• Published 8th Apr 2018
  • 4,195 Views, 30 Comments

Voids Of The Uchiha - dereturd

I’m not crazy, well.. I may have cosplayed as Obito Uchiha, shark vendor sends me to Equestria with powers, but also managed to play villain between Celestia and Luna, and got trapped in a sealed barrier for 3000 years. So.. no, I’m not crazy.

  • ...

New Progression

Castle Infirmary

Celestia sighed, patiently waiting for her nurses to finish treating the Mane 7. She shook her head, why were they there in the first place? It’s a longing question that Celestia wants answered. ‘Aside from that, I need to deal with Obito.’ She thought, still watching the staff do their work.

For a few minutes, the staff trotted out of the room. The alicorn looked towards her subjects who were covered in bandages, head wraps, holding crutches. Obito must’ve done a number on them. After the last doctor diagnosed their injuries, he left and gave Princess Celestia the room. The group still glanced at their Princess, who was at the other side of the door still watching them. She already felt the guilt of some, while others didn’t catch it that much.

She entered the room, taking another glance at her injured subjects. “Let us make this quick shall we.” She stated. “Twilight, what were you thinking, going to that cave?” She asked, “Tell me, what were you all doing when you reached that cave?” Celestia hadn’t tried to put any tones—whether positive or negative—to make this easier for them to explain.

“Well,” Twilight started, shame spread on her face. “I’ve stumbled across a journal that an old pony wrote centuries ago. It explained what he did and all, but what intrigued me is the ‘creature in the mask’.” Celestia’s interest went a bit higher. “The journal explained what he did to Equestria’s history, he had helped, well you, but in the end, used that trust against you.” She paused. “The pony decoded and broke down that his imprisonment would end at this day exactly. Me and my friends attempted to ‘try’ and talk it out safely but..” She almost broke down, when Applejack stood forward.

“It may have attacked us first Princess, but we wer’ in over our heads when we attacked back.” She said.

Rainbow Dash tried to cut it out, “AJ! What are you-“ Her whispering was stopped by Rarity’s hissing, causing her to keep silent.

Applejack continued. “It tried ta’ reason with us, the second Twilight and Starlight went down. But Ah was too aggressive that I had stepped up the line. ‘Cuz of that, everypony went down, because of me.” She said, guilt forming. “So Princess, if you were ta’ give us a consequence, it would be me.”

“AJ! We’re not going to allow you to take the blame!” Twilight exclaimed beside her.

“Well, Ah’m doing it now.” Then that’s where the group tried to talk her out. Celestia watched for a bit, lost in her thoughts. The sight reminded her of some memories, half of which were good. She mentally smiled, before breaking up the noise.

“Enough!” The ponies immediately silenced, stopping to listen. “Nopony here is to take the blame. The creature has attacked first, therefore it is self-defense. But why would all of you foolishly face a creature with powers that match ours head-on?” Celestia scolded. The group lowered their heads, their faces saddened.

“But I have to say, I am proud of you all.” She smiled. Then the mane 7 looked up in confusion.

“But, we-“

“You hypothesized a potential threat. None of you left your friends or gave up, all of you stood together. You worked together to bring down the enemy.” She spared a glance to Starlight and Twilight, who looked at each other. “Some of you which, sacrificed yourself for your friends.” Rarity looked back at all the eyes looking at her. Applejack then came forward and gave her a hug. “All of you worked together, none of which turned their back. I was more than satisfied when I learned that you all can return to your normal conditions.”

The group started to cheer up, some started tearing up, like Fluttershy and Rarity. Some started laughing, like Pinkie and Starlight. The mane 7 had once again returned to their normal conditions. “But next time, please be more careful.” The mane 7 returned their look to Celestia. “Let us handle the enemy next time, and if we need all your help, we’ll call you.” The group returned nods and smiles to their Princess.

Now, that’s one problem out of the way,

Celestia generated her shield, bullets and bullets coming from the griffon’s side felt like it never ended. The heavy advancement of the griffon’s weaponry looked like it wasn’t native of the world. It looked impossible to replicate such technology with the lacking knowledge of other elements, even the smartest of scientists couldn’t break down the workings of the weapon. Her guards struggled to keep up the barrier, as some tried to scoot over to the Princess. Adding layers of defense and combined it to make a long wall of defense. ‘Damn it! Is there no end to this?

The war was one-sided. The griffons were impressed that the ponies were managing to hold back their own and still have a high morale. Managing. It’s unfair really, this started as a summit to a sob story, some idiot revealed classified info about the griffon’s evil workings and out worldly development. A fight broke out when the summit was midway, ponies and griffon were losing equal ground. That day marked the time they go to war.

Then reality bumped into Celestia’s mind, as the battlefield quaked.

The forest rumbled and exploded, a thick titanic smoke appeared from the ground. Birds flew away avoiding the area. The griffon’s stopped firing their rifles, looking towards the fog with shocked faces. The guardponies shared the same expression, with Celestia at awe of what’s happening.

Another explosion resounded, immediately, smoke dialed off the source of the explosions. Celestia’s Company took this chance to advance. The unicorn guards started to generate their magic, which then they released bolts of energy towards the enemy. The griffons fell dead, the others took notice and tried to push back, but the distracting explosions made it seem hard. The ponies’ breakthrough gradually got stronger, as griffons continued to fall and fall. Until the juggernauts of the opposing side arrived.

The Javelin of Griffonstone is an elite group of warriors consisted by griffons. Their feats make the alicorn’s powers look like child’s play, saying more about the group means nothing by time you’ve realized what they’ve accomplished. The so-called ‘Juggernauts of the Javelin’, looked gigantic. Bigger than the adult average of a griffon. Their body was exposing big muscles, their entire body was armored in reinforced gold, which included the wings and tail as well. Their helmets would either expose their face or mask their entire head. Their weapons matched with their size, spear or halberd, each fitted with their own specialties. Said specialties would include effects like poison, withering, weakening, absorption and other offensive capabilities.

They stood in front of the camp, proudly puffing out their chest. Their spears and halberds planted on the dirt. Celestia’s Company stopped, before having the Princess step forward and then taking a look. She thought that they were unfazed from the rumbles and explosions, unlike some griffons which she could see in the background. Their glare meant nothing more than a mask. She coughed, preparing herself to speak. “Tell me, where is your Superiors?”

“We are the Superiors.” The juggernauts replied bitterly. Their claws starting to hold onto their weapons, the spear and halberd was off the ground. They prepared a swing when Celestia prepared a strong barrier. She thought those titans would swing like a lazy drunk, she thought wrong. As the guards gathered their strength, Celestia kept on charging, when those beasts of a griffon swung their weapons in a blink of an eye.

The blunt metal of their piercing weapons slammed into Celestia’s side, her eyes shot open in disbelief as she failed to protect herself. She launched to the side, hitting the ground like rubble as smoke and earth sprayed around, bit by bit.

“Princess!” The lead guard exclaimed, as the Company prepared their weapons and magic. The juggernauts aimed their spear and halberd toward’s the army. Just as they were about to release their firepower, they saw the Princess’ white hoof raise up towards her allies, gesturing to stand down. They followed her instruction after, as they saw her entire body was laid with wounds and gashes.

“Hmph, stubborn. I commend you Princess.” A juggernaut commented. “Now, retreat now before our metals pierce through you.”

Celestia didn’t move, she still gave an passive aggressive stare to the juggernauts, who just sighed.

“You leave us no choice.” Both giants gripped their weapons, now pointed towards Celestia. They retracted back their arm as Celestia prepared for the worst.

“Princess!” The captain yelled, preparing a spell.

“Suffer.” The juggernaut muttered, before throwing their weapons towards the Princess. The guards just watched, while the captain prepared to release his magic. Until-


Metal rang, as the two weapons suddenly went flying, crashing in the nearby forest. Both pony and griffon were at awe and denial. Celestia watched the entire thing with a stare, and now placed her gaze on the creature before her. It stood on it’s hind legs, it’s feet wore shoe-like features but exposed it’s smaller appendages. It wore a purple robe, with a symbol on he back, resembling a red fan and a white base. It’s gloved claws held onto it’s weapon, a giant.. guitar? It wore a mask as well, with a weird pattern consisting of.. commas?

The being used it’s weapon as a stand, looking up towards the giant birds. “Who are you to hurt the Princess?” It spoke in a masculine voice, a threatening sound placed on it’s tone.

“We are proud warriors of the Javelin! But who are you to stand in our way?” The juggernauts replied, standing proudly with their talons on their chests.

“I’m the one who’ll show you true power.” The being simply muttered, before performing a bunch of signs with it’s hands. It ended with a handsign, as the creature inhaled it’s air and spoke, “Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!” It exhaled and released a big ball of flame, blazing about and towards it’s intended targets.

The griffon raised it’s leg, trying to shield himself from the fire. But the orb of fire was denser and stronger, pushing back the titans along with his partner, who happen to try and help him stop the fireball.

Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!” It spoke again before blowing an entire sea of destructive flame. “Amaterasu!” Then the sea of flame burnt into a black inferno. Speeding towards the griffons who broke their courage and screamed in fear. The flame engulfed them both, agonizing cries of pain called for help. But even their kin were too scared to interfere. The ponies were at shock, and Celestia was spectating what should’ve been 2 minutes of her job.

The fires ended, leaving a large charred griffon on the ground, dead. The ponies advanced forward, keeping the griffons in camp and ordered them to surrender. Celestia watched before getting back to her hooves, deciding to talk with the creature. However he raised out his arm, stopping Celestia from speaking her voice.

“Thank me when this war is over, Princess. You look to be in need of dire assistance.” He spoke, turning his head towards her.

“I..I-I.. Ok. But can I get your name?” Celestia asked back, she waited for a moment, before the being answered.

“Obito. Uchiha Obito.”

And that was 3000 years back.

Original POV

Ah Christ, my gut feels like it’s spinning.

One second, my gut felt compassionate about these ponies. Next second, I felt cringe take over and/or feel hatred towards them, more or less. Why? Have I been that soft? I’ve left Earth for what, 3000 years?

Ok, let’s stop it. I should stop fucking around and lying even to myself, especially that the fact that you’re quite lonely. And did I just say ‘you’re’? To myself?

I sighed heavily, sitting up from my mattress. I remembered where I was all of a sudden, a ruined shack placed between the distance to get to Manehattan and Fillydelphia. I remembered why I chose this place back then, it’s simple, nowhere, random, and quiet. I had already made some plans, beneath my mattress is a hole leading towards the digging site. It’s 1/4 of my entire plan actually.

I remembered what happened earlier, did I have genuine feelings for my pals once more? Or was I just lying?

I’m not going to stick around that idea for long, gives my the jitters and cringe. But it did remind me of..

Nope. Not going to return to more cringe.

I stood from my seating position, the Pegasi had already gathered clouds around the area. I look to still see the dark grey sky, about to rumble a cyclone once I’m moving forward. I look at my Mask, placed on top of a charred shelf. I placed it in my Kamui, better to keep it there so it won’t easily get lost.

I have a great chance of getting by Celestia and Luna’s radar, or a bad odd of clashing with the Sisters once more. I’m down towards the second path I have planned, getting to the first might be boring but very safe. What the heck, I’ll finalize it by the time I make my deciding move.

That leads me first to my prepation, I need to recruit two people, pony or not, my plans for them would come abound once I’ve perfectly thought about how it’s going to happen. I won’t be picking out ponies through a city or something, I gotta have to see what guts they have, then my plans would start to fall in place.

Then there was the guy I made a deal with back then. I made him immortal, and in return he’ll serve or help me until the end of time or until I perish. Hmm, maybe I should pay him a visit once more.

Oh well. I transformed myself into a white unicorn with the black rough hair Obito has. I stepped off the robe I wore, and placed it upon my duffel bag. I checked my flank to see my cutie mark, a Kamui. Yeah, I’ll be so obvious. I mentally changed what it looked like, to now see it as a log and a crossbow. Heh, it looks like a ‘survivalist’ cutie mark.

I checked the cracked mirror on the wall to look at myself. My mane was looking what I exactly said, but my eyes were normal. Except my right iris was colored as a dark red. While my left iris had a mignight purple shade. Huh, it works still. Not too obvious, really.

Boy I’m hungry. I’m lucky I could remember what Manehattan looks like.

Castle Lounge

“Sister, are they alright now?” Luna asked her sister, who just entered the room.

“Yes, they are.” She felt her voice’s volume fade. Letting out a sigh and approached her sister. Who is inspecting her ‘Dream Map’ to find out where Obito might’ve been. Her map is drawn in Equestria, it can detect even the slightest of thoughts, or daydreams. But that scans the entire country, however she doesn’t waste her magic or Chakra. What would waste it, is when she would access 500 or more ponies’ thoughts. She found that out when she played around in the moon to avoid boredom.

“Have you found him?” Celestia asked, her voice felt like shaking.

“Hmmm...n-no.” Luna opened her closed eyes, and breathed heavily. “He can conceal his Chakra signs somehow, or maybe has he grown stronger, or-or maybe I just can’t find him right.” She groaned and placed her head on her hooves. Somehow, in the bottom of Celestia’s heart, she sensed doubt.

Celestia felt like spitting out fire in her stomach, and asked without thought. “Luna, what did you actually do when you encountered Obito in the vault?”

“Sister I already told you, he overpowered me with his weapon and—“

“In all honesty Luna, what did you actually do?” Celestia said again, firmly. There’s no turning back to this question later, it’d be better if she asks it here and now.

Luna, easily broke down. She can’t keep up the facade forever, she sighed again and closed her eyes. “Of course, I didn’t do anything to stop him.” She opened her eyelids again. “Celly, it’s been a while ever since I saw his true face and voice.”

Celestia gasped slightly, she felt Luna’s tone droop sadly. Her sister’s eyes began to water, “Celly, I cared for Obito just as I cared for him. Hugging him just..” Her tears dripped from her eyes, then to her cheeks. “It just brought me back to true happiness.” Her voice quivered, Celestia took it too far. She approached her sobbing sister and embraced her.

“It’s—I’m here.” She nuzzled her head. She felt her coat water a bit from her tears. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have took it too far.” She reassured her crying sister. As much as Celestia cared for Obito, she just saw how much he meant too Luna. His time back then affected them both deeply, her life was like a wild zigzag roller coaster. He affected both of their psyches, they matured too much thanks to him. Now he molded them from ignorant Royal Sisters into actual adults.

She never wondered in her spare time how Obito can be helpful. All she thought was how he made her banish Luna to the moon.

It feels hurtful to think of plagued thoughts to a former family.

Original POV

It feels hurtful when pebbles are on your hooves. Jeesus, how come other ponies don’t mind it at all?

I walked across the street, finding an open food store. It serves meals to exquisite types of creatures or ponies, dragons or griffons. Meat, water, cooked animal, leaves, vegetables or even bacteria itself. All can be served here. But it’s a shame that this thing costs you a lot of bits just for an entry. The outside looks like a level three tier cafe, while the inside looked like a deluxe diner in a cruise ship.

I paid the humble colt on the stand, if you’re wondering where my bits came from, it’s from my Kamui stash. Who am I even talking to? He gestured me to go inside. I went through the door to find a comfortable seat to myself. The bar. I sat on a stool, pulling up a menu and checked what they have.

I ordered a small cup of pork noodles, with a tall glass of sparkling water. After the waiter gathered my order, he left me hanging in boredom. Well, I’m not currently bored so, eh. But the inside of the food store is so cozy, it had a relaxing golden lighting, tables had orange lamps, the flooring was a comfortable brown wood and the wallpaper could match the floor if it wasn’t a bit lighter, or if it didn’t had a color of sand.

I went back to being bored, I had already refreshed myself with my plans. But there is one I need to be performed by now. I placed my head on my foreleg. I checked the modern looking wine rack, it had a bunch of alcohol that my asscrack brother would love. Whiskey, bourbon, beer, champagne—well, champagne is not really an adult drink, more of a bubbly sensation but still—and are those ingredients to make a cocktail? Huh, I’d wanna put this place on tabs.

Midway while waiting, I heard murmurs and voices in the corner of the building. I checked a glance on them, a white mare with a peach mane wearing glasses was talking to a thick brown stallion with a black long mane. I placed an ear on their conversation, listening in.

Look, I am currently resting. I had a horsecrap of a day and I don’t want a grumpy client..b-barging in on my personal life!” The mare exclaimed, pointing her hooves to the guy.

“Well, if that is so.. we shall talk tomorrow afternoon in your office.” The stallion raised his hoof to his face. “I need this eye replaced, sooner or later. If you do so, we’ll think of-“

“-‘of blah blah blah’, you’ve said for how many times that you’d find a place for me in your company if I do this eye transplant. No, no thank you. I’m barely living off the salary of my job, my crappy suite is overpriced that I was thinking over my head when I bought it. My friends are busy with their lives, and I’m not going to partake in businesses of a dirty mob boss!” The mare again exclaimed, while her voice was lowered down. Huh, that talk is real heated and intense.

“Hmph, fine. As I said, we’ll talk in 3pm sharp, your office.” The guy got off the seat, now I saw his entire face. He was wearing a blue business attire, the color matching his eyes. The stallion trotted away and out of the building, that guy? A mob boss? Huh, I could maybe deal with that.

But I wanna talk to this lady, she’s said that she’d do an eye transplant for the dude. Exactly perfect for my first step. I got off my stool and slowly-quietly trotted to the mare. Who has dropped her head on her forelegs, letting out a groan before I reached the seat.

I sat on the sofa, sitting properly before letting out a cough. “Ahem,” The mare looked up from her forelegs and gave me the stink eye.

“Don’t tell me your Garrison’s goon.” She said bitterly. So that’s the mob boss’s name, huh.

“No, I’m not.” I said with my Obito voice. “But I overheard your conversation with him.” I leaned forward a bit. “I can help you deal with him.” She looked up to me with interest and curiosity.

She chuckled a bit. “Really, how would you do that?” She asked with slyness in her voice.

“Leave that to me.” I replied. “But before I do that, I need something in exchange.”

She frowned a bit, her sly smile gone. She felt that I was serious, huh, how easily convincing this mare is. “What, money? Something of value to me? Something of value to my lab?”

“I heard that you said you could do an eye transplant, you an eye doctor?”

“An ophthalmologist, but in laypony’s terms yeah, a doctor who specializes with eyes.”

“Well, Ms..?”

“Gem Sights, but Gem is fine.”

“Well Gem, in return for handling your ‘mob boss problem’ I need an eye transplant immediately.”

“Well, with what eye?” I take out the two containers that holds the eyes I need and showed it to her.

This.” I replied, placing it back in my ‘pocket’ as the waiter serves both of our orders. I saw staring at me with a expression. She was looking at me with a surprised expression while I was looking at her food which is a simple coleslaw with melon juice. She shook off her look to me. Afterwards, the waiter leaves immediately.

“You’re cannibal?” She whispered. I shook my head.

“No, I don’t eat ponies however.” I replied, she felt a bit calm when I told her that. But she lost interest in my eyes? Or would she hold all questions later?

Silenced reigned as we both dug into our meals. On a side note, THE NOODLES TASTED FANTASTIC. Ahem, anyway..

After finishing the last of our drinks, she faces me with a serious expression.

I chuckled with what she said.

“When do we start?”

Author's Note:

My prievous chapters are bit confusing, so I’ll try to write what’s what and add who’s who.

And thanks for those who stuck around, without your comments and such, I might’ve stopped writing this. So thanks! Remember, be sure to dislike and comment how my story needs to drown. See ya! :pinkiehappy: