• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2011
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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect


When Pinkie Pie finds a smashed cell phone in the CHS cafeteria, it can mean only one thing!

Definitely not an Anon-a-Miss story.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 103 )

I have spent my time wisely.

*standing ovation*
*throws roses on the stage*

"Anon-a-Miss?" said Pinkie lowly. "Anon, a hit!"

This is a fantastic bit of wordplay, and perfectly in keeping with Pinkie's quasi-Shakespearean tirade. Really, I'm a sucker for Pink Horse/Ape channeling the Bard in any circumstance.

Also, apparently Sunset still has an equine digestive system. Or just a bunch of horgans.

In any case, still a delightful bit of nonsense, and definitely one of the healthier responses to Anon-a-Miss overload. Thank you for it.

Encore, encore:rainbowlaugh:

Rainbow and Pinkie started laughing. Applejack and Rarity looked disgusted. Sci-Twi was present, maybe. Fluttershy only stared up at Sunset in unabashed horror.

"What?" asked Sunset, starting to get creeped out.

Fluttershy gave her the most withering look a vegan could muster.

"You're dead to me."

Damn Flutters, you scary.😨

Some kid in the back called out, "What about when she turned us all into zombies?"

The voices of a bitter few chimed in their assent.

"Forget that stuff," Pinkie said testily.

Started to lose it right here. Thank you for this, glad I'm not the only one sick of the constant Anon-a-miss tripe.

THIS better get featured.

SunPhone. I ship it.



All I've got is welp. That was really something.


wrapping herself around Susnet's waist, where could cry some more.

Sun's nets? o///o

Also *where she could cry

Fluttershy pointed looked away.

*pointed and looked away?

Huh, I guess all those aeon fics drove him to write his own...

Majin Syeekoh

You didn’t deep fry it?😧

Fluttershy gave her the most withering look a vegan could muster.

"You're dead to me."

Well Fluttershy glad to know what're you are looking on this. Now it is time to start preparing for tonight's dinner, steak.

💯for the horgans reference.

Rarity finished swallowing her bite of apple before speaking, because a lady always swallows.


Rarity finished swallowing her bite of apple before speaking, because a lady always swallows



"Yeah," Sunset said, trying not to meet the other girl's eyes. "They don't exactly make bacon-wrapped filet back in Equestria, but whenever they have it at lunch, I can't resist. I always overdo it!" She patted her stomach. "And the ol' Equestrian guts don't exactly appreciate being mishandled." She pointed her thumb back over her shoulder. "Do not go in there."

Ok, but if it wasn't Sunset's phone, WHO DIED?!

Author Interviewer

This is the best comment I could have asked for.

Shit, if I'd remembered that pic, I'd have referenced it. D:

Okay, but it fucking did???

Is this your doing? O:

argh fuck thank you D:

I'm so pleased. :D

So ur with ur friends and yur eating lunch wen the phone smahses. U pick it up n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my Anon-a-Miss?" U tell ur Sunset n she say "I was in bathroom".


...see, this is what happens when a fandom is on drugs.

Soliloquy? More like sillyloquy.

I feel so fucking dirty, favoriting an Anon-A-Miss fic.

Author Interviewer

Um, excuse you, the description clearly states that this is definitely not an Anon-a-Miss fic.

Geez. :B

I see through your lies.:derpyderp1:

For-fuckin'-sooth, dude!

"Anon-a-Miss?" said Pinkie lowly. "Anon, a hit!"


Then the theater kids jumped out of their seats, applauding wildly. Some wept. Roses were rossed upon the reposing Pinkie Pie. There was a reason no one sat near those kids.

Ha! I'd clap too. Of course, I'm a theater person, so I'd just be another random theater kid in the group if I were to actually witness this...

"Pinkie found your smashed phone," said AJ, ticking off items on her fingers, "thought you was dead, gave some kinda Manespeare soliloquy, then covered herself in ketchup."

Not exactly a soliloquy, since she wasn't alone within the universe of her performance; she was clearly aware of the others, which makes this more of a monologue.

Got a few good laughs out of this. I don't really understand the perspective or the narration, but it was funny as a whole.

Oh how I wish you could have heard my laughing at the last few lines of the last act of that last scene. Truly it twas a laugh to behold. One that did not end for about a good 3 minutes. A laugh filled with so many different sounds and emotions, you'd swear that Pinkie Pie was actually tickling me in the funny bone.

Tell the truth, you just wanted to write in Shakespearean prose.

:rainbowlaugh: That was me throughout this piece. Shakespeare would be proud of Pinkie today.

The Bard of Avon himself would applaud. (He knew the value of a good poop joke).

Personally, I think a major reason people are still so annoyed over Anon-etc. is that there are a lot fewer Equestria Girls episodes than MLP ones: with 170 episodes, it's a lot easier to convince yourself That Episode :pinkiecrazy: , like Highlander II, never existed in canon. :yay:

*Starting to clap*

Author Interviewer

Honestly, we're just lucky Applejack knows who Manespeare is. :V

I likes me some Shakespeare. :B This ain't even the Shakespeariest I can get.


straighten tie

shuffle notecards

clear throat

deep breath


*laughing so hard I can’t breathe*

This website was an Anon-a-Mistake

True, true. Though I like to entertain the idea that Applejack is secretly either a brilliant mathematician or a great reader, and she hides it because she knows that if Twilight found out, literary analysis and/or intense intellectual debates would take over their relationship, and all she wanted to do was browse an ancient tale or two before bed.
I'd like to see just how Shakespearean you can wax. You have the writing ability to do it well, and I think I'm not the only one in your audience with the nerdiness to appreciate it...

ok, that ending sold it for me

Holy Jesus, I learned so many news words from this story. Thank you!

(oh also, lmao)

It's a pleasure, m8. :twilightsmile:

"Anon-a-Miss?" said Pinkie lowly. "Anon, a hit!"

[groaning intensifies]

Sunset looked at Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity like 'WTF mate?'

Hokay. So. I see what you did there.

"And the ol' Equestrian guts don't exactly appreciate being mishandled."

She's got all kinds of crazy horse organs.


You don't even know.

This. I Love this! xD

The moment Pinkie Pie discovered the crushed cell phone lying in the middle of the cafeteria and realized it belonged to none other than her good friend Sunset Shimmer, her mane, I mean, hair went flat and lifeless.

...that's the Equestrian Pinkie, isn't it?
They switched again and all of her classmates pretend not to notice to make her happy.
And this whole scene was just to distract from the fact that she can't eat any of today's lunch because her horgans would revolt. :eeyup:

This was fantastic. Utterly so.

There's never been a better way to Pinkie to perish than in a flight of Shakesparean fancy.

Definitely not an Anon-a-Miss story.

that anon-a-miss thing was something from the comic right? what was that about again that made them write so many stories about it again?

Author Interviewer

I don't know. I've tried to figure it out. And that's why this story exists. :B

Okay, first off, some of those Shakespearean were actually super good! I was just kind of skimming until I realized this crack-ish fic had a bit more substance to it.

Sunset looked at Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity like 'WTF mate?'

Second, I don’t know why but this line made me laugh out loud!

That was... a thing.
I just read.

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