• Published 4th Apr 2018
  • 6,528 Views, 187 Comments

A True Mother - cccvvvttt

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Chapter 6

"What are we going to do?" Rainbow asked, mostly to herself, however Cloudy Arrow was quick to respond.

"Well, Princess Celestia gave us orders to try to find another exit, so I'm assuming that we do that." Cloudy Arrow said, before he looked down at his hooves, a thought coming to his mind. What if Blueblood had been going through this door when me and TriforceAndroid saw him come here?

It would make sense, after all. When TriforceAndroid and him first looked in the library, they couldn't find anything that would make Blueblood seem suspicious, but now, it appeared that they found something.

"Well, If we should go find another exit, why haven't we started that?" Rainbow asked, getting impatient. Cloudy Arrow shrugged, as he pointed a hoof down the long dark hallway that was waiting for them.

"Probably because we don't have anything to light our way, Rainbow." He replied, looking around the ground to see if he could find anything at all that would shine out the darkness, and light up their path. Meanwhile, Zachary was just standing by himself, not really wanting to interfere with what Rainbow and The Guard were doing.

All he could really think about, was if Twilight was alright, he really hoped that she was, and he would do anything to find her, and be with her again. I miss you, mommy, I hope that we find you soon... He said to himself in his thoughts, which were soon cut off by the sound of Rainbows voice.

"Aha! I found a lantern!" She said, pointing a hoof at the wall, which had a hook that was holding the said lantern. Cloudy Arrow walked up to it, and grabbed the handle with his hoof. The lantern was one of those ones where you needed oil for it in order to light up. This however, would make it so that even the smallest mistake could make it a dangerous hazard.

"We have to be extremely careful with this." Cloudy Arrow warned, as he picked up the nearby oil on the ground, and used it on the lantern, then he lit it up, causing a bright orange flame to come out of it. "There we go, now that we can see, lets go."

Rainbow just let out a nod of agreement, as she looked at Zachary, who got the message, and started following the both of them into the dark abyss.

As the walked down the hallway, they all started to notice weird things about it. First off, it was way more linear than most hallways that you would find in Equestria, it was so linear, that Cloudy Arrow, Rainbow Dash, and Zachary had to be in sort of a line in order to fit in the hallway. Other things like it was nice and clean, it would be shiny if it was in sunlight, which wasn't normal for an underground hallway, which would most likely be dirty, old, and falling apart, but this one wasn't. It also wasn't helping with the fact that the hallway was cramped.

"It's way too cramped in here!" Rainbow complained, as she did her best to not walk into Cloudy Arrow, who was also having some difficulty holding the lantern in his mouth, trying to have it not hit against the wall. That would be bad if that happened.

"Why would somepony build a hallway like this?" Cloudy Arrow asked himself, though his voice was muffled because of the lantern. Zachary mostly kept to himself, although he did agree with both Rainbow and Cloudy about the hallway. It was way too linear.

"Where's an exit? I can't take this any longer!" Rainbow kept complaining, but her calls were ignored by the other two she was with. As they continued, the light lit up more and more of the hallway, which in return, gave away the position of a door that was slightly opened.

"Huh, what's that?" Zachary asked, pointing to the small door. Rainbow looked at the door however, she was too big to fit through it, no matter how much she tried to get into the enclosed space.

"I can't fit through here!" Rainbow said, as Cloudy Arrow slowly put his lantern onto the ground, as he walked towards the small door. He also attempted to fit through the small space, but just like Rainbow, it was to no avail.

"Why is this small space so... Small?" Cloudy Arrow asked himself, clearly frustrated that he was too big to fit. Rainbow suddenly had an idea, that involved Zachary.

"We may be too big, but Zachary isn't." Rainbow said, pointing her hoof at the young child, who had a shocked expression on his face.

"Me? Why me?" He asked, looking worried. "What if something happens to me? What if I get hurt really badly? What if-" His rambling was cut off when Rainbow came up to him, and placed her hoof on his shoulder, giving him a smile of confidence.

"You don't have to worry about any of that." Rainbow said, as she looked back at the3 door. "I wouldn't let you go inside if there was something dangerous in there, plus if there is, then we'll be here to get you out of that danger." Cloudy Arrow just nodded with agreement. Zachary looked up at the rainbow maned Pegasus, with an unsure look, but then he gulped down all of his fears, and nodded.

"Al-alright then, I'll go." He said, as Rainbow once again smiled at him.

"Alright, you should take the lantern in there, but be careful, alright?" Rainbow said, as Zachary picked up the brightly lit lantern, and slowly made his way through the small door.

"If somethings wrong, just howler." Cloudy Arrow called, Zachary already making his way into what appeared to be some sort of room, that was a filthy mess. Papers were scattered everywhere, most of them were wet from an unknown source. In the middle of all of that, rested a small notebook. It looked like it was from the human world. Zachary, still trying to be careful, walked over to the notebook.

"What do you see in there?" Rainbow called out, making Zachary jump up a bit. The shock of the unexpected call slowly disappeared, as he picked up the notebook, and did his best to read the title of it, though he still wasn't very good at reading. Twilight however, was helping him with that.

"The dairy of John......" Zachary read out loud, as he heard only silence as a response. Rainbow and Cloudy Arrow were shocked by this. There were no ponies that were named John, and the only two other humans that came to this world, were Melissa and John, but if this did belong to the real John, then how did it get here?

"Can you bring it out to us?" Rainbow asked, making Zachary make his way out of the small room, still being extremely careful with the lantern that was in his hands. Once he was out of the small area, he handed the notebook to Rainbow, who also read the title. She knew that Zachary wasn't lying, as it said the exact thing that Zachary read.

"This is John's diary." Rainbow said. She realized the date that was on it, was dated all the way back to 1977. Johns childhood. Rainbow opened it up, only to have Cloudy Arrow put a hoof on her.

"Rainbow, why are you reading his journal? There's no reason too, he's on the moon." Cloudy Arrow said, as Rainbow shrugged his hoof off of her. Some of the pages in the beginning seemed to be torn out, but there was still a good amount left to read.

"I just want to see if there was any other reason why John was such a jerk, that's all." Rainbow said, as she began to read the badly written handwriting that was done by John when he was younger.


Dear Diary,

My name is John, and my mommy is helping me write this, so I don't make any spelling mistakes. Today was a good day! I found a pretty pocket watch. Mommy says that it has a lot of gems on it, and that the one that's purple is her favorite one. I'm keeping it safe in a box, so that no one tries to take it. My mommy talked to my great grandpa, who said he made the watch, and sold it to a detective, but he doesn't know how it got here. Mommy has to go now, so that means I can't write for now. I'll write back to you later.

After Rainbow finished reading the diary entry, she looked at Cloudy Arrow, and Zachary, who just had looks of uncertainty on there faces. Cloudy Arrow decided to speak up.

"It seems that John... Wasn't always the monster he is made out to be." He said, and Rainbow nodded in agreement .

"Yeah, but the child that wrote this, isn't the same one that hurt Zachary, or is the same one who murdered that filly. This one is different." Rainbow said, as she looked down at Zachary, who had a look of uneasiness just by hearing that name. "I wonder if there was a different reason for hurting him, than just his father causing Johns daughters death."

She flipped the page over to the next one, and saw that he wrote this one a few years later, the ones coming before it were once again ripped out. This was around the time he was ten, by the looks of it. Rainbow read the next entry.


Dear Diary,

My mom has been gone a lot. She doesn't come straight home after work anymore, instead, she goes to the bar. She still tries to be nice around me, but I can tell she blames me for all of the debt problems we have. If only I didn't get into that stupid accident that made me go to the hospital. We might have to move out of this house soon.

Rainbow, along with the others were shocked to hear this. They thought John was just a hateful human being, who did all of those things to Zachary, just for some revenge. However, it didn't really seem like that was the case. In fact, there was probably more to John that what meets the eye.

"Wow...." Rainbow said, shocked at this. They were all speechless. They stayed that way, until Rainbow broke the silence. "there's a lot more entry's in here, lets read a couple more." They didn't seem to care about getting out anymore. They just wanted to know what happened to John when he was younger. They were about to find out.


Dear Diary,

I hate myself. I hate my life! My mom hates me! She blames me for all of are debt problems, she blames me for her drinking problem! She blames me for everything! Why did it have to come to this?! I re-read the entry I made when I was five. When my mom actually loved me. She doesn't love me anymore. She hates me now, and I blame myself for everything that has happened to us. I feel like all my mental sanity is flowing down the river. I have no friends, no one to care for me, I have nothing! I've started hearing voices, voices that just tell me that I am just a worthless pile of garbage, and that I would be better off if I was dead. I guess maybe I should listen to them....

After that next part, rainbow couldn't help but to feel a sting of guilt stab through her chest. He was alone, he felt like he had nopony at all.

"I can't believe we sent him to the moon, to his death, all because he just felt unloved." Rainbow said to herself mostly.

"Rainbow... How many more entry's are left?" Cloudy Arrow asked, and Rainbow flipped through the pages.

"Only two more left. We should read the rest of them, to see what else he went through." Rainbow said, as she began to read the next entry.


Dear Diary,

I love my life again! It took a while, but I really do love my life again. I've started a family with the most beautiful girl in the world. Her name is Melissa, and we have a wonderful daughter named Angela! My therapist told me that what happened wasn't my fault. I no longer have thoughts about death or suicide. Melissa is taking our daughter to an amusement park to ride on some of the rides they have. I wont be able to go, however due to business. I hope they have a great time!

Rainbow stopped reading, as she looked back at the two, with concern in her eyes. Zachary, who mostly stayed quit through out the readings, knew what happened at that amusement park that day. They all knew, even Cloudy Arrow knew, due to the fact that this story spread all over Equestria.

"There's only one more entry in here...." Rainbow said, as she flipped to that page, and began to read what was on it.


Dear Diary,

I've lost everything. Everything in my life is gone, just taken from me, because my stupid wife took our daughter on that ride..... My daughter is dead. She died because I wasn't there for her, just like I wasn't there to help out my mother with her drinking problem, just like I wasn't there for her when she was on her death bed. I've betrayed my family. Those voices came back again, this time they're saying that something should be done about what happened to my daughter. They're saying that even though I can no longer get anymore revenge on the man who took away my daughter, I heard that his son was put in the foster care system. The voices are telling me to get him. The bring him home with me. They're telling me to hurt him. I feel myself losing more sanity as the days pass on. I can't keep the voices under control. I'm not meant to be in control. The voices are, and I'm going to let them control my mind and body. I'm going to do whatever they tell me to do, because I don't see any reason in living anymore.

Rainbow was utterly shocked. She knew what happened to John. He was powerless to fight against the voices that were darkening his mind, and in the end, he just let them control him like a puppet. John didn't die on the moon. He died a long time ago, when he let those voices consume his mind, and eat at his mental sanity. Every one that was in that room, felt guilt for him. There was nothing they could do for him now, though.

"Come on, guys. Lets find another way out of here." Rainbow Dash said. Neither Cloudy Arrow or Zachary had any reason to argue. They took the book with them, to show to the rest of their friends later. They needed to know the truth. They walked in the cramped up hallway was mostly quit, except for the hoof steps and footsteps on the ground. They were all having different thoughts, they were mostly similar, but they each were different in their own way.

"Hopefully we get out of here soon," Zachary said, as he looked around the hallway. No longer was it clean and shinny if in the sun, but now it was rusted, dark, and gritty. Not only that, but it slowly started to get less and less linear. This was good for them, because now they could all fit perfectly.

"This feels a lot better." Cloudy Arrow commented,loving the feeling of having more room. Rainbow was about to reply with something, but stopped when she heard a door slamming open in the distance behind them. They all turned around, with shocked, yet curious looks on their faces.

"What was that?" Zachary asked. They at first thought it meant that the others managed to get the door opened, but they couldn't be more wrong. They heard the sound of hoof steps running towards them, at a very fats pace. They all started to get a bad vibe from all of this.

"Come on, we should see who that-" Rainbow was cut off, when she heard saw something teleport right in front of them. It was a dark, shadowy figure. It looked like a unicorn, however, it was blacked out, and seemed to be featureless. It pulled something out from somewhere in it's body, and threw it at them. Thanks to the extra room, the managed to dodge the failed attempt if an attack. They saw glass shatter on the ground , as some sort of liquid was glowing. That glow was all too familiar to Cloudy Arrow.

"Oh no." He said, panic growing in his voice.

"What? We can take this pony on!" Rainbow said, as she was ready to fly towards the pony, but Cloudy stopped her. "no, don't get near it! It has sleep poisons with them!" Rainbow recognize the name from Twilight. It's something that intoxicates you, making you do weird things, before you eventually fall asleep for a long period of time. When you wake up, the effects are still there.

"Run!" Rainbow shouted, as they all turned the other way, and ran in the other direction. Cloudy didn't care about the lantern hitting the walls anymore, he just needed to escape. Eventually, a door came into sight, as they got closer to it. They made it, and Rainbow basically had to shove Zachary inside. He made it in, however, the door was made of a heavy marital, which nearly slammed shut , if it weren't for Rainbow holding it with her hooves. The door wouldn't budge anymore, no matter how much Rainbow and Cloudy Arrow tried.

Zachary was trying to get the door un-jammed as well, to save Rainbow and Cloudy Arrow. The dark figure appeared from behind them, holding two sleeping poisons.

"No!" Zachary shouted towards the dark pony, as it threw the two potions, that made direct contact with the back of their heads. They were stunned, before they fell back, the door got un-jammed, as it closed, getting locked. The shadow pony pounded on the door, trying to get it opened, to no avail. Eventually, it stopped, leaving Zachary in a teary mess.

He cried out his heard, as he felt like all of his emotions were leaving his body, except for one. Guilt. The guilt he felt. He felt like he failed his two friends. He felt like he failed everypony. Including his mother.

"I-I'm so sorry...." He said, while sniffling the rest of the tears away. Once he did, he turned around. Not having the lantern, the only source of light, was coming from a table, that had a book on it. Zachary, seeing nothing else he could do, walked up to the book, and tried his best to read the title.

Plans of Blueblood.

"Whats this?" Zachary asked himself, as he opened the cover of the book, and saw words on one page.

1-5 Terminated Ponies

6-9 The Plans

Zachary could defiantly read what it said at the top, as he opened the book. What he saw, horrified him. It was the pictures of ponies, all that went missing. Almost all of them had one word written over them in red.


Zachary knew what that word meant, as he saw words under the ponies pictures. Some of them said. "Important Ponies" or "Ponies that are in the way" However, there were a few that didn't have the red word over them. He heard a lot of bad things about those ponies. There was one he recognized, that he heard a lot of bad stuff about. He was starting to wonder if those were true.

"Wait-" Zachary said, as he flipped through the book, before finding what he was looking for.

"Twilight Sparkle."


"Important Pony"

He could fell a gasp escape his throat, as he felt his whole world crumble around him. Did Blueblood really do that to her. Was she.... No, she couldn't be. She was still out there, somewhere. He remembered that there was a section with "The Plans" Zachary quickly flipped to that page, and read what it said.

Step 1: Terminate all the ponies that are important, including Celestia and Luna.

Step 2: Use dark magic to take their magic.

Step 3: Rule over Equestria as the new king.

Zachary let out another audible gasp, as he realized it. Blueblood took all of the ponies that were important, as in good at magic, and all the ones that were in his way. He got did something with them, took them somewhere, where he didn't know. His mom was still out there, but her magic might already be gone.

"What I'm I going to do?" Zachary asked himself. He all the sudden jumped in surprise, when he heard the loud banging on the door again. The lights on the table began to flicker, until the room turned into nothing but darkness. Zachary could no longer see anything. Something pounded against the door again, causing Zachary to jump back, with tears.

Then, the door slammed open, as the sound of hoof steps came running towards him. He didn't have anytime to dodge, as the thing grabbed him, silencing his screams.

A few moments ago....

"What do you mean there's nothing you can do about it?!" TriforceAndroid asked the librarian, who just shrugged.

"I don't know how to get that door opened. It hasn't opened in years, and there is no other exist through there." The librarian replied, looking at Blueblood nervously. He didn't seem to care at what was going on.

"Can you please at least try?" Celestia asked, and the librarian shook her head.

"Sorry, but the answer is no. I'm not allowed to go back there." She looked at Blueblood, who seemed to be focusing on Triforces head.

"Well, maybe we can- AHHH!" He screamed in pain, as he felt a rush of pain go through his head. The thing Blueblood struck
Triforce with, also struck the rest of them, who were powerless to do anything about it. They all screamed, even Celestia screamed with pain. Their screams soon came to an end, when all their bodies went limp.

"Thank you for helping me out with that." Blueblood thanked, as he went over to the ponies he made faint. He looked at the librarian, who was still having a nervous look. "Now, since I can't go through that door, I'm sending in my dark pony to go through it. If it brings back Zachary and the other two, then I wont do anything to you when I take over."

The librarian nodded, with nervousness. Blueblood smiled, as he focused his magic, then he used the teleportation spell to go back to the castle. He needed Zachary. He would do everything to get Zachary. It was his time to rule Equestria. Forever........