• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 2,777 Views, 11 Comments

Time of Your Life - Norwegian boy

After two months Jack has almost given up trying to befriend the ponies in Ponyville. However, at the local Harvest Festival, with some help from Applejack, he'll give it one last shot.

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Time of Your Life

It was just a normal day in Ponyville and at Sweet Apple Acres that meant was business as usual, meaning Applejack was busy Apple bucking. Ever since she has been old enough she'd been working on the farm and despite how some other ponies would view it, she wouldn't have it any other way.

As she continued her daily routine, she failed to notice someone coming up behind her.

"Busy as usual AJ?"

She looked behind her and what she saw was not a pony but a human, the only human in Equestria, Jack. By, at least what he claimed were human standards, he was pretty normal, for a thirty five year old man at least. He was wearing a black jacket with green t-shirt, the later just because he enjoy messing with Rarity, topped off with a pair of grey jeans. One last article on his person was the guitar case strapped to his back, which anypony would tell you he almost never went without.

Now, some would probably wonder how exactly a human could've ended up in a world like Equestria.

Truthfully, even Jack could answer that, only that her appeared from the Everfree forest 2 months prior, with no clue how he got there. Naturally his appearance caused quite a stir, with virtually every pony, even the Princess of Friendship, Twilight, practically shunning him. The only one who showed him any compassion was Applejack, even going as far as to offer him a place to stay. Given he had no other options at the time, he reluctantly agreed, still uneasy about the situation as a whole.

Over time he tried to get to know the ponies, but it didn't work, they were afraid of him and it only got worse when they heard he ate meat. He made attempts to calm them down, but that proved useless.

At one point things seemed like they might work out, as the local party pony, Pinkie Pie, wanted to throw him a party, hoping to help him out. Sadly, Twilight shot down that idea, fearing he'd harm any ponies who came to the party. This decision proved unwise, as Pinkie, a close friend of Twilight, all but disowned her as a friend, the two having never spoken since.

Thankfully, the countries monarch, Princess Celestia, a more open minded, arrived on the scene and was more than willing to give James the benefit of the doubt. Sadly, even she couldn't remove the pony’s paranoia, leaving James little reason to interact with or even try to befriend any of the multi-coloured equines.

This bad situation was only made worse by Celestia confirming she was unable to send him home, lacking any insight into how he even arrived. Naturally she promised to find a solution, but Jack was enough of a realist to know that time likely would never come and thus was still in the slow process of learning to adapt to his new situation.

"You know it Jack, it's hard working on a farm." She said with a smile.

"Tell me about it." He said with a groan.

Applejack couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah. Is there something I can help you with?" She asked him.

"Yes, there is. I was hoping you could do something for me."

She went back to the tree. "And what would that be."

"I need you to sing while I play my guitar."

Those words made Applejack to miss the tree and almost fall flat onto the ground. She wordlessly turned around to face him, completely shocked by the request "You want to me to what?"

"I said that I need you to sing while I play the guitar."

"That was I thought I heard. Though, why do you need my help? You know I can't sing."

He took a deep breath. "You know how me being here, in Ponyville hasn't exactly been the best experience in my life right?"

"Course I know, but what does that have to do with me and singing?"

"Well, next week is the annual Ponyville Harvest festival and I want to be performer there, but I need someone to sing.

Applejack raised a brow of that. "Okay, why do you need somepony to sing? I heard you sing and you got a dang good singing voice."

He took a bow at the compliment. "Thanks AJ, but Twilight told me that I need a pony to sing while I play guitar."

Now was Applejack even more confuse. "Now why would Twilight say that?"

"She said that I wasn't allowed to perform unless I had a pony with me."

"What, that's nonsense. What's wrong with you being allowed to perform alone?"

"She said that I could scare away the ponies at the fair."

Applejack wasn't confused anymore, no now she was angry and disappointed at the same time. "She said what? You aren't dangerous so why would she say that?"

"I asked the same question, but she didn't answer me."

That was effectively the last straw for Applejack. "That's it, I'm going to have a talk with her." And with that she stormed off. Jack didn't try to stop her, already familiar of just what happens when the farm mare was angry.

This proved to be wise as by the time Applejack arrived at the Castle of Friendship, she was so angry she didn't even attempt to open the doors the normal way. No, she just walked up the steps and promptly kicked the doors off their hinges, not even batting an eye at the property damage.

Inside was a shocked Twilight, who'd immediately dropped the book she was holding. "Applejack, what are you doing? I know you like apple bucking but that was my door." She asked her friend while walking towards her now naked doorway.

"I want to know why you told Jack he couldn't perform alone at the festival because he'd scare off other ponies. What in the hay were you thinking saying that to him?"

Twilight couldn't help but question her friends action. "You broke my door because of that?"

"Answer me Twilight," Applejack said in a threatening voice.

Twilight, with a sigh, quickly used her magic to fix her doors. "Fine, if you want to know the true, I don't trust him."

Applejack's anger was promptly replaced with shock at her friend’s declaration. "You don't trust him?" Twilight nodded. "What, how can you not trust him, you're the Princess of Friendship for crying out loud. It's your whole royal duty to spread the Magic of Friendship all across Equestria and to every other race out there?"

Twilight walked over the book she had dropped. "That may be true, however, I can't extend that duty to him." She said while levitating the book she'd previously dropped.

"And why not?"

Twilight looked at Applejack with a serious face. "Applejack, just think about what we've learned from him. The people of his world caused multiple wars, two that encompassed their entire planet and resulted in the deaths of millions. Clearly humans are an extremely violent race and who’s to say he's any different. How can we be sure he won't start a war here in Equestria?

Applejack couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Are you serious? Are you even listening to the nonsense you're spouting? That fella's been here for two months and he hasn't even come close to being rude, much less violent, and I should know, given he's has been living with me all this time."

Twilight leaned against the table. "That maybe, but that's not a guarantee he won't act hostile later on."

By that point Applejack had heard enough, her entire body was almost as red as Big Mac, whilst shaking with barely contained anger. "I thought that you were better than this Twilight, I guess I was wrong. You want him to have pony with him at the fair? Fine, you got one." She turned around walked to the exit, promptly kicking the door down again.

Ponies who'd been minding their own business outside the castle, stopped what they were doing at the sight of the castle doors flying open and very angry Applejack walking back towards her home. Turning back to the castle, they saw Twilight walking out with a disappointed look on her face.

Over the course of the trip back to Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack's angry slowly started to cool, though it still remained as her mind kept trying to process what Twilight had told her. Once she arrived back she decided it would be best to find Jack. As she looked for him, she saw her brother walking out from the barn and decided to ask him "Hey Mac." Her brother looked at her. "Have you seen Jack?"

"Yup, he said that he was heading to his room to play his guitar. Been playing it for a while." Applejack thanked her brother and headed to the house.

Once inside Applejack headed upstairs and right away she could hear music coming from one of the rooms. She made her way, as quietly as she could, towards the guest room Jack was staying in. When she reached the door, she chose to wait until when the music stopped before she knocked on the door.

"Come in AJ."

Without a word, the farm pony walked in, spotting Jack sitting on his bed with his guitar.

"How did you know it was me?" She asked him while closing the door.

"You are the only one that actually knocks on my door, Applebloom just walk in, Mac and Granny doesn't visit me at all." Applejack just gave him a nod. "So, did you talk with Princess Twilight?"

"Yeah." She walked over to the chair and sat down. "I did."

Then silence came, Jack decide to ask. "And?"

"And, you were right. She also said she didn't trust you."

Jack just shocked his head. "Why am I not surprised, and what about you AJ? Do you trust me? Is that's why are here now or is because you find me attractive."

Applejack just gave him 'are you serious' look. "Are you done?"

"Yes, I'm done. But all joke aside, what can I do for you AJ."

She took a deep breath. "I'm here to take you on offer and help you in the festival next week."

Jack wasn't sure if he heard right. "You want to help me in the fair?" She nodded. "Why?"

"Well, I'd be lying if it wasn't partially because I feel really bad about what Twilight said about you and I wanna help. Though, I'm also a mite curious what you had in mind when it came to the song you wanted me to sing."

"Huh, wait, what else did Twilight say about me?"

Applejack thought a minute, wondering if she should tell him, worrying about how he'd react. In spite of her concerns however, she felt it was best to just tell him the truth outright, lying wasn't going to make anything better.

"Well, she thinks that you are going to start a war."

Jack was confused, very confused. "Say what?"

"I know, I thought the same thing. But that mare seems to believe you'll try to kick off a war here in Equestria. Likely because of them two big wars you mentioned from your world."

Jack blink a couple of time. "Is she serious?" Applejack nodded, Jack rubbed his forehead. "Unbelievable, Germany and Japan go to war and 180 years later I get blamed for them, and the worst part is that I wasn't even born then. No wonder the ponies here are afraid of me." With a sigh he flopped flat on the bed, a defeated expression adorning his face.

Applejack could only look at the human with sympathy, wishing she could say something to cheer him up, but this wasn't exactly a situation she was accustomed to dealing with.

"Are you just helping me out of pity?" He didn't bother to look at her while asking that question.

"No, I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do and I want to prove to Twilight that you aren't dangerous."

He sat up. "Well, if you're serious about it, let's get started." He reached out to the nightstand and opened a drawer, before taking out a piece of paper and handing it to Applejack. "Here's the lyrics I want you to sing."

She took the paper and read out the title. "Time of Your Life? I've never heard that song before."

"That's because the song is from my world. It was actually written by one of my favourite groups, Green Day, though I had to make some adjustment, so the lyrics would fit with this world."

Applejack quietly read through song. "Huh, this doesn't look too bad. I reckon I can sing this."

Jack smiled in response. "Then let's get started."

For the rest of the week Jack and Applejack rehearsed the song, with Jack playing the guitar while AJ sang. Granted, the apple farming pony had some trouble with the song at first, but it didn't take long before she'd managed to nail down every tone. Then it was time for the festival.

Ultimately, the pair had been set to perform last, partially at Jack's insistence, in order to avoid scaring the crowd away. Naturally, Applejack thought he was just being silly, but Jack didn't want to listen. Whilst waiting for the contest he was sitting by the porch, tuning his guitar, when he heard someone approaching. He was surprised when he saw who it was.

"Princess Celestia? What's one of the rulers of Equestria doing on a farm. You can't just be here to visit me?"

Celestia gave him a smile. "Hello Jack, and yes, I'm here to see you. Though, I'm surprised that you aren't at the fair. Did something happen?" She asked with some concern in her voice.

"No, nothing happened. I'm just waiting until it's mine and Applejack's turn to perform. I don't want to scare all the ponies in this town."

Celestia couldn't help groan. "Seriously? They are still afraid of you, when are they going to learn?"

"Don't blame them, blame Twilight. Apparently, it's here fault they're afraid of me."

That got Celestia attention. "Why is it Twilight's fault?" She asked Jack.

"You don't know?" Celestia shook her head. "Well, it's turns out that Twilight told the entire town that I'm here to start a war."

When Celestia heard that her mouth fell to the ground. "She said what? What the in the world is wrong with that pony? Well, she and I are going to have a long talk later tonight, that much is certain." Despite her tone coming close to shouting, the Princess managed to calm herself down. "Anyway, there's another reason that I'm here."

It was getting closer to Jack and Applejack's performance and while them going last had been partially Jack's idea, Twilight ultimately decided on the matter, which Applejack was not particularly happy about. These feelings were made all but expressly clear to Twilight as the pair stood, waiting in an uncomfortable silence Twilight was working to break.

"So, which song are you and Jack going to sing." The princess asked her friend, Applejack didn't answer her, much to her dismay. To the Princess of Friendship's surprise, Applejack hadn't spoken a single word to her during the entire fair and it'd been bothering her all day. "Would you please talk to me Applejack, it's bad enough that Pinkie isn't talking to me.

Applejack look at Twilight, who could easily tell she was angry. "I have nothing to say to you and that part with Pinkie is your own fault, you told her that she couldn't have a party for Jack. Any wonder why she's angry with you."

Twilight flinched at the harsh tone, but had to acknowledge some truth to it. She did feel guilty for not letting Pinkie throw a party for Jack, but she wouldn't have a party be thrown for a dangerous human, even if it did hurt her friends.

However, any follow up to such thoughts ground to a halt when she saw Jack walking towards them, with Celestia behind him. While the sight of her mentor normally would elate Twilight, the angry glare she was giving her made the younger Princess's stomach sink like a stone.

Applejack saw that Jack wasn't very happy. "You okay Jack?" She asked him.

"I'm just fine, let's just get this over with." He walked out on the stage.

Applejack knew that he was lying but didn't say anything, she walked out with him leaving Celestia with Twilight.

Twilight looked at Celestia with a with a nervous look. "So, how are doing Princess Celestia?" She asked with a giant lump in her throat.

Celestia looked at her former student with a look that could kill. "You and I are going to have long conversation about your title when this festival is over." By that point, Twilight was on the verge of choking, she gulped so fast.

Applejack and Jack made their way onto the stage, drawing many shocked and frightened looks from the audience, all wondering why Princess Twilight would allow such a dangerous creature on stage to begin with.

Ignoring the stares, Jack walked over to one of the chairs and sat down before taking out his guitar. They then saw Applejack walk over to the microphone and took it, Jack start to play his guitar and Applejack started to sing.

When they were done none of the ponies in the audience started to clap, they just started to talk among themselves, wondering what to do. Applejack had a worried face, she then looked over to Jack who didn't look happy. "Are you fucking kidding me." He got up and walked over to Applejack.

"Give me the mic." She gave it to him. "I have just one question; what the hell is wrong with you ponies? What have I done to deserve this? Oh, that's right, your Princess told you that I might start a war. How the hell am I going to do that? I'm just one human and the war she spoke of happened over a hundred years ago, I wasn't even born then." He took a couple breath.

"I was told that you all gave Zecora a chance, so why not me? You should not judge a book by it cover, but it's obvious that you ponies don't want me here and you are going to get your wish fulfilled. Tomorrow I'm leaving this town, I'm not going to live where everyone is afraid of me. and one last thing, I just learned from Celestia that I have no way back." That got the crowd to gasp. "That's right, I'm stuck in this world and that is not the worst part. I am never going to see my family again, I hope that you all are happy." Jack threw the mic back to Applejack who managed to catch it, then he walked of the stage.

When he walked by Celestia and Twilight, he gave Twilight a look that said that she could go to hell. Twilight wanted to go after him, but she was stopped by Celestia. "Where do you think you are going?" Twilight started to sweat.

After they were done Applejack had gone after Jack, trying to find him before he got back to the farm. However,' he'd already beaten her to the punch. By the time she'd asked her brother if he'd seen Jack, he stated said human had walked into his room, so Applejack headed to the guest room.

She knocked on the door. "Jack, are you in there?" He didn't answer her, but she could hear him in there. "I know you're in there, I just want to talk."

"I don't feel like talking right now Applejack, can please leave me alone." She couldn't hear the sadness in his voice.

She didn't want to leave him alone, but she respected his choice, she walked away from the room.

Early the next day Applejack woke up at the crack of dawn, as she usually did and went about her usual routine. However, before she headed downstairs to prepare breakfast she took a look at door to the guest room. She thought about waking Jack, but recalled what happened the other day and she decide it was best to let him sleep, and walked away.

When she entered the kitchen, she saw a note lying on the table. It read to Applejack and family on the note, she opened it and started to read it.

Dear Applejack,

If you are reading this that means that I have left already. I didn't sleep at all last night, all I could think about what happened yesterday. Everypony is still afraid of me and that there's no way to send me home, I just can't take it anymore. Therefore, I'm buying a train ticket with the money I earned from working on your farm and I'm leaving this place forever. I'm not telling where I'm going.

You told me when we first met that Ponyville would accept me for who I was and not what I was, I believed you but that did not happen. For two months they've been afraid, and your so called Princess of Friendship didn't help me, she only made things worse. The only positive thing about my stay was you and your family. You took me in when no one else would and for that I am grateful. Thank you, AJ, you are a true friend, and tell your family that I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye."

P.S. Can you tell Twilight that she can take that title of hers and shove it up where the sun doesn't shine.

Applejack had to read the last part a few more time before she understood what it meant. "Damn it Twilight." She headed towards her brother room.

Jack walked all the back in train car and sat down, he placed his guitar beside him and leaned back and let out a heavy sighed. 'Fucking ponies.' He decided to take a look around the car to see who was there. A quick look showed there was an old pony, along with a mare and a child sitting in front of the train car. Then the train started to move, and he were on his way to Manehattan.

He then looked at his guitar and smiled, he picked it up. 'This one is for you AJ.' He started to play.

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life

So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind
Hang them on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoo's of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope that you have the time of your life

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope that you have the time of your life
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope that you have the time of your life

When he was done he could hear clapping, he looked up and he saw the child staffing in front with big smile on his face. "That was awesome mister." That made Jack smiled, but it didn't last long, the boy’s mother came and dragged him away. "Stay away from my son you monster." They went back to their sets.

"Thanks a lot lady." Jack sighed and looked out of the window. "Time of my life, yeah right.”

The End.

Author's Note:

I wanted to write a story where a human wasn’t accepted by the ponies in Ponyville. I have read so many where humans has been accepted by them, I hope that is okay that I wrote one that it didn’t happen.

I would like to thank The Fan Without Face. he help editing this story.