• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 8,545 Views, 215 Comments

The Night's Veil - P3RROHAMBRE

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The Night's Veil

An Unexpected Guest

“We thank thee Twilight Sparkle. Thou hath helped us learn some of the modern ways. It means a lot to us for you to show such kindness despite knowing what we formerly were.”

“Heh, it was nothing Princess Luna. Just trying to help is all.”

“We don’t see it as nothing Twilight Sparkle. We are greatly humbled by one as kind as you."

Luna leaned in close to Twilight’s face, and pressed her lips against Twilight’s for a mere second before pulling away.

“We hope to see you again dear friend.”

Twilight didn’t say anything, and watched as Luna took off in her chariot back to Canterlot, leaving a flustered and confused unicorn.

Twilight Sparkle stared at the page of text in front of her. The scene ran through her mind over and over like a broken record. It’s been a week since Nightmare Night and Princess Luna’s visit to Ponyville. She had spent the night with Celestia’s sister, showed her how to be more socially approachable, and befriended the princess. They had fun together that night, playing games, scaring a few ponies, and Luna had even taken the time to tell her more about Starswirl the Bearded. No doubt it was a wonderful night for both of them, but what transpired before Luna left was… different. Twilight could still feel her dark lips against hers as she brushed her hoof gently across her own lavender lips.

“Twilight, are you okay?”

She snapped out of her stupor and pulled out of the playback of her mind, noticing her small purple and green assistant standing in front of her.

“Oh, uh, yeah Spike. I’m fine.”

“Yeah, that’s why you been staring at the same page for the past ten minutes right?”

Has it really been ten minutes? Wow, I didn’t even notice…

Twilight sighed. Her assistant knew her too well.

“I just have some things on my mind, Spike. It’s nothing to worry about.”

She gave a small smile, trying to reassure her baby dragon, but he wasn’t convinced.

“If it’s keeping you from reading then something is definitely wrong.”

He knew her much too well.

“I’m fine Spike. You know how I’m always thinking about… stuff.”

She was certainly thinking about stuff. It was stuff that made her heart race, and filled her inner eye with a starry mane and a pair of beautiful teal eyes.

“Uh huh, whatever you say then Twilight. I’m hitting the hay. See you in the morning,” Spike said, still doubtful of her answer, but his sleep was a bit more precious to him, to Twilight’s relief.

She stood up on her hooves and hugged her friend.

“Goodnight Spike. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Yeah, yeah,”he said breaking away from her, “Jeez Twilight, getting all mushy on me and stuff.”

Twilight giggled, seeing that he was just being a typical young male dragon.

“Okay Spike, good night.”


Twilight waited as she heard his small steps going up the stairs and heard a door close. She didn’t want to be caught zoning out again and risk having more questions come up, but Spike was probably already sleeping, so maybe she could try to sort out what was going on with herself.

We hope to see you again dear friend.

“Ugh!” the unicorn huffed, throwing her head back hearing Luna’s voice echo in her head. She made her way to a small desk that sat in the living area of her tree home. She plopped her rump down onto the seat, throwing her head down onto the oak desk.

She had no explanation for why she had these thoughts of her mentor’s sister, but that innocent, naïve kiss had undoubtedly set something ablaze in her. The feeling consumed her thoughts, and it was now interrupting her own studies and readings. Even running simple errands had become a straining task. She couldn’t go anywhere without hearing Luna’s name, and the same scene would replay itself over and over again.

It was even worse during nighttime. She had caught herself on many occasions looking out her bedroom window, looking out toward the moon, hoping to see Luna flying in the night air by random chance. Sometimes she had even swore that Luna had spoken to her some nights, calling out to her. It was unrealistic, as she fully knew that Luna was in Canterlot, but then a barrage of questions would swamp her over-analytic mind.

Why did she want to see Luna again?

Why did Luna kiss her?

Why didn’t she have any answers?

Twilight groaned, the sound muffled by her face on the table. Twilight Sparkle was a smart unicorn, but she couldn’t see the obvious answer, but how could she? This had been the first time in her young life she had experienced such emotions and thoughts.

What is going on with me? I spend a night with Luna and now I can’t get my mind off her! What the hay is wrong with me?!

Twilight slammed her hoof on the desk, frustration taking hold of her. Was she ill or had she been afflicted with a mental illness? There had to be an explanation for all this madness within her. She was not one to have questions and not know the answer to them. There were always answers out to be found, answers for every question, so where could she find these answers?

The unicorn’s head flew up in sudden clearance. An excellent and obvious idea came to her.

My books! I’m sure I have something here that can explain what’s wrong with me!

Books held the answers to everything for Celestia’s star pupil. If anything would know, her wonderful pages of text and knowledge surely would. She quickly trotted over to the plethora of manuscripts that sat idly on their respective shelves. Books of different sizes and colors were before her, but a book on a pony’s emotions would be easy to find for this organized mare, as she had so dutifully had her books in perfect Dewey Decimal System arrangement.

Her small horn lit up with magic, levitating a multitude of books in front of her. One by one she studied the titles, skimmed through their contents, and laid them carefully aside if they did not meet her requirements.

“Let’s see… hmmm… Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine,” she said aloud, looking through its pages, “This won’t do.”

She moved onto the next one.

“The Pony Nervous System… no… Gah! I don’t even know what exactly I’m looking for!”

She continued.


And another.


And another.


She continued until only a towering stack of books laid at her side, none giving any insight to what she was experiencing.

Twilight couldn’t explain her feelings and thoughts, thus had no premise to search for. There were books on the inner workings of ponies and how emotions are regulated through the brain, but none did she come across about having a sudden infatuation with another pony. She took her pile of books and put them back onto their dusty shelves, disappointed that even her trusted tools had failed her.

She plopped herself on the floor in defeat. She was now at a complete loss for everything. If only Luna hadn’t given her that wonderful gentle peck on her mouth, she wouldn’t be having this problem. Twilight looked off into a window that was a distance from her, seeing a full moon giving off its luminous glow over Ponyville. She stared at it and wondered if Luna could see the state she was in. Something inside her wanted to scream out into the night about how she felt. She wanted to let the world know that Luna was on her mind constantly and that she actually…

“I like her.”

As if a sudden bolt of lightning hit her, she finally realized what she was feeling while she looked at the moon. She wasn’t sick or developing some type of mental illness, but she simply just was smitten for Princess Luna. It all made sense to her now, her heart racing, her mind consumed of her starry mane, her sudden desire to now see her, it was all because she liked Luna, and maybe, just maybe…

“No... I don’t love her.” Twilight said to herself before the idea teased her. She couldn’t love Luna, she was a princess, and she was a simple student of Celestia, but did she even know if this was love? It was another question that she couldn’t answer.


As she did earlier, Twilight was thrown back out of her mind, and quickly turned her head to the clock that hung over the door. The clock had struck midnight to Twilight’s surprise, letting time escape her once again.

“Oh Celestia! I better get to bed.”

Now that she thought about it, she was actually more tired than she thought. Her eyelids felt heavy and her mind felt slow, no doubt from all her confusion and thoughts of such a beautiful alicorn. Twilight made her way to the stairs, and hoof by hoof went up the incline. Her body felt heavy, making it even more apparent that she was truly exhausted. She quietly opened the door to her room, welcomed by the sound of loud snoring. Spike was curled up in his bed, sleeping and peaceful, twitching here and there in his deep slumber. Twilight couldn’t help but smile at the scene and would join him soon enough.

Twilight climbed up onto her bed and rolled over onto her back, her tail hanging over the side of the bed. She turned her head to her window near her bed. Moonlight rays poured into her room, soothing her mind and body.

I wish I could just see you again Luna. I have to know what I’m feeling…

Her eyes fluttered, trying to stay awake as darkness was beginning to take hold of her. Her body relaxed, her mind stopped, and the last thing she saw was the beautiful moon with its shimmering stars as they looked down upon her, and one last thought escaped her before she surrendered herself to dream filled sleep.

"It looks so beautiful," she whispered as she finally dozed off.

"Why thank you Twilight Sparkle."

Her purple eyes immediately shot open, the warm calling of sleep leaving her as quickly as it came. Her heart stopped in a sudden mix of shock, fear, and excitement. She turned her head slowly, still laying on her bed, but her muscles were like ice. What was before her was a pair of teal eyes looking down at her, her dark regalia shining in the moonlight from the window, and a very sheepish smile spread across the alicorn's face.

"Hello Twilight Sparkle. How art thou?"