• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 20,951 Views, 2,029 Comments

Night Wing - Gravity012

A human In equestria story. Except the human isn’t a horse......he’s a bird.

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Goodbye Forever

“Goodbye forever!!” Bullseye yelled at the forest happily. We made it out of the dark forest early in the morning. Now the trees were much thinner. The sun was just barely above the horizon and the sky was almost cloudless.

“I have to agree with you there brother.” Stone slab responded, “I’ll be happy if we never have to go in there again.” She shivered a little.

“It wasn’t so bad!” Luna said.

“Says the mare who can control shadows. In a dark forest.” Healing stated.

“Where did you learn that spell Luna?” Swirl asked.

“Night was reading about it when he watched me! It was really boring.”

“You need to be careful Luna. You may not be ready for all the spells in those books yet. You may get hurt.” Celestia looked at Luna with a worried expression.

“I must agree with your sister, I have seen many injured unicorns come into my home. A lot of them hurt by spells they weren’t careful with.” Lavender explained.

“Yes Luna, while we are grateful for you saving Night, please only use unfamiliar spells in a emergency.” Swirl looked back at Luna. “Ok?” Luna looked at the ground.

“Yes Starswirl.” Luna walked over to me and leaned against me as we walked.

“Hey.” Misty whispered to Luna. “I think you did great. Better than most mages I’ve seen.” Luna perked up and smiled at her.


“No problem kid.” Misty leaned back against me, looking a little happier. I grabbed some writing supplies from Swirl’s bags and wrote ‘any idea where we’re going?’ I floated it over to Swirl for him to read.

“No, I have no idea. I am simply following this magic trail.” Swirl looked thoughtful for a moment. “However, judging by the wound you inflicted on the creature, we may be headed to its home. Which means we will be at a disadvantage.” He opened up his bags. “However.” He smirked for a second. “We have these.” He pulled out the Elements. They shimmered almost happily in the early morning sun. Six gems, all perfectly cut and sized. I just had one question. ‘Where did they come from?’ I asked in the scroll. “They were a gift from harmony itself. They come from a crystal tree, one I have studied and determined to be a manifestation of harmony. We were lead to it by a strange magic signature after Discord’s reign started. It gave us these gems as a weapon against him. And now I plan for us to use them against the beast.” And now I know how the Elements were found. If only I could brag about this back home. Swirl looked around for a minute before saying something else. “Can you scout the area and see what is around? I do not want to stumble upon anything dangerous.” Nodding to him I took off and rapidly climbed into the sky. After a minute or two a second pair of wings joined my own.

“I figured I’d join you. You know, to make sure you don’t miss anything.” Misty smiled thinly at me. I smiled back as much as a bird could. Which was a lot in Equestria......apparently.

We soared in the air as we scouted around. A few squirrels and rabbits here and there. A river there. A deep valley here. Nothing too interesting. I circled around the group to keep an eye out for anything dangerous. As I made a loop, I saw a darker than normal shadow further behind our group. I blinked and it was gone. Just stay away from us and I won’t mess with you. I circled around again and continued patrolling with Misty.

After awhile of calm flying Misty flew up beside me. “Hey.” She got my attention. “I wanted to say......thanks. For staying with me and stuff. Just that helped me feel better. So. Yeah.....thanks.” With a grumble she flew away to look around some more. I smiled a little at her as she left. No problem Misty. I looked down at Swirl and flashed the feathers on my stomach bright green to let him know everything was good. I was feeling hungry so I veered off course and went further from the group. I scanned the trees for any small animals that I could catch. Don't take it personally squirrel. It just business.......lord business. I chuckled at myself as I dove down to grab the squirrel. I broke through some small branches and grabbed it off the branch before rolling along the ground. I bit into it’s neck to kill it quickly. Then I dug into it as fast as I could. This is delicious. I’m probably enjoying this to much but it’s so good! “So, you even hunt like a bird too?” Misty said from beside me.

“KEEEAAAAAR!!” Arg!! Oh my! Yoooooooooou scared the mess out of me!! I held a claw to my chest and calmed myself down before glaring at her. Then I realized there was a half eaten squirrel carcass beside me and I discreetly stepped in front of it.

“What? Afraid I’ll steal your squirrel? No thanks, I’ll stick with whatever I threw into my bags. Something green.” When I didn’t move and continue eating she huffed and sat down. “I’ve seen a dead squirrel before. Heck, I’ve seen dead ponies. I’m a guard.” With that she pulled of her saddle bags and set them in front of her. She opened them and pulled out an apple. She looked back up at me. “Don’t let me interrupt your meal. I was just eating my own lunch.” With that she laid down and began eating her apple like nothing was wrong. Man, ponies are different now. I hesitantly moved back and started eating what was left of my squirrel. After a few bites Misty started talking again.

“So, do you always eat squirrels? Or do you eat helpless little bunnies too?” I choked a little and she started laughing. “HA! The look on your face! I’m just messing with you, loosen up.” She took a bite of her apple with a crunch and chewed as she thought of what to say next. “So, where are you from? I’m from Cloudsdale, a little cloud village in the middle of nowhere. Literally, nothing but forest for miles.” Again, I choked a little. Little village? Cloudsdale? Wow, you’d never believe what it turned into. when I didn’t answer she nodded. “Right, not a big talker. Here, I grabbed some paper.” She tossed a roll of paper at me and I caught it in my kinesis. ‘I’m from far away.’ I sent it back to her. After reading it she huffed. “Obviously. How far?” I put my wings together and pulled them apart in a ‘this big’ motion. “Really far huh? Maybe over the oceans? We haven’t explored over there yet. Maybe someday I’ll get to go over there. Always wanted to cross an ocean. Never had the time though.” She took another bite of apple. The last bite to be exact. “Welp, I’m done eating. See you in the sky.” She took off in a cloud of dust, leaving me to finish the last few bites of my squirrel. Who does she remind me of? I shrugged and finished my squirrel. I took to the sky and continued my path around our group. I spotted the shadow for a second, but it was still far away. Sneaky little thing. Your on the other side of us now. I’m watching for you.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long guys! I got distracted playing games. So, how was this chapter, good, bad, meh?