• Published 10th Mar 2018
  • 1,584 Views, 21 Comments

Hellcolt! - Equestria Girls Fan 94

Hellcolt teams up with the Mane 6, the Wonderbolts and one of Luna's Night Guard to fight a powerful evil that has come to conquer Equestria. It's time for our favourite demon hero to give the bad guys a little bit of hell!

  • ...

The Colt of Hell.

During World War II, a young demon boy was summoned to Earth to upset the balance of the war by German soldiers. But instead, he was rescued and raised by good men of the Allies. They raised him to be a good person and fight for Humanity. It was that very day that the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defence began. They named this demon child...Hellboy!

But, in an alternate timeline, in the world of Equestria, the evil King Sombra summoned an alternate version of this child for himself. By the time the demon child was brought into the pony world, Princesses Celestia and Luna had arrived with their small army to defeat him. The two rulers had banished Sombra and all was well.

They found the young child, who was transformed into a small red colt with two horns and a giant stone hoof. One of the soldiers suggested that they raise him, teach him all about right and wrong. The princesses agreed.

Since then, the rulers of Equestria had created the heroic organization known as the Supernatural Police Department(S.P.D.) Raised by former Royal Guard, Bold Helm, the young colt grew up to be Equestria's greatest hero. They named him....Hellcolt!

Equestria, the Crystal Empire, a thousand years ago.....

Celestia and Luna's army were standing outside of Sombra's castle, waiting for the right time to strike. It has been too long for Sombra to continue his evil misdeeds. The time to fight back was now! The two princesses were both standing on the hill top, glaring at the castle.

Luna turned to her elder sister and spoke to her, "Sister, are you sure King Sombra will try to do something dangerous?" Without looking at her sister, Celestia continued to stare at the castle.

"Yes, I am sure." she replied. "With the new occult resources he received from Discord, Sombra will try to summon something into this world to help him win against us and the rest of Equestria."

This gave Luna a huge discomfort. The very thought of Sombra summoning something into their world sent several shivers down her spine. "Then, we shall do eberything in our might to stop him!" she said. Celestia nodded in agreement.

A guard soldier came up to the sisters and saluted. He had brown fur with a blue mane-and-tail. His eyes were green and he wore the Royal Guard armour. His Cutie Mark is a helmet on top of a book. His name was Bold Helm. "Your Majesties," he spoke. "We just had a report of Sombra making his move on the summoning."

Celestia continued to stare at the windows of the castle, waiting for some sort of light. "Thank you, Bold Helm." she said to the soldier. "I greatly appreciate your report. You may return to your post with the army." Bold Helm, again, saluted before running to the army.

"Any minute now....." Celestia whispered to herself. The waiting made Luna nervous. Never had she prepared for something big as THIS.

Just then, a bright light appeared in the castle's window. It was a sign that the summoning had begun. Luna's eyes widened, surprised on how bright that light was. She turned her head to see Celestia, glaring at that light.

The eldest sister turned around to face her army. "Fellow ponies of Equestria!" she shouted out loud. "What you see, is the sign that Sombra has begun his work! Now is the time to take action! Action on protecting our land, our country, OUR WORLD from this insane monster and poor excuse of a king! Today, we shall become heroes to Equestria. We shall be known for defeating Sombra, once and for all! Today, WE FIGHT!!!!"

The army of ponies cheered when Celestia finished her speech. She turned back to the castle and yelled, " CHAAAAARRRRRGGE!!!!!!" She, Luna and the army charged towards to castle and barged their way into the fortress of the evil king.

Inside, King Sombra was standing in the middle of the room, performing his summoning spell. The bright light was coming from a huge portal, struggling to open. Sombra was sweeting, trying to keep the door open long enough for something to come through. Just then, the Royal Sisters burst through his doors, taking him by surprise. This caused him to loose focus, making the portal close and disappear.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" screamed the evil Unicorn king. All that work, gone. This caused Sombra to be filled with so much rage and he directed it towards Celestia and Luna, who dodged every single attack he made at them.

"It's over, Sombra! Your attempts to take over Equestria will never come to pass!" Celestia said, while performing some attack spells of her own.

Sombra raged more and more by the second. "You ruined everything! EVERYTHING!!!!!!!" he screamed.

"You will stand down or we will have no choice but to end you!" threatened Luna, who had a small crystal in her magical aura. She broke it in two and threw one half over to Celestia.

The two sisters began to use their magic and fuse it with the magic within the two halves of the crystal. Suddenly, Sombra was stuck on the spot. He tried to move, but couldn't. He was trapped. Then, Celestia and Luna both enhanced a powerful spell. A huge symbol appeared underneath Sombra. He knew what this was....a banishment spell!

Despite all of his efforts, by the time the sisters were done, a small portal was opened. Smobra was being sucked in. "NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" he screamed as he was being dragged into the pit. The portal closed behind him. It was done, Sombra was gone for good!

By the end of the day, the whole army celebrated for their victory against Sombra. It was a cheerful day indeed. However, Luna couldn't help but feel something off. She couldn't quite put her hoof on it, but she felt something.

Celestia grew concerned for her sister. "Luna? Is everything alright?" she asked.

"I am fine, dear sister." Luna assured her sister. "But...I feel something off. Something similar to the power of that portal Sombra tried to open. It's almost like..."

"Almost like what?" asked Celestia. Luna turned and faced her with a face of concern.

"....Like something came through."

Suddenly, they heard screams in one of the rooms of the castle. They all ran to the room and found two ponies, looking around for something. They were both Royal Guard soldiers of Celestia and Luna's army.

"What happened?" Celestia demanded.

One of the soldiers answered her question. "I-I-I-it's an animals! A-a-a red ape! Over there!" he said, pointing over at a statue of King Sombra. Everypony looked around find this 'red ape' the soldier talked about.

Just then, a small screech was heard. A small red colt appeared on top of the head of the statue. This shocked everypony. It was bright red with small black hair on its head and a long red tail. It had yellow eyes, and not pupils or any of that. The whole eyes were yellow, you couldn't tell if there even WERE any pupils in them. There was also a huge red block of stone on its right hoof. It had, not one, but TWO horns on its head.

"Look! It's got a giant stone on its hoof!" shouted a nearby guard.

Bold Helm took a few steps closer to the creature and spoke, "I think...that IS its hoof." The small red colt screeched again, alarming everypony.

"Look out!"

"Kill it!"

"Stay back, your majesties!"

The two Royal Sisters didn't know what this thing was. They were just as wary of it as the soldiers were. Then, Bold Helm carefully walked up to the statue. "Bold Helm! Stay back!" cried Celestia. "We don't know what that thing is!"

"We know what it is! It's an ape!" shouted another one of the guards.

Bold turned around and said to his comrades, "It's NOT an ape! It's just a young colt."

"Are you out of your mind, Helm?! Look at it!! In what world is that thing a colt?! It has TWO horns, for crying out loud!!!" shouted the commanding officer of the army. "It's a freak, is what it is! A demon Sombra sent to destroy us!!"

Celestia and Luna thought about what the commander just said. It would make sense that Sombra would try to summon something like a demon to take over Equestria. But on the other hoof, a little colt? Doesn't seem dangerous to them.

Celestia spoke first. "Well, Sonbra WAS trying to summon something. Maybe he was trying to raise it into his villainy."

"Yes. That would be something he would do." Luna agreed. "Raising a child to become like him. How despicable!"

Bold Hem tried to keep them from harming it. "Maybe so, Princesses. But, maybe it doesn't have to be like that. What if..." he said as he looked at the creature. "...WE can raise it instead?"

The princesses thought about that idea. Raising the child themselves? Raising it better than Sombra would've. Instead of it being raised as a monster, they could teach it to be good. That does sound like a good idea.

The commander shouted out, "That's madness!!! Madness, I say!!! It's a DEMON! Demons can not be raised into goodness! They must be destroyed!"

One of the soldiers spoke up. "Are you sure, Commander? Cause now that Bold mentions it, it DOES look like a little colt." Soon, all the other guards agreed.

As more and more of the soldiers agreed, Celestia and Luna both whispered to each-other. "Sister, Bold Helm does prove a valid point, does he not?"

"Agreed, Luna. Plus, his idea of raising the child doesn't sound like a bad idea at all."

"Mayhap we SHALL raise it. A young colt like that could prove to be quite helpful for Equestria's protection."

"Indeed. It could even be a hero for the ponies to look up to."

After their little conversation, the Royal Sisters both stood firmly and leaned towards the creature. Celestia gave it a smile. It smiled in return. The smile was so cute, Luna thought she was going to die of cuteness.

Celestia faced her army and spoke, "Brave soldiers and gentleponies, my sisters and I have come to a decision. We have decided that, under the parenthood and protection of Bold Helm, this young colt shall be raised by our kind and taught the ways of good and harmony. As of now, it-....HE is one of us."

All the other soldiers nodded in agreement and applauded her speech, except for the commander, who was shocked by the fact that the princesses were allowing a demon to, not only live, but live among their kind?!

Bold Helm calmed the young red colt down from the statue and wrapped him round with a warm coat. Soon, the little colt took a liking to Bold. Then, all the other guards gathered around him, treating him like a normal new-born filly.

"ARE YOU ALL CRAZY?!!!" screamed the commander. His face was all red with anger. "It's a monster!!! Monsters don't deserve to live! This thing will be the death of our country!"

The creature quickly hid behind Bold, shaking in fear of the old angry stallion. Bold placed his right fore-leg over the little colt in protection.

"If we kill it now, we'll be saving Equestria from a dangerous evil! We'll be heroes! Face the facts, boys! This thing is. A. VILLIAN!!!" the commander yelled.

Despite his loud voice, his soldiers refused to listen. This very act just got him angrier. Celestia gave him disappointed glare, silently telling him to quiet down, which he did. She was still the princess, after all.

She then spoke to him, "Commander Cold Bolt, Although I do understand your concern, I hardly agree with your method on this situation. Plus, I do believe I have made myself clear on how to deal with this child."

"Princess, you can't be serious!!" he screamed. "Forgive me for my direct voice towards you, but you are making a huge mistake!"

Bold Helm placed the colt up on his back, which the little one seemed to enjoy. "Mistake? We are saving a child, commander. That's not a mistake, that's a deed of goodness."

"For the love of Faust, Helm, stop talking about it like it's a PONY!!! IT'S NOT!! When are you all gonna get it through your heads?! It's not a 'he', it's an IT and IT MUST BE DESTROYED!!!!!"

Just them, the guards readied their weapons at him. He couldn't believe he was being betrayed like this! He was willing to rid Equestria of a monster and he was being HATED for it?!!!

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" shouted Celestia. "I do believe you, commander, have said your piece and over stayed your position in the army! From here on, your are removed from this army."

"WHAAAAAAT?!!!!!" Commander Cold Bolt was being fired? By Princess Celestia, of all ponies?! "No! You can't! If you do, this monster wins!"

Luna just nodded to two of the soldiers, who walked to the 'former' commander and placed cuffs on him. They then proceeded to drag him away from the room. Cold Bolt tried to break free of them, but he couldn't do it.

"NO! STOP! What do you think you're doing?! STOP! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!" he screamed before the doors shut behind him.

Bold Helm turned to the young red demon colt, as did everypony else. They all continued to do baby-talk to him, which made him giggle.

Later, outside, one of the soldiers was standing in front of the others, placing an old camera. He set everything up and was ready for the picture. All of the soldiers, Celestia and Luna included, stood around Bold Helm, who had the little colt standing next to him.

Celestia used her magic to passed a note to Bold. He opened it with his magic and read it. He smiled and looked down to his new 'son', who smiled back at him.

The note said, 'Bold Helm, do believe you are right in dealing with this situation. I also believe that you are, indeed, the right pony for the job of raising this child. Now that we know that there are paranormal things out there, we shall prepare for it. Luna has suggested creating an organization, built for dealing with such dangers. I agree with her. I want you to lead such an organization. As for the child, I believe he needs a name, unless he likes being called child for the rest of his life. One of the guards came up with a name. One not quite appropriate, but a name we all will come to use. That name shall be....'

"...Hellcolt." Bold said to the young colt.

The soldier readied the camera and said, "Smile!" and took the picture.

Equestria, Ponyville, night-time, 12:15 am, a thousand years later....

It was night-time in Ponyvile. Most ponies were asleep, all tucked up in bed. It was an extremely foggy night. You could barely see much in the distance. That, and it was so chilly, most ponies would wrap up to keep warm.

Princess Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were up late that night, walking down the town with a few bags of new books for Twilight's library in her castle. RD had two small bags in her hooves, AJ was carrying a saddle of four bags on her back while the Princess of Friendship had a whole wagon of books stacked in a huge pile behind her.

With Rarity out on a business trip to her boutique in Manehatten, Pinkie Pie staying at home with the Cake Twins and Fluttershy too scared to go out after dark, RD and AJ were the only ones left to help Twilight carry all these books back to her castle.

That, and Spike was out with Ember, helping her with her newly position as Dragon Lord.

Twilight was reading one of her new books while pulling the wagon along. She was reading the book of 'The combination of Science and Magic.' For a bookworm like her, it was quite an interesting read. Applejack, on the other hoof, was too busy eating some apple, taste-testing for her family's 'Apple-pie making festival' next week.

RD was doing some reading of her own. She bought a bunch of comics from the book store. Most were comic versions of Daring Do while some were Wonderbolt stories. Thanks to Spike, she got hooked on the Power Ponies comics. She now has a collection back at her house.

"Ah still can't believe you got all these books fer free, Twilight." said Applejack with her mouth full.

Twilight gave a small smirk of pride. "I guess being the Princess of Friendship has its perks. Now, come on. It's just a few more blocks left to the castle."

Applejack finished chewing and swallowed before speaking. "Well, we would've been there sooner if 'somepony' hadn't bought those comic books!" She shifted her eyes at Rainbow Dash.

"HEY! Don't hate the CB! These things are cool, hooves down! Besides, I've just gotten one or two new comics." RD said, not taking her eyes off the pages of her comic.

Then, a purple magical aura appeared around the comic and yanked it out of Rainbow's hooves. It floated up to Twilight, who looked annoyed by the thing. She closed it and looked at the front page.

"'The Adventures of Hellcolt.'" she read aloud. "Come on, Rainbow. You know how I feel about graphic novels. They're just the younger, picture version of a real book."

Rainbow snatched the comic back, hugging it tightly. "So? Just cause that's how you feel about them doesn't mean they don't have value! Most ponies like having pictures in their books."

Before taking another bite out of her apples, AJ replied. "Dash does have a point, Twi. Ah mean, even Ah would like some picture in mah books, just know how the story's like."

"Okay, fine, I'll give you that, but still. And besides, you that Hellcolt isn't real, right? He's just a myth, told by former Royal Guards to tell their children before bed." Twilight groaned.

AJ tilted her head. "Hellcolt? Who the hay is that?" she asked while still eating. Twilight turned her head to face the farmer.

"Hellcolt is this fantasy story about a demon pony, who was summoned by King Sombra to help him conquer Equestria, only to be saved and raised by the army soldiers who fought against Sombra back then and became like a son to them. They raised him to become a hero of Equestria, hunting monsters and saving lives. Somepony even said that it was the princesses themselves who allowed him to be a citizen of Equestria." explained Twilight.

Rainbow Dash butted in. "Yeah, AND he works for this super awesome organization called the Supernatural Police Department! The S.P.D for short! They even say that the founder of the Wonderbolts was an agent of the S.P.D! So, the Wonderbolts are part of the S.P.D and so are the Royal Guard! I'm a Wonderbolt so there for, I'M a part of the S.P.D!!! So awesome!"

Twilight sighed, "Rainbow, there's no such thing as the S.P.D. General Firefly was NOT an agent of this group, the Wonderbolts have no connection to it whatsoever and your aren't a part of the S.P.D."

"Come on, Sugercube. Don't be like that. Does it matter weather or not this organization or this 'Hellcolt' is real?" AJ said, being the voice of reason.

"It DOES matter, Applejack." Twilight said as she resumed to walk on. "I mean, come on. A demon pony, walking around protecting ponies from his own kind? A secret group of monster hunters that the princesses created? It's absurd."

RD pouted in boredom. "It could be possible." she said, earning a glare from Twilight.

"Face it, Rainbow Dash. Hellcolt.....he isn't real."

Underneath the town, in the sewers, the sound of splashing was heard through the tunnels.

Trudging through the muck was a bright red stallion with a black mane, shaved from the front part of his fore-head. He had a long red tail, unlike the normal tail a regular pony gets. It looked like the tail of a Griffin, only without the furry lion part on the end. His eyes were bright yellow, not showing any signs of a pupil in either of them. He also had, not one horn, but two. They looked like they were shaved down, making them look like red goggles.

He had a huge red stone right hoof, what many like to call his 'Right Hoof of Doom'. He wore a long grey overcoat and a belt wrapped around his torso. It carried a weapon, known as a gun. He had a sign of a cross and his gun for his Cutie-Mark.

This was the young colt, all grown up. This was Hellcolt!

Hellcolt stopped walked and just groaned to himself. "...Oh crap." he grumbled. Just then, a sound came from his portable radio.

"This is Spitfire here, calling Hellcolt. Is there a problem?" the voice asked.

Hellcolt picked up the radio with his left normal hoof and responded into it, with a gruff voice. "No......actually, yeah. I'm standing up to my shoulders in crap! That's the problem!"

The voice, which was Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts, responded to him. "Joking aside, Red, you see anything down there?"

"Nah." he answered. "Just a bunch of crap and a whole lot of twists and turns. It's like a Celestia-damn maze down here. And you know how much I hate freaking mazes."

"Just hold on and I'm sure we'll find the thing. Professor Diggers is working on a location, right now."

"All right. Just tell ol' Gina, I'm sorry, 'Prof. Diggers' that she still owes me for that little 'errand' she send me on two years ago!"

"Yeah, she still knows, Red. I was there too, you know. Just focus on the mission and come back, okay?"

Hellcolt sighed for a few seconds before speaking back to his comrade. "Fine. I just wanna get this over with."

Spitfire thanked him for agreeing. "Thanks. Oh! By the way, Princess Celestia wants the Wonderbolts to visit her in Canterlot. She wants us to introduce the Elements of Harmony to the S.P.D."

"Greaaaaat." he said sarcastically. "More newbies. Will that 'Rainbow Crash' you've told about be there?"

"Well, it's actually Rainbow 'Dash'. Crash is her nickname. Only, we didn't know that was the nickname given to her by bullies."

"Yeah. Real smooth on your part. It's like poking an angry bear with a stick." he grumbled, loud enough for Spitfire to hear it on her side.

"We get it! Our bad!" Spitfire got this telling off quite a few times. She really didn't want to hear this speech again.

Suddenly, a small sound of hoofsteps was heard in the background. Hellcolt turned around to see what it was, but found nothing. Yet, he knew something was here with him.

"Gotta go." he said into the radio, before placing it back onto his belt. He pulled out of his left pocket, a golden dagger. He glared at his surroundings, being ready to commit battle.

Silence fell upon the area. Hellcolt hated it when that happens. Then, before he knew it, a giant claw came right at him and punched him, sending him flying over a few feet. He crashed into the nearest wall.

Hellcolt looked up and saw his assailant, a gargoyle Griffin, complete with stone skin and demonic wings. It screeched at him, making him cover his ears from the terrible noise. It then jumped towards him. The red pony quickly dodged the attack and jumped out of the way. He managed to get a safe distance between him and the gargoyle.

The monster faced Hellcolt, all filled with anger. "Don't like your pray getting smart, huh?" he joked while still having a serious face. He gripped his left hoof on his dagger and prepared to fight back. "Well then, how ABOUT THIS?!" he screamed as he charged at the beast.

He slashed at the gargoyle a few times, only to see it didn't do zip. He then tried using his right stone hoof to throw punches at it. Again, not a single dent. It grinned at him and raised its claw. "Oh crap." was all he said before being slashed a second time.

The gargoyle landed on him, pinning him down. It used its tail to snatch his dagger away from him. He struggled and struggled, but no good. "Okay, you're clearly smarter than you look." he said.

It growled in his face. Then, a blast of fire hit its face. It turned around and got pushed back a few feet away from Hellcolt. Standing next to him, was the captain of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire. Unlike her Wonderbolt uniform, she was wearing a black tight leather suit, without the head piece and had night-vision goggles. Her suit had hind-leg parts but no fore-leg part, making her front hooves visible. She had a pair of hoof-gloves of her fore-hooves.

She glared at the gargoyle as it was starting to get back up on it's feet. She looked at Hellcolt. "You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. In fact, I've never felt more relaxed." sarcasm escaped through his mouth as he spoke this line. Spitfire frowned at him for a few seconds.

"I came over as soon as I could." she said. "Plus, I came with a message from Gina."

Hellcolt got back up on his hooves while the creature was still struggling. "And?" he asked.

"Apparently, she found out that gargoyles aren't like demons or werewolves or vampires. They can't be killed with just ANY form of weapon. Some certain ingredients are required to make a doable potion." she explained.

Hellcolt raised an eyebrow. "And she made this potion?"

Spitfire nodded. "Yes. She made it a long time ago." She pulled out a vile of green liquid. "All you have to do is dab your blade in this and then slash the gargoyle with it."

"I'm sensing a 'but' coming on." remarked the devil pony. And he was right.

"....But-" called it. "-she made this so long ago, she's kinda forgotten which ingredients she used. Use the right ingredients, this potion will, not killed it, but reduce it back to its inanimate state. But, use the wrong ones and it will become practically indestructible."

He groaned from hearing this information. "Let me guess, she made a few potions like this before she got it right and has forgotten if this one is the right one or just another failed prototype, right?" he guessed.

The silence from Spitfire's mouth was all the answers Hellcolt needed. By the time the gargoyle had gotten back up, he took the vile out of the Wonderbolt captain's hoof.

"Ah well. What the heck?" was all he said before dropping a few drops on his gold dagger and quickly giving it back to his partner. The monster roared at them and charged at full speed.

Hellcolt readied himself and charged towards it. He dodged its claws while trying to slash it himself. One very close dodge landed him a opportunity.

With the gargoyle's claw so close to his face from a close dodge, Hellcolt grabbed the claw and stabbed it in the arm. The gargole roared in pain and pushed him away. By then, it was too late. The stab wound was burning on the claw, as the potion was working. Soon, the beast slowly started to change its pose as its roar was vanishing.

Then, with its voice gone, the gargoyle was forced into a sitting position. Before anypony knew it, the beast just a normal, lifeless statue now.

Hellcolt walked up to the thing a took a huge swing of his right hoof at it, knocking the head clean off. Then, the whole thing just crumbled to pieces.

Spitfire appeared by his side and looked down at the rubble. "It takes a lot of magical power to bring a huge inanimate object like this thing to life." she stated.

"Right now," Hellcolt said, crushing beak of the gargoyle griffin with his hoof. "Not our problem."

Spitfire picked up her radio and contacted the S.P.D. "Job completed. The monster is done for."

"Good. Return back to HQ and report. Get some early sleep, Spitfire. You'll be needed in the morning in Canterlot." spoke the static voice.

"Rodger! Over and out." she said. Putting the radio away, she and Hellcolt began to exit the sewers. "Time to head back to HQ."

Hellcolt groaned, "Finally. I think I might need a bath. A day-long bath."

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 'Hellcolt!'

MLP belongs to Hasbro and Hellboy belongs to Mike Mignola and Dark Horse comics.

Gina Diggers belongs to Fred Perry and Antartic Press comics. She's an alternate version of Gina, one where she ended up in Equestria and joined the S.P.D a few years ago.

The only things I do own are some of the OCs in this story.

Comments ( 21 )

Have you seen the two Hellboy films directed by the great Guillermo del Toro?

i think they are going by the comic books.

Holy shit. You actually listened, I guess I should read, as this sited premier Hellboy fan I am obligated to read it. :P

Great start. Looking forward to more!

*sees title*
go on....

i'll read this when you have four chapters going but if you have hellboy....er i mean hellcolt than i bet it's going to be awesome.:twilightsmile:

Rainbow Dash butted in. "Yeah, AND he works for this super awesome organization called the Supernatural Police Department! The S.P.D for short! They even say that the founder of the Wonderbolts was an agent of the S.P.D! So, the Wonderbolts are part of the S.P.D and so are the Royal Guard! I'm a Wonderbolt so there for, I'M a part of the S.P.D!!! So awesome!"

SPD Emergency! 2! SPD Blue Ranger! :rainbowdetermined2:
Sorry couldn't resist anyway looks like good start could actually hear Pearlman's voice for Hellcolt's lines which seem pretty spot on.
A few grammer issues but not enough to distract from the story though i have to wonder how Red's dad lived for a thousand years. Side effect of a mission?

Why isn't there a Wonderbolts tag?

Of all the dumbass ways you could put Hellboy in equestria this is how you did it...neat

The gargoyle landed on him, pinning him down. It used its tail to snatch his dagger away from him. He struggled and struggled, but no good. "Okay, you're clearly smarter than you look." he said.

Hellboy tends to use the older "All right" instead of "okay/O.K." due to his appearance on Earth at the end of World War II and him using the speech patterns of a 1950's american blue collar army man.

"Come on, Sugercube. Don't be like that. Does it matter weather or not this organization or this 'Hellcolt' is real?" AJ said, being the voice of reason.

"It DOES matter, Applejack." Twilight said as she resumed to walk on. "I mean, come on. A demon pony, walking around protecting ponies from his own kind? A secret group of monster hunters that the princesses created? It's absurd."

RD pouted in boredom. "It could be possible." she said, earning a glare from Twilight.

"Face it, Rainbow Dash. Hellcolt.....he isn't real."

And this Twilight Sparkle is why you are a terrible scientist. :facehoof: When confronted with the absurd you do not investigate it, you dismiss it.

"...Hellcolt." Bold said to the young colt.

The soldier readied the camera and said, "Smile!" and took the picture.

Really? Photography a thousand years ago? That sort of knocked me out of my suspension of disbelief, a bit. And this is me we are talking about!

Overall it's good you got reds personality down, though it you naming the gun as if it were a strange and bizarre weapon is a bit odd. I know that guns are not seen in Equestria due to the Hasbro and American TV child tv standards, and the fear of another moral panic. Early cannons can be seen in the European battlefields as far back as the thirteen and fourteen centuries. Guns while illegal in Equestria are probably not exactly that unknown specially considering how Rainbow Dash talks about bullets.

Though the Wonderbolt's have proven themselves to be too incompetent to possibly survive a day dealing with paranormal threats, like they honestly would have to replace the Wonderbolts constantly to compensate how often they would die....

But oh well, nicely done.

Read the comics and look up Hellboy's intros for injustice 2

I figured someone would make that Power Ranger reference sooner or later. It's okay, thought.

Also, his father, Bold Helm, does not live up to present Equestria. No spoilers; let's just say...the Princesses took care of him ever since.

oh okay so does he see them as aunts?

Maybe. We'll see.

Plus, like he did with Liz, Hellcolt will have feelings for a certain somepony.

Dude, 2 things. 1, please continue and update soon. And 2, u should try making this into a graphic novel, this would sell great on the internet. I would buy it no matter the price...if it's reasonable price that is, but still buy it.....but seriously, please update soon, u got my attention and interest:twilightsmile:

Thx for responding and please do u and take ur time:twilightsmile:!!! This is ur story after all!!

An interesting start. A little too much like the first Hellboy movie at the start, but it does its job.

Nice tie in with Gina "Gold" Diggers.

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