• Published 11th Mar 2018
  • 1,019 Views, 29 Comments

Some of Us... - The Pony of Lost Legend

Arceus Mort is a young colt, and by the orders of his mother and father...is always guarded by a tall guard named White Fire..At first he hates the treatment but then, he find he just may like it more than he thought...

  • ...

Chapter IV

"You kissed...a stallion?" Midnight asks, his eyebrow raised. Arceus shoves a hoof to the stallions mouth.

"Yes. Now shut the hell up before you let the whole world know!" He hisses. Midnight grins.

"No, you just don't want Archene to know," He teases. "Because...she's right. Isn't she Arcy?" Arceus blinks and turns red, looking away and letting his mane fall over his face. After the day he had spent with White, it left Arceus even more confused than before.

"That's the thing Midnight, I don't know," Arceus said truthfully. Midnight chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"Uh-huh sure," he sneers playfully. Arceus huffs harshly, his golden eyes narrowed for a moment before he felt a hoof on his shoulder, nearly making him yelp in surprise. Looking back he grit his teeth, it was his mother. Of all ponies it could have been, why his mother?!

"Now Midnight, you should know better than to tease Arceus so much," Hailstorm says softly, her eyes betraying her soft tone as they spoke more of a 'You keep messing with my son and I'll make you regret it' tone. Maybe that's why Ombre loved her, they both had a violent sense when it came to him. Midnight clears his throat.

"I'm only teasing Mrs. Mort," He says smoothly. Hailstorm lifts an eyebrow.

"Teasing about such an act that you have done many times before?" Hailstorm says, making Arceus lift an eyebrow at his best friend who blushed so darkly it looked like he was turning red. "That's what I thought," Hailstorm hisses softly. "Now get home, it's getting late."

"Y-Y-Yes Mrs. Mort," He stammers, opening his wings and leaving quickly. Arceus would have been relieved if it hadn't for that fact that his mother knew now. Hailstorm only chuckles, which shocked him. No yelling? No disowning?

"I-I-" He tried to explain himself, only to have his mother shush him by resting a hoof softly to his lips.

"Shhh, your secret is safe with me," She purrs, amusement in her tone. Arceus sighs in a deep relief, at least it wasn't his dad standing in front of him. "Now get inside, now," Hailstorm demands in a motherly tone.

"Y-Yes ma'am," Arceus pushes out his words before trotting into the house and up the stairs, shutting his door and sliding to the floor with his heart still racing.

Just when he thought his heart had calmed down from thundering in his chest, White Fire's voice sent it back into it's raging thunderstorm.

"So your mother knows now, hm?" White purrs, a grin tugging at his lips. Damn that grin, that grin White always did when he knew he was going to get his way. That grin that made Arceus dig his teeth into his lip so hard it almost made him yelp. Not only was he grinning, but he was also moving closer, caging Arceus like prey. Arceus gives a nod, not able to press any of the words out that were lodged in his throat. "Mm, well, how is that?" White asks.

"M-Midnight was t-teasing me and m-my mom overheard," Arceus says, shocked by the sound of his own voice for a moment. White's breath was on his ear now, sending a shiver down Arceus's spine and making him whimper.

"Midnight you say?" White asks, earning another nod from a broken Arceus. White gave a dark chuckle and nicked Arceus's ear with a soft nip, making the unicorn whimper again, much to White's amusement. "Don't worry, i'll take care of him for you," White whispers. Arceus blinks, was that...a violent threat or...it didn't matter, it was hot either way. Arceus didn't know what White would do to Midnight, but whatever it was, Arceus guessed he deserved it.

Having the colt so close to him however...

"W-White--," Arceus tries to push the words from his throat, but somepony else got them out first, but of course, it wasn't to his relief.

"White Fire, may I ask why your acting out of place?" the voice of his father rumbled out, making Arceus drop into a cold sweat. Why did his parents always have the worst timing!?

"D-Dad this isn't what it looks like!" Arceus yelps, way to go buddy, using that cliche. He knew damn well his father wasn't going to think otherwise of the situation that was laid in front of his eyes. It wasn't until now that Arceus realized that White Fire hadn't moved, in fact, he was standing there, hard-core starring down his boss like he was nothing more than a colt. It was like White had forgotten that who this stallion was!

Ombre lifts an eyebrow, starring back, obviously unintimidated. "Well?" He pushed the question again. Arceus went to talk again, but White beat him to it.

"It's exactly what it looks like, sir," He says casually. Arceus blinks in a dumb shock. Ombre huffs, satisfied with the fact he was right.

"That's not what I asked you," Ombre hisses softly. Arceus trembles, sinking down under White for protection, to hide from the piercing eyes of his father. The perfect time for his mother to come sweeping in would be now! She could easily bend him off what he wants, not to mention, she could calm his temper. But his mother never came.

Here he was, under the body of White Fire who stood, staring into the eyes of his father. At this point, Arceus was sure he was about to meet his fate...

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter is so short, a bit rushed too in all honesty. I've decided to pick this story back up after so long of it being on a pause. I hope everyone hasn't lost faith in me yet.

Forgive the grammar errors and so on, and once again, sorry if it seems terribly rushed.

The next chapter will be longer!

Comments ( 7 )

I'll look at this later but for now...

Very nice sketch, I take it you did it as well?
I enjoy seeing multiple art forms in one piece.

Edit; Ohhhh, the cliffhangers!

Is this foal con?

Well good, now I can read it

Lol. I promise you no foal con is present. I'm not comfortable writing that kind of story honestly.

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