• Member Since 8th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Ghost Warrior

A man who has seen the world of my little pony and wishes to see what could make it better


Comments ( 442 )

Thank you wing and is that sarcasm hamster?

I think I have another story idea, but it involves crossovers into other writer's stories. Or I could do Dirty Harry, you know just a thought.

Good so far, but I thought he brought a m1 garand, which uses stripper clips, not detachable magazines.

"I'm what's known as a 'human' and we absolutely love your music, though I originally envisioned a band with instruments that like to talk about their experiences at band camp. " I laugh a little inside at that American pie joke.

Bye, bye Ms. American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levy,
But the levy was dry
Them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and rye
Singin “This’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die”

First off, I'm talking about the American Pie movies. Example

I wonder who else will fall for our Alpha Wolf?

first off, Alpha Wolf? I like that thank you. And two, I don't know quite yet. I mean I know who he will fall for. But as far as who falls for him? I'll leave it up to you guy's in the comments.

Careful AJ jealously is a dangerous and ugly emotion.

True, and yet.

Sorry, wrong catfight.

Ok that pic of luna at the end was cute af

Thanks it was hard finding one with her on a bed and still a pony.

" How about we ask Yakko?" They had no idea what I was talking about. Again I pulled up a screen.

Couldn’t watch due to restricted school WiFi, but I know exactly what was played.

" So, this is where you grew up?" Luna and Jackie were really interested in their new surroundings.

Wait did they not change into humans?

You're thinking the mirror portal in the movie. Plus if you read the whole chapter you'll see Luna put up disguises.

Honestly I would prefer Luna, but I do not control thee

I have looked through the comments, and I have not seen a suggestion for the name of the house. I suggest Innangarðr.

Fox, since you were the first to comment about the house name, I'll put it to the top of the list. Though to be honest I was looking to name it Herot.

Down the street, old man Flanders was staring wide awake at his ceiling. " WOW."

darn you Flanders


If you want some tips on writing sex, I suggest looking through the sex scenes in Diaries of a Madman.
The chapter was very good mein fruend.

End of the sex scene. Big pussies.

Not according to Joseph!

It was an insult to whomever skipped the scene.

From now on, I'll try doing the episode chapters as best I can. By the way.

I plan on finding Applejacks parents are still alive. Where they been will shock you. The clip will explain though.

" Here they come!" Indeed they were on their way, in a dust cloud of two fighting ponies. Dammit, girls. " It's Applejack! No, it's Dash! Somebodies leg! Cthulhu! Someone's dirty sock! No. It's a tie!" They both crossed the finish line and stopped fighting.

Ha! Hail Cthulhu. Just kidding, the Allfather is best.

True, but it was pinkie doing the announcement. And you're right, the Allfather is the best of the Asier Gods, or maybe Thor.

Out of curiosity, why is there an Equestria Girls tag when Sunset is not gonna appear?

Very good chapter. The English mastiff pupper is very adorable.

The mirror leads to the alternate Equestria. Joe has the ability to travel to Earth, The actual Earth. The Tag is when he goes through the mirror to help Twilight, that's why the tag.

"Whoa a thousand years? But I will not live that long and I do~"

Correction: -
Explanation: That is typically used for sensual/sexy talk.
Demonstration: I'll show you a good time~

“Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle and we-. Before she could finish, the country mare took Twilights hoof in her’s and shook it real hard and fast.

Statement: I would normally take this out of context, but I'm gonna be nice and not do it this time.

" Well to be honest I never meet another Dragon before, and she is beautiful. " Poor guy not knowing his own kind. But I guess living with ponies will alter one's preference of the female companion. Though I'm not one to talk. The wolf allows us to mate and have children with any species, as a great grand father found out one drunken evening.

Interrogative: What was it.
Statement: PM me it if you don't want it to be public.

Unbeknownst to everyone but me I had the feeling that we were being followed. Although it could have been that soda and raspberry yogurt.

Statement: Will mortals ever cease to disgust/amaze me?

Call back to an episode of Billy and mandy.

" Only one way to find out." I turned Twilight on her back so I could face her. I leaned down and got ready. " Ooohhh Twily, time to wake up! ( Slap) Rise and shine! ( Slap) Up and at em." Twilight was still unconscious. " Fine then. ( Slap) That's for all the horse puns! ( Slap) That's for being an egghead! ( Slap) That's because I want to sound like Nolan North while doing this! ( Slap) That's because I like slapping fleshy thing's with this hand! ( Slap) That's for when you walked in on Jackie and me performing the Eifel tower on Luna! ( Slap) And finally! ( Slap) That's for not believing in the Pinkie sense!"

loved the Deadpool video game

Fucking nobles

Statement: I will not procreate will those stuck holer than thou a$$holes.

" How about we ask Yakko?" They had no idea what I was talking about. Again I pulled up a screen.

Video file:

I'll just suggest Sköll and Hati since Joe has unlocked the Fenrir twice now. Also Supernatural UK or US?

United states. Also not everything has to be wolf or Norse related.

I personally find the UK version of the show better, but that's just my opinion.

One should be named Harvest Moon. It is a good name for a filly. The colors should be orange and white, like the Longhorns team colors, and a harvest moon is orange, and the Moon regular is white.

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