• Published 27th Mar 2018
  • 1,376 Views, 146 Comments

The Lone hunter - Viper Pit

A creature unknown to pony kind and hunter of changelings sets off from her home in the bad lands to find friends and maybe more

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Chapter 1 (edited)

I tried everything I could think of to escape this infernal cage. Clawing at the bars with my pincer tail, digging through the floor, trying to weaken part of it with my venom, and others. “Stupid Cage… Suffocating Giants…” as I muttered this a chopped carrot was thrown at me, “Aggravating Hare!...” Eventually, I settled down and attempted to get cozy in my new place of residence. I was locked in this cage all because I was deemed too dangerous to be let roaming free in their society

Oh, I’ll show them just how dangerous I can be when I get out of here, I thought angrily. How exactly did I end up in this situation you may ask? I only sought out a mate so that I could begin to raise my own nest!

What’s with that look? Have you never been struck out from your own nest to prevent inbreeding between siblings? No? I guess you need more of an explanation to understand. Let me backup to the beginning. I am part of the species called Scorpony. To be honest, I know nothing else about us and don't really care to find out. Oh! Changeling transforming magic has the most delicious taste out there from my experience at least.

My old new consisted of my parents, three sisters, six brothers, fifteen cousins, two aunts, two uncles, and finally my grandparents who were the leaders. Thing is our best started to become too crowded with not enough food to go around. So few of my siblings, cousins, and l set off to find suitable mates for our own nests. We have to be what you call strict so our next generation is strong enough to head off on their own one day.

I ventured to a land that the last changelings we captured screamed before we drained them dry of magic. I overheard them mentioning an old invasion on a place called Canterlot too, but brushed that off. It was a long walk to the north of a place called Equestria. With my short legs, it took around a week until I came across a strange looking place. Changelings tend to make their hives in desserts so that predators will be warded off by the heat.

There were these tall walls made of wood only it wasn't in the form of round logs like a tree trunk. My curiosity got the better of me so I decided to investigate this strange formation. I searched all along the perimeter of the entire wall to see if there as a way around it or through it. I eventually found a small hole near the dirt.

Now, we're getting somewhere, I thought to myself as I began trying to fit my head through the hole. Minding my horn and ears I found that it was too tight of a fit to push myself through. After I backed out of the whole, I did what we Scorponies do to build our physical nests: digging. Using both my back hooves and tail I managed to dig a hole under the wall. It took a few minutes since I'm not used to digging all on my own, but once the tips of my tail hit the surface again I shifted myself around.

I closed my eyes then pushed my head through the dirt and shook my mane free of any remaining dirt. I opened my eyes slowly to spot a tall building that would be suitable for shelter. I heard the light tapping from a different part of this walled off place. I looked at a back corner to see a smaller structure with a furry beast laying in it. This beast was around my height with sharp fangs poking from its long mouth. Sand brown fur covered its entire body, it noticed me immediately.

As it came rushing I hurried to retract my head back down, only once it reached my tunnel this beast started digging. This enemy kept emitting a strange noise I started clicking my tail as a warning. It didn't stop so I readied myself for a fight luckily I had the advantage of being below ground. “Awoooo!!!” it howled, but for how much longer I couldn't tell. I waited for an opportunity to strike which came as it slowed down and lowered its mouth down my entrance a bit. Gotcha

I rushed up headbutting it then I kicked it with my hooves, this things digging had widened the entrance so I could escape quickly. The beast started growling at me now agitated so I shifted to a defensive position snapping my pincers. I tried putting some distance between us by slowly scooting along the wall. He returned to the previous sound trying to imitate my stance. I watched it both confused and defensively, you're seriously mocking me in a fight!

It quickly charged toward me then snapped its teeth at my leg which I dodged. I tried swinging my tail at it again only for it to catch my tail in its mouth. This thing yanked at my tail almost ripping part of it off as I yelled in pain and dragged me toward its body. Seconds later reinforcements came out of the house screaming in fear. The beast let go of my tail and I lunged at its neck injecting what little venom I could muster at that moment.

The other creature shouts at me “SWEET CELESTIA, GET AWAY FROM PRINCE!!!” It grabbed a long grey stick then swung at my right side as I tried to run back toward my hole. As pain erupted from my side, it bashed its weapon on my head causing me to be knocked out.

I’m not sure how much time passed, but as I began to stir I heard that creature from before along with another voice. “Carrot Top, Prince will be just fine. This Scorpony thought he was an enemy so it took the defensive,” said a calmer sounding voice.

“Defensive!! This thing attacked my dog it could have killed Prince,” screams this Carrot Top.

“And you hit her with a steel bat, she's lucky you didn't crack any of her ribs.”

“That doesn't explain why that Scorp whatever attacked Prince, Fluttershy!”

“Calm down. Scorpponies like her live in the same environment as Changelings they have to be cautious. It's in their instinctual nature.” explains Fluttershy.

I think those two walked away because I could no longer hear their conversation. I quickly opened my eyes to see I was still in that strange place. Slowly I lifted myself up and tried to turn myself around. I spotted that the tunnel I had dug was filled in with more stones than I could count. Have to think fast! I remembered where that beast had been inside. It may not be the best option, but it was better than limping out in the open.

I rushed to that small structure heading no mind to the absence of its previous resident. I smelled some type of meat and spotted a few strange balls. My stomach growled weakly so I devoured the awful tasting crunchy food, gaining my strength back was my top priority. I rested until the pained dulled to a more bearable level then spotted an opening in the wall. Unlike the hole, this one was much bigger, did that other creature make this to get in?

Right now it would be my ticket out of here so I hastily walked over to the opening. Just as I reached a strange smoother part of the area a noise came from the building. “Where did that thing g-” I shakily bolted at the sound of the voice, my front legs felt swollen. They must have heard my hooves hit the hard part of the ground as I heard footsteps rush behind me.

“Don't go onto the road!” a different voice called out despite the pain I began galloping. The next events happened so fast some type of large thing was speeding down a hill on my left. I couldn't react it time as it was about to smash into my much smaller body, I forced my eyes shut expecting the force. One motion rocked my body, but instead of smashing into me it instead enveloped my body moving me forward. Even after this rough motion ended I kept my eyes tightly shut in fear my fast heartbeat reverberated through my head.

Something began to slightly pet my head, I still remained stationary the pain in my legs was also present. A different voice from before started to speak, “Th-that was a little too close for comfort…” I peeked through my right eye to see a light yellow colored hand holding my midsection up. Yes, I know what hands are Changelings have them as well you know. It was how high up I seemed to be that got me whatever these things were. They must have been a good few feet taller than I was.

A sudden slam from behind us caused the creature holding me to turn around, the larger hole in the gate had disappeared. There stood most likely similar creature who had fur and a mane that were different shades of orange. “Sorry, Fluttershy, but I don't want that thing anywhere near Prince again!” it shouts then proceeded to walk into the building. The one holding me sighed and I look down at her hind legs. They were hooves just like mine only elongated to accommodate Fluttershy's bipedal stature. I looked up at her face to see a snout similar to mine only she had a light pink colored mane.

I noticed that two feathered wings like a bird were opened behind her, is she what those changelings called a Pegasus? I starred with curiosity while Fluttershy shifted her hold around me. As her hand brushed over my side I winced in pain as she immediately apologized. “Sorry… Let's get you patched and cleaned up. Is that alright with you?” I hesitated for a moment, Am I really going to trust someone who talked to the creature that hurt me… Then saved me from being crashed in to…

I gave a slight nod, while that Carrot Top may have attacked me this Fluttershy saved me. Besides this will give me time to rest so that if she does try anything I can escape. Instead of preparing to take off, she instead starting to walk along a path. Unlike the road this one wasn't grey it was instead a brown, I kept myself occupied watching the surroundings pass. Although there was a slight yell as we got farther on the path Fluttershy continued her steady and slow pace.

Minutes passed as we came to a strange looking cave that was part tree part rock with a large oval shape in the front. I noticed a smaller structure with a gate to the left but ignored it. “What is this place? And what kind of tree cave is that I've never seen anything like?” I asked. I have seen a few caves hidden by a large tree, except this one seemed to be made out of mostly wood. Not to mention that strange oval shape in the front where the large entrance should be.

When small laugh came from her I was confused until she explained, “This isn't a cave this is my cottage house.” Her answer explained it was, not like I really understood what that meant. I looked up at her face showing a puzzled expression that Fluttershy managed to catch. “Oh, right you Scorponies don't have houses in the Badlands. Think of it as a specially built cave or building for somepony to spend their time in comfort. Of course, mine acts like a vet clinic for all kinds of adorable animals. That's a place where hurt or wounded creatures like yourself can usually get the proper care to heal, ” she added.

“But, why would you want to help weakened prey? Should giants like you finish them off for food?” I question confused by her strange logic. Her expression changed from the calm to a slightly horrified one.

“Oh no no no! Ponies would never do something so cruel like that. We don't eat meat, ” Fluttershy worriedly explained as she walked over the bridge of her house. Oh, so their leaf eaters like those rabbits… I thought to myself as she stopped at her front door. I was surprised when this mare opened an entrance to her house. I stared in awe as the interior looked nothing like the rocky caves I was used too.

“Woah! I've seen anything like this either!” I exclaimed as my eyes looked over all the foreign objects. I spotted few cages with birds, holes in the wall with small squeak coming from them and a sleeping white rabbit. After closing the front door, she laughed once again then went over to a strange white box with a clear side. Then took out a few things, I couldn't get a clear look at them all but there seemed to be this tan material wrapped up in a ball. Fluttershy started to walk toward another oval shape that was blue this time. I was met with a large white bowl that had strange metal things above it on a wall with strange patterns.

There was a reflective surface near a smaller white bowl only this one had tiny entrances under it. She gently placed me down on a soft part of the floor and put the other things she grabbed nearby me. Odd, why did she put me down he- my thoughts were interrupted as the mare placed her hands on my tail. She began feeling along it minding my pincers while it wasn't painful like my escape attempt. This felt really unusual to me as I never really allowed others to touch my tail.

“Wh-what are you doing?” I ask still surprised from the continued contacts.

“Just checking your tail for any slight puncture marks, Prince pulled it hard, right?” she answers.

“Yes,” this went on until she moved to my hind legs which still stung with pain. Her extensive checking proceeded further and further until Fluttershy reached the top of my head. I've never been so bodily conscious in my entire life…

“It looks like you don't have any broken or cracked bones. I have heard Scorponies like yourself are pretty durable, but I never thought you could stand being hit by a metal bat. Still, your side and hooves will be swollen for a few hours so let's get you cleaned up while we wait. I’m going to turn on the water, stay still.” she explained then reached over toward the metal things above the large bowl.

“Water? How it isn't even a rainy season, “ I said puzzled once again. It was when she turned the metals things that water sprayed out of the middle one. I couldn't believe my eyes, where is that water coming from? I watched as she stuck her hand in the water over the course of a few minutes. I was too short to see how much water had flowed into the large bowl when she turned the metal thing again to stop the water. Fluttershy stuck her hand in one more time then proceeded to pick me up.

I for one was enthusiastic to get a closer look at what brought the water from out of nowhere. She placed me into the large bowl where the water reached just below the end of my mane. I attempted to start drinking it until Fluttershy stopped me and quickly got some type of cup from off what she called a sink. I drank from this surprised that the water was actually cold. That was a rare chance to encountered slightly cold water back around the nest.

Yep, all that occurred was me messing around in the water cleaning dirt out of my purple coat. I totally didn't play with the new discovery of a rubber duck and absolutely would never name him Sir Quacks-A-Lot. And we most definitely did not go on a rip-roaring adventure across the sea contained in a large bathtub. That has not occurred in the slightest…

Okay, I lost track playing in the tub as Fluttershy taught me a few bath games. A strange sound resonated through the house as she went to answer the front door. The doors are crafted wood that separates each room giving some privacy if they have a lock. I hardly minded the conversation she was having with somepony else. I did catch what believe to be a name, Twilight. I wish I could warn myself of what happened next a new pony came rushing into the bathroom.

She had a purple coat just like me, and a dark purple mane with a lighter purple streak then a pink streak. This new pony had a horn on her head with wings like Fluttershy only much bigger. I noticed feather in her hand and a thin piece of wood with white sheets on it in the other. She began starting at me occasionally moving the feather across the material. “This a once in a lifetime opportunity, Fluttershy! The size of Scorpony's have never been recorded before because they're so elusive still I thought this one would be larger, ” she commented.

“I’m not supposed to grow any bigger than this you know,” I stated angrily. I am a good 3 ft 4 inches the full-grown height for adults.

“And why's that?”

“Because our magic reserves wouldn't last long in the Badlands. They could be blown through while we're trying to escape or worse,” I answer. The scribbling down was starting to get annoying. Suddenly, her horn began to glow enveloping me in a purple aura that lifted me up to this pony's eye level. This straight pissed me off.

“Curious. Her tail has two white pointed pincer-like extremities that are 2.5 inches in diameter. The tail itself is as long as her body spanning roughly two feet seven inches,” she observes. I started clicking my pincers together as a warning, even if she knew Fluttershy I would not take this. “Ooooh, I’ve only read about the cluck warning in a journal entry before. They seem consistent every three seconds.”

I struggled against her magic growing more enraged as the minutes ticked by, if my clicks aren't enough warning then verbal it is! “I swear I'll inject with enough venom so you can't see straight for a whole week. If you don't put me down right now!!” I shout to now avail as she continues to jot down notes. When Fluttershy walked in a wave of relief washed over me as she tapped her friend on the shoulder.

“Um… Twilight. I don't she likes being levitated very much” she explains. This draws the attention of the purple which leads me to land roughly on the soft surface. I quickly shook off the excess water and got in a ready stance.

“Sorry, it's just studying a Scorpony is so rare with how they avoid Ponies. Especially considering their kind braves the death in the far Badlands. I can't help myself, even the small bit of information I observed exceeds any recorded data on them!” Twilight says in an excited manner. Not wanting to be in that mess again I crouched into a defensive position and pinched my pincers in a louder warning.

When they both turned to look at me, the one with a horn starting jotting down more notes as I then stamped my hooves. The death glare I was directing toward her sent the intended message. “Sorry, I can't help it when I found something new to research. And us ponies know so little about you and your kind.” she attempted as a poor excuse for an apology.

“Please settle down… Twilight doesn't mean any harm and is sorry for being so rough with you.” Fluttershy added. I got the message, but in the nest when somescorpony messed with you. Then it took an action to get them to stop so I acted on instinct. I jumped at the purple one with enough force that would knock her down to the floor. My hooves made brief contact with her face as the pegasus grabbed my tail. She lifted me up which only multiple my drive to stand up for myself.

“LET ME AT HER! I HAVE TO PROVE MY POINT!” I yelled while struggling against Fluttershy's surprisingly vice-like grip. Unfortunately, she decided to place me in this cage as they discussed what to do next. Now I'm stuck here waiting to be let out and pissed at the purple one who I knew would try again

Author's Note:

this was something I did on a whim so It's not gonna be to my mane focus unlike my other stories maybe idk thats up to you to decide also if you want more information on Vipers species Here in a blog I made about them i would also like to thank Taken By Insanity for letting this sotry take place in the same world as his story

TPinkie's Unique Other. "No I'm Not In A Relation With Her!"
When there's danger I save the day or something with satanic abilities I posses and Pinkie is in control at other times like at parties. Can I please have my own body!?
Taken-By-Insanity · 11k words  ·  31  18 · 2.2k views