• Published 8th Dec 2011
  • 22,505 Views, 268 Comments

Interview With a Princess - Hoopy McGee

What if you had the chance to ask Celestia any question you liked?

  • ...


How do you go back to living a normal life after something like this? How can your boring, humdrum, every day existence do anything to motivate you after an incredible experience like that?

Simply, it can't. All you can do is focus on the day to day. And the ponies, of course. If I had thought I was obsessed before, that was nothing compared to how I was after Celestia's visit. I bought playsets. I bought shirts. My friends thought I was crazy when I finally came out of the "Brony closet". Well, except for my friend Paul, who turned out to be a Brony himself.

I even tried my hand at art. I tried to draw Celestia as I remembered her. My art skills are... not good.

I was kicking myself for not grabbing my camera and asking if I could take her picture. Or, even better, recording the whole interview. How many hits on Youtube would that have grabbed me, I wonder?

As the weeks went by, occasionally the thought would creep into my head, insidiously, that maybe I had dreamed the whole thing. Or that it was a hallucination. At those times, I would go into my study, into my locked fireproof safe, and I would delicately remove the feather that Celestia had given me. Longer than my hand, a delicate dusting of pink at the tip.

My wife, however, didn't take kindly to my near-evangelical Bronyism. It was only five days ago that we got into an argument over it, actually.

"I don't understand," she told me, "how you can be this obsessed with a children's television show?! Do you know how embarrassing it is that all of our friends know about it?"

"I don't care, because it's all real," is what I did NOT say. I also didn't say, "You know, Celestia came to visit me, and we had a lovely talk, and I found out all sorts of things that would make a physicist cry." After all, my only supporting witness was our cat Nadine, and she wasn't talking.

What I said instead was, "I'm sorry, dear. I'll try to curb it back in the future."

"Well, I sure hope you do! At first, it was kinda cute, but now it's just getting a little..." There was a pop in the air behind me, and my wife trailed off. I was watching her face, and I saw her eyes nearly bug out of her head. I turned around to see what was behind me.

"Greetings, mortal human! I, Princess Luna, have arrived at the request of my sister, Princess Celestia of Equestria, to inform you that we were able to deal Discord a sound defeat, in no small part thanks to the information that you have provided! When he freed himself from his statue, he found a contingent of Royal Guards, my sister and myself, as well as all the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony arrayed before him! The battle was over in mere seconds."

There was a slight groan and a soft "thump" behind me.

"Also," Luna said, "It appears as if your companion has fainted. Is she quite well?"

"Welcome, Luna," I said. "May I offer you a glass of lemonade?"

By the way, my wife was fine. Just a slight bump on the head. And a complete shifting of her concept of reality, of course. But I'm pretty sure she'll get over that. I've already ordered her some custom-made Luna hoodies for Christmas.