• Published 2nd Apr 2018
  • 5,728 Views, 14 Comments

A Fool In Love - BasedRainbowz

Rainbow Dash has something to tell you, something she's been wanting to say for a long time. However, her timing may be a little bit off.

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Fool Me Once...

You slowly stretch and wake up from your slumber. A smile creeps onto your face upon looking at the calendar placed by your bedside. April 1st. You don't know if ponies have an April Fools Day, but you sure do. You've been planning this for ages, the pranks you can pull, the people you can mess with. Discord himself would be envious of the chaos you'll create.

You leap out of bed, bounding with energy and begin your morning routine. Oats for breakfast, followed by washing yourself and cleaning your teeth. As you step out of your bathroom, you hear a knock at your door.

"Coming!" you shout, rushing into your bedroom, hurriedly dressing into something other than just your underwear. You ruffle your hair into something almost presentable and dart down the stairs. Opening the door, you see your best friend, Rainbow Dash, and she looks...worried?

"Hey Anon," she quietly mutters. "There's something I need to tell you. Can I come inside?" Her tone and actions are unlike her usual self. Her vision is fixed anywhere but on you, and her voice lacks its usual confident tone.

"Sure Rainbow, what's on your mind?" You beckon her inside and offer her a seat on your couch, before closing your door and sitting beside her. She continues her act of looking around you, rather than at you. Slowly, she calms herself and manages to face you, her expression one of severe worry, something you thought was foreign to a girl like Dash.

"It's just..." Rainbow starts, but catches herself before softly punching the sofa. "Argh, I'm not good at this stuff." You shift in closer to her and place a hand on her shoulder, causing her to tense up.

"Whatever you've got to say, let it out." you calmly say, putting Rainbow at ease. She looks over to you once more, expression unchanged.

"You know how we've been best friends for ages?" Rainbow begins.

"Well, yeah." you reply, giving her a sarcastic look. You've known Rainbow ever since you ended up in this mad world of talking ponies.

"I've been thinking...that I kinda wanna be more than friends." Rainbow barely gets the words out, then immediately looks away from you when she does. A smile creeps upon your face. You knew this wasn't like Dash. She's also a pro when it comes to pranks, and it's obvious she's trying to trick you early. Best to let her continue for now though. You feign a look of surprise.

"What do you mean?" You notice Rainbow visibly cringe, as she struggles to form her words.

"I...I love you, Anon." Rainbow fixes her eyes on you, her expression unchanged. You simply look back and give her a wry smile.

"Nice try, Rainbow, but you'll have to do better than that." Rainbow looks shocked at your response, before shaking her head and responding.

"I...don't know what you mean." You just laugh in response, causing Rainbow's face to twist into shock.

"Rainbow, A for effort, maybe even A plus, but you can't fool me that easily." You lie back into the chair and rest your head on your arms, maintaining the same sly smile. Rainbow's face goes from one of shock to one of anger.

"What are you talking about? I'm not fooling you! Do you have any idea how difficult this is for me to say!?" Rainbow angrily scathes, her voice breaking on nearly every other word. You still refuse to buy it, although you're impressed with her commitment.

"I never had you out to be an actress, Rainbow, but wow, you're really into this little charade." you quip. However, Rainbow's still retains the same emotion.

"It's not an act! I-I...Oh, buck it." Rainbow sighs before lunging at you, locking you into a deep kiss. You barely have time to think before she has you pinned against the sofa. You're unsure how to react as Rainbow continues to invade. On the one hand, Rainbow's commitment to this prank goes above and beyond anything you had planned. On the other, you're worried how much you seem to be enjoying this. After a few more seconds of Rainbow attempting to illicit a response, she breaks the kiss, maintaining her advantageous position over you, her eyes locked onto yours. "How's that for an act?" You think for a moment, before slowly clapping, catching her off guard.

"Wow, okay, that's a definite A plus," you begin, returning to an upright position. "I wasn't sure how serious you ponies would take April Fools Day. Hell, I didn't even know you guys celebrated it, but you've surpassed my expectations." You extend your hand for a high-five from Rainbow, but she just stares at you blankly.

"Wha-April Fools Day? What's that?" Rainbow quizzes. You examine Rainbow's face for any signs of lying, but she gives no tells. However, she's already displayed her acting prowess today.

"Nice try, Rainbow, but you of all people should know what April Fools Day is." Rainbow's face grows even deeper in confusion, still maintaining eye contact with you.

"Anon, I've never heard of an 'April Fools Day'. Everything I said...what I did, that was serious. Can you understand that?" Rainbow's face wears a foreign look of worry. You really can't tell if she's being genuine or not. Only one way to know for sure. You drop your head to Rainbow's level, staring deadpan at her.

"Do you Pinkie swear?" you ask. You never studied the laws of Equestria as much as you should have, but you're fairly certain Pinkie swears are somehow protected by the law. You've not seen anyone break one, and you daren't be the first.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Rainbow chants, performing the actions as she does. Well, that confirms it. You feel your heart drop.

"S-so that means..." you stumble over your words. "you..." Rainbow only nods in response. You think over the time you've known Rainbow. You'd have picked up a hint somewhere that Rainbow liked you, wouldn't you? But do you like her? It's not really a decision you can come to in a few seconds.

"I...think I'm going to need some time to think on this." you utter, your voice a shadow of its former jovial form. Rainbow returns a stern look.

"I've waited too long to say all of this, I don't know if I can wait even longer for an answer." she says, maintaining her gaze. You slowly sink back into your chair, a look of contemplation upon your face.

"Please, just give me a minute." you reply. Rainbow looks visibly frustrated, but reluctantly acknowledges your request. Better now than never to think on this.

So, Rainbow. She's the most awesome girl you've met. Girl being the key term, but she's also a pony. That also being a key term. If she were a human, you'd have probably slapped a ring on her by now, but she's not. She's a pony. A four-legged equine that's meant to live in a field and eat hay.

"Dude, you alright?" Rainbow asks, showing concern at your lack of reaction over the past few moments. You don't respond, lost in your own thoughts. Do you find her attractive? How do you tell attractiveness in another species? Does it matter to you? So many questions float around your head. Your brain is a hive of activity, but your face and body remain still, locked in concentration.

"Anon, can you hear me?" Rainbow's voice is panicked now, but you do nothing. You've established that Rainbow is awesome, a girl, nice to look at, but is a pony. That's three against one. But it's a big one. Can you get over that? Are inter-species relationships even allowed in Equestria?

You snap out of your train of thought as you see Rainbow walking towards the door. "I think it's clear that...you don't want me here," Rainbow sniffles between her words. "Goodbye, Anon." As she utters those words, you snap your attention to her, her head turned towards you. Tears well in the corners of her eyes, making her vibrant magenta eyes sparkle. The open door causes the wind to catch her mane, causing it to flow, majestically so. All of your previous thoughts seem irrelevant now. How could you have had any doubts?

"Rainbow," you utter. Rainbow immediately turns on the spot, and stares at you, her face straight, yet her eyes clearly leaking her emotions. You slowly stand up from your couch and walk over to Rainbow, currently glued to the spot. You bend down beside her and scoop her into your arms. Surprisingly, she doesn't resist and instead maintains her gaze onto you. You can feel her heart beating quickly alongside yours. Only two words feel right now.

"April Fools."

You lean in and connect your lips with Rainbow's, who jolts in shock before immediately melting into the kiss. You both stay embraced for as long as you can muster before your lips slowly break apart. Rainbow lets out a small giggle, as you follow suit. You carry Rainbow over to the couch and lay down, still holding her. You stare into those brilliant magenta eyes, now replaced with another emotion you'd never expect to see from Rainbow. Love.

There may not be an April Fools Day in Equestria, but you think you'll survive without it. Especially if your days are like this.

Comments ( 14 )

Good first story. Upvote from me :twilightsmile:


If this is good enough for chapped, It's good enough for me to read.

Away with you, soft core risque pony fiction!

~Tosses her fanfic into a fireplace~.~

Now time to read in peace.

Had fun reading this!

Love the flow of the story, it was a great first tale!

I'm following now! Will want to see what ese you come up with!

Welcome to the site and great debut fic!:twilightsmile:

ATTENTION EVERYPONY!! This story is cute. That is all!

Too cheesy, too cuuuute

Good quality and quite uplifting you say 1st story keep up the good work. :moustache:

Thanks for all of the nice comments, I didn't expect this story to go down so well!

Thanks, second person is a niche of mine, both reading and writing so I thought I'd give it a go for a debut fic. Maybe I'll branch out into other types, maybe even female second person, who knows? Glad you thought the quality was good, I spent far too long fussing over small details within the writing, good to know it paid off.

That story was just as cute as that adorable image for the title :twilightblush:

Nice, fluffy little story. Thanks for creating and sharing.

very interesting story, good work, let there be more such stories:twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:👍👌

Yes,very good

Dude, if Rainbow dash admitted to falling for me, that would be the best day of my life!

It’s adorable and very sweet i give it 100/10 Provo congratulations and continue with the amazing work

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