• Published 25th Mar 2018
  • 2,164 Views, 68 Comments

Pinkie's Unique Other. "No I'm Not In A Relation With Her!" - Taken-By-Insanity

When there's danger I save the day or something with satanic abilities I posses and Pinkie is in control at other times like at parties. Can I please have my own body!?

  • ...

"Wait. The Entire Pie Family Has A Similar Situation We Are In?!" It's A Family Thing To Have A Good Demon Use You As A Host. "Why Didn't You Tell Me?!" You Never Asked. "Anyways. Some Family History!"

"I'm so excited I could just explode!" Pinkie then exploded in confetti when she said that. She then popped out of my mane and continued by saying, "I haven't seen my family in person since I left the rock farm which makes me more excited and slightly nervous at the same time. How about you?" She jumped out of my mane and kept bouncing while I was walking.

"I'm nervous but slightly excited at the same time to be honest," was my reply. We came upon the barn door and Pinkie knocked while bouncing in one place. A light gray pony with a dark blue mane/tail and wearing a dark grey small dress reaching down to her knees and black boots answered the door. Her cutie mark was a rock shaped like a diamond.

The pony had a very monotone voice while saying, "Hi Pinkie, it's been a while." Pinkie squeed and hugged the pony saying apologies for not visiting often enough and such. After that was over Maud, I heard Pinkie call her that so I'm calling her that, said, "So Pinkie who's this you have with you."

I answered her question by introducing myself as such, "I'm Zalgy Cake! Slayer of demons, only the mean or mindless ones, and general nice pony as well as Pinkie's demon." Maud's eyes slightly widened when I said the slaying demon part for a second before regaining her natural look. Then suddenly me and Pinkie merged right in front of her! Pinkie must've forgotten to set the alarm after the last merge.

I was in control at first but I immediately switched control and mentally said to Pinkie, 'You're the one explaining!' And I just paced in my little living room where the screens are in worry that something bad will happen afterwards.

I looked at the Screen of Sight and saw Maud raise an eyebrow and said, "Wow Pinkie. I was starting to worry if you were going to get a demon partner or not."

"I know right! I was wondering as well. It took soooo long but I finally got a demon like every Pie family member! That's one thing taken off my bucket list," Pinkie said with lot's of excitement. The Screen of Feeling was showing that Pinkie was slightly nervous but super excited for some reason. The Screen of Feeling's Reason says that Pinkie is excited since getting a demon was common in the Pie family and she was the only one without one, until yesterday of course, and she was nervous since she doesn't know how most of her family would react to me and my small 'hobby' of killing other demons, large or small.

I heard a panicked knock on the door of my cabin suddenly. Confused by this I went to the door and opened it to find nothing but the endless grey forest that my mind scape takes the form of. I shrugged and closed the door before sitting on my couch, watching what was going on in the real world. Now I'm really confused though, why didn't Pinkie tell me about this earlier? Pinkie and Maud are in a living room at the moment with some other ponies sitting on a couch opposite their own.

The one on the very left was a dark tan(?) coated stallion with a graying mane/tail/sideburns from age and dark yellow eyes, wearing a suit, a tie, and a fedora, his cutie mark was a pickaxe.

The one next to him was a light gray coated mare with a very dark grey mane/tail and blue eyes, wearing a small dress that screams 'teacher,' she even has the glasses and mane style to boot, her cutie mark was three rocks.

The next one was a turquoise(?) coated mare with very light grey mane/tail and light green eyes, wearing an outfit that says 'stereotypical teenager,' a spike bracelet on her left wrist, ripped pants skirt in a fashionable way, same with the green shirt, and high heeled black boots with spikes around the ankle area, her cutie mark was a lime hovering above to pieces of stone.

The last one was a light grey coated mare with a slightly dark grey mane/tail and dark blue eyes, wearing a really dark grey jacket over a dark green shirt with a lighter green skirt and she wears a pair of heeled boots. Her cutie mark was three marble shaped stones.

Turns out they're the rest of Pinkie's family, in order from left to right they're Clyde Pie, Cloudy Quartz, Limestone Pie, and Marble Pie.

Clyde said, "So Pinkie, may we meet your demon friend?" Pinkie nodded and we did the process of splitting to two again and if you can't already tell it's getting really annoying to do it so many times. I grabbed my knife from my hammer space and decided to just toss it up and catch it like you would find some people do in shows or movies.

I put the knife away after a moment and said, "Ello mates. The name's Zalgy Cake, the killer of demons but only the bad ones. Great to meet ya."

After the introductions Limestone asked, "So how long have you been with Pinkie and can you tell us about your abilities?" I complied and said my abilities. They were surprised at my ability to influence others but weren't exactly surprised at most of my other abilities.

Marble spoke up and said, "I was thinking more would pop up for Pinkie's demon to be honest." She realized she said that out loud and said, "Sorry! I didn't mean to be rude. Please forgive me!"

I forgave her and said, "Oh but that would make Pinkie predictable which means that the world has to pick another so it would be unpredictable just like how Pinkie will almost always be. Now I feel like having a history lesson after all, I'm technically part of the family now."

The Pies went to a discussion for a bit before Cloudy Quartz stood up and said, "I will be the one explaining." The rest of the family agreed and went back to their seat before Quartz continued, "You see around one thousand and fifteen years ago I believe, when Discord was in charge of Equestria, our ancestors were exposed to so much chaos magic that when Discord was first put to stone the Elements of Harmony put all the left over chaos magic into our ancestors. After the chaos magic got 'settled in' with the harmony magic we already had the combined magic gave our family friends, one for each family member, they were demons that were good and didn't deserve staying in Tartarus."

After catching her breath for a second she said, "These demons always seemed to get along with their host since they either have a somewhat similar personality, were complete opposites, had similar likes, or something else but they always got along. The demons could take control whenever they want but they're usually too nice to do it, so they only took control on certain occasions such as we're being attacked or some formal/sad event was going on like a funeral or a party. That's about the short version that explain everything."

I nodded and I asked if their demon could take control so I can meet them. They said it was alright and changed to their demon forms. The first one was Marble's who now looked like a Houndoom, the Pokemon.

After Marble was done Limestone went to her form which was-

Author's Note:

Ba Ta Boom! Another chapter to ya'll! Applejack you're supposed to be working at Sweet Apple Acres. Shush!! I'm trying to listen to this amazing song! Yes ma'am!
*Sound Of Vacuum*
Ya know I can take the door right?! Yeah but it's more fun this way.
*Sound Stops*
Now like AJ said, another chapter for you all! Also the cliffhanger curse has struck again.

How about some suggestions on the rest of the Pie family's demon forms? You don't have to but I would like some since I don't know what they should be at the moment. The one's I pick will be in the next chapter's author notes and hopefully no characters from the other than Pinkie and Zalgy will be in here next time.