• Member Since 26th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen April 30th

Harmony Pie

Rapists can climb

Comments ( 55 )


Words can't accurately describe this, so I'll stick with the one that fits best.

I Cry for them
I Cry at this
This is beautiful
Everybody and everything, keep being beautiful

Short, sad, and sweet. I like it.

Precious.:apple cry:

Easily one of your best and an excellent form of tribute.

I have no words for this...except...


Wow. I am literally in loss of words. I.... I got no words to say that this came out wonderfully written and hopes that you'll find comfort soon.

You poor sweet little nugget.
The whole way through I was in tears. Half because of the writing, and half because of how authentically someone as young and sweet as you was writing about grief.
I tell people that all the time. You never get over it, and it never gets any easier. It's like a bad leg. Eventually you learn to live with it, and eventually you can bring out memories without being stabbed in the heart.

I'm here if you need to talk, sweetie. Great story as always.

I've always hated the though that Twilight's become immortal! (I wrote an entire fic about her not being immortal! :D)

But now that I've got that off my chest still a nice little fic.

i miss you daddy

i miss you mommy

i love you both

i'm sorry...

Some poems I wrote for funerals I have been to in the past:

"The body is just a shell,
For the mind and soul within.
It is to these that the legacy lies,
A legacy immutable.
For though decisions may be reversed,
And monuments undone.
The past is the past,
And will always have been."

"When I pass from this world,
Take your place in my stead.
That the world I have carved for you may flourish,
And always remember,
To leave a space for those who will come after you."

I have no words, Harmony, just...Beautiful!

Be safe, be well, peace be with you.

This is a beautiful and healthy depiction of grief.

Thank you for writing!

That was really beautifully written. Very powerful!

This is great. Beautiful. Greatly written.

This is... very accurate. And very nicely written. The editor in me caught a few tense shifts, but they're nothing compared to the sentiment of the story and the feelings it portrays.
I'm sorry for your loss. But as Sirius said:
The ones that love us never truly leave us.

I’m glad you liked it. I was a bit worried about the tense changes, I would greatly appreciate it if you could point them out? Thanks!

"So long as we remember, they live!"--Ryuu

I've wrote a few fics about Twilight coping with losing her friends, but mine also have Celestia and Luna dead, so all she has is Cadance to help her cope. Mine are too depressing to really be any good. I like this. Losing someone does leave a hole in your heart. Both of my grandparents died when I was a teenager. The holes are still there. They never heal, but they do slowly scar over, if you know what I mean. It hurts less as time goes on.

It's well written, but nothing that hasn't been written about before. Still, you get an upvote from me.

Oh, I think my heart just shattered a little... Absolutely astounding work Harmony, just goes to show you don't need 3000+ words to elicit the feels.

Loss, is always a good way for an author to yank the heart strings and this nice little vignette does an admirable job of it. I liked the setting, characterizations and the emotions expressed by not only Twilight, but Celestia as well. Loss and death hurts and as such I'm not a big fan of Twilight losing her friends and prefer realities where that doesn't happen. I like escapist fantasy because the real world is less pleasant. It was, however, worth the read and I'm sorry for the loss of your Grandfather. I've used the 'hole' analogy in real life and yes the holes in the heart remain, but like someone said here, they scar over, but never close, nor would I want them to. Like an old injury, they occasionally jab, reminding one of what caused it and thus they are never truly forgotten or gone.

An idea that has been explored countless times, but oh well.

I keep saying that originality is the most overrated quality of fiction. Loss and grief and death are inescapable, inexorable parts of our lives, so that's why we keep exploring them, sometimes in the form of a purple pony princess pining for passed friends. What matters is the execution, and I think you did well with this one.

Beautifully done. Not too much, just enough everypony who has lost somepony can relate. There is a nice flow here as well, a poignant sadness that underpins the story but never overwhelms. Kudos.

This was great, but...

Spike is small again, and curled up in her arms.

Arms? >_>

Yeah, I wasn’t sure what i should change it to. Just hooves maybe?

Horses actually do have "forearms", so you could probably go either way.

This was pretty great, Harmony.

Wow, I’m glad you liked it! :3

... and holds her tight against her breast.

Um... you know pony breast are between their back legs right? Saying that would work when the characters are human but as ponies you basically just said:

... and holds her tight against her crotch.

I was using breast as synonymous to chest

Sorry for your loss, friend.

I lost someone, too. My mom passed after a couple years of chemotherapy. Just thought it might help to know you're not alone.

I’m so sorry, and thank you. I know losing a parent must be even harder

:fluttercry: Oh no, I’m so sorry

Thank you very much. I’m okay, though. I appreciate your thought.

So sorry for your loss. One of my grandparents died not long ago, so I sympathize. May he rest in peace.

A man never dies as long as his name is still spoken.

Life lesson right there...

I’m sorry. I usually just point out errors or inconsistencies in whatever I’m reading, I didn’t mean to sound rude or anything.

I have never, in the many things I have read, seen the description of Holes that way. So whether you found this buried away in some book, or it came upon you as you wrote this down. I can only say thank you. It was by far one of the best lines I think I had the pleasure of reading.

No, don’t worry! You’re perfectly fine:twilightsmile:

That’s... amazing. I’m very glad you liked the way I described it :derpytongue2:


My bed has gotten all soggy for some reason.

Seriously, though, this fic really hit home.
And it rings true; the pain never goes away.

Great work.

Thank you for reading. And the follow!:pinkiegasp:

This is a great fic. It really hits hard. I also appreciate that it didn't dwell on "the curse of immortality." I featured this on episode 216 of my podcast, Pony 411.

Thank you so much for featuring this fic. This made my day! You have a very nice podcast there ^^

If you were to see my face right now, you would know how much this devistated me. It REALLY fucking hurts! Don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy that this made me absolutely sad. On the contrary, I am very thankful for you to write this. It is so well done! BRAVO! (I'm sorry for your loss)

I don’t know what to say... I’m pleased my story managed to have such an impact, but also not? Don’t cry to much over it, please.

Thank you for reading:heart:

It makes me sad, in the way that it quite literally moved- no, it SHOOK me to tears.
And I LOVED that it did! Again thank you for this masterpiece made from personal pain and loss. And even though this is just a story, fiction, and it's probably just the way I am but it seems to me that your story was so we'll, well to the point it was real. I Felt I was there, I felt as if I was her, I cracked at the loss of my close ones, broke as I continued to get by spreading my lie, I'm fine, I'm okay, I crumbled when I saw her leave my grip, my last family, the only other who kept me close as I wept. From now onwards, if I want to survive for others then I need to avoid falling into a hole, falling into greif and despair. (Alright ma~ybe I went to far in this comment. Sry. But please know this shows my gratitude. I wonder if I spelled shook right.) Ok, thats the you'll have to listen to my joy and appreciation for your story. Cya~.

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