupted the filly midway running away, who turned with start.


"Try to make sure it's not too frou-frou."

Scootaloo took off running at full gallop.

* * *

"I'm so sorry, Dash. She said these were the only things she had in right now. "

Rainbow couldn't wear this. She'd be a laughingstock.

The bright pink dress was covered in white lace and spangles. And glitter. And sequins. It was embarrassing just to look at, let alone put on.

But she really had no choice. Her only pants and blown away. The only other clothing she even owned was gala dresses, which she couldn't fly in, and Scootaloo couldn't reach Rainbow Dash's cloud house, anyway, to get them. Maybe this was all an elaborate prank by Rarity.

"Maybe... maybe it wont be so bad once it's on?" Scootaloo said, hopefully.

No. Very no. Rainbow Dash would rather wear nothing at all back to Rarity's than... than.. this monstrosity.

So that's what she did.

* * *

Pinkie Pie jangled the bell signaling her entrance into Carousel Boutique. She wandered over to Dash, sitting morosely in a chair with her head in her hooves, staring down at a particular spot on the ground.

"Dashie, what are you doing here? And why are you going out naked again?"

"I'm getting clothes. Why are you here?"Dash looked up at Pinkie, who seemed somehow a little... pinker than usual, somehow.

"You can't tell?" Pinkie pie turned sideways to show of her flank. She sing-songed, "I think you caaaaan."

Dash wasn't one hundred percent sure, She reached out one hoof tentatively and touched Pinkie Pie's bare flesh. "Whoa. Did you … too?"


"And can everyone see your....?"

Pinkie turned again, another ninety degrees to show off her back side, "Well, kind of. I kept my poofy tail, but it doesn't really hide anything."

"Whoa. But … why? You don't fly."

"Well, I wanted to commiserate with you. Also, it is SO HOT! Oh, my Celestia! And it seemed like such a fun idea. And it was! It is SO cooler now. I can feel the breeze. Ahhhh!"

Rainbow laughed. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, if she had a comrade-in-hooves. Rainbow shouted in through the back hallway, "Rarity, I'm going out just like I am."

She was going to the watering hole. To feather-dip.

Rarity came storming out, "What did I hear you say? Going out... THAT way? In front of All the world? Are you a barbarian?"

"Oh, Pinkie, did you remember to put on extra sunblock? There are places you don't want to get sunburned."

"Oooh, good idea. We can pick some up at the store on the way."