• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 7,949 Views, 398 Comments

Pewdiepie in Equestria - Regidar

After the Events of if smosh were ponies: Chapter 10, Pewdiepie has his own adventures.

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Onward, to Fried Chicken Land!

Luna dragged the ramblin Pewdiepony through the corridors. "Corridors! I hate corridors!" He was yelling. Stephano lay on Pewdie's back.

"Luna, where are we going?"

"To Fried Chicken land, Stephano, duh," Pewdie answered, trying to eat his own hoof. Luna grit her teeth. Pewdie was cute crazy at first, but now he was more annoying than a hetalia fangirl shipping the United States and Britain.

"Well, obviously not, Pewdie, because Fried Chicken land would be-"

"SHUT UP!" Luna yelled, throwing Pewdie and Stephano against the wall. "I'M TRYING TO COME UP WITH A PLAN HERE, AND YOU MORONS ARE MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE!"

"In my defense, boobs." Luna stomped on Pewdie's neck, causing him to have a mini seizure in an attempt to not die. Luna put her hoof up to her head and rubbed her temples.

"Pewdie, I don't know what caused you to become so crazy, but if I recall correctly, somewhere down here is a fountain that can cure ailments of any kind. I'm going to bring you to it, and then we can continue on your barrel killing quest, ok?"

Pewdie looked up at Luna, and said quite sincerely "Cheese is my favorite color in the alphabet."

Luna smashed her face into the wall a few times before Stephano spoke up. "Uh, Luna? Who's that over there?"

Luna looked over to see a tail disappear behind a corner."Ok, Stephano, guard Pewdie while I go check this out, ok?" Luna rushed off to catch the pony who Stephano had spotted. After several more turns, she cornered her in a corner.

"Well, duh."

Shut up, ok? It's late and I'm running out of things to write!

Anyway, Luna looked down at the cowering pony. "Lyra? what are you doing here?"

Lyra grinned sheepishly at the moon princess. "I may or may not have come here to offer myself to bear Pewdiepie's foals."

Luna stared down at the mare. "That is highly disturbing, and I'm going to act like I didn't hear that. How did you get past the bros?"

Lyra looked confused. "What bros? I didn't-"

"FOR THE MUFFIN QUEEN!" A bro charged blindly at the two. Luna bucked the bro off into a wall, where he expired.

"Those bros."

"Oh, ok. Well, I didn't see any coming in.. but I did find this muffin. Do you think it-" Luna promptly devoured the pastry.

"Silly Lyra. All these muffins and muffin references mean absolutely nothing and are in no way connected. Only a fool would think that. Now come on, I left Pewdie with Stephano. I'm not sure how much longer he'll be safe."

Lyra and Luna traversed their way back to Pewdiepony and Stephano. on their way, they saw a large banner saying "Derpy the Muffin Queen is Mother of All Barrels."

"Do you think this means anything?" Lyra said, pointing to it.

Luna facehoofed and groaned. "Lyra, what did I say about overthinking things?"

"Nothing, actually, you just said that-"

"Shut up."

The two arrived at the place where Pewdiepie and his golden french statue friend were supposed to be. instead, they found a note. Luna levitated it up and read aloud.

"Dear Luna and Lyra,

We have Pewdie and Stephano. Give up your quest to kill the barrels. If you don't, we will kill them in the most horrible way possible. By forcing them to watch one full episode of 'Jersey Shore.'

-Hugs and Kisses, not Derpy, who is also not the muffin queen."

Luna looked over at Lyra. "See? I told you Derpy wasn't the muffin queen. Always remember that I am always right, always."

Lyra stared down at her hooves in sorrow. "I feel dumb."