• Published 25th Jul 2012
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Time Crisis - Tarkana262

The Doctor returns to stop a time paradox from consuming the planet.

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Truth and Consequences

He had finally come. At the last moment, when all seemed lost, the Doctor flew in at last to save the day.

Twilight didn’t know whether to smile or cry.

“Now then!” the Doctor said, looking around the room. “What seems to be the probleOOOHHHH MY GOODNESS!”

The colt had found the monsters, who were floating behind the TARDIS almost bewilderedly.

“Well, you were right to call me! Reapers! In Equestria! Now, what are you doing here? It’s alright, the TARDIS’ translator is on, go ahead.”

We have crossed before, the Reapers responded telepathically. The Oncoming Storm. The Scourge of the Daleks. You were…taller before.

“Long story. But anyway, what are you doing here? You lot feed on paradoxes, so that means something terrible must have happened.”

The stream has been altered. The flow is dissected, spliced, wrong. Few have noticed, but that will soon change. If we act, it will be confined to this planet.

“At the expense of thousands of lives,” the Doctor concluded. “Innocent ponies who had no hand or idea of what’s going on. Sorry, that’s not going to happen.”

And what else would we do? The Reapers asked. What would the last of the Time Lords, who sacrificed his entire race to stop the Daleks, have us do?

The Doctor frowned at their mention of his past. “Let me handle it. I can fix this. No one else needs to die.”

So you have a history of saying, the Reapers replied, and yet death is your constant companion. Everywhere you go, bodies are left in your wake.

“I can save them!” the colt shouted. “I don’t need you to believe me!”

The Repears communicated among themselves. Very well. The center of the paradox can be found in the forest called Everfree. You shall have 48 local hours to mend what has been broken. But if you have not succeeded by that time, you will be consumed with the rest.

And with that, the sky flashed and the Reapers disappeared.

“Well, that went well! The colt said, smiling. “Now then, we’ve got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, but certainly more than I was expecting, so that’s a good thing – ”

Smack!Where were you?!

Twilight glared at the Doctor as he held his cheek where she slapped him. “All of Tartarus is breaking loose, and only now you decide to show up?” Smack! “Everypony is terrified because of you!” Smack! “Canterlot is in chaos because of you!” Smack! “Celestia is dead, because!Smack!Of!Smack!YOU!!Smack!

The unicorn mare fell to the floor as tears streamed from her eyes. Her hits slowly descended to weak thumps against the Doctor’s chest. She sobbed as the Doctor slowly drew her into a hug and stroked her mane.

“I’m sorry,” he said quietly as she cried. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

The sight of the TARDIS’ new interior was met with silence. Rarity and Fluttershy escorted a grieving Twilight to the bedrooms in an attempt to comfort her. The rest of the group remained in the main room, silently watching the Doctor pace and occasionally glance up the stairs.

Rarity and Fluttershy returned shortly. Applejack walked to them and talked in a hushed tone. “How is she?”

“She’s resting now,” Rarity answered with a sigh. “I believe she’ll be physically ready to go soon, but…”

“She was…whispering to herself,” Fluttershy said.

“The poor dear sounded so confused. Like a schoolfilly trying to work out a homework problem. We tried to talk to her, but all she would talk about was Celestia and time paradoxes.”

Applejack shook her head. “Poor girl. Her logical way of thinkin’ just isn’t made for all this time travel business.”

The unicorn mare did return from the bedroom some time later. For the most part, it seemed as if she had recovered. But no one could deny the change in attitude present on her face whenever she glanced at the Doctor.

With the return of Twilight, the ponies gathered around the Doctor. He didn’t look up for a long moment as he pulled his thoughts together. “I’m sorry for what has happened. This is horrible for all of you, we have to press on.

“Before anyone asks, no, we can’t just go back and keep the Reapers from coming. I’m already here, and I can’t change my own timeline. The last thing we want is a paradox on top of a paradox.

“I know this doesn’t look good, but remember, if we find the source of the paradox and deal with it, everyone will be restored to life. It will be as if this never happened.

“The Reapers said the paradox originated somewhere in the Everfree Forest. The distortion of time is too great in there, so we’ll have to land the TARDIS halfway in and walk the rest of the way. From what I’ve heard, the forest is already a dangerous place, but with the paradox running amuck all sorts of nasty things can and will happen, so I need you to stick together and trust me no matter what. Alright?”

Five of the mares spoke their agreement; Twilight only nodded with hardened eyes.

“Right-o,” the colt said mirthlessly, “Let’s get to it.”