• Published 16th Apr 2019
  • 1,070 Views, 21 Comments

My Little Mages: Omitted Tie - Foxhelm

Sunset's life seems to be flawless, but the next morning no one remembers the good she has done. Looking for answers she has to make a deal with... The Great and Powerful Trixie!

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Trixie Noir

Back in Midnight Castle, Sci-Twi was walking along the wall looking down at the courtyard, “Why did she call me ‘bae’?” she asked herself. “Why did she break down and run away like that?” Something wasn’t making sense. She groaned in frustration. “Should I be worried about her?” she asked no one.

Sci-Twi was however joined by Trixie as the bespectacled girl pulled at her hair, “Trixie wouldn’t trust, Sunset Shimmer, Trixie wouldn’t trust anyone.” Trixie commented. “Not even Trixie in this case.”

Sci-Twi sighed, “You’re trying to get your act on the itinerary for Sunny’s Naming Day celebration,” she stated bemused.

“Moi,” Trixie gasped in fanned shock, “Trixie has regretfully done many things but exploiting emotional distress.” Trixie gasped, “Do you really think that little of me?”

“You just said I shouldn't trust anyone not even Tri.. you, not even you.” Sci-Twi groaned. “I can't believe I almost said ‘Trixie’.” Sci-Twi then sighed, “But what if Sunset was telling the truth?” she asked as she looked to the sky.

Trixie shrugged her shoulders, “Oh well, good luck with that,” and she turned to leave Sci-Twi in her boarding.

As Trixie was about to leave, “Unless you find Sunset, you’ll have to find her partner for the party planning. Maybe Lemon knows.” Sci-Twi offered.

“That’s all I ask, Sparkie!” Trixie thanked Sci-Twi and left the balcony in search of Lemon. Sci-Twi gave a huff of annoyance and then returned to her brooding about Sunset. Somewhere in her heart, she could tell something was not making sense.

After teleporting back to Twilight’s castle, Sunset exited the mirror’s portal. “Okay, let’s think, who would want… Trixie!” Sunset said as she brought her right hand into the palm of her left hand as if she had the right answer. Trixie had threatened revenge on her when she least expected it. An idea started to form in her head, maybe “I need to tell…” Sunset trailed off as she realized that trying to convince Sci-Twi that Sci-Twi’s memory was erased by someone using a stone to get back at Sunset was going to be a fruitless endeavor until she managed to somehow restore Sci-Twi’s memory. But how? There was nothing in the scrolls of The Seven Trials of Clover the Clever that hinted at Clover figuring out how to restore memories. Sadly that was the bridge Sunset had to cross when she got to it. First, she had to find the person who used the stone and Trixie was as good a start as any.

It was about half an hour of searching, Sunset found Trixie talking to two young women their age, Fuchsia Blush and Lavender Lace. Sunset took a breath, “TRIXIE!” she shouted getting the illusionist’s attention. “So...here we are,” she said as her hands become encompassed in fire and her focus gem started to glow.

Trixie crossed her arms across her chest and smirked in defiance, “Here we do are.” Trixie then realized what she just said and gave a nervous and embarrassed smile. She swiftly regained her confidence as she took a step forward as she looked around to see everyone nearby seem to both be gathering to witness the upcoming brawl, and yet also try to keep their distance from the fray that was to come. Trixie’s own focus gem and hands started to glow as well, as she prepared to defend herself. “You really want to do this here in the hallway in front of everyone?” she asked Sunset rhetorically.

Sunset scowled, “Up to you.” she stated as she took another breath as she prepared to cast a fire spell.

Trixie then pulled out of her cape a large poster. “Behold!” she shouted which left everyone, especially Sunset utterly befuddled. “THE GRRREAT AND POWERRRFULL TRRRIXIE’S CRRROSS THE MIRRRORRR TOURRR!” she read in an extraordinarily loud shout, trilling her ‘r’s. The poster was of her on a stage under those words, with floating cards, flying doves, a hare jumping out of a top hat, and other tricks of the trade for magicians. As Sunset lowered her hands, the fire around her hands went out and her focus gem stopped glowing. “If a seven-scale mockup doesn't convince you, I don't know what will,” she said as she hung the poster on the nearby wall.

Sunset groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. After she took a breath and collected her thoughts. “Where's the Memory Stone?” she asked point-blank. “You erased all the good memories my half-sisters and everyone else have of me and turned my girlfriend against me just because I wouldn't put you on the itinerary for Sunny’s Naming Day celebration?!” she accused Trixie as her hands and focus gem started to glow.

Trixie blinked thrice at Sunset as she looked at the pyromancer in confusion. “What are you talking about?” she asked Sunset. “What Memory Stone?”

Sunset’s irises flash a dark wrathful red, “The one you used to erase everyone's memory,” she accused as she pointed her fiery right index finger at Trixie, “you manipulative...:” she trailed off as she tried to find the right word. “Blowhard!” she elected to use.

Trixie didn’t understand what Sunset was saying, but she felt compelled to challenge the idea of something she couldn’t control, “A stone that could make everyone forget all the bad tricks I've done...?” she started to ask nervously and trailed off. She then started to regain her own confidence. “Which is no tricks. Your puny rock pales in comparison to the Great and Powerful Trixie!” she shouted in her typical bravado.

Sunset’s focus gem and eyes stopped glowing and the fires around her hands died. She fell to her knees in what could only be described as soul-crushing defeat. “You have no idea what I'm talking about,” she said as she looked to the floor while the realization that she had the wrong person was inescapable to her.

Trixie shook her head. Sunset groaned as she shifted from her knees to her rear and covered her face as she tears. It took Trixie a second to register what was going on, but she knew sincere emotions. “Did somebody really erase everyone's memories of you?” she asked not fully getting what was going on. Sunset nodded. Trixie then sat down next to Sunset, “And even though we all know you're one of the worst and meanest people, aside from the late Baroness Cinch, you're saying you're not mean anymore?” Trixie asked as she tried to connect the dots about what was going on. Sunset gave a sigh and a nod. Trixie could tell that this was much more complicated than she thought. Trixie held her chin. “So you have this idea of who you're supposed to be, but no one here sees you that way,” she stated as she seemed to get where Sunset was coming from. “Is that it?” she asked. Sunset nodded. Trixie looked to the ceiling, “Trust me. I get it.” Trixie said as the two noticed that everyone that was walking by laughed at Trixie’s poster.

Sunset huffed, she then had a small weak nervous laugh, “I can't believe the only person who believes me is the one I called a manipulative blowhard.” the pyromancer stated as she looked back at what just happened. She turned to Trixie, “Sorry.”

Trixie was the first to get back on to her feet, “I took it as a compliment.” she partially lied. She then reached her right hand out to Sunset as if she was offering something, “Let me help you find the Stone.” she requested.

Sunset raised an eyebrow in disbelief and suspension, “What's in it for you?” she asked. Trixie looked over to the poster for her tour. It didn’t take a word for Sunset to connect the dots. Sunset swiftly got back to her feet and crossed her arms across her chest and then sent them to her side, “No way. Absolutely not!” she stated.

Trixie smirked, “It’s your call, but you’re the one that wants everyone to remember that she changed, or so you alleged.” She continued to smirk.

Sunset took a breath and accepted Trixie’s hand, “Fine, we have a deal.” the two shook hands. “So, where should we start…” she trailed off as she didn’t want to say the next word, “partner?” she asked.

Trixie smiled as they finished shaking hands. Trixie then pulled out a noir detective short brim fedora. “Let’s see, a castle full of suspects, two detectives, and only one Memory Stone,” she said as the two walked. “Seems impossible, but so does pulling a rabbit out of a hat, and I do that all the time,” Trixie said as she did just that. The two stopped as Trixie took out a pencil and notepad. She licked the tip and pressed it on the notepad ready to write, “Let's talk motive. Who here hates you enough to erase everyone's good memories of you?”

Sunset sighed, “A better question is who doesn’t. But I can rule out some, First, the ESM support garrison, only those that knew Flash and I date actually remember me and they certainly took him out on the town after they heard about him breaking up with me.”

Trixie began to write down, “Known enemies: too many.” she said as she wrote.

Sunset sighed. She then clenched her right hand and it seemed to ignite, “Well, here goes nothing.” she said as she walked up to some and placed her hand on their shoulder.

Sunset went on doing that with Trixie taking notes for what felt like hours, well past midday and drawing close to sunset. The two ended up on the castle wall. After Sunset released what seemed to be the thousandth person they inquired, “Sure, it seems like we've only come up with dead ends.” Trixie said as the person, a young man, ran away from the two. The two then looked at each other. Trixie gave a weak but apologetic smile as Sunset just shook her head with her eyes closed. “But I mean, it could be worse?” Trixie asked.

Sunset turned from Trixie and looked into the grounds of the castle and spotted Sci-Twi. Sunset couldn’t tell exactly what her girlfriend was doing, but Sunset saw that Sci-Twi was lost and confused. In a forlorn sigh, “It's worse.” she informed Trixie.

Trixie pulled Sunset away from the sight, “Please stop that.” Trixie requested, “You're just going to wind yourself up.” Trixie pointed out. Sunset had to acknowledge that her fixation on Sci-Twi was not helpful in the slightest. “You can't think if you're wound up.” Trixie compounded as she released her hold on Sunset and tried to come up with an idea herself, “Oh, think, Trixie!”

Sunset rolled her eyes, There has to be an obvious answer, it has to be staring me right in the face, Sunset thought she then looked along the fall wall from where she was. Then it hit her, she was staring at the answer the whole time, it was in the background, someone else who had a bone to pick with her. As her eyes widened, “Come, I have an idea.” Sunset said as she grabbed Trixie and began to drag her behind her.

After about twenty minutes the two arrived at a sheet that was set up for people who wanted to perform something for Sunny’s Naming Day celebration. “Okay, the sign-up sheet for the itinerary, what’s this about?” Trixie asked. Sunset then pointed to the bottom, “See Sunset Shimmer and/or Wallflower Blush to confirm placement.” Trixie read. She then turned to Sunset, “Wait are you saying you did this and made yourself forget about it?” she asked. Sunset facepalmed herself and groaned. It took a second but Trixie then gasped in realization, “Wallflower Blush! She’s the one who did this!” Trixie exclaimed. She paused for a second as something hit her. “Um… who's Wallflower Blush?”

“I’m Fuchsia's partial twin sister.” came a voice that sounded familiar but neither could place where. The two turned and saw Wallflower. “You know, one of your bandmates from Trixie and the Illusions.” Wallflower informed. “We meet when you came here on your global tour after you left Magiville in your self-imposed exile.”

“Ah yes,” Trixie said as she held her chin, “The Grrrreat and Powerrrrful Trrrrixie’s RRRRevenge ‘RRRRound the Worrrld Tourrrr!” Trixie said as she started to pat herself on her back. “It was one of my most well-received tours.”

“I know,” Wallflower deadpanned, “I was the girl you sawed in two.” Trixie gave a nervous laugh.

As Trixie spoke, Sunset recalled that Clover jotted everything down. Sunset has a few gems she could use as a recording gem. She scribbled on to her left hand, ‘play the recording gem.’ Sunset then pulled the gem out of her pocket and placed it in the cleavage of her chest. She then saw what was in Wallflower’s hand, a pale with simple gardening tools. “Wallflower, can I ask you a couple of what you’ll think are silly questions?” she asked. Wallflower sighed and nodded. “First, do you happen to have a garden?”

Wallflower looked down at her hand and blushed, “Yes.” Wallflower answered. She then took a step back, “Well, technically it’s a royal garden,” she said. “I found it within the land that is technically held by the barons and baronesses, granted it’s not within the castle walls.” she continued to inform. She smiled as she thought about it, “You’ll never believe what’s there, a strange stone circle made of three standing stones. Each of the stones has markings that are consistent with the mirror in the library and yet seemed to be from over two thousand years ago.” as she spoke Wallflower seemed to glow with cheer and bliss. She gave a joyous sigh, “I was hoping to show it to Sunny, part to see if she would hire me as the royal gardener, and sort of my addition to her naming day.”

Trixie huffed, “Well too bad, Sunset won’t let anyone add anything to the itinerary for the celebration.” Trixie complained, “No matter how much they deserve them.”

Sunset then smiled as she had an idea, “Actually, I was thinking a change in the itinerary is in order.” she said. “You should do that, Wallflower.” she said as she reached out her hand, “Don't let us keep you.” she finished as her hand glowed.

Wallflower then noticed Sunset’s glowing hand. “What are you…” she started to ask but was cut off as Sunset started to look into her memories. Sunset saw that Wallflower was in the background but a witness to when she went Demon Shimmer, among those in the audience during the Siren’s and Rainbolt’s band battle, and among the people that ran during Midnight Sparkle’s rampage. The memories then focused on Wallflower outside of the castle, most likely while Sunset was visiting her friends in Magiville during the Summer Sun Celebration. Wallflower was just walking until she saw some light reflect off something. She followed it and found the three marking stones Clover placed with over two thousand years of overgrowth. Wallflower then began clearing the site. After some time had passed, Wallflower had cleared out the place and saw that it needed new plant life and as she prepared the soil she found dug up an oval-shaped stone with what seemed to be an eye carved into it, which matched the rendering of it the Memory Stone in The Seven Trials of Clover the Clever. The scene then changed to when Sunset and Sci-Twi leave Wallflower in the library the night before and then to later that night in Wallflower’s room. She was at her desk looking over the itinerary that she and Sunset were to work on together. Wallflower sighed, “Why should you notice me?” she asked rhetorically. She threw the itinerary aside with a groan. “After all, you're Sunset Shimmer. Everybody loves you now.” she sighed in frustration. She then looked back on the past, she sighed, “Why can't they see you haven't changed?” she asked. She then looked around her and saw the stone. She took it both hands and closed her eyes. The stone started to glow light blue and it released a mist.

Sunset then released her hold on Wallflower. She blinked two times as she processed everything she just saw in Wallflower’s memories. Her pupils narrowed and she glared at Wallflower. “You erased everyone's memories!” she shouted.

Wallflower rolled her eyes, “Duh.” she stated in a flat and deadpan-like tone, “And in other news, water wet.” she topped off.

Trixie then spoke up, “Wait. Who are you again?” she asked as she didn’t seem to recall Wallflower.

Both Sunset and Wallflower shook their heads and groaned. Wallflower then turned away and took a breath. She placed the pale she had down and the bag she had on her back, “You don't see me fitting in
I'm sitting here alone
Right beside my shadow
Always on my own
If I could share my wildest dreams
Maybe they would see
I'm more than just a wallflower
There's so much more to me
I'm invisible, invisible
A droplet in the mist
Invisible, invisible
It's like I don't exist
Right beneath my picture
This is what you'll read
A laundry list of nothings
Not likely to succeed
A yearbook with blank pages
That no one wants to sign
A memory forgotten
Until the end of time…”. As Wallflower sang she seemed to be lost in her own mind recalling all the times that she was pretty much ignored and looked over. She stopped as she saw Sunset looking through her bag. “Hey! What are you doing?!” she shouted as she reached for the bag and the two struggled over the bag, grunting and groaning.

As they fought, “What did I do to you?!” Sunset asked “Honestly, I don't even know you!” she shouted.

Just as Wallflower managed to get her bag from Sunset, “Exactly!” Wallflower said just before she managed to rip her bag from out of Sunset’s grasps. “You had everyone fooled, but now they know you're still... the Biggest Meanie!

Sunset’s eyes flashed both lime green and blood red, as did her focus gem. She stepped forward as she gritted her teeth. Her hands were encompassed with lime green and blood-red fire. “You're about to see how mean I can get!” she declared, ready to set Wallflower ablaze.

Trixie stepped in front of Sunset and placed her hands out as she tried to bar the two from each other. “Whoa! Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa!” she focused her attention on Sunset, “Let's not antagonize the person with the all-powerful mystery rock!” she said as she pointed to bag and memory stone in it.

Wallflower reached into the bag, “I don't like confrontation.” she said. “Let's just…” she trailed off as she pulled out the memory stone, “forget this ever happened!” she declared.

Sunset’s eyes widen as she realized what Wallflower was about to do, she reached out her left hand in an attempt to stop Wallflower. “Don't erase—!” Too late.

Author's Note:

Song used