• Published 19th Mar 2018
  • 2,659 Views, 27 Comments

Shattering Ascendance: Book 1--Quest for the Tree of Life - Myrlin

Princess Celestia and Luna mysteriously fall ill and cannot wake up from their deep slumber. Twilight Sparkle can only think of one pony to help her save the Princesses, Twilight's friend and Celesita's previous student Sunset Shimmer.

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Chapter 2

Author’s Notes: I managed to get this one out so fast because I had to delay posting the first chapter to get the cover art ready lol.

Though Twilight had laid in bed for many hours she slept fitfully, finally waking up before the dawn hour to sit in bed and stare out of the large windows in her old room. It was strange how serene Canterlot seemed in the predawn light, she felt as if the world should reflect how she felt, how even now if felt as if everything was breaking beneath her hooves.

With a small snort and a shake of her head she tried to banish those thoughts and finally after wrestling with her linens Twilight decided it would be best to get up. Even though it would be another hour and a half before the sun was fully raised by Starswirl she couldn't stay in bed any longer.

Her mind drifted to the thought of food but immediately rejected it, with how anxious she was it was more likely the food would cause her to be sick than calm her down. After another moment of thinking twilight decided what she would do until it reached the appointed time with everyone.

Though it had been a while since she had gone this way through the castle her memories of the hours and hours spent within its halls guided her true. Before her was a familiar while door decorated in gold and silver filigree and a stylized manticore head on each door face. As she opened the doors steam escaped blowing hot air in her face as she fully opened the well oiled doors to the castle bathing pools.

The familiar scent of lavender and rosemary brought back memories of her coming here the first time as a filly, just after becoming Celestia’s pupil. With a touch of magic she lifted a freshly washed towel onto a table near the steaming pool and began to walk to its tiled edge before stopping suddenly.

It had been so long she almost forgot. Looking around back and forth Twilight found a large silver dragon head mounted to the wall to her right and walked right under its gaping maw before pressing a button near the base of the sculpture.

The metallic sound of pipes coming to life filled the air before a torrent of warm water gushed forth drenching Twilight. For a moment she closed her eyes and let the water run over her. Remembering this feeling once again she floated over a brush giving her coat a thorough scrub with the lavender scented soap, and also making sure to rub the bottom of her hooves against the rough bristles.

Finally clean she pressed the button near the dragon a second time causing the water to stop. After becoming an alicorn Twilight noticed some habits she had begun to pick up from other pegasi, namely the violent shaking and fluffing of her feathers after getting wet, and even now when she was about to enter the soaking pool she couldn't help but do so.

As she began Twilight was surprised to hear an exclamation from another mare, that alone was a cause for alarm that she stopped mid shake, opening her eyes wide only to see a once dry but now very damp Sunset Shimmer before her, who then lifted a lock of red and gold hair from her face before laughing softly.

“Good morning Twilight. Looks like we had the same idea.” Feeling herself blush and smile sheepishly Twilight moved out of the way so Sunset could rinse too.

Waiting near the pool as her friend finished, Twilight became very aware of herself and what a mess her mane and coat must be after being shaken. She busied herself, while the other unicorn washed, trying to not to look like a filly that ran out mid-bath. After a moment Sunset finished and trotted over still dripping to Twilights side. “You couldn’t sleep either could you huh?”

Taking a step into the warm water Twilight nodded yes and quietly spoke. “My m-mind wouldn't--it still can’t grasp the situation.” Looking across at Sunset next to her Twilight smiled “But I bet you felt the same too.”

Sunset chuckled as the water splashed against her stomach, “Celestia’s two best students--of course we think alike.” There was a pause as her friend stared deep into the rippling pool, it was almost the same color as her half-closed eyes “If only I had been more like you back then.” she mumbled. But before Twilight could say anything to stop that negative train of thought Sunset took a gulp of air and dunked beneath the water.

Looking around she couldn’t see the unicorn beneath the milky herb filled water. Twilight narrowed her eyes and moved her muzzle closer to the small waves hoping to find her friend, only to be surprised by a large splash behind her followed by a wave of water crashing over her head.

Sputtering and spitting hair out of her mouth Twilight whipped around to find the unicorn mare, though with her long midnight mane still plastered to her face--she didn't have much luck. But a few seconds later she heard Sunset succumb to a fit of giggles near her. Using her magic Twilight moved her hair and restored her sight to see the orange unicorn floating in the water holding her middle and still laughing.

“Sunset!” Twilight tried to sound indignant but the waver in her voice and the smile pulling at the corners of her mouth betrayed her real emotions. Dropping the act she gave in and laughed too and gave in to the warmth of the water.

Relaxing she submerged up to her neck then stretching her body out to float on top of the pool. Silence descended as they drifted near each other, Twilights wing tips occasionally brushing against the other mares coat.

Letting her mind wander Twilight tried to meditate, to calm her thoughts, and prepare herself for what they will be doing all too soon. As she was cycling through her breathing exercises she felt a pressure to her middle, shaking her softly. Opening her left eye she saw Sunset standing to the next to her, Sunsets hoof on Twilights belly. After eye contact was made she spoke only 2 words.

“It's time.” Sunset said as she then glanced up to the glass domed ceiling. Opening both eyes she too looked up and saw the solid blue sky of early morning, Starswirl had finished raising the sun, it was the agreed upon time.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were the last to enter the throne room, the echoing of the doors closing reverberated throughout the vast room. In the center stood the elevated dias the royal thrones sat upon and a step below that stood Starswirl with his signature midnight cape and pointed hat.

As he verified everyone was present he looked to his left and gave a curt nod to Sunburst and Starlight, a second later two magical barriers encircled the room creating a glittering curtain against every wall and window. Noticing the inquizitive looks from the group it seemed he realized he must explain.

“A spell of blindness and silence so no one, magical or not, can see or hear what will be going on in this hall.

That made sense to Twilight, everything they were doing could be considered a national secret, one wrong word too early could spell disaster on Equestria and though they were in a time of peace it may not last for long with the knowledge of the weakened state of the Princesses.

With a rap against the hard marble step he reigned in the attention back to himself. When he spoke his voice was deep almost solemn. “With the aid of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer we have found some information. The ailment of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna is related to their ascension as Alicorns, it is causing their weakness and, I believe, if left to prolong this malaise will kill them.”

A wave of shocked whispering drifted through the group, only Twilight and Sunset were unaffected by the news. A sharp pain from her left leg drew her attention downwards, Spike was standing next to her his eyes wide and his claws gripping tightly to her coat. Feeling her gaze he took looked up and it broke Twilights heart to see the anguish distort his young face.

Leaning down she rubbed her cheek against his own and whispered that it would be ok just as Starswirl spoke up again. “But we three have decided on a plan of action! I have worked all night to perfect a spell to send them both back in time and find their elusive secret and what is causing this. Fear not my little ponies as they will be traveling only in spirit,” He took but a second to glance in the direction of Starlight Glimmer “and will not be able to distort or effect the past in anyway.”

Twilight was able to notice Starlight had enough self awareness to show embarrassment for her past deeds before looking back to Starswirl. Glittering silver magic encompassed his horn as from his cloak he pulled out two necklaces, each leather strip heavy with a pendant of what Twilight thought was amethyst but as it floated closer and over her head did she realize it was actually ametrine. The mixture of amethyst and citrine quartz giving the stone purple and gold streaks.

To her right she noticed Sunset also examining her new piece of jewelry, turning the gemstone causing its surfaces to reflect the light of the room. It was hard for her to pull her eyes away from watching Sunset inspect each facets and when Starswirl spoke this time it was only when the orange unicorn looked up did she do so too.

“These stones will follow you through the past and are the focus for the spell. It will work by both of you concentrating on your memories of Celestia and Luna as I cast it. For you both to move through their timeline you will imagine going forward or backwards while holding the stone.” Starswirl was as serious as stone as he spoke, lifting his foreleg while making grand gestures, his cape waving with his movements.

But Twilight became distracted on his elaboration on the spell by an odd noise from Sunset, glancing over so as not to be too obvious she saw the other unicorn holding back laughter and covering her mouth with her hoof. Sunset mumbled to herself barely above a whisper, just loud enough for Twilight to hear, as the old sage droned on about his greatness and the difficulty of the spell.

“It-its like fastforward and rewind-pfft-like a t-tv remote.” Sunset had to bite her lip from laughing out loud. Luckily from her time in the human world Twilight understood the joke and also barely held a smile back, only the ‘ahem’ from Starswirl brought her back into focus. A swift snap of her tail against Sunsets flank also brought her to attention.

“Once you acquire the information you will grasp the stone and pull it from your neck thinking of your body here, then the spell will stop. Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, are you two ready to begin?”

The finality of the situation dawned on her now, they were about to go where no pony had gone before, into the past of their beloved princesse. She and Sunset share a brief but meaningful look before both stood before Starswirl and nodded, they were ready.

With another grand sweep of his foreleg Starswirl raised his voice and addressed the group. “Move back give them space! Once again both of you must only think of your memories of each princess do not think of anything else.” He fixed his eyes closed knitting his brows together, his horn aglow with magic as he intoned the spell, his voice growing louder and louder until it was booming through the hall.

“We will walk the past our goal undaunted,
To find the truth that we most wanted.
To find the source of beloved friends woes,
And find the secret to banish their foes!
Tho my body lies, my spirit is free!
To traverse the past,
My goal is THEE!!”

The shockwave of silver magic exploded from him pushing everyone back. The barrier surrounding the hall rippled and waivered but held strong as the spell subsided.

And there on the cold marble floor of the throne room layed Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. Both were on their sides facing each other, hooves intertwined, matching stones aglow.

A warm breeze drifted pass brushing against Twilight coat, and causing the long grass to tickle her nose. Eyes still closed she scrunched her muzzle as the tickling became worse, the urge finally overcoming her causing a sneeze to wrack her body.

It was such a nice day she didn’t want to wake up, the sun was warming her body thoroughly and the sent of the summer grass was calming. For a few more breaths she laid there before it seemed her memories caught up with her mind.

Celestia and Luna, Canterlot, Starswirl’s spell.

With a jolt Twilight sat up eyes wide and breathing heavily, her sudden movement also caused Sunset to stir. She got up much slowly rubbing her face and yawning. How dare Sunset wake up so leisurely while she was freaking out.

Twilight extended a wing, stretched it behind her friend, and gave her a slap to wake her up fully. With that she finally came to her senses looking around before settling a glare on the alicorn.

“What was that for Twilight?! You didn’t have to whap me with your wing!” She attempted to make a sulking face as she rubbed her shoulder feigningpain.

“Where do you think we are Sunset?”

“Outside? Ow! Stop that! Do you when are we? I have no idea…”

Both mares stood up to all four legs to look over where they had woken up. It was a lush grassy plain full of wildflowers being warmed by the hot, possibly summer, sun. They stood upon a large grassy hill, a thin river to their far left, and a thicket of trees to their right. In between stood a village of rickety wooden homes and straw thatched roofs. Squinting her eyes from the sun Twilight was able to make out the forms of ponies below walking throughout the town. Sunset took in the sight with her examining each building as if she could see through walls.

“Do you think they’re down there? Celestia and Luna, I mean?”

Twilight narrowed her eyes too looking for a sign of any ponies that fit the description of their mentors.

“Hopefully this should be before either of them ascended as alicorns, either that or they are actually ARE alicorns right now, though they would be pretty easy to find I guess. But if they’re not what would we be looking for? Adults, foals, unicorn, or even pegasi ponies. They never told us much about themselves. So we’re just going to have to go down there and find out who is who.”

But their concentration was broken by a sound growing louder behind them, the laughter of two fillies drifted through the grass but before they could look back something surprising occured.

The two fillies ran through the incorporeal forms of herself and Sunset. Twilight felt her hackles rise as shivvers went down her spine, even the feathers at the base of her wings were standing on end. The feeling was akin to sticking her hoof in ice water, and the sharp tingling sensation that accompanied it. Luckily that feeling was quick to pass. As soon as the filly was not in contact the sensation dissipated, much to her delight.

Sunset was the first to regain her composure only to gasp in surprise and began to urgently tap Twilight on the shoulder and point at the slope beneath them.

“Tw-Twilight look those fillys! Do you think? They might be?”

For a moment the sun obscured her vision but as a cloud drifted past she was able to see them clearly. One was had a pale creme body and hair that looked like pinkies favorite pink cotton candy. The second smaller girl almost had a midnight blue coat with a lighter almost powder blue mane. Both were laughing and skipping towards the town playing what looked like tag as one ran after the other.

“I. I think they are. Thats Celestia and Luna as fillies!” She almost couldn't imagine, seeing her tall, imposing, and perfect teacher as a pony the same age as the cutie mark crusaders.

“Uh, Twilight. I think you’re missing something…”

“What? That’s them right? What could I be missing?”

Sunset raised her foreleg and pointed back to the girls. “Look at their foreheads. They’re not unicorns.”

“They’re” a pause as Twilight opened and closed her mouth repeatedly “They’re earth ponies!” No longer could Twilight contain herself from running after the two young ponies giggling with excitement, after a second she heard Sunset laugh out loud and follow after her. “You know what this means! They! They learned how to use the most powerful magic in Equestria! Even though they weren’t born with it!”

The distance between her and the girls was growing smaller. “And Sunset! They also learned to fly even though they didn’t have wings either! Like me!” Finally both of them caught up with the little Celestia and Luna who were now trotting closer to the village, woodsmoke drifting on the breeze. “I can’t believe it, I can’t wait to see everything! I’m so excited!!”

Luckily no one but Sunset could hear her otherwise the volume and pitch of her voice would of been unseemly of a Princess, or any mare for that matter. But as a spirit with only Sunset around? Twilight didn’t feel bad at all to let her ‘Nerd Side’ as Dash would call it, all out.

Though something stopped her from the fit of exuberance. She felt a pressure at the bottom of her neck and around the base of her wings.Twilight looked over to see Sunset ruffling her feathers, literally, and as she did so gave Twilight a toothy grin before speaking.

“Come on Twi save some of that excitement for the next who knows how many years of history we’ll see first hand ok?” With that she removed her hoof from Twilights back and followed after their quest as they got closer to to the village outskirts.

Twilight hung back for a moment to chuckle and agree to tone it down as she rubbed the back of her head, flushed with embarrassment. Or maybe it was something else to cause her flush a she tried to ignore the tingling warmth where her wings connected with her back and the feeling of Sunset being so close.

Only that friend calling back ‘Where she was?’ sufficiently distracted Twilight from her rambling thoughts.

Galloping over she joined her friend as they entered the village of a pre-Equestiran society and the home of their respected rulers Luna and Celestia, where hopefully her and Sunset would find the clues to help them.