• Published 15th Jun 2024
  • 135 Views, 0 Comments

My Shadow's Keeper - CrimsonRose97

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Chapter 5

Umbré and her family were finishing setting the house up. Becoming an official home for the three.

Like her father said before, the family decided to take a walk towards Zecora's hut.

However, when Umbré goes to take the doll with her, she is told no.

“I'm sorry Sweetpea, but Hopey can't come with us this time.” Ambrosia said.

“How come? She goes with me all the time.” Umbré asked, confused. Her ears droop.

“We were told that Hopey is not needed. She'll be here when we get back.” Ranger Arc ushers her out.

“O-okay.” Umbré whimpered, she rarely went out without Hopey. Thinking that she'll miss out on everything.

The family walked down the pathway they were given.

Ambrosia looks around the pathway, feeling uneasy about what was about to happen. She turned to Ranger.

“Range, I am fully aware what we need to do but is this all necessary? Umbré has been doing so well, we've been able to handle her and her abilities.”

“It's just a precaution, Sia. Princess Twilight says it's a safe option. This Zecora knows a bit more about the umbrum and their abilities.” Ranger said. “Remember the last school she was in?”

“That was an accident.” Umbré looks up to them. “Those bullies wouldn't leave me alone.”

“You tore one of their ears off with your teeth, turned into your other form and clawed the other while scaring the whole building.” Ranger reminded her.

Umbré whimpered, shying her face away. “So that's why we actually left…”

Ambrosia narrows her eyes at him in an intense glare.

Ranger sighed. “Umbré, we know you don't mean to hurt others. You know how other ponies are with someone….different as you.”

“I know.” Umbré said softly.

“This will just help you fit in. This world isn't ready for a pony like you.” Ambrosia said, trying to assure her. “You're perfect the way you are, others may not see it.”

Umbré didn’t respond to that.

After a few minutes of walking, the family soon came to Zecora's hut.

And outside of it was the zebra herself.

Zecora was sweeping her walkway when she looks up to see the three ponies approaching her.

“Ah, what do we have here I see, my new neighbors have come to visit me. Hello.” Zecora greeted them.

“Hello. Zecora, it's nice to finally meet you.” Ambrosia waved.

“Hello again,” Ranger nods his head in greeting.

Umbré, still upset with what her folks said, looks up. “Hi.” She spoke softly.

“Welcome all you three, come inside with your child so i can see.” Zecora motions them at her door. Looking at Umbré cautiously.

With a little nudging, Umbré followed her parents inside of the hut.

Umbré began to get anxious being inside. Her hooves began to dance without having Hopey to calm her down.

“I want my Hopey.” Umbré whimpered

“Let's finish this visit and we'll be back home soon.” Ambrosia said, petting Umbré’s hair and back to calm her down. “Just a little while longer.”

Ranger watches the mares before turning to Zecora as she walks over to her herbs and ingredients on a shelf on the other side of the large cauldron.

“You know why we're here? Princess Twilight said you knew a bit about our child?” Ranger asked her.

Zecora nodded. “I was informed by the Princess, my knowledge of the Umbrum is extensive, for me to assist your daughter, I need to assess.” Zecora said as she grabbed a few bottles she needed in her hooves and carried them to the cauldron.

She pulled the cork tops with her teeth and dumped the contents in the pot. Looking across it at Umbré. “Do you know what you are?”

Umbré gulped. As much as she just wanted to say she's just a normal pony, it wasn't going to happen.

“Um…. I'm half Umbrum,” Umbré spoke. “Half… pony.”

“The only pony I know of is a shadow, an evil tyrant that once ruled the Empire long ago.” Zebra said.

“I'm not him.” Umbré spoke sharply. Feeling the creature stir.

She heard a grunt coming from her dad. A quick look from him was enough to make her change her tune.

“Sorry, I don't like talking about him.” She apologized to Zecora then.

Every time someone brings that pony up, it just makes her so angry. The hatred she has of Sombra, and to her knowledge that he's dead, the anger was strong. The demon fed off that anger and fear and made her want to attack.

She wished he never existed.

“Umbrum were discovered over a thousand moons, they travel in the dark but burn in the light, you actually have a few fortunes.”

“What exactly do you mean?” Ranger asked confusedly.

“The Umbrum are creatures of fear and dark, her outbursts can be triggered with a spark. Umbré is young and can be learned how to control.”

Before Umbré could say that she and Mom would sing her song but Ranger cut her off.

“Is there a way for her to not change?” Ranger asked Zecora. “Outbursts are normal, but is there something to damper the intensity or just make her not turn?”

Umbré’s ears dropped and she looked to the ground. Hooves are still uneasily moving.

Ambrosia silently consoles the girl. Not saying anything.

“It's not a simple thing to stop her from growing. As she ages, her dark powers will be in full swing. There are ways to manage without a potion brew, she's young, I don't think it's best not to physically let her emotions stew.” Zecora looks at the pot, seeing it begin to boil. “There are consequences to one's due.”

Umbré blinks as she takes this in. She looked up at her father with a shocked expression. “You want me to not have emotions, daddy?”

“No, Umbré, but this is to make sure no pony can get hurt. This is only temporary.” Ranger said.

“The effects last a week. It won't take all emotion but you'll be more… meek.”

Umbré grunted. Meek?!

Ambrosia finally speaks up. “We'll have to talk about this more. Ranger, could we have a minute?”

“What's there to discuss? Sia, she's about to start school soon. This will only last until the holidays, do you want her accidentally hurting other kids? This is more protection for herself than anything else.” Ranger looks at Zecora. “How soon can we start it?”

“Don't I get a say?” Umbré spoke loudly.

However, she was overlooked when Zecora fixes ten vials of this gray colored potion, putting them in a black box.

“I would reconsider this.” Zecora warns them.

Ranger takes the box with his magic. “Thank you.”

Umbré looked at her father in betrayal.

Once back home, Umbré grabs her doll where she had left it, ran up the stairs and hid in her room.

She ran to her bed and climbed on it, buried her face in both Hopey and the pillow and just cried. She could hear her adopted parents argue about what happened downstairs.

Ambrosia was clearly against this while Ranger was still on the mindset of what they are doing is the good thing.

The two argued until hearing them coming into their bedroom for the night.

Umbré whimpered, nuzzling her doll. “No matter what they do… everypony is going to know…there isn't any pony like me. Mama's right.” She whimpered.

She was right, daddy’s right. What her past was right, this world isn't ready for something as destructive as her, even when she has tried her best not to.

A perfect opportunity has arisen.

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