• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 4,535 Views, 168 Comments

Rainbow Maned Guardian - cccvvvttt

When stuck in the human world, Rainbow Dash Finds a young child, who doesn't have excactly have a good life....

  • ...

Chapter 6

They were making their back to the cave, now having Rarity on their side, who was still confused on why her friends had a human child with them, though it would soon be explained to her. Drake had once again found himself in his own thoughts as he continued to walk with the others.

I can't stop thinking about it.... Drake thought, as he looked up at Rainbow. Rainbow saved me...... I wonder if maybe, she would want to be my.... My mommy He kept on having this inner debate with himself, but he couldn't decide when the right time to ask Rainbow was.

Coincidentally, Rainbow Dash was having similar thoughts. She wanted to also ask Drake of she wanted to live with her, but she wasn't sure. She wasn't sure if Drake even wanted to live with her, due to the fact that she was a pony, and he was a human.

He probably doesn't even want a pony for a mother. He probably still wants to live with his own kind. She looked down at Drake, who was walking close by her. She smiled down at him, once again showing off her soft side. Well, then again, I was the one who saved him, and I even asked him if he wanted to come to Equestria, and he did say yes.

She fought all the negative thoughts away, and once again gained some confidence. I'll make sure that he is safe....I promise...... Rainbows thoughts were all the sudden cut off, when a loud noise rang out in the distance. It was the sound of thunder. A storm was brewing.

"Oh no, we better hurry, before I get more wet than I've already have!" Rarity said, picking up her pace. They all did the same thing as well, trying to get out of the cold, rainy whether that had come unexpectedly. Rainbow extended a wing over Drakes small body, making sure the rain could not hit him.

"Where did all of this come from?" Twilight asked, as she started to run, the dirt slowly turning into mud. Rainbow Dash was about to reply with something, but she was cut off, by the sound of barking dogs.

"Are those dogs?" Fluttershy asked , wondering why they were barking so loudly.

"I think they are!" Pinkie said, as she was about to go bounce in the direction of it, but was stopped when she saw a bright white light flash against her eyes.

"There they are! Get them!" The voice of a middle aged man shouted. He was the one holding the light, and he was holding something else in his other hand as well. It was a small, loaded handgun. Twilight walked up, to try to reason with them, but she all the sudden jumped back, when a shot rang out, a bullet nearly hitting Twilight.

"Get the ponies, then get the child!" Another one shouted.

"Over my dead body!" Rainbow shouted back, getting ready to attack them, as her will to fight grew stronger. However, she was stopped by Twilight, who grabbed her with a hoof, and pulled her back.

"Run!" She screamed, snapping Rainbow out of her fighting mood. They all began to run away, no longer wanting to try to cooperate with them. Either they were too stupid, or it was just something else that made them do that.

As they ran through the thickening mud, their moment slowly started to get slower, due to the mud. Rainbow let Drake get on her back, as she too was trying her best to go at a fast pace. They kept hearing more and more gunshots, as they continued to get closer and closer.

"These humans are insane! More crazy than me!" Pinkie said, with a small giggle, which was cut off by another bullet, making her yelp in surprise.

"Pinkie! Be careful!" Rainbow called to her pink friend, who gained some speed after that close call. They didn't know why these humans were shooting at them. They didn't do anything wrong, and yet here they were, getting chased down. They knew the humans wanted Drake for whatever reason, but they each felt that this was a little too harsh.

As they ran, they saw a cave come into view however, this cave was not the same cave that they had previously resided in.

"There's a cave up ahead!" Twilight shouted, as she and their other friends gained more speed, Drake starting to have more and more trouble hanging on to Rainbows body. Twilight was the first one to reach the cave, as she bolted in. The rest of them followed, the other first on being Rainbow, then Pinkie, then Fluttershy, and the last one being Rarity. As the last of them entered, Twilight turned around, then blasted some magic at the top of the cave, trapping them from the humans that were trying to get them.

"OW!" Twilight shouted, as the ruble came down, and one of the larger pieces fell and hit her horn. As Drake got off of Rainbow, she went over to Twilight, a look of concern adorned her face.

"Twilight! Are you okay?" Rainbow asked, helping up her friend.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Twilight said, Rarity's horn being their only source of light. Twilight focused some of her magic on her horn, however none of it came out, and she knew why her magic wasn't working.

"Darn it, that rock must have disabled my magic." Twilight said, with a sigh. "At least we got Rarity here." They all nodded with agreement. They turned around, expecting a wall behind them, but instead they found that the cave was much more deeper that that. Rainbow looked at Drake, and saw that he was trying to get some of the mud off of his shoes.

"Are you alright to walk, kid?" Rainbow asked, and Drake nodded as a response.

"Yeah, I just got a lot of mud on my shoes." Drake said, as Rainbow nodded, understanding.

"Alright then, we should probably see if there is another exist here then." Twilight said with a light smile, though it was hard to see, due to it still being pretty dark in the cave that they were in. They all slowly nodded, not wanting to venture any further into the cave, but they knew that they had too, if they wanted to get out by tonight, and find their last friend.

"This is going to be creepy...." Fluttershy said, her voice shrinking with each word she said.

"Don't worry, we wont let anything happen to you, Fluttershy. The same goes for you, Drake." Rainbow said, as they both nodded. They all began their decent into the dark abyss. As they walked, they noticed that the cave was pretty dirty, making Rarity watch her hoof steps very carefully.

"This cave feels like it goes on forever. Can we stop now?" Rarity asked, with a bit of plead in her voice.

"No Rarity." Twilight said." We can't stop, we need to find Applejack." Rarity seemed to be annoyed by this, but she also knew that her friend was lost out there, somewhere.

"I suppose you're right." Rarity said. She didn't expect to get a reply from her friends, but she didn't expect to hear a seventh voice in the cave.

"Hello?" The voice called out, in a southern accent. An accent that only one of their friends used.

"Applejack?" Pinkie called out, her voice echoing in the cave, and she got a response from the same accent.

"Pinkie? Are yer there?" Applejack asked, sounding happy, yet with uncertainty.

“Yeah! I’m here with the rest of our friends!” Pinkie shouted back, as as she and the others walked further into the cave, to find their southern accent friend. As they quickly walked, they began to notice another source of light coming from inside the cave. It seemed to be comingb from a lantern, and they also noticed a shadow of a pony dancing on the wall. When close enough, they saw the orange colored pony, in the same condition that they found Rarity in.

“Applejack? What happened to you?!” Twilight asked, having full concern in her voice.

“”Those humans are crazy, ah tell you!” Applejack replied. “Ah went up to one, and then they treated me as if ah were some sort of threat.” Rarity nodded in agreement.

“Tell me about it, just look at what they did to me!” She said, showing off her dirty fur and mane to the farm pony.

“Yeah, we’re glad you’re okay, but not all humans are like that.” Rainbow said, looking down at the human child she had grown so used to. “This is Drake, and we’ve been taking care of him, and he isn’t anything like those other humans.” Applejack looked down at where Rainbow was looking, and saw that she wasn’t lying, and that Drake was hiding behind her forelegs. Applejack could also tell that Drakes innocence was tampered with, but she put on a smile anyway.

“Well, howdy there, little feller. My names is Applejack.” She said, tipping her hat. Drake gave out a small smile, yet Applejack could tell that something was wrong with him. His smile was a broken one.

“Rainbow, why isn’t he with his parents?” Applejack asked, causing Rainbow to sigh, knowing she had to be the one to tell Drake’s tale again.

“Well... I can tell both you and Rarity, but you might want to sit down for this.” Rainbow said. Applejack and Ratity sat down, as she began to re-tell Drake’s Story. By the end of it, Rainbow could tell that Applejack and Ratity had feelings of sorrow at that moment.

“Oh Celestia... That poor little boy.” Rarity said, looking at Rainbow, who nodded in agreement with her.

“Ah can’t believe that his father put him through that.” Applejack said, not having any sympathy for his father.

“Yeah, and that’s why I want to take care of him, you know? So he doesn’t have to be alone anymore.” Rainbow said, and her two friends gave her soft smiles.

“Well, ah think that’s very mature of you.” Applejack said, putting on a smile to call her own.

“Yeah, I definitely support your decision darling, and if you you any help, then I’ll do whatever I can.” Rarity said, she now getting a smile. Rainbow returned it, with tears stinging through her eyes, just barely visible.

“Thank you,” Rainbow said, whipping some of her tears away, before putting on a playful smirk. “Don’t think about telling other ponies that I almost cried!”

Applejack and Rarity chuckled, as they too got smirks.

“Oh, we don’t know, Rainbow.” Rarity, Rainbow chuckling in response.

“But no seriously, don’t.” Rainbow said, with a serious face.

“Our lips are sealed.” Applejack said, putting her good over her lips. Rainbow smiled, as she looked back at Drake, who was talking with her other friends.

“Come on, we should get some rest.” Rarity said, as she walked off, trying to find a comfortable place to sleep,

“Wait, can’t we just teleport back ta our world?” Applejack asked, and Rainbow shook her head.

“Twilights magic isn’t working right now, so we’ll have to try again in the morning.” Rainbow replied, as Applejack nodded with, understanding.

Rainbow walked over to Drake, who was rubbing his eyes, trying to get the sleepiness out of them.

“Looks like someone’s tired.” Rainbow teases, and Drake nodded with agreement.

“Yeah, I am.” Drake replied, yawning in the process. Rainbow herself was feeling tired too.

“Well, you can use my wing as a blanket for warmth if you want.” Rainbow offered, and Drake nodded.

“I would like that.” He said, as Rainbow lied down, and extended her wing out for him. Drake lied down under it, and Rainbow pulled him into a hug, as they both fell into a deep sleep. One of them however, wouldn’t have a peaceful sleep.

Drake was running. He was running from something chasing after him. That something was Rainbow, and she was mad. As Drake ran, she got closer and closer to him, her malicious smile growing wider with each second. Soon, Drake made it to the end of a ledge. He turned, and saw the rainbow maned Pegasus, who has finally caught up with him.

“Well, look at that. I finally caught up with the snobby little brat who tried to run from me.” Rainbow said, placing her hoof on his shoulder, and pushed him back, causing him to fall off the edge. He grabbed it, as he looked up at her.

“Do you really think that I would ever want to be your mother? Guess what, you’re wrong!” Rainbow said, putting her hoof on his hand. “You don’t deserve to be my son, and you don’t deserve to live. I can’t believe I saved you from your father. I hope this fall will end you.” With that, she pressed her hoof down on his fingers, causing him to fall, screaming all the way down.

Drake bolted his head up, painting from his nightmare that he had. He couldn’t believe that his mind could ever come up with anything like that.

“What a horrible nightmare.” He said, with tears forming. As he got up from the sleeping Pegasus, he covered his head, as voices started to rush into it. Voices telling him how they all thought he was just a waste, and how he did deserve to die, and that he should end his

“No! Stop!” He shouted, as he began to run further into the cave, the opposite way they came in. This woke up Rainbow.

“Uhhh.... Drake? She asked, looking under her wing, only to see nothing. This made her panic. “Drake? Where are you?!” This woke up everypony else.

“Rainbow, what’s wrong?” Twilight asked, rubbing her eyes.

“Drake’s gone!” Rainbow replied, getting Twilights attention. Before she could reply, they all heard Drake’s footsteps. Without hesitation, Eainbow flew into that direction.

As drake ran, he could see light at the end of the tunnel, but once he got there, he saw nothing, but an edge. He covered his head, as voices were telling him to just get it over with, and that he was not worth anything. He let those voices take control, as his body began to fell forward off the ledge. Rainbow bolted, just in time to see him fall off the said ledge. She cried out one thing as he fell

“DRAKE!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!”