• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 3,278 Views, 55 Comments

Mystery Scootaloo - thedarktome

After years of living in Ponyville, it took one mother's day for it to arise and be noticed...by her idol. Of course it confused her as to why it took this long. Where are your parents? She was not going to believe the story of the filly's origin.

  • ...

Chapter 09 - Sunset and Consideration

Sunset Shimmer was sitting in a tree in the backyard of her home, reading a book since everything else got boring. The book was about spells she had yet to learn about while she was in Equestria in the past, so she brought this book with. Never actually opening it, she's never used it. It's been in her room collecting dust. Most of the time, books from Equestria held great defensive promise. This was no exception.

Without taking her eyes off the book, she put her hand out and shot out a stream of fire from her like a flamethrower, nearly touching the fence yards away. A few seconds later, she lowered her hand and stopped the stream, smiling.

"Not really a fan of battle magic," she muttered. "But I may need it." A vibrating noise from down below caught her attention, forcing her to look down at her communication journal that was vibrating along the grass on the ground. She held out her hand and levitated the book up to her, flipping it open and checking the pages. After reading, she nodded and responded quickly.

"'Hey, Princess Twilight. Thanks for letting me know. Tell Celestia I said hi. As well as Scootaloo and Luna. Should I expect trouble?'"

She closed the book and let it drop down below, nearly hitting a squirrel that happened to scurry by before going back to her battle book. She was trying to figure out how Scootaloo, or Lareen—such a weird name—had actually completed Fluid Matter Conversion. That spell was impossible! Every unicorn in Equestria can only wish to make anything they wated. Yet Scootaloo could actually do it. Sunset had to admit she was a little jealous. Must be nice.

She zipped the book from the ground into her hand and flipped it open. After reading it she responded, "'Gotcha. Be safe, Princess. These guys are serious and hate to take no for an answer. I'll watch over the portal from this end and hope they don't start trotting through to take control. If they try I'll just put up a shield.'"

She let the book drop again and looked towards the Sunset in the distance with a smirk. It reminded her of her name. It reminds her actually of a lot more than Earth too. Reminded her of Equestria when she was there last at Sunset. She pulled out her phone and texted her friends that she'll be spending the night at school before jumping down and slowly lowering to the ground. Then grabbed her book and stuffed it in her bag that had food and a blanket before walking towards the entrance of the fence. She knew Twilight was going to ask for protection of the portal from her. The others didn't really know Equestrian like herself and Princess Twilight. And those military had actually abused the "Friendship Portal" with violent intentions.

She sighed and shook her head while walking down the sidewalk, spotting the school in the distance that had white vans and tents set up around it. "Labbies," she muttered before looking around. Seeing no one watching she teleported to the corner of the school and cloaked herself with another spell, keeping herself out of sight as she spied on what they were doing. There were a few CIA and FBI there, more than likely for Scootaloo, while there was also standard Marines. Probably just for protection. Or to attack Equestria. Either way, Sunset didn't like it.

"Party's over gentlemen," she muttered before pointing out her glowing hands towards the statue.

In one of the tents by the statue, five minutes before Sunset arrived, Sergeant Looper was showing a group of people the camera feed of the filly. He stopped the video and pointed to her in the middle of her Matter Conversion, making tea out of dirt.

"THAT!...should be impossible," he yelled. "I have no idea how she did it! But they said something about magic. So I'm betting on that. And this horse? That's the girl we're looking for. That is Lareen Carson."

The guy dressed in all black nodded and motioned for the video to cintinue. While he sat down, she pressed on the table, turning it back on. "THAT!" Looper pointed out. "Is a map." Scootaloo and Looper talked for a moment. Then she said they couldn't take Ms. Carson.

"What?" The CIA Director, Blue Navy, asked. "Did she just say we can't take Lareen?"

"Yes," Serveant Mayweather answered.

"On what grounds?"

"On ALL of their rulers, and their rulers ruler." Looper sped the video where all of the Princesses came into view and introduced themselves. "This is Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess Luna, and finally..." The camera panned to the left. And then up to the face of— "Princess Celestia. Twilight's teacher, Cadenza's aunt, Luna's sister, and she calls herself the 'Princess of the Sun'."

"Horse radish," one of the people responded.

"I thought so too...until she yelled and it got REALLY hot outside. You won't believe this." He played the video again as the princess began to make their way out of the room.

"Wait! Pause it!" Looper did as asked before the CIA Director motioned towards their flanks. "What are those?" He was pointing at their cutie marks.

"I'm...not sure," Looper answered. "But all of them seem to have them."

"Their called cutie marks." They looked towards the entrance where an orange skinned teenage girl with red and yellow hair was currently standing, wearing a black yellow jacket and purple skirt. She was currently looking at a journal that she was writing in before she snapped it shut.

"I'm sorry, but you have to go ma'am," Mayweather said while making her way towards Sunset to guide her out.

"It's actually the opposite." Sunset raised her hand towards Mayweather and shot out a medium sized flame, scaring her a bit. "You poking the portal? That's over. No one is touching it except the Equestrians."

"Who are you?" The Director asked while standing up.

"Sunset Shimmer. Former protege of Princess Celestia. Now the key of you getting to Equestria. Now you guys have to leave. You can continue your review, but not here. Per orders of Equestrian Royalty."

"You have no jurisdiction here," Looper argued.

"It's the other way around actually. That portal outside? That's actually a door to the castle that you walked into without permission. That's trespassing and can land you a few months in an Equestrian cell. Unlike Earth cells, there is no Air Conditioning, no bed, and everything is stone and metal gating. Not to mention, from what I've heard, you were messing with the cutie map. Which is a big no-no. Were it up to me, I'd throw you, Looper, back into Equestria in a shield you'll never escape from. Now. Get out."

"No." Sunset rolled her eyes, raised her fingers and waved at them before snapping them, sending everything that belonged to the Government, including the workers, cars, and everyone twenty miles away in a grassy field she looked up earlier.

Sunset looked around at the ground and everything else that looked like nothing was ever touched. "The government's gonna have my flank," she muttered before taking down the wall of fire shielding the statue, and spent the next few minutes creating runes all over the campus in case they came back. If someone walks on that land, she'd know.

The crickets chirped in the land of Equestria, filled with fireflies and the ever so often nocturnal creature that would make noise. Most ponies find those noises soothing at night. Most ponies. The other majority usually slams a pillow over their heads to drown out the cricket chirping on their windowsill. Thankfully, Scootaloo, or Lareen, didn't have to worry about that issue since she was sleeping up on the clouds with Rainbow Dash, her idol. The super fast pegasus was currently on her back, sawing logs in the next room over across from Scootaloo. Who was sleeping and dreaming. Actually...it was more like talking. Sort of.

"So you want to know what happened," Frozen Fire asked her daughter sitting on the grass next to her. Lareen stroked her hand across the strands, feeling them and trying to figure out how she could actually feel them.

"Yeah," she responded sheepishly. "If it's not too much trouble."

"Not at all sweetheart. You were sixteen years old at this time. On a day that will be disclosed, you and I were going to the mall in Canterlot. Your father was at the house making dinner and wanted us to have a girls day out. So we did. We were in the food court, of course, eating. When someone shouted loudly randomly." Lareen looked at her mother in confusion. "I don't know either. I think they were doing it as a joke. But it completely backfired when you jumped and...sent a shockwave through half the whole mall. It flung people out of seats, threw out tables, completely decimated some stores nearby, busted windows, and....sort of started a few fires. It was chaos after that. It was like a bomb went off in that mall."

"Wait, I jumped from someone yelling and nearly destroyed the mall?" Frozen chuckled and stroked her hair with glee.

"Yes. Yes, you did. But anyway, back to the story. After that moment, and I realized what was going on, I quickly made a decision. To get you and get you out of that mall. While I was running with you beside me, a thought crossed my mind. That magical bolt DID do something. It just didn't give you something immediately. Like more life, Ms. Alicorn." Scootaloo groaned. "But it gave you magical abilities. As a human."

"So what happened next?"

"Well I got you home and the mall made the news of course. Your father, like usual, was freaking out. I remember you standing by my side and asking, 'What's wrong with him?'" The two let out a chuckle before she continued. "We thought you were in the clear. That you were safe. Unaware that the news had seen the video of where that shockwave started. The next day, you and I were put on the screen. A close up shot. They believed we were terrorists. But what made it even worse was the fact that we had no official Identification with the United States. We were called illegal aliens that were a threat to the US. They wanted to arrest us."

"So I take it the Government stepped in and..."

"Yes, it was an operation that they wanted to get us for. Unfortunately, your father and I knew magic. Which made it worse. One day, the police stopped us. We were heading to the movies when they pulled us over and tried to arrest us. They asked us who our names were and we told them our aliases. Well they didn't buy that. So they attempted to arrest us and take you specifically away in handcuffs. That was NOT happening. So your father shot the man who had touched you with a spell, knocking him out while I took care of the other one. Then we grabbed you and ran back home. After that moment we were on the run. We stayed inside and locked the doors, cut off the lights, and put runes up all over the residence building and a few areas around it. Maybe a mile and a half in a giant circle.

"But soon, we noticed things had gotten more intense than just people wanting to take you. They wanted to take us all out of the picture. They wanted to take you away and study you to find out how you did that blast that caused over five million dollars in damages at the mall, and hurt some people. They wanted to study you."

Scootaloo looked at her horrified before she continued. "After we learned about it we knew what we had to do. I quickly created a spell that let me live in case something went wrong while your father quickly retrieved the archived portal spell for Equestria we were going to use when we told you about our origins. Soon, we heard the massive amount of car doors closing outside, and I told your father I loved him, and he me. He teleported away with the things you have now and ran down the street. I don't know what happened with him and I doubt you remember. But I was busy inside the apartment destroying everything inside, ripping apart the molecules and cells of everything that held even the word Equestria on it. After I did, the door was kicked open. But something was wrong."

Scootaloo turned her whole body to her, definitely giving her mother her full attention. "I was expecting, 'Police! Get on the ground, get on the ground, don't move!' But instead, these guys looked nothing like police. Instead of the task force wear, they had on military uniforms that had the words 'Society For Canterlot' on it. I didn't get it and I never got the chance to think about it before they shot me in the head. I was gone. And I knew your father was next. But in the end we saved you."

"So..." Frozen Fire looked towards her daughter with focus as she gave her a theory.

"Those people, the Society for Canterlot, they somehow learned about us and wanted to take the magic. I don't know why, and I'm not sure how they were going to do it. But they got there before the police did, killed us, and set you up so you could be arrested for Parricide. They were probably going to grab you when the police decided to lock you away. Start a heist or something. These people have some things that you should be wary of. Cars and guns. Maybe more, I didn't exactly look out the window."

"So...they want to take me by going through the government?" Scootaloo asked carefully, making sure she was hearing things right. Frozen Fire nodded in confirmation.

"Thankfully you came right back to Equestria when the police located you last. It looks like the battle for magic is beginning. I don't have any names, and I doubt the police will in the future if no one saw these people coming. But they are dangerous. Please be careful." She pulled her daughter into a hug and kissed the top of her forehead, humming in satisfaction.

"I promise to be careful," she whispered back.

"Good." Frozen Fire sighed and pulled back before looking up for a moment. "It's morning, nearly nine o'clock. Time to wake up Princess. Now, I think you should take on the role of being the Princess of Magic."


"Because you will soon become a mage like your father and I sweetheart." She stroked Scootaloo's cheek and gave her a loving smile while her daughter closed her eyes at the feeling. "Be the princess everypony wants you to be."

"How?" Scootaloo asked, placing her hand on her mother's. "How am I supposed to live up to everypony's expectations?"

"By growing up. Listen, be smart, and everything else will follow. When you're off the throne, then you can be yourself. But while you're on that throne, it's time to play that game you used to play so much while on Earth. Think first before you make any decisions. And if you want, ask Celestia for help. She will not chastise you, I promise. She will help you instead. Promise me that you will consider being the Princess of Magic. Even if you're young."

Scootaloo sighed and looked down at the grass. If she did take up the throne, there will be a lot of duties in her life. That and Earth will be trying to establish relationships with the ponies of Equestria. Whether it be hostile or peaceful. Either way, they now know about it. And they want to know more. And those were her people. Only she knew what they were really like. "Okay," she finally said to the ground before looking up to her mother with a smile. "I promise to think more on it. Maybe even get some advice."

Frozen leaned down and gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead before the wind started. "That's all I ask for. Until we meet again." The wind blew Scootaloo back up into the sky, but she didn't take her eyes off her mother. Not until the darkness overtook her and the feeling of wind was replaced by comfortable sheets.

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter everyone! Going to be working on three stories this weekend, including my own original work Jessica Collero. A supernatural Dark and Urban Fantasy. I think I'm working on too many things at once. I'm currently applying final edits to Queen Scootaloo, working on Twilight Daylight, The Lost One, Mystery Scootaloo, The Story of Rainbow, and the sequel to Queen Scootaloo, called Rise Scootaloo. Yep, it's coming. I'm currently on chapter three, it's in the works! Stay tuned!