• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 1,494 Views, 57 Comments

The Hero's Journey - Gabriel LaVedier

Ad Astra Per Aspera

  • ...

The Surrender

“The end approaches. It is not far at all. I remember the end of my own journey but I did not know it was so close.” Argus shook his head and sighed. “I feel that was not very kind. I had no opportunity to savor the approach. But surely you will. Are you not excited?”

“Eeyup.” Though he did not look very enthused, Big Mac stroked and patted at Smarty-Pants, who was placed looking out of his collar. “It's been quite a trot. But ah'm glad ah had some good company on mah way ta get mah sweetie back inta mah life.”

“It may have been only my required fate, but it was not unpleasant. It warms my heart to see the likes of you, so full of honest love. And it makes me even more happy to hear of the world outside, to know that the world does indeed move on. Would it be selfishness to give my kindness to your sister? I wish her only well in her marriage.”

“An' which sister would ya be givin' yer cheers?” Though his face was set in a neutral form there was some amusement in Big Mac's voice.

“Amusing, young one. I do, of course, wish your family all the best. But to, as I recall, your youngest sister. To her and her zebra betrothed. May they be happier than I was with Bee. Not that I wasn't happy with her. But the world was not happy with us, and it made life hard. I hope their lives will be easier.”

“Ain't no promises, but ah'm sure the family will take care-a them. Maybe mah cousin weren't rightly welcome but now there's a Cutie Mark. Ain't gonna be hassles...” Big Mac devolved into grumbles and a hung head.

“I see you must be rather tired. It has been a very long, very hard trot across this torturous land. And you had to do it alone...”

“Weren't none too much of a bother goin' it on mah own. It was fer Miss Smarty-Pants. Ah'd trot twice as far fer the chance ta put her by mah side.”

“Still, I know ahead there is a lovely spot for rest. It is not only comfortable but stocked with food and drink, which would certainly help after all that activity. I would imagine a large fellow like yourself gets hungry easily. It is a shame you lost your pack.”

“Ah see the land wouldda found a way ta take it away somehow, maybe even jes a big ol' hoof-a stone rising up outta the ground an' pullin' it right offa mah back. Ain't no never mind. Ya say this Granter's jes ahead. Why not keep on trottin'?”

“I admire your spirit and dedication. Hardly surprising from a farm stallion.” Argus motioned aside with his head. There was a sort of hollow depression in the wall on their right side. It was studded with especially brightly-glowing gems, pillows were laid out on the ground, and trays of succulent greens and delicious pastries were arranged around. Several metal carafes stood beside a collection of jeweled goblets. “But we are here, with other, similar, spaces along the way. Are you certain you would not care to stop for just a moment?”

“Ain't got the moment ta spare. Been wantin' ta hear Miss Smarty-Pants since the day she said she loved me, right before she dropped down an' went still. Mighty kind ta think of mah weary bones, but there's jes no chance ta stop when th' end is right through this cavern.”

“I want you to know, there's no real harm in stopping. Oh it looks self-indulgent and lazy, to be sure. The trappings of richness are intentional. But there is no real harm, save forgetting to start again. It is entirely possible to take a rest from 'appropriate refreshment' to 'slothful indolence' without much difficulty, but one must choose that. However, I very much suspect you will not even chance the temptation. You have that manner about you.”

“It ain't worth the risk. Ya can never tell 'round these parts what'll jes jump out atcha and trick ya. Ah ain't too famished, ah ain't too thirsty, an' bone-weary as ah may be, Miss Smarty-Pants ain't, and ah much 'spect she'd like the chance ta get so tired.”

“So few find their way here, fewer in these modern days, and fewer still have the nerve to make the journey all the way through so far. Those that arrive are always so worthy of the gift, but the tiniest flaw can send them off the path. I think you may make it. I think Bee would have liked to have met you. Honorable ponies could made her friendly.”

“Where is yer bride? From what ya say, y'all was hitched a long time ago, when ponies an' zebras weren't none too kind ta one another. But yer still here, leadin' on a young pup like me, when zebras ain't much but neighbors fer us an' the griffins, an' one's got mah lil lil sis gigglin' an' sighin' an' moonin'.”

“Ah, Bee. Bee is... around. It is hard to explain how this land works from the inside looking out. Even having been as alive as you and trotted this ground myself there is no way to say that will satisfy you. It suffices to say that she is around, and waiting. But any time at all away from her side is unbearable. Even this short time in your company may as well be months apart.”

“Ya don't need ta take much trouble with it. Ah unnerstand it ain't a normal place. Ah also unnerstand ya feel a mite lonely without yer love. That's why Miss Smarty-Pants is always tucked in here, right 'gainst mah heart. So she knows it's always a-beatin' fer her.”

“You've done much for her. Given up plenty of time, effort, probably done a bit of inconveniencing of your family to go in this trip. I wonder though... there comes a point on this journey where you must answer the ultimate question.”

“An' jest what question might that be?” Big Mac looked a bit suspiciously over at Argus. He was not actually mistrustful of the zebra himself, but what he might be forced to do in the name of the Granter's world.

“Just how much would you be willing to surrender for her?” Before them appeared an imposing rock wall, studded with glowing gems, and containing a single, small opening showing the passage beyond. “You have so much that you don't even realize it. If love required it, would you give it all away? Plenty have glibly asserted they would, but when the time came to pay they could not produce the fee.”

“Got mah skin an' bones on me right this minute. Ain't much ah need but miss Smarty-Pants. Mah family means a lot, ain't gonna give up on them.” Big Mac eyed the opening. Not much there. He'd have to be pared down to pieces just to get through.

“You have stout, strong muscles, polished by a lifetime of work. Would you give all your strength in the name of passage? It's for her.”

“Ah worked 'em up once. Ah can do it again. It ain't a burden...” As soon as the words were out of his mouth Big Mac shielded his eyes from a flash, and staggered around for a moment. He felt different, lighter yet more burdened. His head sagged beneath the sudden weight of his collar. His first look at himself showed that he was a collection of twigs. Scrawny legs led up into a wizened body, devoid of the powerful muscles he recalled. He was a little like Granny Smith in her sere senescence. “Thin ah can fit now?”

“You gave up one thing. Surely you have much more to give. They may be weaker but you still have four good legs. Could you give up all your limbs for the opportunity to pass?”

“Hole's that small... suppose ah ain't got much choice...” As soon as the words were out of his mouth there was another flash of light. He was on the ground, legless, resting his weakened neck on his collar. “Ah can make it. Jes gotta go...”

“You can. You can... or can you? Is there any other thing you might hold in higher esteem than her? What of your eyes? Perhaps your nose. The sensation of your flesh or your hearing. There is always more to give, and would you be willing to give it all for the chance to move forward?”

Big Mac looked on at the small opening, and then down at Smarty-Pants. With a shake of his head he resolutely set forward, wiggling his body like a snake. “Eenope, tain't worth it.”

“So... she is not worth your sacrifice?” Argus loomed over Big Mac's wiggling form, peering down at him.

“Ah can give up a lot. But ah ain't givin' her up.”

“I asked to give of yourself, not her. Why would you think you needed to?”

“If ah give mah eyes, I could never see her again. Give mah touch and ah can't feel her against mah chest. Give mah ears ah can't hear her sweet voice when she's back ta me. Take everythin' else. Don't need it. But ya can't have her. Ya ain't takin' her away from me.”

Argus nodded his head, a smile on his lips. “I bore Bee on my back, even after I gave up everything but an ability to feel her. She guided me, with a gentle touch. You would surrender everything but her. The mere experience of her is all you need. You are truly an admirable pony, young one.”

“Ain't nothin' but the right thing ta do.” Big Mac wriggled his scrawny form through the low gap, pulling on the stony ground with what was left of his body. “Gotta be with her, always. She's part-a me, deep down.”

“I suppose that it will be no matter to move on through the last obstacle, the final thing standing between you and her. Come along, then. See what faces you.”

“Jes a moment...” Big Mac finished pulling himself through the opening, a bright flash heralding the return of all that had been lost. With everything back in order, he moved along behind Argus. “The last, ya say? Gotta fight some kinda beast that prove mah worth 'r cut off mah own head?”

“You jest, but such would seem very in place in this place. No, there is no such thing to face you. But you will hardly find it any kinder. For it is, at last, the one thing that cannot be passed with a good lie or with mere stone-headed perseverance. I used to wonder how it was that it was at the end. On reflection I see... it is the ultimate test. To pass all the others could, perhaps, be done with ego and will. But this, there is no lie that would pass it by.”

“Then bring me to it. Ah'll show what ah've got. Ah ain't afraid.”

“Do not be afraid. Be yourself...” Before the two stallions there appears a wall of roaring flames, which persisted for a moment, only to be replaced by great sheets of mist-exuding ice. After the display there was nothing, save for a line on the ground. “The end, if you are not sure of what lies within.”

“Ah ain't no unicorn, ain't no dragon, ain't no mera. Ah may be strong but ah can't jes walk through fire an' ice.”

“You misunderstand. It is what is within you. This is the wall of your heart. It is to punish the intemperate and the spiritless alike. A love that burns too hot, like a passionate fling that will never last is burnt to cinders. A love that exists as a cold and businesslike proposition without any feeling at all is chilled to the bone. No extremes, no excess or lack. If you do not actually trot this middle path, there is no hope for you. Those faced by this may turn around, or think they can go forward and face only disaster. Here you see the very end. What will you do now? It was a good effort, whatever you may do.”

Big Mac regarded the line on the ground, his face calm but his mind racing. He was a decent fellow. Calm, cool, collected. Perhaps too cool. He was not one to show his emotions easily, and perhaps he had inherited some of the ice from his granny's soul. He only ever knew warmth and happiness from his father and mother but bad blood could pass from generations separated by many kinds of spaces.

But perhaps there was no worry about the ice. The fire... he loved miss Smarty-Pants. Loved her with all his heart, with all the hidden passion that resided inside of himself. He had been a good country colt, had restrained himself, even though she had told him herself that he could use her image to please himself. He had been restrained. But still it burned in him.

That restraint was surely a sign of his middle way. Unless it was a sign of his coldness. It had been a long while since he had been with her, while she could respond. He made every day a romantic time, and made sure he talked to her all the time. But she was a still and lifeless doll, even if she was gathering the mana traces. It might have been a cold and meaningless ritual, rather than real love.

But he kept up with it. Day on day, his heart ever for her, thinking of her, forever keeping her in his thoughts and part of his very being. In truth, even if he never slapped, touched or rubbed to her, he still thought of her. Her sweet voice, her soft form, the love and adoration she had for him. She had it for him, he certainly showed that he had it for her. But was it too much?

Too much or not enough? He couldn't be sure. And to send Smarty-Pants through more heat or cold, a tremendous amount... to turn around would be to just give up on all the hardships he had endured, and all the thing he had forced upon Smarty-Pants. Uncertain as he was, he had to go forward. Fly or fall, he could not waste what he had invested in the journey.

He took a single step forward, touching the line traced on the ground. Immediately he could feel the icy wind swirl around, his breath coming in a misty huff. The ice was forming on his coat again, faster than it had before. He dared to take another step, and found it all went away, replaced with a hot wind, like the breath of the desert. He could feel the invisible flames licking over his body, not yet ignited fully, but rising slowly. His heart was being weighed, and each moment made it clearer and clearer he would suffer some fate as dictated by the wall.

Another step, filled with trembling hesitation, took him through a freezing breeze mixed with a heated flush that screamed across his whole form. The feeling of both heat and cold intensified, numbing his flesh right besides the stripes of burnt hair and searing skin. It hurt, hurt more than anything in his quest had. But he took that one final step that sent him fully past the line on the ground.

It was over. His body was fine, no flesh deadened by cold or scorched off by flame. He looked back to the line on the ground. Just a line, neither marked with ash nor ice. “Ah'm guessin' ah passed...”

“You even hesitated. The unworthy often strike forth without doubt. Those that deserve it are always full of doubts. It is good to doubt. It means you know there are things you have done wrong and places where you have stumbled. In the end, you have been validated. Love neither too hot and wild nor cold and weak.”

Big Mac heaved a sigh, and stroked Smarty-Pants on the head. “Darlin'... warm up yer voice. Ah wanna listen to ya talk fer hours an' hours.”

“Yes indeed, you are steps away. Welcome, young one, to the sanctum of the Granter.”