• Published 19th May 2019
  • 932 Views, 66 Comments

Sincerely, Starlight - Nines

Starlight writes letters to Luna, goofs off with friends, and panics about love.

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Correspondence via Maud & Starlight

Hello, Maud! Just leaving a note since you're out, but I was wondering if you wanted to go flying kites with me tomorrow? I built this new cellular kite that can do barrel rolls! Rainbow Dash told me the wind speeds will be perfect for flying, so it'd be great to have my best kite partner join me! I could also use some help getting it into the air, if that's okay.
P.S. Not that I only want you to come for the manual labor! I genuinely just wanna hang out with you!


Hoo boy! I came back down here just to reiterate how I'm totally not that kind of friend who invites ponies to stuff just to make them work, but it was a good thing my insecurity got the better of me, otherwise, I wouldn't have seen your response! Maybe you can leave your reply somewhere I can see it instead of outside of your cave again?

Anyway, let's meet up tomorrow around noon at the usual field.


All right, I realize it's past midnight, but who better to deliver last-minute messages than an owl? Owlowiscious doesn't mind. At least I don't think he minds? Owls are supposed to be nocturnal after all.

Sorry. I guess maybe I wasn't clear enough before, but when I said 'leave a message somewhere I can see it' I didn't mean my sleeping face. How did you get in here, anyway? I thought Twilight was still locking the front doors at night after that incident with the skunked Diamond Dogs? If you're awake, please send something back with Owlowiscious.

She is still locking the doors. Not to rub basalt in the wound, but the castle security isn't exactly rock solid.

Sorry if I creeped you out.

Oh good, you're awake! And making rock puns! Yay!

So maybe you can share your insights with Twilight? So that we can not have those holes in security anymore? Mostly because Chrysalis is still out there and still has it out for me? And hey, full honesty: what you did was a bit creepy, but I forgive you. I was being a bit pushy for replies and I guess you were just trying to be nice by responding when you could. Which was apparently in the middle of the night.

Now I'm curious, but what in the hay are you doing up at this hour?

Just getting in my mylonite.

"Mile a night." Ha. Fine, be enigmatic.

Better than being anti-cline-actic.

You're such a kidder.

Okay, seriously, this is my last message, because now I'm preeeeetty sure Owlowicious is getting tired of this. Don't ask me how, maybe Fluttershy is rubbing off on me. Or maybe his clicking beak and ruffling feathers are giving it away.

Are we still on for flying kites?? I kind of got mixed up.
