• Published 14th Mar 2018
  • 9,373 Views, 84 Comments

Burn Out Our Innocence - FamousLastWords

Spike and Starlight tag along on a couples night out with their friends. It's strictly platonic though because 'dating isn't cool'. Right?

  • ...

Light a Match

Author's Note:

Curify: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy it. I appreciate all the readers!

Famous: This one was a blast to write. There was literally a thirty-minute laughter attack we went through after writing one line. So, I hope you guys have that much fun reading it!

Note: Although she only has a couple lines, we played off the idea of Fleur speaking French (like she does in some fics) and put a bit of a twist on it. Enjoy!

Canterlot’s Finest really lived up to its reputation as the fanciest dining establishment in all of Canterlot. From the oak-furnished tables, marble countertops, and golden chandeliers to the four-piece classical band playing on the corner of the dance floor, it didn’t get much more high-end than this.

It would be a dream date spot for any couple. The lavish scenery, overpriced delicacies, and mandatory dress clothes just reeked of a romantic night out.

Of course, all of this was lost on the couple sitting at one of the oak tables, watching the ponies twirl around on the dance floor in front of them.

“Well, this sucks,” Spike said, sitting back in his chair. “Why’d we come along with the others, again?”

“Because Rarity asked nicely,” Starlight said, propping her head against her hoof. “That, and we have no lives.”

Spike emitted a drawn-out groan. “I resent that. I play Ogres n’ Oubliettes at least four times a month.”

“And that’s why we’re here,” Starlight said, chuckling lightly.

“I guess,” Spike replied. “And I guess I wouldn’t have ever been able to live with myself if I knew Twilight was out with a date but I wasn’t. The laws of the universe are just weird sometimes.”

“I know right?”

Starlight and Spike both turned their gaze to the couples dancing. There were several on the floor, dressed up in their suits and gowns, but two of the couples caught their eyes more than the others.

In one spot could be found Rarity dancing with Thunderlane and a few feet away was Twilight dancing with her date, Fleur de Lis. They were spinning in circles, holding hooves and looking like they were having time of their lives.

This sight was looked upon by two faced of total boredom and self-deprecating sorrow.

“How did it come to this, Starlight?” Spike asked. “We had such promise. Young, talented, bright… not bad looking.”

“Yet we’re the ones on the sidelines while they’re dancing the night away, making memories and finding love.” Starlight sighed and turned back to Spike. “Where did it all go wrong?”

“Some questions the deities themselves don’t even have an answer for.” Spike fiddled with the silverware on the table for a moment. “I mean, it’s great that Rarity wanted us to be part of their couple’s night, but I can’t help but feel like we don’t fit in. I mean, we already ate and I still don’t know what these extra forks are for.”

“I’m not sure, either,” Starlight retorted. “I just used the same spoon for my entire meal… and then got a dirty look from the waiter.”

“Meh, that was probably because your eyeliner is a bit off,” Spike said, pointing at her. “These fancy ponies take things like that seriously.”

Starlight scrunched up her face and gave Spike a piercing glare. “Yeah, well it could’ve been all the wrinkles on the back of your suit jacket. Don’t think I didn’t notice that.”

Spike and Starlight glared at each other a moment longer before both letting out a synchronous sigh, followed by a mutual realization.

We suck.”

“Eh, you know, who cares if they have dates and all that jazz,” Spike said, waving a claw at the dancing ponies. “It’s totally a waste of time, anyway.”

“Couldn’t agree more,” Starlight said. “Going on dates, buying presents, having good table manners, dancing. How do you have fun doing stuff when your time’s all used up for that stuff?”

“Exactly! Totally boring, no fun at all.” Spike looked back at the dance floor, watching all the ponies move in time to the melody. “I bet they’re just pretending to look happy for our sakes.”

“Yeah,” Starlight said, looking in the same direction. “I bet they’re actually miserable. There’s no way you can have fun being all touchy-feely with somepony else, and moving to good music and… stuff.”

“Yeah, totally.”

The two sat in silence for a moment, watching their friends dance and smile all the while. The previous song had just ended and a new one was starting up. It was a faster, yet very melodious tune. One almost impossible to resist moving to.

“We would, you know, never do anything like that,” Starlight said, looking back to the dragon across the table. “We’re way too smart for that, right?”

“Oh yeah, and too cool, too,” Spike said, dragging his eyes away from the scene.

“Totally,” Starlight replied.

It took all of three more seconds for the two of them to come to the same conclusion.

“Do you wanna dance?”

Both looked at each other for a moment, almost in shock at the words that just came out of their mouths. But, with a simple nod, they both got out of their seats and moved toward the dance floor.

It seemed that more couples got the same idea as them. More couples scurried onto the dance floor, hooves clip-clopping against the sleek wooden floors. Spike held Starlight’s hoof close, leading her to the center of the floor. He stopped, turned to her, and smiled.

“Let’s show these ponies how to really dance,” Spike said.

Starlight grinned. “Lead on, dragon.”

At that moment, the music picked up. It started out fast yet gentle, much like how Spike took her hoof in his claw, and how they swayed to the cello’s gentle chant. But soon, the notes popped off, and so did they. Spike found himself twirling Starlight, before dipping her low.

They paused, both panting with scarlet blushes on their cheeks. And all Starlight could do was gasp.


Spike smirked, and pulled her close. “Told you we’d show them how it’s done.”

Starlight playfully nuzzled his cheek. “Didn’t think you’d pull that out of your bag of tricks.”

“What can I say?” Spike said, as they swayed to the calm tones of the violin. “I increased my constitution, thanks to getting a few good rolls last time we played—”

“You seriously need to teach me how to play Ogres n’ Oubliettes when we get back,” Starlight replied. “You earned it after showing me those moves.”

“Well, I’m about to show you some more. I did take all those dancing lessons growing up.” He pulled her close before pirouetting into the next movement. “Hold on tight!”

And close did she hold him. Her hooves were wrapped around him, snaring him. Spike thought it was a bit too tight of a grip, but he didn’t care. He felt the warmth that she brought, and that kept him going: a foreign feeling that he didn’t want to let go.

Starlight, on the other hoof, felt like her hooves were moving on their own. It was frightening new sensation for her, but she didn’t mind. As long as Spike was leading her, someone who she felt comfortable around for more than ten seconds. Somebody like him was in short supply. And she couldn’t help but smile, knowing that he would give her the dance of her life.

“Ready?” Spike said.

Starlight nodded.

He slid and hopped, before leading Starlight into a final twirl.

In mid-spin, Starlight felt all eyes were on her. Even Twilight and Rarity, who were probably bragging to their dates about how good she and Spike were at dancing, but that was to be expected. Nopony had practice like Spike did, and he was a great leader.

Her heart leaped as she was dipped. The piano hummed its final note, and the conductor took a bow. The dance was over. All the ponies around them clapped, while Spike and Starlight were panting hard, frozen in place.

“Spike—hah—that was—”

“Amazing!” a voice said from Starlight’s left.

Spike and Starlight looked over to see Rarity clapping her hooves together. “You two were marvelous out there on the dance floor!”

Twilight strolled up and nodded. “I know, everypony on the dance floor just stopped after you two took over!”

“We… took over?” Spike said, his mouth agape.

“Hiyo ilikuwa ya kushangaza, kiwiba!” Fleur said with a wide smile.

“Um, what?” Spike asked, looking at Twilight.

“Oh, sorry, she’s primarily fluent in Ponhili.” Twilight gently brushed a hoof against her date’s should before returning her attention to Spike. “She said it was amazing!”

“Yep! You nearly knocked a pony out after hitting that one well-placed dip towards the end there!” Thunderlane said. “Glad me and Rares here got out of there to watch you and Starlight perform. Gotta say, you killed it out there.”

Starlight nuzzled Spike’s cheek. “It was our goal to show you ponies how to really dance. Right, Spike?”

“Yep!” Spike replied, his grin increasing two-fold. “Rarity’s dance instructor in Manehatten really got me an arsenal of moves to work with.”

“It certainly shows, dear,” Rarity said. Her eyes glistened with delight. “Well, I know I’m exhausted with all this dancing! Shall we depart?”

Twilight was about to open her mouth, but a yawn quickly escaped. “I was going to say no, but then my body is telling me yes.”

Spike pulled her closer. “Well that sucks, I could’ve gone for another round.”

“Huh, that’s strange,” Twilight said, a smirk painted on her face. “I thought I saw you two over there moping about, but now you say you want to go for another round?”

Spike could feel his face heat up. “I…”

The words were caught underneath his tongue. He couldn’t believe it, but dancing out there was really fun. He felt the adrenaline course through him, and the heat of another pony hugging close to him, something that was completely absent during his lessons.

He just didn’t believe it was going to be on a night where he was with Starlight.

Spike looked over to the mare in question, who was also facing the same damaging charge: a blushed face and a quivering lower lip. It was embarrassing to be teased like this, but this was something that nopony expected: two ponies that were tagalongs danced like they have been doing this for years.

It was… electrifying, to say the least. It made Spike feel strong, stronger than ever before.

“Enough teasing, Twilight.” Rarity declared. “Let’s go take up Celestia’s offer for room and board, shall we?”

Fleur nodded. “Hebu tupate kupumzika! (Let’s get some rest!)”

“What she said!” Thunderlane exclaimed.

The group agreed. And with a few bits pitter-pattering on the checks of each, the group strolled out of the dance scene and into the night life of Canterlot.

Time flew as the couples traversed through Canterlot, weaving between brick pathways and social centers that the city had to offer. It was so tempting to stop at one of the stalls and pick up something as a souvenir, but Spike and Starlight both knew they didn’t need anything. The memory of them dancing together was already enough.

It wasn’t long before the Royal Guard greeted them at the castle.

“You folks had a nice night?”

“Yeah,” Twilight dumbly replied, spurring a giggle out of Fleur.

“Nyota yangu ya ajabu (my wonderful star),” Fleur said. “You must be careful. The guards here have more to worry about, and they do not need…” She paused, her white hoof cupping her chin. “Another aidha ya kupendeza (delightful problem) on their hooves.”

Starlight giggled. “Twilight’s completely out of it.”

“Well, when the adrenaline wears off, she turns from confident and sassy to tired and drunk.” Spike put an arm around Starlight. “Seems like she needs to learn from me in the endurance department.”

“Endurance? You got moves on the dance floor, but you got winded when we raced last time, remember?”

Spike rolled his eyes. “To be fair, I hadn’t been doing runs with Rainbow Dash like I used to. Mare’s been busy doing all this Wonderbolt stuff that I haven’t had someone to go take a jog with.”

“Excuses, excuses,” Starlight teased.

After getting past the royal guards, the group funneled into the halls of the castle. One of the guards up front was generous enough to lead the group through its maze. Spike knew that Twilight could’ve just teleported them there if she wasn’t so out of it, so the next best option was to get a guide.

The guardspony led them to Celestia’s chambers. A swift knock on her door led a delightful reply, “Yes?”

It was not delightful at all. The doors had opened to reveal a Celestia worn with the tired gaze of a thousand burning suns.

“Princess Celestia, are you okay?” Rarity asked.

Celestia tried to nod, but like Twilight, she too was depleted of energy. “I would say I was, but hearing the cries of several nobles worried about how the sun didn’t shine in their direction was quite an enticing story.”

Twilight giggled. “That’s what happens when the Everfree storms on your parade!”

Rarity coughed and nudged Twilight. “We’re sorry to hear that you had a horrible day, Princess. I hope that tomorrow works out better for you.”

“I hope so too, Rarity, but every day shines differently,” Celestia replied, rubbing her eyes. “So, how was your posse’s night on the prowl?”

Spike brushed past the two mares. “Great! We danced the night away!”

“Good, Spike,” Celestia said. “I’m glad you all had a great time. I suppose you’re here to get some sleep?”

Twilight nodded. “And possibly get la—”

“Lavishing spa treatments!” Rarity said, her hoof plugging Twilight’s mouth. “Do you have the rooms ready?”

“Of course!” Celestia chimed. “We got four rooms ready for you and—”

“Four rooms?” Starlight asked. “I thought there were six?”

Celestia paused, a hoof rubbing her chin ever-so-slightly. “Well, there were some slight complications. With the foreign dignitaries from Prance taking a couple rooms, we had to make some minor alterations to your accommodations!” She clopped her front hooves together. “Don’t worry, we reserved a two-bedroom suite over at the luxurious Sunrise Motel!”

“The Sunrise Motel!” Rarity squealed, hopping in place. “I’ve heard their floors were made of solid gold!”

We’ll take it!”

Starlight and Spike both shared a nervous laugh after their exclamation. They loved their friends, no doubt, but several hours with them already was more than enough. Some time apart would do everypony some good.

“Great! I’ll let Rising Shine here take you to the motel!” Celestia pointed toward a nearby guard.

Spike waved off the notion. “No need, Celestia. We’ll find our way. Besides, I think we can handle the ‘dangerous after-dark’ streets of Canterlot, on our own.”

Celestia nodded. “If that is what you wish, Spike.”

Spike nodded and nudged Starlight. “Let’s get going, shall we?”

“Lead on, Spike.”

With that, the two left the castle, a night at the Sunrise Motel on their minds.

It was a very temperate night. Not too hot, not too cold. The moon held up high in the sky, illuminating the sidewalk, almost rendering the streetlamps useless. A mild wind blew against the two, but it was more soothing than anything.

It was a perfect time for a late-night stroll.

“So,” Starlight spoke up. “Do you know the way to the motel? I assume you do since you cast aside the notion of having someone lead us there.”

Spike stuck a claw in his mouth and took it out, testing the direction of the wind. “It would appear we need to take a left here. I follow the wind and the stars, my friend. Maps are for pansies.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “Says the dragon that got lost trying to get to the Apple Family Farm the other day. You know, only after you’ve lived in the town for years.”

“Hey, in my defense… I don’t have anything to back up that beginning of this sentence.” Spike shrugged. “But don’t worry, I’ve walked by it at least a billion times.”

“Okay, I’ll take your word for it,” Starlight said as they continued moving forward. “But if we get lost and attacked by a gaggle of hobos, I’m using you as a shield. Deal?”


They shared a quick hoof bump and progressed on their trek.

As they walked down the street, they passed several interesting sights, but the one that caught their attention the most was a coffee shop of sorts. It had an outdoor seating area where quite a few couple sat, enjoying beverages under the night sky.

“Wow, I didn’t know places like that were open this late,” Spike said.

“It’s a weekend night, so I guess it makes sense,” Starlight replied. “Plus it’s a beautiful night. Who wouldn’t wanna be out here?”

“True enough.”

As they continued to walk past it, they couldn’t help but notice several of the couples holding hooves, whether they be seated or strolling around the balcony. It wasn’t an unusual sight, but for whatever reason, they both took special notice of it.

“Have you ever wondered what the deal with hoof-holding is?” Spike asked, turning his gaze to the mare with him.

“It’s never really made much sense,” she replied. “I mean, it’s gotta make trotting a little awkward.”

“Yeah, no joke,” Spike retorted. “Not to mention it looks kinda strange if you think about it.”

“Heh, and don’t even get me started on what happens if your hooves are sweaty or whatever. That’s gotta be weird, right?”


An awkward silence filled the air between them as they both continued looking at the couples. They eventually passed the shop and were now strolling by themselves once more. They didn’t say anything, but the same idea was running across both of their minds.

“So, you know,” Spike said. “I bet it doesn’t even feel that good or special. The hoof-holding, I mean.”

“Oh, yeah, I’m sure,” Starlight said. “How could it? It’s just a little skin contact. Nothing more.”


They both locked eyes for a moment before quickly looking away from each other.

“But, um, Starlight?”


Spike cleared his throat. “Just so we know for sure that it doesn’t feel good…. Maybe we should try it. You know, for research or whatever.”

She emitted a nervous chuckle and nodded. “Oh? Y-Yeah, we probably should. Just so we know how weird it is.”

Spike, still locking his gaze in front of him reached a claw out and after a brief moment of hesitation, he felt Starlight’s hoof lock onto it.

And everything felt different. It wasn’t like the world changed, and they suddenly got a revelation that they were soulmates in a past life. No, all Spike felt was pressure, a different pressure. It reminded him of the warmth on the dance floor, how the warmth between them made the experience all the better. And here, it was only one lone hoof holding his claw.

Starlight was in a different realm. She felt electricity pulsing through her hoof, and she couldn’t help but keep the connection. It felt like the magic that went through her horn, how it surged when she wanted to cast a spell. She couldn’t figure out how holding-hooves could get her to feel this way, but the pleasure she felt made her want to go do everything and anything with the certain someone that was holding her hoof.

Of course, they could never let the other know what they were feeling.

“This is… nice.” Spike nodded slowly, making sure to keep his eyes ahead of him.

“Yeah, it’s pretty alright.” Starlight did the same.

It would appear that Spike’s instincts were somehow correct due to the fact that they finally found their way to the famed and luxurious Sunrise Motel.

“This is it?” Starlight asked, cocking an eyebrow. “What happened to the ‘floors of gold’?”

Spike looked around for a moment. “Oh, I think that’s some gold over th— ...oh, nope, it’s just a knocked over cup of beer.”

“I feel like we got some fool’s gold or something,” Starlight said. “Maybe Rarity was in cahoots with Celestia to get us to come here.”

They looked at it up and down, becoming less impressed with each pass their eyes made over it. It was two stories high, walls white with spots of paint chipped out all over. There was a giant light-up sign on the roof reading the name of the establishment, with many of the lights flickering on and off and one that seemed to be irreparably damaged.

Spike shrugged. “Well, it’s all we got, I guess. On to the ‘-unrise’ Motel we go!”

The strolled through the lot, trying their best to avoid the broken glass and rabid rats that littered the grounds. Their perilous journey was successful however as they finally made their way into the lobby.

It was very small and plain with a single desk at the back of the room. There was a heavier, older mare sitting behind it, taking long drags on a cigarette whilst reading a newspaper.

Spike gulped approached the counter. “Um, excuse me?”

The mare let out a sigh and set the newspaper aside. “What’chu want, dragon?”

“Uh, we have a reservation? Made by Celestia? For a two-bed suite.” Spike gave her his sweetest smile.

She pulled out a clipboard and looked it up and down. “Oh, here ya’ are. But, uh, we don’t have a two-bed suite for ya’ll. We’ve just got a one-bed.”

Spike gave her a quizzical look. “One? But the reservation was for two, right?”

“Yeah, it was for two,” she replied. “But we ran out of two-beds and now your reservation is for a one-bed.

“But,” Spike began. “There was a reservation. It was supposed to hold the room for us.”

“Look here,” she said, “I know what a reservation is.”

“I don’t think you do,” Spike said, raising a claw. “Because if you did, I’d have a two-bed waiting for me.”

“Spike!” Starlight ran up and gently pulled Spike back from jumping over the desk. “Uh, ma’am, we’ll take the room.”

“Good.” She tossed a key-ring over the counter with Starlight caught. “Room 22, bottom floor. Now get your colt-friend or whatever he is out of here so I can get back to my paper.”

Spike grimaced at her as Starlight led him out of the office. “You’ll hear from my lawyer.”

Upon reaching the outdoors once more, Starlight did her best to stifle a giggle with her hoof, but it was to no avail. “Oh my gosh, Spike. I’ve never seen you so worked up, before.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve never had such bad customer service. Except, you know, every time I go to a fast-food place.” Spike let out a loud yawn, stretching out his arms. “Anyhow, let’s some rest, shall we? I’m tired out.”

“Agreed. Let’s find the room.”

The old mare downstairs was definitely right. It was a one-bedroom. The only problem, or should Spike say, problems were that the room was definitely not up to par with a suite. It, like the lobby, was also seeing better days. The bookshelf in the corner looked like it was eaten alive. The curtains were rugged and dirty. The only window that was in the room had the occupation of an old window air-conditioning unit that hummed when it brought in ice cold air into the room. And the walls desperately needed a good washing, the decor was hanging on for dear life.

“Yep. Rarity was definitely using a silver tongue.”

“She’s good at that, isn’t she?” Starlight said, hobbling over towards the bed.

Too good,” Spike replied. He walked over to a nearby closet and opened it up. “Looks like they have some blankets here.” He pulled out one, a fresh white blanket. “Kinda pales in comparison to what’s ‘round here, doesn’t it?”

“As long as there aren’t any parasprites lurking in the bed, I think we’ll be fine,” Starlight said, plopping onto the plush mattress. “And the bed’s comfy. I think that’s all this motel has going for it.”

Spike chuckled. “Wait until you see the settings on the air conditioner. From what I’ve heard, motels like these have air conditioners with only two settings.”

Starlight stretched her legs. “And what settings would those be?”

“Arctic cold, and lava hot.”

“You must be t-tickling my hooves, Spike! T-There’s no way those are the only settings!” Starlight breathed between bursts of laughter.

Spike shook his head. “Feeling warm or cold?”

“A bit cold at the moment. Care to fix that?”

With a flick of a claw, and the machine roared one mighty call, before struggling to keep itself together. “Welcome to Lava Hot, where the machine nearly chokes on its own compressor.”

As Spike sat on his blanket, the room began to feel less like the Frozen North, and more like Las Pegasus. Starlight felt herself nearly sticking to the mattress, which was something she didn’t want to feel, especially due to an air-conditioner’s touch.

“I’d rather be cold than have an air conditioner make me a prisoner to a mattress,” Starlight said, a crease on her forehead. “Could you please change it?”

Spike nodded. “Of course. Don’t want to be suffering of heat stroke in this crummy place.”

Starlight stifled a bout of giggles with her hoof. She watched as he went over to shut the behemoth off, effortlessly flicking the extreme weather changer to arctic cold.

The air conditioner replied with a punctual growl.

“He’s angry!” Spike shouted.

Very angry,” Starlight said sternly.

The two stayed near each other: Starlight on the bed with her head on the pillow, while Spike sat on the floor, his legs crossed. The only noise that tried to break the silence was the riled hunk of machinery humming by the window sill, but Spike nor Starlight gave it heed. The two were too busy talking about their night to really care about poor motel standards.

“I can’t believe Rarity was wiping Thunderlane’s muzzle off at dinner!” Starlight exclaimed.

“Yeah, I thought her prince charming was not going to need a bib from his marefriend!”

Spike and Starlight shared a hearty laugh. The air conditioner couldn’t even compete.

“S-Spike, that was so harsh!”

Spike shrugged. “Yeah, but he can take the heat, especially since he’s with Rarity.”

“Rarity can be a bit high maintenance from what I’ve been told.”

“You’ve been told correct.” Spike chuckled. “Not that you have any room to talk.”

Ohhh, Spike, we might not be playing Ogres n’ Oubliettes tomorrow with that comment.”

Spike scrambled closer to the bed. “It’ll be your loss. Not everypony gets the privilege of hanging out with a dragon as cool as I am.”

“Heh, heh, sure thing, Spike. Whatever you say.”

A few minutes of dead air passed as they both tried to get to sleep, but they were both still a little too wired to relax. Spike and Starlight kept laying down, eyes glued to the ceiling. Starlight, however, eventually broke the silence.



“So, I’m gonna ask you a question but it’s probably stupid, so you can’t tell anypony.”

“A stupid question? From you?” Spike made a point to snort loud enough for her to hear. “Perish the thought!”

“Ha ha, very funny.” Starlight huffed at him from over the bed. “Will you tell anypony or not?”

“Alright,” he said. “I promise I won’t.”

“Okay.” She cleared her throat. “So, I was studying some medical journals from Twilight the other day. She’s giving me a quiz. But I found one word and I’m not sure what it is, to be perfectly honest.”

“Okay. Shoot.”

She leaned over the bed. “What’s gonorrhea?”

Spike’s eyes widened. “Oh, well that’s easy. It’s uh… um.” He searched his mental cavity for the right answer, but he drew a blank. It was time to wing it. “Obviously, it’s diarrhea that’s gone. Right?”

The two erupted into a fit of laughter.

“I suppose so, Spike,” Starlight said. She felt the cold of the air-conditioner tickle her fur. “I’m cold.”

“Yes, and I’m hot,” Spike replied, earning him a very swift facehoof from Starlight. “What? Dragons have a fiery core.”

Starlight hid her face with her hoof. “The truth is so corny.” She shook her head. “Spare another blanket?”

“Starlight, there’s only one blanket left. You have all of the rest!”

Indeed, she had the rest. Her head was poking out from underneath a fluff pile of white blankets. “But I’m still cold!”

Spike let out a sigh. “I might have an idea.”

“What’s that?”

“Well, I guess since I’m all warm and you’re all cold, I could sleep up there. You know, just for the sake of helping you out and generosity and… yeah.”

Starlight blinked a few times. “Huh?”

“Yeah, it’s just stupid stuff,” Spike said. “But, I mean, we’ve pretty much done everything else couples do tonight, right?”

Starlight mulled over the idea and then inched out of the covers to look at the dragon. “You have a point. And this would be one last thing we could try to prove how much relationships suck and stuff.”

“Oh yeah, totally,” Spike said. “And keeping each other at a comfy temperature would just be a side-effect.”

Starlight nodded and scooted over. “Alright, hop up.”

Spike crawled onto the bed and under the covers and scooted over towards Starlight.


Spike felt Starlight nestle closer to his body, rubbing against his scales. “Yep! You’re warm.”

“No, I’m hot, remember?”

“Shut up, and wrap your arms around me.”

“Alright, alright, chill,” Spike said, as he wrapped his arms around her form.

Time ticked on as the two fell into each other, their minds wasting away into the comforts of dreamland.

The sun’s rays shone through the dirty window. The curtains were pushed aside, allowing the full force of the light to shine on the pony and dragon netled in the bed.

Spike cracked his eyes open slowly only to shut them again instantly. He was facing the sun directly and had no desire to allow its assault to continue.

“Oh man,” he said, in a sluggish, sleepy tone. He made a move to lift his head up, but quickly realized he couldn’t as there some sort of furry creature blocking his path. His eyes shot open. “What the?”

And that’s when it hit him. His head was laying on Starlight’s torso, using her as pillow of sorts while her hind legs were nestled around his shoulders. She also had a stray hoof resting against his head spines.

He gently tilted his neck to where he could see the face of the sleeping mare. She had a smile of sorts and the peacefulness that could only come from having a good night’s sleep was written all over her.

Spike wouldn’t have minded just closing his eyes and drifting off again, but they were supposed to meet up with the others for their train back at some point, so they needed to get on that.

He gently pushed himself away and sat upright next to Starlight. He used a claw to gently shake her, which instead of waking up her up just caused her to wrap both front hooves around his claw.

Nooo…” she squeaked out in her sleep. “Don’t let go of me.”

Spike grinned and rolled his eyes, shaking a bit harder this time. “Starlight, c’mon. We gotta wake up.”

Her eyes slowly squinted open. “Huh? Where am I? What’s…” Her eyes fully opened and drifted to the claw she was holding onto. “Oh! Sorry!” She quickly let go and got herself into an upright position.

“It’s all good,” Spike said with a snicker. “You should’ve seen the position we were in when I woke up. It was rather adorable, if I do say so myself.”

Starlight blushed and brushed her messy mane out of her face. “Yeah, well… did you, uh, did you sleep well, Spike?”

He stretched out his limbs and smiled. “I slept fantastic. How about you?”

She nodded. “I haven’t slept that well in a long time.”


They both sat there without saying a word for a few moments. They motioned a couple times to look at each other before quickly pulling their eyes away once more.

“So, uh,” Spike began. “I guess we proved that whole ‘sleeping with a loved one’ thing right, huh? Considering we both slept well.”

“Yeah, I’d think so.” She rubbed her chin for a moment. “But, you know, all the things we did yesterday? Twilight always says an experiment takes multiple tests to reach a sure conclusion.”

“She does say that,” Spike said with a nod. “You can’t really have an answer based off of one field test.”

“No, of course not,” Starlight said. She looked at the dragon, a nervous smile painted on her face. She slowly moved her hoof and placed it on the claw he had resting on the bed. “Maybe we should do a few more tests in the future. Just to be sure.”

Spike looked at her, eyes wide. His slightly gaping mouth quickly turned into a grin. He turned his claw around and gently cradled her hoof in it. “Yeah, I think we should.”



Comments ( 84 )

Sorry if this question is strange, but I’ve always been curious about it; what is Spike’s age here? He is a child in the show, but is this fic taking place in the future? Do you have a different head cannon for Spike and the Mane 6 or...?

It's in the future.

Here's the long and short of it. Just judging by the timeframe and everything in the show, he has to be like, 14-16 there. So if this takes place a few years later, then that puts him at 18-20. That's why I got a coverart where he looks a bit older.

If you want a more in-depth analysis of why I come that conclusion about him, you can check this blog. It has all the details, evidence and so on I use for my headcanon.

Okay, so he’s not a minor anymore (btw I read through your blog, and it makes complete sense!) I’ve just always wondered about SpikeXMane6 fics before. Thanks.

No problem! Thanks for asking.

If there is anything that this piece of storytelling has taught me...it would be this...

Roll the CLIP!!!

Sweet story though, Keep up the good work my good man :pinkiehappy:

Ya dang right We got to that scene and had it one way, then I brought that clip in and I was like "I have to do a callback here." It happened.

I typically hate romance but I liked this a lot. Good work!

I appreciate you taking a chance on reading something out of your style. If I may ask, real quick, was there any particular thing that set it apart to where you liked it? I only ask because I'm always interested in hearing things that I can learn and take from my stories to apply to future ones.

the video is no working

Thanks for letting me know. I put a link that goes to the clip i'm referring to :twilightsmile:

They are falling in love because of the mutual love of being annoyed by love.

Spike, still locking his gaze in front of him reached a claw out and after a brief moment of hesitation, he felt Starlight’s hoof grip onto it.

I’m trying to imaging this being all sweet and stuff, but how the hell am I supposed to imgine her gripping something with her hoof when hooves don’t have anything to grip with? It’s like if you tried to pick something up without moving you’re fingers from a straight and stiff position, it just doesn’t work.

What matter of sorcery is this!? A Sparilight (SpikeXStarlight) fic that I actually like?

Well played, good sir.

“But if we get lost and attacked by a gaggle of hobos, I’m using you as a shield. Deal?”

I see they went to the Blueblood School of Courting
That was a cute story. Well done

It's an awesome idea, though one thing that bothered me was I didn't know how big Spike was, was he a bit bigger? Also, you just skipped over the fact that Spike had/has a crush on Rarity like it just didn't matter. Seeing that would've been an awesome conflict as well. Also, isn't Fleur already in a cannon relationship with Fancy Pants? Pairing her with Twilight seems kind of, i don't know, counter productive

I said Fluer and Twilight. I was asking about why Spike's crush on Rarity wasn't addressed. Also, we never know if spike is a little taller, or if he's a big as he's always been in the show. And, to me, it doesn't make any sense for Fluer to be with Twilight, as she doesn't like any of the quote un-quote, high and mighty canterlot elite. It just doesn't seem to be in line with her character at all. But, then again, I'm one of those guys who likes to over think things, so, a lot of what I say is biased.

This was a nice and adorable fic to read since there's not a lot of pairing on these two, great job both of you

*is exciting to see a StarSpike fic*

Simply put, it was good. The dialogue and your writing style were funny, endearing, and made the characters sound like real people with a history. Your first few scenes with Spike and Starlight got me invested in both characters, so when they get into more romantic stuff later in the story I'm already into a possible relationship (you did a good job building their relationship before any romantic stuff happens). You also left a lot to the imagination (Like how Spike and Starlight agree to "experiment" toward the end). Leaving me to imagine how they slept and what these "experiments" are felt much more powerful than if you showed these things. Also, the story felt like a genuine "first experience" between two awkward people who are friends, which is always cute and relatable, since most of us were like that at one point.

Hope that helps :twilightsmile:

Wonder why this has dislikes? I've always felt there should be a rule mandating people to write a comment when they like or dislike a fic. So if someone likes or dislikes a fic they HAVE to explain why.


That was very cute. But why does Fleur speak Swahili and how the hell did Celestia cheap out and send them to such a dump?

Fleur speaks Swahili because the French thing some writers do was just a bit overdone.

Celestia cheaped out probably because she had a lot on her plate and just booked a room at the nearest place she could think of.

I appreciate your explanation, sir. It took me a couple years to get right, but sometime around last year I finally was able to click on how to build a romance scene, be it a long or short story. Like, I have another fic on here where Spike and Derpy are a thing, but it took 50k words for them to become that thing because of building their lives and such.

As far as dislikes, Spike romance isn't for everyone and I've learned to accept that over the years.

I still believe comments should be required. It can only help, since all writers would get a ton more feedback, positive and negative.

This is cute little story.

I knew the second I saw this story that I'd probably love it, and I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. I had a perpetual smile on my face from Fleur's introduction all the way to the very end, and I'm not sure if it was because I just kept laughing or because my insides were all warm and fuzzy.


But...Fleur's NAME is French...

A nice story about two friends become a couple. Good job!:moustache:

P.S. Love the cover art!:pinkiehappy:

Bro, I swear you keep writing these good ass fics imma have to force all the recognition and respect you deserve onto you😤😤😤

And then they bang?

This was such a cute little read. The we’re not really a couple thing as they did more and more couple things just made it even cuter. :heart: And the Seinfeld reference. :twistnerd:

What a delightfully sweet story. :twilightsmile: So sweet that I can probably go for another decade without buying any candy from a store. :pinkiehappy:

I get that you needed a hole in the wall hotel / motel for the setup of the picture. But I just couldn't suspend my belief.

Loved everything up to that.

“But,” Spike began. “There was a reservation. It was supposed to hold the room for us.”

“Look here,” she said, “I know what a reservation is.”

“I don’t think you do,” Spike said, raising a claw. “Because if you did, I’d have a two-bed waiting for me.”

Ha! I hope they got the insurance, because Spike is gonna beat the hell out of that room! (nice to see someone else watches Seinfeld for once)

This was cute as hell. I loved it! Great job, guys!

Don't think I didn't catch the Seinfeld reference. Actually, this entire story felt like it might fit in a really excellent romantic sitcom.
It was absolutely adorable and your version of Spike and Starlight are utterly incredible. I really buy their relationship and could see it grow like this and I am an unrepentant Sparity shipper.

Great work as always Famous.

Thanks a lot, man!

Don't get me wrong, I love Sparity as much as the next Sparity fan, I just don't write it a whole lot because there are so many other great authors on this site who do it more frequently and who do it more justice than I could. That's why I focus my efforts on finding ways to make more obscure pairings work. Give people something they don't see all the time, you know?

Thanks for reading, man.

great story! Loved reading it and you did a great job with making the chatting feel natural.

daww they gettin shipped but they dont wanna see it.
also nice to see a Fluer that aint french

That was a nice adorable little fic. Quite enjoyable.

I've always been told that dialogue was my strong suit, so I play to my strengths.

Yeah, Curify and I wanted to shake things up.

Thanks, man! I'm glad you read it!

Spike, still locking his gaze in front of him reached a claw out and after a brief moment of hesitation, he felt Starlight’s hoof lock onto it.

Woah woah woah there buddy, that's way too LEWD. Why isn't this story tagged M?

Cute little story. I really enjoyed the awkward yet affectionate interaction between Spike and Starlight. Well done dude! :moustache:

Not gonna lie, I envy spike pretty hard right now.

Love this ship!
Great work again, Famous.

Some minor notes/questions:
Rarity dancing with Thunderlane - Agree fully. Rarity seemed totally into him when he caught her after the hot air balloon broke. Thanks a lot, Lightning Dust.
and a few feet away was Twilight dancing with her date, Fleur de Lis - Um, isn't Fleur married to Fancy Pants?
Feel free not to change the ships, though. :D

And possibly get la—”
What was she going to say?

which instead of waking up her up just caused her to wrap both front hooves around his claw.
I'd fix it! :D

Loved the story! SO cute!

That was really cute and enjoyable story. :moustache::heart:

Psst... psst LAID. Snickers

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