• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 1,581 Views, 31 Comments

Out of Your Elements - Kagemoon

An Elements of Chaos story. The Mane 6 must face stallions who are their opposites.

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Prologue: Prophecy

Out of Your Elements
By: Kagemoon


Flames. Flames and Screams. There was nothing else. No. Something on the horizon. A group of somethings. What are they? Who are they? Ponies? Yes. Stallions. Two of every race. What’s that around their necks? Elements? No, can’t be. Yes. They’re Elements. But how? They don’t look familiar.

They’re not pretty or shiny like the normal ones. They’re duller, darker. The red is blood not roses. The purple is like a bruise not an amethyst. The green is sickly not like the vibrate forest. The pink looks like and infection not candy. The blue is of a sky before a storm not a cloudless day. The orange like a dying sun not the promise of a new morning.

Why does it feel so wrong? The air is heavy. The stallions. They’re eyes are glowing red, angry red. A few are smiling. Not happy smiles. The smiles of a bully, of a sadist.

Alone. So alone. Where are the others? No friends. No family. No allies. Alone. Useless. Always need a pony to lean on. A parasite.



Stop please

Nothing. So pathetic. So weak. The weakest of them all. The faulty part of the chain. The one that will break.

The flames burn brighter. The fires grow. The dark stallions grow too. What’s that behind them. Their shadows? Why do they look like that? Long snout. Mismatched horns. Claws and a hoof. Body of a serpent. Draconequus.

No. Can’t be. Not again. Please not again.

The shadow is bigger than the stallions. Bigger than the flames. It’s laughing. It’s laughing at the screams. At the destruction. At the chaos.

Its hands. What’s in its hands? Bodies. Wings and horns. One looks down.




“NO!” Twilight Sparkle shrieked as she leapt from her bed.

“Whoa Twilight. What’s wrong?” the frightened voice of Spike the baby dragon asked from the foot of the bed.

Twilight’s breathing was erratic. It took her a few seconds to calm down before she could answer her assistant. “Spike, take a letter. It’s really, really important Princess Celestia knows about the nightmare I just had,” the purple unicorn ordered.

“Are you sure Twilight? I mean, it’s four in the morning?”

“You’re right. Spend the letter to Princess Luna too. Since you just learned who to copy and send things with your fire this will be a great chance to use it.”

The dragon crawled on the bed and put a small clawed hand on his segregate sister’s shoulder. He had seen her panic. He had seen her flip out. But in her eyes all he saw was real fear and desperation. Producing a quill and parchment seemingly out of nowhere he sat down on the bed. “Ready you when you are.”

Twilight recounted the vision she had as Spike kept up with her dictation with practiced ease. Once finished Spike reread what he had written and shivered at the images the words conjured in his own mid. He rolled the parchment into a scroll and sealed it with Twilight's personal sigil. The hard part came next. Normally Spike would have simply chosen his magical flame gland and teleported the letter straight to Princess Celestia as he had been taught since he was a hatchling. In the past few days he had learned how to both copy and send the same letter to multiple targets.

Beads of sweat ran down his scales and he concentrated to both his inner magic and the magical flame he was born with. With a deep breath he spewed a dark green flame over the paper. A wisp of fire split into two parts and flew out the window. They would arrive in at the Canterlot palace in seconds.

Spike looked over at Twilight who was looking out the window as if hoping to see the lettered being returned. “How about I make you some tea Twilight. It’ll calm you down.”

The unicorn sighed and gave a tired smile. “Thanks Spike. I’m really sorry to keep you up this late at night.”

“Well technically its early morning,” he said as he placed a kettle on the stove. “Besides I’m a growing dragon. If I can’t keep up with you and all your weird study times I’m not doing my job as your number one assistant right.”

“A growing dragon needs his sleep Spike. I feel bad about waking you.”

A serious look crossed Spike’s face. “Twilight, if you think it’s important, I think it’s important. If this involves our friends then you were right to ask the princesses for advice. Please, don’t be afraid to ask me to help for anything.”

Twilight stepped away from the window and wrapped the little dragon in her hooves in a deep hug. “My little guy’s grown up without me realizing it. Thanks Spike, you’re the best baby brother a mare could ever ask for.”

Before Spike could respond in with a witty retort about not being a baby his stomach rumbled signaling the incoming of a returned letter. Twilight backed away just as Spike belched out a green flame which quickly formed into a scroll. It tasted like soft baked bread, Celestia’s familiar sending. Not a second later the dragon’s stomach grumbled again and another flame-turned-scroll flew out of his mouth. This sending tasted like dark chocolate, the acquired taste of Luna’s power.

Twilight levitated Celestia’s scroll to her and broke the royal seal:

Dearest Twilight Sparkle

The letter you sent was both startling and horrifying. It was much too vivid to be a mere nightmare. Maybe the Element of Magic is giving us a warning or a prophesy, I’m afraid this may be a new development of its powers as neither myself nor the other Bearers of your element have ever experienced such things as far as I can remember.

As for the images of Discord and elements not your own I will scour the ancient tomes to see if anything turns up. I would ask you to do the same on your end. Mayhap Ponyville library holds a book that has escaped shelving her in Canterlot. Also, be sure to ask your friends if they have had a similar experience. If all elements are synced as such this could mean a very dark future for Equestria.

Your Teacher and Princess

Twilight nodded and set the letter aside. “Spike, I’m going to need you to use your split fire again. Send a letter to all my friends and ask if the can meet me here at their earliest convenience. Make sure to tell them it’s real important and maybe ask if they’ve had any vivid nightmares lately.”

The dragon nodded. “Five Element Emergency letters coming up Twi,” he saluted and produced another quill and parchment from thin air. As he wrote the missive, Twilight unrolled the scroll sent by Luna:

To Our Dearest Friend Twilight

Prophetic dreams are rarely from within. They are normally given by an outside source. If what you dreamt was truly a vision of the future then there are only a few possibilities.

One is it was only a night terror. We are most sorry, but even Our power cannot prevent them from happing from time to time to the best and bravest of ponies. They are a remnant of Nightmare Moon’s corruption of the Dreamscape We have been unable to fix. However if you thought this was merely a bad dream We highly doubt you would have sent Us a letter by dragon fire.

One outside source of the dream could be the elements as I’m sure you and Our sister surmised. While We held the elements We experienced no such thing, however that means little as Our own dream abilities could have prevent such a feat.

Another possibly is Discord’s power may still affect you and he has somehow invaded your dreams in an attempt to sap your strength and weaken your bonds. If this is the case We may have a solution. If you will allow, We could be in Ponyville on the morrow to magically scan you for his corruption. We can assure it is painless and a simple spell.

A last possibly is an unknown or hidden force gave you this dream, again Our spell can confirm this as well and the solution is the same with Discord’s corruption or outside tampering.

Please let US know of your decision, if anything We will be sure to guard your dreams from this night forth until your sleep goes undisturbed.

Your friend

“I sent the letters Twilight,” Spike told her as soon as she finished the letter. His declaration was punctuated by a loud yawn.

“Thank you Spike, I know you’re tired but I have one last letter for you to send to Luna. Please just tell her tomorrow, well I guess later this evening will be fine for her visit and I thank her from the bottom of my heart.”

Spike finished the quick confirmation letter and sent if off in a final breath of magical fire. As his eyes drooped the kettle on the stove whistled. “Tea’s done,” he mumbled and fell forward cute snores periodically escaping in mouth.

“You did great my little dragon,” Twilight whispered as she levitated the kettle off the stove and used her magic to carry the sleeping assistant upstairs to his bed basket. She looked out the bedroom window, seeing Luna’s moon dip below the horizon as Celestia’s sun was ushering away the last bits of the night.

“The sky looks like it’s on fire,” she thought with a shiver.