• Published 6th Jul 2018
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Re-Election in Ponyville: Defending Her Turf - StormLuna

In the last election, Amethyst Star accomplished what was once thought impossible by becoming the first unicorn mayor. Things have changed since then and despite the good economy, her chances of being re-elected are not guaranteed.

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Election Day

Election Day

One month after the debate, the day that everypony had been waiting for had arrived, Election Day. As it was four years ago, Sunny Flames and the ENC crew was setting up shop. There were two big differences from the last election. The first was that temperatures were warmer than they were four years ago. The second was that Sunny and her crew were able to spend the night before in the new hotel rather than having to arrive early in the morning on the train.

It was 0630 and the news crew was setting up near the town hall and Sunny was surprised by what she saw. While four years ago the turnout was looking good, there was already a very long line of residents, ponies and non-ponies alike, lined up ready to vote. Sunny thought to herself, "Wow, all the ballots may wind up being cast well before the polls close."

Before Sunny knew it she got a notification that the time had come to go live. Once the cameras started rolling she began, "Good morning Equestria, I'm Sunny Flames and once again, it is decision day in many communities across Equestria. While many larger communities are holding mayoral elections, I am again reporting from Ponyville because it is unique. Last time it was because of the issues and this time it is because of a Minotaur running for mayor."

Back in Manehattan Hard News, the main anchor asked, "So Sunny, have their been any negative reactions to this Minotaur running?"

Sunny replied, "Surprisingly no. Ponyville has changed and who or what kind of creature is no longer important, it is the issues and the issues alone that matter." She then saw Amethyst leaving the polling station. She approached her and continued, "Amethyst, I know what your answer will likely be but who do you think will win today?"

Amethyst couldn't help but chuckle, "Come on Ms. Flames, you should know that I'm not going to go making any predictions like that. It is bad karma to do so."

Sunny knew that she couldn't just leave the interview at that, "Very well but how would you say the atmosphere of the town has been, have your supporters been clashing with your opponent's supporters?"

Amethyst replied, "I really haven't noticed any tension between them but I really don't pay attention to it either."

Sunny pointed off towards the completed Sky Needle and asked, "I know the Sky Needle is something very important to you. Is it open yet?"

Amethyst gave her a smile, "Actually yes. It opened on schedule Nightmare Night and The Ponyville Department of Tourism and Economic Development made it a night to remember. There was plenty of candy for not just the foals but everypony who attended, the cider was flowing and I decided to chip in and provide cake for all the guests."

Sunny was very impressed, "Wow, you really want to see everypony happy, don't you?"

Amethyst replied, "Yes, I certainly do."

Sunny then decided to ask about the other issue on the ballot, "Amethyst, I don't know if you will make any predictions on this or not but how do you think Referendum 1 is going to do. Do you think it will pass?"

Amethyst got a huge smile on her face and replied, "Actually yes, I do. Judging by the imbalance of yard signs supporting it to those opposing it, I think it will pass and because of the casinos that will be opening, we'll have more revenue flowing in for the schools."

Sunny replied, "Well with as much as this town is growing, I could certainly see it."

Amethyst turned back towards the town hall and said, "Well I would say more but I really have to get to my office. You have a good day."

Sunny replied, "You have a good day as well and good luck."

Once Amethyst had left Hard News commented, "It sounds like Amethyst is very confident with Referendum 1."

Sunny replied, "It does." She then saw Iron Will leaving the town hall, approached him and asked, "Iron Will, the turnout today is quite large. Do you think this favors you or your opponent?"

Iron Will puffed his chest out and boasted, "Iron Will is certain that the large turnout will favor him. After all, there may be a lot of undecided voters who will want their traditions restored and only Iron Will will restore them."

Sunny asked, "So I'm taking it you are predicting a victory?"

Iron Will thought it was a ridiculous question, "Of course Iron Will is predicting he will win. Iron Will knows Ponyville is a community of tradition and that they will not vote for a pony who wants to turn it into Las Pegasus North."

Sunny figured that he had bloviated enough about himself and switched the topic, "What about Referendum 1. Do you think it will pass?"

Iron Will knew that not only was it quite popular and that it would likely aid his business but stuck to the traditionalist role, "Iron Will can not make a call on that. He hopes that it will not but don't worry, if it passes and when Iron Will is elected, he will scrap it. Iron Will has no desire to see this community lose its small town charm."

Sunny replied, "Very well. Well thank you for your time. Good luck and you have a good day."

Iron Will took off to go check on his zeppelin fleet. In Manehattan Hard News asked, "Sunny, it seems like Iron Will is quite full of himself."

Sunny replied, "Yes he does but now it is time to interview some ponies in the community." The first pony she found was a blue pegasus with a rainbow colored mane. She approached her and asked, "Ma'am, could I have a moment of your time?"

Rainbow replied, "Sure, what's up?"

Sunny asked, "So who did you wind up voting for?"

The pegasus replied, "I voted for Amethyst Star."

Sunny asked, "Why did you vote for Amethyst?"

The pegasus replied, "Because I am doing much better now that I was four years ago. Yeah when she first brought in the weather mage I was out of a job for a while but then I was able to get a job delivering mail from here to Canterlot and back. That pays much better than what controlling the weather did and besides, I think everything now is waaaaay cooler!"

Sunny commented, "Thank you for your time ma'am, you have a good day."

The pegasus replied, "You too."

Sunny then approached the next pony she could find, a unicorn with two dolphins for a cutie mark. She approached her and asked, "Ma'am, could I have a moment of your time?"

The unicorn replied, "Yes, but make it quick. I have to get to my job."

Sunny asked, "Very well. Who did you vote for and why?"

The unicorn knew that she simply couldn't come out and say that she voted for Amethyst for the reasons that she did. She replied, "Well I am doing a whole lot better than I was four years ago and just looking around it is obvious that the town is doing better off, much better off."

Sunny commented, "Well you have a good day ma'am."

The unicorn replied, "You as well."

Sea Swirl headed off towards the town hall and Hard News commented, "So far it looks like plenty of Amethyst supporters out there."

Sunny replied, "It does and that does not surprise me. Amethyst has done a lot for this town and I have a feeling that not just ponies, but everycreature is likely going to want more of this progress."

Hard News got a notice that it was time to move on. He said, "Well Equestria, this is all the time we have for now in Ponyville. We will return to Ponyville tonight for the results."

The cameras stopped rolling and the ENC crew headed towards the new end of town, towards the base of the Sky Needle where she noticed a stage was being set up. She saw an earth pony with three bags of money overseeing the construction. She approached him and commented, "I take it this is where Amethyst's watch party will take place?"

The pony replied, "Yep, I along with everypony else in The Ponyville Department of Tourism and Economic Development want to make sure that Amethyst has the best victory celebration in Equestrian history."

Sunny also noticed speakers being set up and pegasi putting something at the top of the Sky Needle. She asked, "I take it there will be music and fireworks going off if she wins?"

The pony replied, "You mean WHEN she wins." He pointed back towards Ponyville and continued, "You've seen how many more Amethyst 2020 signs there are in town. Amethyst has a proven track record here and all Iron Will has done is promise that he will harm his own business to restore silly traditions and lousy weather."

Sunny said, "Yeah, I can see where you are coming from." Sunny noticed that ponies were coming in and out of the structure. She knew that the place had a restaurant and suggested to her crew, "Come on guys, let's go and grab a bite to eat."

The crew nodded and followed her inside. When they got inside Sunny was very impressed. The elevator's were spacious and moved quicker than any other that she had ridden in. She would be even more impressed with the restaurant as it was very cosmopolitan and had a menu that all ponies, city folk and small town ponies, could easily afford and would be accommodated by.

Amethyst's Preparations

After a long day of voting, the polls finally closed at 1900 and Sunny and the ENC crew exited the restaurant and lounge where they had spent a great deal of the day. They knew that the time to go live was fast approaching and when they exited the building, they noticed that a huge crowd had already gathered, waiting for the news on whether or not their candidate won.

While the crew was getting set up, Amethyst was arriving and saw the one pony she had wanted to support her by coming to an event in the front row. She embraced her and exclaimed, "Sea Swirl, you came!"

Sea Swirl returned the embrace, "Well I did promise I'd be here and I'm not about to back out of my promise." Sea Swirl was looking around at everything that had been sat up and continued, "Wow, the tourism and economic development guys are really going all out for you."

Amethyst replied, "Yep. From what I understand, if I win, fireworks will be going off, loud music will be playing and a spotlight will be shining on the exit when I come out of the building to greet everypony before heading to the podium to address the crowd."

Sea Swirl noticed that Amethyst said if instead of when she won and this impressed her. She again embraced her and said, "Now that's the attitude you need. It is so much better than you acting like you have already won."

Amethyst replied, "Well this one is not guaranteed." She looked back towards the entrance and continued, "Well I better get inside. The plan is for me to watch the coverage of other places before they return here."

Amethyst then headed inside and headed up to the lounge to mingle with other citizens who were up watching ENC coverage of other contests across the country.

The Results

It was over an hour after the polls closed and like it was four years ago, an extra crew had been sent so that coverage from Iron Will's watch party could be covered along with Amethyst's. Also like it was four years ago, Sunny was reporting form Amethyst's watch party and Breaking News reporting from her opponent's party.

It was around 2030 when the cameras finally started rolling in Ponyville and the first to address the nation was Sunny. She began, "Good evening Equestria, my name is Sunny Flames reporting from Ponyville at Amethyst Star's watch party."

The screen then split in two and Breaking News added, "And my name is Breaking News, the head reporter for The Ponyville Express reporting to you from Iron Will's watch party."

Hard News decided to focus on Iron Will's party first. He asked, "Breaking News, how would you say things are at Iron Will's watch party?"

Breaking News replied, "Well I would say that things are looking pretty good for the Minotaur. The crowd isn't huge but it is definitely better than Miss Mare's party four years ago."

Hard News asked, "So how would you say the atmosphere is there? Do you think the attendees have a feeling that their candidate won?"

Breaking News replied, "Well the creatures present seem to be in a good mood. Music is playing and ponies and other creatures seem to be interacting much better than one would think."

Hard News replied, "Well that is good." The coverage then turned to Sunny and Hard News asked, "What about Amethyst's watch party, how would you say it is going?"

The cameras first panned to the huge crowd and rock music was blaring in the background and ponies were singing and dancing before the camera panned back to Sunny. She replied, "I had a strong feeling that this watch party would be big but I never imagined this. Whole families are present, everycreature is singing over the lyrics of the music, changing them to lyrics that glorify Amethyst."

Hard News commented, "It sounds like the town is treating Amethyst more like a rock star. From what I saw when the camera panned to the crowd, it is huge and has a mix of all sorts of ponies and creatures alike."

Sunny replied, "It does and one thing I have noticed is like last time, the unicorns were completely loyal to Amethyst. I would bet that every single unicorn in town showed up."

Hard News remembered how last time Twilight did take part in things. He asked, "What about Princess Twilight, have you seen her around?"

Sunny replied, "Actually no. I didn't see her any this year. I didn't see her during the first debate, I didn't see her during the primary, I didn't see her for the last debate and I haven't seen her today."

Hard News suggested, "Maybe after last time, she decided......" Hard News got notification that the results were in. He continued, "And the results are in. When it comes to Referendum 1, there were 270 votes in favor of casino gambling and 57 votes against it. Starting next January 1st, casino gambling will be legal in Ponyville."

Everycreature at Amethyst's watch party began to cheer while the reaction was split at Iron Will's party. The crowds at both parties went silent as Hard News began to announce the results of the mayoral election. "In the Ponyville general election, Amethyst Star received 265 votes, Iron Will received 60 votes and there were 2 write in votes. Amethyst Star has been re-elected as mayor of Ponyville!"

The moment Hard News announced Amethyst's vote total, loud music began to blare, fireworks began to be shot off, both from the ground and some were shot off from the top of the Sky Needle. When Amethyst left the building and stepped up onto the stage, the crowd began to sing,

"Amethyst, superstar! Oh how wonderful we all think you are!"

Amethyst, superstar! Oh how wonderful we all think you are!"

Unlike it was last time, rather than simply approaching the podium and thanking her supporters, she went out pumping her hoof skywards and yelled, "Booyah Ponyville, Booyah!"

The crowd began to cheer louder and chant, "Amethyst, Amethyst, Amethyst!"

Once the crowd quieted down she shouted, "We did it Ponyville, we did it!" She took a deep breath before continuing, "I know four years ago nopony thought we could do this, nopony thought I could fulfill my promises but WE proved them wrong! We did it everypony, we did it! The municipal property tax will soon be no more, we paid off our debts, we're running surpluses and thanks to me, everypony is more prosperous! The farmers are more prosperous, the businesses are more prosperous, everypony has more money in their saddlebags, tourism is through the roof and we are modernizing!"

Again the crowd erupted into a loud cheer and the focus returned to Sunny. Hard News commented, "I definitely would say that Amethyst is Ponyville's superstar."

Sunny replied, "The way the crowd reacted to her victory it seems like she has achieved rock star status here."

Hard News said, "Well it looks like Amethyst achieved her goals and now we move over to Iron Will's watch party."

The mood there was far different and many creatures were already beginning to leave, not even waiting for the Minotaur to give his concession speech. Hard News asked, "Breaking News, it looks like there is quite the opposite mood over there."

Breaking News was not thrilled over the results but knew that he could not get overly emotional over things the way he did four years ago. He replied, "I think it is actually worse. Four years ago, Miss Mare's supporters stayed for the concession speech while most of the ponies here are already leaving. It seems like only the non-pony creatures are....."

Iron Will stepped out in front of what remained of his crowd and was not thrilled. He sighed in frustration, "I just don't get it. Are the ponies here this fickle that they won't even stay to listen to my concession speech." He snorted, "Well congratulations Amethyst, you won. Give it four more years and this town will not even be the same. It will be a full blown resort town ran by unicorns."

He slammed his microphone down and headed off the stage. The rest of his supporters filed out and Breaking News sighed in frustration, "Well maybe it was all for the best. This is proof that Iron Will does not have the discipline to be mayor."

Hard News was shocked that Breaking News was not sad but frustrated. He asked, "So what now? Do you think Ponyville will ever embrace tradition again or do you think Amethyst has pushed the town to the point it will never return?"

Breaking News sighed, "All we can hope for is that ponies will get overwhelmed by the big city atmosphere that is developing here and elect a traditionalist next time, a real traditionalist."

Hard News said, "I suppose all you can do is wait for four years." He then got a beep in his earpiece and continued, "Well that is all the time we have in Ponyville. Up next is coverage of the results in Las Pegasus and then Vanhoover."

The cameras stopped rolling in Ponyville and Breaking News finally headed home. While he was hoping that four years in the future that a traditionalist would get elected, deep down he truly knew that even if things such as winter and other traditions were to be restored, it was too late. He knew that Amethyst and her buddies in The Ponyville Department of Tourism and Economic Development would see to it that progress would continue.

He then looked over towards the Ponyville clock tower and sighed, "I bet that's next. I bet she'll replace it with one built out of metal and have a digital display."