• Published 7th Mar 2018
  • 671 Views, 5 Comments

Into The Track Verse - Fast Track

When a magic artifact is shattered, it's remains scattered across time & space, it's takes a group of brave heroes to take on this challenge. But instead we've got these guys: the Tracks of the worlds. Based on the stories from MARVEL's Spider-Verse!

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Section 1 - Chapter 1: The Big Bang

It's a quiet, gloomy evening in Equestria and we find ourselves in Canterlot University and museum of ancient magic history after dark. The candles lighting the rooms and hallway flicker in the distance as there is no other noise in the air. The exhibits, kiosks, and priceless shimmering treasures on their pedestals are all that fills the buildings. Until a glowing, sparkling purple mist surrounds the tile floors of the school. As the mist passes, security laser are revealed across the room. A cloaked figure crosses the beams, carefully avoiding hitting them as this person let's out their pegasus wings and floats over the lasers. This mysterious figure in the night flies to a pedestal in the center of the museum's main hall, over to a hefty looking purple jewel on a silver chain necklace inside a glass cover atop a green pillow.

"Ah, The Amulet of Harmony & Discord." the thief in the night speaks in tomboyish voice as she lifts the glass casing, "Selling you on the Black Market is going to make me a mint!"

"Good! You could use a mint!" a familiar sounding voice says as the thief turns around to see. "I could smell your cheesy bad guy monotone from here."

The cloak figure sees her pursuer; a red unicorn with black hair, white bangs, and a hot rod flaming tire for a cutiemark. "Fast Track?!" she cries out in surprise.

As Fast Track hears the voice of the thief and recognizes as a feminine voice, he says, "Oh, I'm sorry, I meant bad girl monotone. My mistake." As he jokes around, the cloaked woman throws a handful of small spheres to the ground. They flicker on impact to create a giant puff of purple smoke to cover her body from Fast's sights. "Whoa, hey! The show's not over yet." Fast Track speeds over to the cloud attempting to stop the robbery, but by the time he was in reach of the pedestal, there was nothing to be found inside. As Fast Track views his surroundings, he hears feathers flapping overhead. He looks up and sees the thief with the jewel in hoof trying to make a break for it through the glass ceiling of the school. "Oh no you don't!"

Fast Track speeds up the stairs of the museum to the third floor. He reaches the floor's glass guardrail in a matter of seconds and takes a leap of faith for the thief. Fast Track grabs her by the cloak, her hood tightens over her eyes, and Fast starts weighing her down. "Hey, get off of me!" she yells as she struggles to keep herself afloat. During the commotion, she drops the chained jewel from her hoof. "NO!" she yells in desperation. She slips off the hooded cloak as she dashes down to catch the amulet, with Fast Track dropping down with her.

While Fast Track is plummeting back down to the first floor, within seconds he notices the figure he had been chasing. He see a cyan color coated pegasus pony. A brown mane with yellow highlight and a tail to match. And a cutie mark of 3 playing cards with the same familiar faces on them, each with a different expression. Fast Track shouts out in a state of extreme confusion "KP?!" In that moment, Fast Track's lands on a hanging banner suspended by velvet ropes, he hangs onto the banner for dear life as it breaks his fall. But within seconds it rips apart upon impact and Fast Track soon after hits the ground. As he gets back up on his hoofs, he notices the ripped object that broke his fall. He recognized it as what was the very first sewn Equestrian flag, made during the unification of the 3 pony tribes who founded the nation. Fast Track yells out, "HEY! That was probably very expensive!"

The once hooded figure now confirmed to be ILoveKimPossibleAlot turns around with the silver chained jewel in her hoof and replies, "Not as expensive as what I have here!"

"ILoveKimPossibleAlot," Fast Track said confirming exactly what he saw, "I never would have guessed you were the theif. At first I thought it was Trixie Lulamoon, what with all the smoke bombs you were carrying. But then I remembered; Trixie can't fly."

"True, but then again, neither can you!" said ILoveKimPossibleAlot as she began flapping her pegasus wings, getting ready to take off. But as she gets ready to make her grand escape, she notices a strange glowing pale-purple aura coming from the amulet in her hoof. ILoveKimPossibleAlot found that she couldn't look away from it. In a moment of what was only a second or two to her felt like minutes had gone by as the gem had her memorized. KP could of swore in the time of looking at the amulet she could hear whispering voices surrounding her and in her head. "W-wait, w-what is going on?"

"What's going on," Fast Track replied with a smirk on his face, "is that I just learned how to fly!" During KP's mezmorized state, Fast created a make shift slingshot out the fallen velvet rope used to hang the now ripped Equestrian banner. Fast launched himself up and over to KP. "Hey KP!" Fast Track proclaimed as he was diving towards her, "Think me!"

ILoveKimPossibleAlot eventually snapped back to reality and almost forgotten what was going on. She sees her red and black pursuer bulleting towards her with his clenched hoof out, she is screaming, there is no time to fly away. And just at the very last possible second, KP crosses her arms to block the attack with the amulet exposed.

In that very instant, Fast Track punches the amulet with all his might and saw it shatter before him. As the jewel breaks apart, a surge of magical purple energy shoots out of the fragment jewel in all directions. The magic wave pushes Fast and KP to opposite sides of the room from it's shear force and knocked both of them out cold. The amulet fragments shoot out in every directions like bullets, and the blast lets out a shocking, echoing boom that nearly deafens the two ponies and shatters the surrounding glass windows in the building.

Then there was nothing but silence, as the air once again became still and calm. Fast Track comes to, with his ears ringing and his vision fuzzy. By the time he could see clearly again, it was too late. ILoveKimPossibleAlot was long gone, neither her nor the broken pieces of the gem were to be found. "Oh, well that's just dandy. I let the bad mare get away, and with the amulet no less!" Fast Track looks over his surroundings, and noticed all the property damage that was left behind. All the glass panels were broken, the statues were cracked, and the paintings were unhinged and/or severely damaged. "Oh sweet Celestia, I hope I don't I have to pay for all this."

"FAST TRACK!!!" a loud, booming voice said in a commanding tone.

Fast Track freezes in place, for that voice sounded all too familiar to him. He slowly turns around to look behind him, and it was just as he feared. Standing in his presence was the radiant, majestic ruler of Equestria herself; Princess Celestia. She stood before Fast with a stern look in her eye. Fast's body shivers and his teeth jitters, as he thinks to himself, "Well, I'm totally dead!" Fast Track forces himself to speak, "Hey, princess! Funny seeing you here tonight. The museum sure is lovely after dark. I do love learning about Equestrian history, don't you?"

Celestia gazes over her shoulder and sees the torn up banner that once hung proudly in the room now just laying there like a worn out dish rag. "Is that the very first sewn Equestrian flag made during the unification of the 3 pony tribes who founded this nation?!" she says to Fast.

Fast Track takes a gulp in fear as he tries to speak back. "Your majesty, I can explain. But I assure you I'll have this cleaned in a jiffy." Before Fast can turn around, a yellow aura surrounded his body as he was lifted off the floor and brought inches away from Celestia's face. In a moment of desperation, Fast Track started pleading for his life. "Oh please your highness, I swear none of this was of my intentions. This was all ILoveKimPossibleAlot's fault, I was just trying to stop her."

"Fast Track," Celestia goes on, "do you have any idea of what that jewel of which Ms. ILoveKimPossibleAlot was stealing was?" Fast shakes his head, for he did not know. "That was the Amulet of Harmony & Discord. The most powerful artifact in the magical realm, and of any realm. It's shear magical power knows absolutely no rival." Celestia pauses, "And you... just... SHATTERED IT!!!"

"I'm sorry." Fast says with an expression on his face that reads "I'm so totally going to die!"

Celestia let's down her magic and let's Fast Track fall to the floor. Celestia explains, "The fragments from the amulet have been spread across to different dimensions of reality, each one that are strange reflections of ours." Celestia raises her magical horn as her alicorn magic creates a reflective window inside her yellow aura. Fast Track sees his own reflection in this magic mirror, then the window ripples as an image is formed. Fast sees a grey earth pony with black and white hair and wearing a fedora with goggles and a long trench coat. "A past unlike that of your own." The window ripples again, and a new image is formed. Fast sees a pink earth pony with black hair and pink highlights who resembled a lot like his sister. "A present day out of sync." The window ripples one more time, and another new image is formed. Fast now sees a cyan Pegasus with reddish-magenta hair with sea green highlights styled into pig tails. "And a distant future which may and may not come to be."

Fast Track interrupts the exposition as he says, "Hey, wasn't that my sister?"



Celestia continues, "Unfortunately, I will require your help to retrieve the pieces of the amulet. Yours AND the help of these 3 other Tracks. The ponies whose realities the amulet fragments have fell into."

"Whoa, whoa... wait on second." Fast Track says in confusion as he tries to make sense of this situation, "Other realities? Other Tracks? Like family or something?"

"Yes, I have already explained our dire situation to them. They will be your allies in this quest."

Fast Track's eyes widen in surprise. "Whoa, princess, I didn't know you could see and speak across alternate dimensions. That's pretty dang cool!"

Celestia flaps her alicorn wings, ascending to the sky as she says to Fast Track, "Fast Track, you must gather all the pieces of the amulet before they fall into the wrong hooves. Or else our reality, as well as theirs, will be utterly destroyed." Celestia flies out the broken window ceiling into the night air, leaving Fast behind.

Fast Track turns to the exit and speeds off through the streets of Cantorlot. "Gee, I try to stop a midnight robbery, and now I have to prevent a multidimensional apocalypse! No pressure or anything."