• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 2,208 Views, 56 Comments

Tales of the Amalgam'verse: Mirror Image - thatguyvex

In the Mirrorverse of The Bridge, Diamond Tiara encounters a mysterious fox that is being hunted by a deadly foe.

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Epilogue: An Open Heart

Epilogue: An Open Heart

Several days later...

Duchess Chrysalis kept a private meeting room for situations where the throne room lacked the more personal tone she sometimes desired for certain meetings, this one included. The room was cozy without being claustrophobic, with enough space for a varnished oak desk situated in front of an open glass window and door that led to a balcony with a spectacular view of Canterlot. A semi-circle arrangement of plush chairs were set before the desk, occupied currently by Equestria’s kaiju protectors. Destroyah sat in the middle chair, still sporting a number of bandages from her recent exploits, but she’d assured Chrysalis that she’d recover fully with a few more days of rest. Raiga didn’t so much sit in her chair as float to the side of it and lean on the back casually. Xenilla sat at Destroyah’s other side with his usual calculating look, although that mask slipped to show concern any time his eyes flicked towards Destroyah’s injured state.

“I do hope that Ditzy Doo is doing well?” Chrysalis said, knowing full well that, injured or not, Destroyah had insisted on seeing to the Element Bearer’s care herself before coming back to Canterlot.

Destroyah gave a heavy nod, “Ponyville General has some good doctors, and she’s a tougher cookie than most. Still, three broken ribs are no joke. She’s going to be mending for awhile.”

A shadow passed over Destroyah’s face as she said, “Probably shouldn’t have let her fight...”

“You made the best tactical decision you could given the circumstances,” Xenilla said plainly, “You didn’t have time to argue while facing two potent adversaries, so having Ditzy lend what aid she could, despite risks, was the more sensible choice than trying to force her to flee when she had no intention of doing so. Don’t waste too much time second guessing that, Destroyah.”

“Yeah, chief, I know, just hate it when these little ponies get hurt. It's what we’re here to prevent,” Destroyah said, and Raiga reached over to give the large mare a playful swat on the shoulder.

“Cheer up, D, sounds like you guys kicked all kinds of a-” she paused, glancing at the Duchess and grinning apologetically, “a... lot of tail, yup, totally what I was gonna say there. Just real bummed out I missed such a good fight!”

Destroyah chuckled, wincing a bit in the process, “Won’t lie, wishing I’d brought you along, fish face. We could’ve used the backup. Battra’s no pushover, and Ki Seong... with all that demon power in her body she was easily a toe-to-toe match for any ponified kaiju. I was lucky Ditzy and Chingu were there to even the odds, otherwise I might not be here to talk about it.”

Chrysalis didn’t disguise any of the relief on her face as she nodded in grave acknowledgment, “I’m extremely grateful to you, Lady Destroyah. Once more you’ve risked your life to shield those of my subjects, and it is a growing debt I shall not soon forget. The same is true for Ditzy Doo, and my realm’s newest guest. Chingu, now, is it?”

“That’s what she’s preferring to go by, now,” said Destroyah.

“When are we going to get to meet the fox lady?” asked Raiga, “Was kinda expecting her to be here.”

“She did arrive with you from Ponyville, did she not, along with her...chaperones?” Xenilla used the term with a loose tone, eyebrow slightly raised.

Destroyah cracked a wry grin, “Figured I’d let them get settled first, chief, before dragging the poor fox around to meet everyone. Besides, the kids wanted to see the sights. Think this is the first time Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have been to Canterlot, so they were pretty eager to explore.”

“Hopefully that won’t cause too much of a stir,” commented Xenilla dryly.

“No worries there, chief. Chingu’s got her filly form on, and the foals got their parents keeping an eye on things. This is basically their last hurrah before several month’s worth of grounding kick in.”

“Ouch,” said Raiga, “Kinda harsh, isn’t it? I mean, they did help, didn’t they?”

“Yes, they helped, when expressly told to stay put,” Destroyah said, letting out a hefty sigh, “Those fillies have smarts, talent, and a whole lot of guts, but I swear I’m going to teach them caution if it kills me. All it would’ve taken is one stray shot from Battra and any one of those foals would’ve been toast. Takana’s sake, the way I heard it Diamond Tiara was a split second from getting the business end of a spear before Chingu pulled off the save. So yes, Raiga, they helped, which is why they’re grounded for a couple of months instead of for life.”

Raiga held up her finned hooves in surrender, “Okay, okay, just playing heroine’s advocate. I like me some last second heroics.”

“Heroics are good,” Xenilla said, “Tempering it with caution is often better. On that note, what is to be done about the prisoner?”

Duchess Chrysalis leaned back in her own seat, folding her hooves in front of her as her motherly expression gained a hardened edge. Not unkind or lacking compassion, but certainly a look of matronly severity. “Ki Seong will be held in our highest security prison short of Tartarus, until several issues can be worked out concerning her status. She’s charged with multiple counts of assault on Equestrian citizens, and I think at least one count of attempted murder is justifiable. However, I am also attempting correspondence with several Carrean authorities, including contacting her family. It's possible she may be wanted for crimes in that country as well. As it stands I’m uncertain whether to keep her here, or ship her off for her kin to deal with.”

“What’s there to even think about?” Raiga asked, making an off hoof gesture, “Pack her in the tightest crate you can and toss her back across the ocean, or stuff her in the deepest hole you got over here. Either way, she’ll won’t be a problem anymore, so why sweat the details?”

“Call it an Equestrian sense of justice,” Chrysalis said, her gossamer wings fluttering in a nervous gesture behind her as her brow creased in heavy thought, “We believe not just in punishing the wrongdoer, but in facilitating their rehabilitation, if possible. I doubt she’ll receive such clemency from her homeland, so I’m considering keeping her here.”

Raiga just blinked at that, “Uh, if you say so.”

Xenilla leaned forward slightly, eyes meeting Chrysalis evenly, “I trust that, given the danger she represents, you won’t be taking this lightly, Your Grace?”

A weary smile touched Chrysalis’ face, “Of course not, Sir Xenilla. I will spare no security measures necessary. Ki Seong will find that while Equestrians can be very forgiving, to earn such takes a great deal of time and proof of one’s willingness to change. Speaking of which, Lady Destroyah, I assume you and Ditzy Doo finished your evaluation?”

Destoryah laughed, reaching to the arm of her chair to grab a thick folded envelope to toss to the Duchess, “Yeah, as if I needed to think on that more after Chingu put her life on the line in that fight. Ditzy still insisted I give you her written report, but I’ll sum it up for you; Chingu is solid. Not going to say there still might not be some rough edges to work out, and the gal has got a lot to still learn about being around everyday people, but she’s not a threat to your citizens, Duchess. Instead of running away to save herself, she risked everything to put a stop to Ki Seong’s rampage. And if that wasn’t enough she saved that nutjob from a burning cabin when fire is one of the few things Chingu’s species genuinely fears. If that’s not stellar proof of character, I don’t know what is.”

Chrysalis caught the envelope without problem and set it on her desk without opening it, “That was all I needed to hear. I’ll ensure the paperwork for her official status as an immigrated citizen are put through before the day is done. Her home was burned down in the conflict, yes? I could see to having it rebuilt.”

“Won’t be necessary,” Destroyah said, “She doesn’t seem to much care for the notion going back to living in the forest. In fact last I heard she wants to move in at Diamond Tiara’s home.”

“...Her parents approve of this?” Chrysalis asked.

Destroyah shrugged, “Chingu saved their daughter’s life. Seems to have endeared her to the family quite a bit. And any stink that might’ve started getting raised around town about Chingu’s previous fumbles have been swept under by the news of her heroics in the fight. Ponyville has pretty much flipped their opinion on her and I wouldn’t be surprised if she hits ‘town mascot’ status in a few weeks. Now, there is a slight issue concerning the size of the Rich family household. Its barely big enough for the three of them as is, before adding a rambunctious eastern magic fox to the mix.”

“I hear a plan in your tone, Destroyah,” Xenilla said knowingly, well aware when his second-in-command had an idea cooking, and Destroyah grinned back at him.

“Well chief, you see I remembered that when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon first met Chingu they were trekking into Everfree to find a gem cave. The day before we took the train up here I decided to go have a look for myself. Found the cave easily enough, and like Diamond Tiara said, it was caved in. But what are a bunch of rocks to a few blasts of concentrated micro-oxygen?”

For a rare sight Xenilla actually smiled, letting out a light chuckle, “Ah, I see. I trust our ambitious young businessfilly was on the mark?”

“In spades,” Destroyah said, “Once I was past the collapsed entrance, that cave system is choke full of gems. Don’t know much about how the market value with shake down, but get some miners in there and I bet it’ll turn quite the profit.”

Duchess Chrysalis shared the enthused look on Destroyah’s face, although it was tempered somewhat by a hint of distress, “I do try to ensure all my little ponies have opportunities to support themselves and their family’s. It still distresses me to no end that some like the Riches end up in less favorable straits than others. I also try not to show favoritism, either, but since Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both discovered this cave on their own then technically they do have right to claim the site. Of course their parents are going to need to handle the official paperwork on opening any mine, but I can ensure that process is made as smooth as possible.”

“Sounds like alls well that ends well, then,” said Raiga, yawning, “No offense Duchess, but do you guys still need me here for anything? Not even sure why you brought me along in the first place, Xenilla.”

“It was important to have you here because now that we’ve sorted everything else out I wanted to have everyone’s opinion on one final matter,” Xenilla said with weight in his words, turning his gaze first towards Destroyah, “You well know I can’t readily ignore any possible ally we might recruit, and you’ve already fought beside her.”

Destoryah pursed her lips and looked back at Xenilla with an expression of heavy thought, “I see where you’re going with this chief, and I’m all for giving her the pitch... but not right now.”

“Reasons?” he asked, not confrontational, just in honest desire for his second-in-command’s thoughts.

“She can handle herself in a fight, yeah, and her skill with illusions, not to mention some natural predatory instincts and prowess, would make her one heck of a recon asset. But bottom line is I don’t want her in our fight until she’s developed enough to really understand what she’d be getting herself into. Gal just figured out how to feel her own heart, chief. Let’s give her some time to sort out what that means, and to connect with the people around her, before we start asking her to jump back into the fire, eh?”

Xenilla accepted that with a slow nod, glancing at Raiga and Chrysalis, “Do you two concur?”

Ragai gave a huge shrug, “Beats me. I get what Destroyah is saying, but then again we could use all the help we can get, and someone who can straight up turn invisible would be damn handy.”

“I believe I am in agreement with Lady Destroyah,” said Chrysalis, eyes downcast, “Chingu has already endured enough, and deserves what peace we can give her. I won’t tell you not to extend an offer to her, Sir Xenilla, but I do ask that you give it some time before doing so.”

“So be it,” he said, the large unicorn settling back in his seat with a contemplative look, eyes ever calculating, “I suppose at this juncture her abilities would be of limited use, since we don’t even know which region our opponents are hiding in right now. We must find a way to narrow the search grid before he finds an opening to strike again. Equestria has too many cities to protect and not enough Defenders to go around.”

The room grew quiet then, not a one of the occupants able to make light of the fact that Equestria remained in dire peril at the claws, fangs, and atomic might of a near indestructible monster and his band of like-minded cohorts. Chrysalis could see the weight of that fact pressing hard upon Xenilla’s shoulders, and her heart went out to the brave and ever dedicated kaiju. For not the first time since she’d met him she wished she could find a way to ease that burden, to convince Xenilla he didn’t need to shoulder all of the responsibility on his own. The urge to reach out a comforting hoof to him was strong, but it wouldn’t be appropriate and she wasn’t certain he’d appreciate it. Sighing at her inability to find the words to express what she really wished to say, Chrysalis instead said, “As always we will do whatever we can, however we can, to protect this world and those who call it home. The last thing we can allow to take root in our hearts is fear. For today, let us celebrate the victories we have won, and leave concerns of future battles for another day.”


The cell was cleaner and more comfortable than she’d have expected, but perhaps this was just the way of Equestrians. That being said there were no chances being taken with her incarceration, either. The bed was a plain mattress with no sheets or blanket that could be fashioned into a weapon, and its frame was heavily bolted to the floor so it too could not be wielded or easily pulled apart. The walls themselves lacked a window, made from rough hewn stone, and the bars thickly occupying one of the walls were laced with enchantments that made them far more potent than mere steel.

From what little Ki Seong could see her cell was located deep underground, likely within the dungeons of the pony’s capital city. She’d woken up in this place, her wounds treated, but her one remaining horn capped by a ring inhibiting what remained of her magic. Manacles without chains were similarly enchanted to reduce her physical strength and induce mind-numbing sickness if she tried to force her way out of her cell or even more faster than a brisk walk. The ponies were not unkind, but were being thorough in her captivity. While she was given some level of privacy, she knew guards remained close and watchful at all times, and they were appropriately wary when bringing her meals.

Not that she had much appetite.

Ki Seong couldn’t feel much of anything. Just a hollow emptiness where her rage had once burned. It was funny. She thought she’d be furious. Frustrated. She ought to be gnashing her teeth in desperation to break free of this prison and continue her hunt for the gumiho that had once again escaped her.

Instead she just felt a strange and alarming stillness inside her that left the kirin confused and frightened, as if she was standing at the edge of some great precipice. Even though her cell was kept at a pleasant room temperature, she couldn’t help but feel a chill that left her shivering.

How had her life become this bent from its proper course? It had all seemed so very, very simple, not so long ago. Jeog was her enemy, to be hunted and killed. That was all there was to it. That was all there was supposed to be to it. So why did these doubts now creep in around her like shades risen from the grave, standing around her in an accusing procession? Why was she so afraid to contemplate the possibility that after all this time, could she have been wrong?

“You look like how I think I must have, hiding in that cabin.”

Ki Seong jerked at the voice, right outside her cell. For a moment the old anger flared, like dying embers sparking from charred logs. The gumiho sat right outside her cell, the creature’s vulpine face pressed near the bars, her icy eyes gazing at Ki Seong with curiosity, contemplation, and... pity?

Ki Seong almost lunged for the bars, hoping to reach her hooves out to strangle the beast, but she stopped halfway to standing up from her mattress, slowly even the hateful desire to kill subsiding under a wave of cold apathy.

“What are you doing here? How did you even get inside?” she asked, not with any real interest or passion, but the residual resignation of one who’d given up.

The gumiho shrugged, “I asked. The one called the Duchess seemed willing to let me speak with you, even as the large blue one made many angry noises about ‘security risks’. I...” the creature paused, tilting its head at Ki Seong in a most curious manner, “I wanted to see you.”

“To torment me further?” Ki Seong growled, though not with much energy, even as her eyes smoldered at the gumiho. “You know I will never stop hating you.”

Those deep blue eyes held an unreadable light, but Ki Seong thought the fox-like creature showed an odd crease of expression at that, a lowering of her eyes. Sorrow? More pity?

“That is your choice. I haven’t come to hurt you further. I have no reason to, as long as you’re not a threat to those I care about. I’m came because I think Cho Yon would want me to. And because I want to. I’m only now starting to see and understand what makes mortals so different from my kind. I still don’t know if I can ever really be like them, but I’m going to try.”

Ki Seong huffed out a tired snort, “You’ll fail. Eventually. You can’t stop being what you really are, underneath whatever mask of civility you’ve learned to put on. Even if...” hesitation, doubt, all if it welled up in her from that dark precipice she feared to tread beyond, “Even if... by some strange miracle of chance you genuinely aren’t the monster I thought you were, you can’t really stop being a gumiho. You know that, right?”

Surprisingly the gumiho nodded, “That is true. I will always be me. My kind, I’ve realized, we are solitary by nature. We live alone. We pursue what we want alone. We... die alone. It isn’t in our nature to think of others as anything more than objects to play with as we please. I lived like that for a very long time. If not for Cho Yon I might never have been anything more than passingly curious about mortals. I never knew what made them so different from me. How they could be so happy with their strange lives. He set me on the path... Diamond Tiara and you helped me take the next step. Now I don’t know what I am. Gumiho, mortal, something in between.”

She held out her paw near her chest, looking at it with eyes filled with a wonder that Ki Seong couldn’t have ever imagined on such a predatory face. “Yet I feel my heart. I know what it means to feel this between myself and others. I even felt your heart, Ki Seong. I know how much it hurts. That’s why you won’t stop hating me, because someone you cared for died, and I was there to blame.”

“It... was your fault,” Ki Seong said, but even she was starting to feel like she didn’t believe it anymore.

“That too is your choice to believe. For as long as you choose to believe it. I may not know much yet about the heart, but I do think I understand one thing about it. It gives us choices.”

The gumiho looked at Ki Seong intently, the eight tails left to her flicking back and forth behind her like a gray wall of mist, “So I choose to forgive you. I also choose to keep living like the mortals do; not alone. If you ever wish to stop being alone, it is a choice you can make too.”

Ki Seong remained silent, staring back at the gumiho while trying to dredge up the old feeling of hot hatred that had driven her for so long. Yet there was only the cold void to greet her when she looked inside herself, and she could only look away, saying in a quiet voice, “Just... go away. I don’t have any more choices left to make.”

“Choices remain with us for as long as we still live,” the gumiho said, turning to stride away from the cell, but before she left she looked over her shoulder at Ki Seong with those unfathomable blue eyes, “And we are both still alive, Ki Seong.”

And with that, she was gone, leaving Ki Seong alone in her cell, with a great deal to ponder.


Ponyville - one week afterward...

Diamond Tiara awoke with a face full of fluffy tail, and looked up to see Chingu had nestled into her bed once again, curled up at the foot of it like an oversized and exceedingly fuzzy hoof pillow. The filly let out a small, quiet laugh as she slowly extricated herself from the protective curl of the gumiho’s eight tails, which had surrounded her like a blanket over the course of the night.

“You know, we built you your own cabin right outside. You ever plan to use it?” Diamond said, and Chingu opened one of her eyes and let out a wide-jawed yawn.

“It is a nice cabin, but the bed isn’t as comfortable without my favorite paw warmer.”

“You're learning sarcasm now? I better watch out, before long you’ll be able to sass me just as much as Silver Spoon does,” Diamond Tiara said with a chuckle as she got out of bed, striding across her new, much larger room to go look out the window and take in the morning air and sunlight.

The Rich’s new family home was two stories instead of one, and Diamond Tiara’s room was on the second floor right across from her parent’s. Down below in their rather sizable lawn she could see the small but very cozy cabin they’d built for Chingu, a hop, skip, and a jump from the main house. It's warm pink window drapes were visible, along with several of the potted plants Diamond had helped Chingu pick out to spruce the new home up. Inside were a few posters from bands Diamond Tiara was fond of and was introducing Chingu to, along with a bookshelf filling gradually with literature, now that Diamond Tiara was helping Chingu learn to read better.

And there was a bed of sorts inside, although it was basically a big circular mattress rather than a conventional bed. Despite Diamond Tiara’s teasing Chingu did sleep there, only once or twice sneaking into Diamond’s room for a curl up. Thus far Diamond Tiara’s parent’s seemed fine with the situation, seeming to see Chingu as one part new best friend, and one part loyal household pet.

“Silver Spoon ought to be here soon,” Diamond Tiara said, noting the height of the morning sun, “Better get up, Chingu. We got breakfast to tackle, then I need to go over the mine report before we head out.”

“You like your numbers, don’t you?” Chingu said, yawning again as she deftly rolled out of bed and stretched herself out in languid pleasure, “How many shiny coins do you really need?”

“Hey, this is an unprecedented chance for me to learn how a real business is run,” Diamond Tiara said, snatching one of her economics books from her enjoyable large desk. She grinned at herself, wondering if perhaps Chingu was right. She shouldn’t let this go to her head. It just felt so nice to wake up and not be worried about her family’s finances. Instead she looked forward to going over them, reading the reports from the newly opened ‘Rich&Spoon Family Gems’ mine. Legally speaking her and Silver Spoon’s parents were the ones who owned and ran the new business, but among them the only one who showed interest in running the business was Silver Spoon’s mother, who’d taken to operating the mine wholeheartedly, and was more than willing to share information and ideas on the business with Diamond Tiara.

Given she was grounded for awhile it wasn’t like she had a lot of other things to do with her Saturdays.

Well, there was one thing she an Silver Spoon were allowed to do, as agreed upon by their parents. As soon as Silver Spoon arrived, she, Diamond Tiara, and Chingu would head out for most the day.

Her mother had a shiny new typewriter she was happily clacking away on in the houses rather spacious kitchen on the first floor, waving in greeting to her daughter and Chingu as the pair entered.

“Good morning! Would you girls like some toast? I made it with extra jam!”

Ever since their financial situation had turned around Spoiled Rich had made every batch of toast with extra jam. Diamond Tiara was slightly frightened by just how much jam her mother now kept stocked in the pantry. If the world was ever in danger from creatures that just happened to be allergic to jam, then the Rich family had Equestria covered.

During their jamtastic breakfast Diamond Tiara heard a faint thump and bang from down below, where no doubt her father was hard at work on one project or another while still breaking in his newly expanded and improved invention laboratory. She’d been down there once or twice, and was amazed at just how much her father managed to pack into their new basement. It was a tad alarming, actually, but as long as Filthy Rich didn’t explode the house, Diamond Tiara figured he could have all the crazy gizmos he wanted to work on his inventions with.

A knock at the door announced Silver Spoon’s arrival and Diamond Tiara eagerly met her friend at the door.

“Now you fillies be back before evening,” Spoiled said with a wave from the kitchen table, “Grounded is still grounded. Chingu you’ll be sure to get them back before it gets too dark?”

Chingu gave Diamond Tiara’s mother a solemn nod, “They will be back on time.”

With that the trio left, heading out across Ponyville at a brisk pace. Diamond Tiara’s new home was just a few doors down from Silver Spoon’s house, now, which was pretty convenient for the pair. As they passed Silver Spoon’s home, the filly adjusted her glasses and glanced at Chingu, or rather at Chingu’s tails.

“Miss Doo wrote back to me. Even hospitalized she’s pretty thorough when it comes to reading. She said she hasn’t found any hints in any of the books available that say if a gumiho’s tails can grow back.”

There was an apologetic note in Silver Spoon’s voice, and Diamond Tiara was fast to pitch in with a more enthusiastic, hopeful tone, “That doesn’t mean it's impossible! There’s lots of magic out there, so if we look long enough maybe we can find something eventually.”

Chingu shrugged. As they passed by various ponies going about their morning routines they got a number of friendly smiles or waves, the nervousness that’d existed around Chingu giving way to an open acceptance as word of what had happened in Whitetail Woods a week ago had spread. This was the first time Chingu could walk so openly among mortals, and she liked the feeling. The loss of her tail didn’t seem as heavy as it might have been without these new feelings to explore and experience.

“It’s not something to feel worry about. If I grow a new tail, I grow a new tail. If I don’t, I don’t. I have faint memories of having fewer tails when I was new to this world, but I don’t remember how I got more. I don’t know if the one that was taken can return. It doesn’t really matter.”

“Still,” Silver Spoon said, “No harm in continuing to do research. It's kinda fun anyway, all this reading about mysterious cultures and creatures from the other side of the world.”

Diamond Tiara glanced over at Silver Spoon with a musing hoof rubbing her chin, “Going for a researcher cutie mark?”

“Maybe I am,” Silver Spoon shot back, “I like learning about strange, far off places, and Miss Doo says there are ponies who go out and do field research all over the world. Sounds pretty fun to me! I even heard that with the arrival of all the kaiju there’s talk of a new ‘Kaijuologist’ field in the making. I could get in on the ground floor! You’re not the only one with ambitions, you know, little miss ‘twelve year old businespony’.”

Diamond Tiara laughed, “Hey, if you can find a way to make ‘Kaijuology’ profitable, I’ll totally bankroll your first expedition. What do you think ‘Diamond & Silver Expeditions Inc.’? Has a nice ring to it.”

“Sounds fun,” said Chingu, “I shall go as well, yes?”

“Well we’re not leaving right now, but eventually maybe. When we’re older,” said Diamond Tiara, and Chingu gained a knowing grin.

“I can wait.”

On their way across town they passed by the restaurant that Gentle Leaf’s parents ran. The little green filly was in her waitress uniform, greeting customers for the morning breakfast rush. She gave a shy wave, but one with a much easier and brighter smile than she’d once had as the trio passed by, smiles that were returned to her in full.

“Take it easy, Gentle Leaf, and when we’re not grounded anymore, let’s get together to play!” called Diamond Tiara, and Gentle Leaf shouted back happily.

“Only if we can do tag again!”

Once the trio reached the bridge leading across the stream towards the Everfree Forest, the slowed their pace. There was a cleared dirt road now leading into the forest where it would eventually reach the gem mine jointly owned by the Rich and Spoon families. Timberwolves were not much of a problem. Apparently they were afraid of a much more dangerous predator who’d made it clear to the local packs that the mine and a good portion of forest around it was her territory. Now that area was about as safe as any portion of the Whitetail Woods.

Just as they were crossing the bridge a voice shouted behind them in a familiar accent.

“Hey, wait up ya’ll!”

Behind them Applebloom galloped their way, followed a few paces behind by Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. The CMC trio came to a halt a few paces from Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Chingu. Applebloom looked agitated, while Sweetie Belle looked more embarrassed than anything. Scootaloo didn’t look anypony in the eye, only flickering a glance at Chingu quickly before hurriedly looking away with a surly face.

“Uh, can we help you girls with something?” Diamond Tiara asked.

Applebloom grit her teeth, as if she didn’t want to say anything, but pushed the words out anyway, “Was it you? Did you send over that huge scooter ramp?”

Diamond Tiara cleared her throat and met the other filly’s gaze evenly, “Yes, I did.”

“Well we didn’t ask for it! We weren’t asking for charity!”

“Geez, way to be ungrateful...” Silver Spoon began, but Diamond Tiara held up a hoof and gave Applebloom a small nod.

“I understand that you don’t want charity. It isn’t. It's just paying back what we owed you for breaking your old ramp. Simple as that. No need to think of it as anything more.”

Applebloom make a grunting noise, face reddening as she stammered, “F-fine then! We’ll take your stupid ramp! And not owe you anything!”




“FINE! Thank you very much!” Applebloom was now shouting and turned around and stomped away in a huff, face now red from snout to neck.

Sweetie Belle let out a long sigh and said, “You’ll have to forgive her. She doesn’t know how to deal with feelings very well. Thanks for the ramp.”

“Yeah, it’s cool, I guess...” Scootaloo mumbled, “Like, thanks and stuff. Okaynowbye.”

The pegasus quickly trotted away too, soon to be followed by Sweetie Belle who gave Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Chingu an apologetic smile before trotting after her friends. Diamond Tiara just blinked with a face of mild confusion.

“They’re so weird,” Diamond Tiara muttered with a wondering shake of her head.

“The yellow one likes you,” Chingu said, sniffing the air and nodding to herself.

“I... got nothing to say to that,” Diamond Tiara said in bewilderment, “Let’s get going before I think about it too hard.”

Into the Everfree Forest they went, Chingu now taking the lead. About halfway down the road to the mine they went off the path and into the thicker forest, Chingu leading the two fillies through a winding route that eventually led to a steep incline in the forest floor. A minute later they came out upon a tall hill, one that held a decent sized clearing of tall grass that gently swayed in the fresh morning wind. A spectacular view of the rest of the Everfree Forest, and the rooftops of Ponyville a few miles away, was clear to see under the bright sky above.

Here the three went to the center of the clearing, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon taking up positions to either side of Chingu as the gumiho took a moment to sit and enjoy the view. She then stood, looking to the two fillies as she took up a stance on her hind legs.

“We pick up from last time. Do as I do, but not just the motions, but try to feel what is around you. Feel the wind, the grass, the sunlight. Feel each other’s breaths, and mine, and then look deeper.”

“This still feels super awkward,” Silver Spoon said as she mimicked Chingu’s two legged stance, and Diamond Tiara did the same.

“Yeah, but we’ll get used to it. It's good exercise,” Diamond Tiara said, “And you’re always telling me I need to work on my stamina.”

Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses, nearly losing her balance at the motion until Chingu’s paw steadied her. “Not complaining. Just noting it’s going to be awhile before we get this down.”

“We are not lacking in time,” Chingu said, a brief somber look crossing her vulpine features, “I am learning how to teach just as much as you are learning the Way from me. Cho Yon was much better at this.”

Diamond Tiara rested a hoof on Chingu’s side, smiling up at her friend, “You’re doing great. Now, show us the motions again?”

“Yes. You start with your hind legs like this, and spread your arms to maintain balance. Then with the first step imagine being like the grass, bending but without force...”

And minutes flowed into hours as the three moved together, Chingu passing on what Cho Yon had taught her. For now it was just the motions of the Way of the Open Heart, but Chingu knew with time would grow understanding of the martial art’s subtler mysteries. She too was using the training to learn more, to solidify the lessons that Cho Yon had given her now that she could temper them with the understanding she’d gained of the heart.

As she and the two fillies by her side moved in a harmonious whole, Chingu could feel their hearts beside her own like bright beacons that warmed all the places that had once been cold and confused inside her. And beside them she too felt another familiar heart, and imagined Cho Yon’s youthful grin encouraging her onward upon the new path she’d discovered, filled with a horizon of possibilities.

Author's Note:

Well here we are, and I'd like to thank everyone who's given this story a chance by giving it a read. I'd like to give extra thanks to Tarbtano for letting me take a shot at writing this fic. Seriously dude, thanks a bunch, and keep on writing, because not only are your stories awesome but they're a continuous source of inspiration for me and many others.

I hope everyone enjoyed this very different take on the gumiho and Ki Seong. That's sort of the beauty of things like the Mirrorverse, being able to examine the familiar through a very different reflection. A mirror image that shows you all the things that could be.

As per my usual I encourage and welcome any and all comments, questions, or critiques on my fics. Feel free to let me know what you thought, I'd highly appreciate all of it.

And as a final note to cap off this tale, I'd like to show off a pic done by the friendly and skilled FallenAngel over on DeviantArt:

While this specific scene isn't in the story, the image encapsulates the elements of the story very well, emphasizing the tragedy of the character's past, and the inevitable confrontation in the present.

Comments ( 14 )

I hope Ki Seong gets redeemed.

That last scene was perfect.

This was one hell of a rollercoaster ride... And I bloody loved it! You did a bang up job capturing each and every character in the Mirrorverse, and for that, I give you a full military salute!

this whole chapter I was listening to emotional Fairytail music. This is my feels right now.

The story was fun. I liked it. The only negative takeaway I have with the story is that the longer chapters probably could have been sectioned off into shorter chapters, but that's merely a personal preference.

This was a great fic, and as far as I'm concerned it stands right beside Tarbtano's works :)

Is it wrong that i want to see the mirorr gang meat the main gang easpeshily Destoyah. I can see the main D having a simer reachtion to her counter part that Raiga had when she herid about hers:twilightsmile:

Won't lie, it'd be kind of fun to do some kind of eventual crossover situation where the Mirror-verse and Main-verse meet, although I have no idea how that might work out. We'll see what plans Tarb has for the Mirror-verse in the future.

It's been a long time coming and grad school has slowed me down severely, I finally got around to rereading the whole story just to ensure I didn't miss anything. If I could give massive in-depth reviews on every single chapter by God I would! This story is just that good and I am honored that the author took their talent and time to a world I created as someone who writes to entertain the only thing that could ever make me smile more than someone enjoying my stories is seeing someone use an idea or character or setting I helped engineer in their own way. This is not just one of my favorite reader works, this is easily one of my favorite adventure stories on the website and prove originality is not dying down.

When I first heard that the author was going to make a story set in the mirror of the Amalgam'verse, I at first thought they were going to bring in mirror versions of kaiju or Canon equestrian characters we haven't seen yet. Or possibly doing that world equivalent to one of the story arcs in the Bridge that ended in a big kaiju battle. Nothing wrong with that, but when I heard that Vex was wanting to adapt the original Gumiho mini-arc, I was more than a little surprised. Not to knock my own creation nor this effort but I always considered that sort of a filler arc, something more for character. Vex managed to do just that as well as embrace his own spin on it.

All while using characters he didn't own or create in ways that seem perfectly in character and logical. That is far harder than many might think. And he pulled it off perfectly. Absolutely splendidly. I was grinning ear to ear every single time Destroyah came on screen. And the mirror world equestrians I had mentioned but hadn't really used being shown off in such a way felt very organic and natural, especially with the fillies and Ditzy Doo.

The characters almost all have established arcs of the go across small or large, and the ending is satisfying to see all of them taken on their journey. I was very invested in the Rich family throughout the whole thing as a Diamond is just precious without lacking any substance beside her cuteness. Even though I might've gotten the ball rolling, it is Vex who kicked it into the field goal with this family and their associates and I was grinning ear to ear in the epilogue upon learning that their financial situations were finally going to have an upswing. The trio of main children remind me very much of the main children in another kaiju story, "Gamera the Brave", and it's all for the right reasons. They have to troubles but they're still optimistic. They can be adorable but they can also be a little bratty and argumentative, just a factor of their age. And they show great courage while also being hilarious in doing so. I am never going to get the mental image of them banging pots and pans in an effort to hurt a demonic monster hunter out of my head, and I never want that never to change!

Chingu as she is known by the last chapter is our main character by most measures and I think Vex handled the essence of the characterization I laid out into his own thing beautifully. While the baseline of having a different type of conscious that makes their morality a little bit different and there's to be some clashes of understanding, here it's played out in a very different way than I did which is fitting giving the setting. At the end she still doesn't quite grasp absolutely everything about Equestrians and other mortals, and she's got some scars over it, but she's understanding enough to figure out where she stands. I get a sort of Iron Giant feel from her, which makes all her interactions with the children that much better.

Seong is a brutal as she is telling. There's a thing about these Captain Ahab-like characters who gradually lose themselves more and more on their quest that can be very compelling. On one hand you have the characters that managed to realize the path or on and break off before it leads to ruin. On the other hand you have characters that get progressively worse and worse like the seafaring namesake. Doing the latter means you run the very real risk of making them unsympathetic, which is something that Vex skillfully dodged. You feel for her but you know she has to be stopped because of how dangerous she is to everything around her, all without losing any bit of threat.

The other characters are also well fleshed out and while I wouldn't say they go on as big a arc as the others I listed, they still have changes and it's nice to see them whenever they show up. Not to mention of whether some lovely monster fights between resident life-of-the-party heroine Destroyah (who would've ever thought I'd say that sentence?) and utter sociopath Battra. Even the more minor Equestrians and less used kaiju are a delight to see because it helps build up the world that much more. Sure seeing them a bit more as well as getting some more full on Kaiju action be nice for the crossover, but that's not exactly necessary and in the end this isn't a story about one of the kaiju but about the children and the gumiho. So having Des and Lea both Monster-Out in the climax would have made it a fair bit more difficult to write out in giving Seong or Ditzy much to do (though I did entertain the brief notion of a battle on top of the kaiju Shadow of Collossus style hehe).

Overall I find this story extremely well fleshed out, having great action sequences, compelling character arcs, some of the best child characters I've ever seen in fan fiction, and an extremely enjoyable read.

5/5, very well earned!
I'm slapping this thing across the Reader Works section repeatedly to ensure it gets plenty of air time!


It's been a long time coming and grad school has slowed me down severely, I finally got around to rereading the whole story just to ensure I didn't miss anything. If I could give massive in-depth reviews on every single chapter by God I would! This story is just that good and I am honored that the author took their talent and time to a world I created as someone who writes to entertain the only thing that could ever make me smile more than someone enjoying my stories is seeing someone use an idea or character or setting I helped engineer in their own way. This is not just one of my favorite reader works, this is easily one of my favorite adventure stories on the website and prove originality is not dying down.

I can only thank you for taking the time out of what I now know is an exceedingly busy schedule to share your thoughts on the story with me. As my goal is ever to tell stories that'll hopefully entertain a few people besides myself, I'm always happy to hear when I've managed to hit the mark for someone, and given this is your world I'm writing in I'm just glad it's a story you've enjoyed so much.

When I first heard that the author was going to make a story set in the mirror of the Amalgam'verse, I at first thought they were going to bring in mirror versions of kaiju or Canon equestrian characters we haven't seen yet. Or possibly doing that world equivalent to one of the story arcs in the Bridge that ended in a big kaiju battle. Nothing wrong with that, but when I heard that Vex was wanting to adapt the original Gumiho mini-arc, I was more than a little surprised. Not to knock my own creation nor this effort but I always considered that sort of a filler arc, something more for character. Vex managed to do just that as well as embrace his own spin on it.

Admittedly it took me a bit of time to figure out just why I felt so adamant about writing this story about what is essentially a very minor villain from The Bridge, and after thinking about it for so long I think the answer turns out to be pretty simple; I felt an unusual amount of sympathy for the gumiho. I don't imagine it was your intent to write the gumiho in that light, but for me that's how it turned out, largely because of Jeog's original motivation of trying to understand what love among mortals was. In The Bridge that curiosity went horribly wrong, twisting an being with already fairly alien morality and mindset down an even more violent and monstrous path, but the core of the gumiho's desire to acquire or understand love remained, and for me no matter how bad a monster it was portrayed as, the motivation remained sympathetic to me and left me feeling like its lonely life and eventual brutal death was more of a tragedy than anything else. It left me with the question of what might have happened had the gumiho's desire to understand mortal emotions had met with different responses that led her down a different path, one still fraught with difficulty and even tragic events, but perhaps one that might end in actual understanding? Could such a creature even succeed in understanding her goal, in the end? That was the driving force behind the story, and it's certainly turned out to be quite the interesting journey.

he trio of main children remind me very much of the main children in another kaiju story, "Gamera the Brave", and it's all for the right reasons. They have to troubles but they're still optimistic. They can be adorable but they can also be a little bratty and argumentative, just a factor of their age. And they show great courage while also being hilarious in doing so. I am never going to get the mental image of them banging pots and pans in an effort to hurt a demonic monster hunter out of my head, and I never want that never to change!

Children are always tough to write, finding that balance between making them feel like children in their thinking and actions, but not letting them slip too far into being more of a nuisance or annoyance than solid contributors to the story, or making their dialogue too much like the adults that they stop feeling like kids. I did especially like writing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, with their particular dynamics with Diamond being the habitual planner and schemer who sometimes needs to be reeled in by Silver's more practical and often sassy mindset. Believe it or not the whole pots and pans thing is apparently a real thing, at least according to some of the research I did on old folk remedies used to try to drive off evil spirits. I liked the idea of the kids just using every single possible method they could find on Ki Seong, no matter how silly.

Chingu as she is known by the last chapter is our main character by most measures and I think Vex handled the essence of the characterization I laid out into his own thing beautifully. While the baseline of having a different type of conscious that makes their morality a little bit different and there's to be some clashes of understanding, here it's played out in a very different way than I did which is fitting giving the setting. At the end she still doesn't quite grasp absolutely everything about Equestrians and other mortals, and she's got some scars over it, but she's understanding enough to figure out where she stands. I get a sort of Iron Giant feel from her, which makes all her interactions with the children that much better.

Jeog/Chingu was far and away the toughest character in the story to write, specifically because of high much of a tightrope I had to walk in balancing her alien nature as a gumiho versus keeping her struggle both understandable and something that could be empathized with despite her being very different in her mindset than normal people. One thing I wanted to really get across with her was that the emotions and level of sapience she had wasn't really that different from mortals, but how she interpreted them and interacted with them was very different and made it hard for her to understand the actions and thoughts of mortal creatures like ponies. And then there was just the difficulty in balancing out her gradual changes, slowly seeing, bit by bit, through her interactions with the children and other characters just what Cho Yon had been trying to teach her. I'm glad I was able to pull it off to any degree.

Seong is a brutal as she is telling. There's a thing about these Captain Ahab-like characters who gradually lose themselves more and more on their quest that can be very compelling. On one hand you have the characters that managed to realize the path or on and break off before it leads to ruin. On the other hand you have characters that get progressively worse and worse like the seafaring namesake. Doing the latter means you run the very real risk of making them unsympathetic, which is something that Vex skillfully dodged. You feel for her but you know she has to be stopped because of how dangerous she is to everything around her, all without losing any bit of threat.

I did so love writing Seong in this story, her and Battra both, really, given how different they were from each other they played off one another pretty well. With Ki Seong her relentless obsession and drive gives her character a lot of passion and leads her down a dark path, but its an understandable and relatable path because its all motivated by some of the most elemental emotions people have; love, hate, and pain. Everything she does is fueled by those emotions, so even as she changes her body to be more demonic she remains very much an understandable person. Like Chingu noticed in their final battle, strip away the rage and underneath the demonic powers and fury, Ki Seong was just someone in pain, still mourning the death of the one she loved. As for Battra, its at times kind of fun to write a character who has no moral compunctions, no interest in pretending to any notions of goodness, and revels instead in her own crazed ideology with a sort of disturbingly pure glee. Doesn't necessarily make her complex, but there's something to be said for a villain that knows what they are and embraces it fully with no restraint. I did like to play with the notion a bit but not just making her a destroyer, but a very curious minded and almost amiable destroyer. She only joins up with Ki Seong because she enjoyed the taste of the kirin's hatred and wanted to poke at Ki Seong to find out how she ticked. Even the goal of getting one of the fox beads was more secondary than just toying with the head of a mortal being consumed by a familiar darkness. Oh, and the fact that she escaped with the fox bead is a plot thread left dangling quite intentionally. That could literally lead anywhere, so feel free to do with that as you will, or I could always think of ideas down the road for that one.

So having Des and Lea both Monster-Out in the climax would have made it a fair bit more difficult to write out in giving Seong or Ditzy much to do (though I did entertain the brief notion of a battle on top of the kaiju Shadow of Collossus style hehe).

Heh, it would've been pretty cool to somehow work in a full on kaiju battle at their true size, and having Chingu and Seong fighting it out on top of the kaiju in Shadow of the Colossus style is a pretty neat idea in and of itself. But yeah, it would've been hard to work in with the particulars of how I wanted the final battle to play out. Still I think it is a shame that I couldn't quite work in an iconic kaiju brawl, so in my next foray into this world I imagine I can correct that both readily and eagerly.

Overall I find this story extremely well fleshed out, having great action sequences, compelling character arcs, some of the best child characters I've ever seen in fan fiction, and an extremely enjoyable read.

And thanks one again for giving me the chance to write this story, and I'm just glad it turned out as well as it did. At the end of the day this story still couldn't have existed without yours to inspire it. :twilightsmile:

Will there be a sequel?

It's certainly a possibility. That being said, I have no immediate ideas yet on what I might do with a direct sequel. I had a pretty solid idea on what I wanted to do with Mirror Image from the get go, but where a sequel is concerned I'm still musing over ideas, mostly because I've already taken the characters on the arcs I wanted to, so I'm not sure what a good next step for them would be. Now, on the other hand, I've also got ideas for just more stories in the Mirrorverse of The Bridge in general, so its possible I might write one of those first, but those could still connect to this story on some level depending on how things go.

That was a great fic. I'm very new to this universe, so rather unsure about everthing, but it's interesting how Chrysalis is the leader of this Equestria and not Sombra. Or is it just set after the collision? Either way, it's good, great job!

And it’s been an honor reading this and commissioning those two pieces art for ya….back then hahaha:facehoof:.(I’m not old what so ever) Well. This was nice note to end on. Still don’t know the future of the Mirror universe if it’s still gonna continue but it was nice to come back to this. Nicely done on finishing up Diamond’s story and same with Chingu’s story as well. Hope Ki Seong sees the light and realize what she has done. Keep up the good work my dude.

It was equally an honor and pleasure to see those lovely artworks and the effort you put into them. :twilightsmile: As for the future of the Mirrorverse, I've had plans in the works, approved by Tarb, for a sequel story, and even have the first two chapters of it written. I've been needing to clear a few other things from my plate before I can get to that story and do it properly, but it is coming in due time, that much I can confirm.

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