• Published 14th Apr 2018
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Homura Invassion: Madoka Magica x MLP - Eternalpinkiepride

The mane six are given a rude awakening when the demon queen Homura Akemi invades Pony, in hopes that they will blindly accept their new ruling.

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Chapter Nine: Equestria's History

Everyone held their breath as they listened to the thumping of Celestia and the guard's hooves above them. All except Luna seemed to have been phased by this.

"I suggest you follow me, if we stay here too long they will detect us." Luna said. Her new form was still a miraculous sight to them all, but Luna treated it as if she had always look that way; other than the odd little spark from her horn, she seemed to have phenomenal control over the strength of magic she had inherited. Twilight started to bite her lips to thought of when she had inherited magic, her ability to control it was almost nonexistent. Luna light one of the torches which took a domino effect and lite the rest in front of it one after the other on both sides, revealing a short tunnel that at the end had yet another set of stairs.

The mane six all kept close to Luna as they followed the hall and descended down the stairs . At the end was a door that revealed a bright room. The walls were moving much like the space that surrounded Twilight when Celestia brought her through her memories before gaining her wings as the newest of Alicorn princesses. The floors were made of white tile that had the faintest glow to them, and of course there were shelves and furniture that matched to Luna's mane.
"Please, sit," she started, and they all obeyed.

"Uh," Applejack started after too much silence had passed between them all for comfort. "Does anyone want to answer why we are running away from Celestia, you know, our ruler who has never done us wrong and (correct me if I'm wrong) hasn't done anything to wrong us yet?"

"That is where it get's complicated" Luna said, and raised her horn to lift a table form the ground. It looked exactly like the cutie-map that the mane six had all just been introduced to, except it was bigger than the one Twilight had at home. They all circled around it in awe. What appeared over top of the map had a few similarities to Equestria but it looked larger. And the oceans seemed to have been darker and harsher. Underneath that, was a much lighter land that Twilight and the rest could identify as their home of Equestria, and the bottom layer was something that nopony could identify - they weren't even sure if it was land that they were looking at. Rainbow Dash continued to look at it with the feeling of familiarity, but said nothing.

"What is this?" Twilight asked, she had never seen this kind of map before or references to the lands in any book she's read.

"This is proof that not only Celestia but also I have wrong you and the rest of Equestria." Luna sighed. "There is a reason why we never told you, but there is a deeper and darker history to how Equestria had come to it's present glory."

"Cool!" Rainbow Dash said and flew in the sky. They all looked at her and she flew down with a sheepish look on her face with deep apology, just, the idea of Equestria having a dark secret for all these year and her being one of the few ponies to know the truth was right up their with the awesomeness of Daring Do.

"It's is alright, I can see how one might find it exciting to learn their homes darkest secrets, but I assure you it is more heart breaking than anything else. I brought you here because this map will help me show you everything there is for you to know about how we got here, and what you need to find in order to defeat this . . . creature that has been tampering with our world." The Table then glowed and the light consumed them all.

“As you know, when I had become consumed with dark magic there was no consideration for redemption, I was banished to the moon because it was the first time an outburst of dark magic had erupted for three centuries. It is unknown how the dark magic had overtaken me, but it is too risk to experiment on so everything that had to do with dark magic was blocked off. This is why you never hear about dark entities until they find a way to resurface through the gate - the power of knowledge alone is enough to bring the darkness to its former glory if you fear it, if you admire it or if you are vulnerable, it will grow and over take you.

When this dark magic consumes enough it take an effect on the rest of the world, which is what we have been hiding from our civilians for years.Before Equestria had found its unity the lands were boarded into section by race There were the griffons, the earth ponies, Pegasi, unicorn the hippogriffs, Zebras and of course the dark creatures that lived in their own mirror realm parallel to ours. The mirror realm is a dark world where all of our enemies originated from including the corruptive magic that saturated our world. They were monsters that very few were able to see - the life in that time was unbearable. Any creature without their own land would constantly go from kingdom to kingdom and invade like parasites and suck each kingdom dry of everything before moving to the next and the next -”

“And the Alicorns, Princess Celestia, you?” Twilight asked.

Luna sighed and continued on. “I am afraid that the Alicorns were not as glorious as we seem today. The alicorns were a race that were to be feared, we lived beyond the cloud, we lived in the sky. Because of this, the darkness took longer to hit us, but when it did, A war had struck out upon us, until we realized something far more terrifying, our superiority. We looked down onto the earth with a new perspective, the perspective of a gods, and we wanted what was rightfully ours to rule. This is Equestria’s darkest secret - The Plague of the Alicorns. We had come down to their worlds and defeated the evil spirits and monsters, but we had no idea that the dark magic had a mind of its own. We locked them all away into the caverns in the deepest parts of the crystal sea. But there was further terror to come. When we had come down, the myths and ancient drawings they had of us had become true, and they did not know what to do, they feared us, threw stones at us and their best spells and curses against us, but nothing could affect us.” Luna stopped, and looked off into the distance, her eyes were quivering as she tried to hold back tears, she took a breath before she continued. “This angered us all, we had all risked our lives to save them and expected glory and praise, but that was not how they viewed it, we too were beasts, tricksters and thieves, but there was one Alicorn who refused to take the abuse from these creatures that had been formed of an Alicorns image - Celestia. In that moment, she had taken charge and started her new ruling. There was disorganization within the pony races and Celestia and fixed it by giving them all purpose - to see what they would be most useful for, she created a spell that would affect every generation to come from the infected for an eternity: Veritas Marcum. This is a symbol spell that she dawned over all of the world, it could be seen multiple times over the skies.

The lights were mesmerizing, you had no choice but to look up at it and allow the swirling symbols to consume you. The ponies had all fallen to the ground, some of the pegasi didn’t survive their drops but those who had, had awakened with something new on them; cutie marks. It was the perfect plan, the spell would only appear when a pony found their true calling, but the spell also drew a pony as close as possible to where they would find it. Those who had their marks were chained and put to work to build the Alicron empire, but it had took longer to build the empire than it did for the Alicorns to destroy it. When we had our society, I kept to my sister’s side, I was loyal to her. But not all Alicorn felt the same. The Alicorns still lived luxurious lives, with their own ponies to do their biddings as if they were pets, but some still remembered the good lives they lived in the sky, where there was no ruler over them, there was just life and peace.

The Alicorn era had lasted no more than a half a century before the Alicorn War had broke lose, there was a rebellion against Celestia and only one out of all the ponies had come to defend her side, Starswirl the bearded. He was much younger then, but he was a pony who had never known a home before Celestia’s ruling although it was a horrid one, it was still his home that he wanted to defend. As Celestia was desperate she made sure he went through a series of tests to show his loyalty to her (horrid things that I cannot bring myself to repeat). When Starswirl gained her trust, she granted him with a double edged gift, immortality, so long as he stayed loyal to her, his death would never meet him. Myself and Starswirl fought at the front lines to defend Celestia’s crown, and with the help of the many bodies of ponies that were under her control, we had eventually won, but it was still too early to celebrate.

Celestia knew that there would have to be a shift if she wanted to keep her throne, and so she did. Her castle was rebuilt, but it was larger than before, it was a wall. Behind the wall like castle were rows of concentration camps where the ponies who still remember would mate and have their offspring taken away from them and placed on the other side of the castle where a Utopia had waited for them as they left their forgotten generation. As for the darkness, there was no true way to get rid of it, but it could be bottled up into one being which is how Discord was created. He kept by our side and was happy to do so, there were a large amount of ponies in the forgotten generation and they would not go extinct for quite some time, Discord had even made himself a pet, that is now the enemy of i believe, Daring Do Ahuizotl who was a vicious beast who guarded the outer rings of the camp, hoping that there would be a pony trying to escape so he could tear them to shreds and being bits and pieces to his master. And with the aid of Starswirl and my patrol from the moon during the night there was no chance that either side would come in contact with one another, everything was perfect.

The ponies grew up and had found a way to live with one another despite their differences for once, and it was all to their glorious princess Celestia, all the ponies had come to her when they had realized this themselves and bowed to her. The moment was magical to her and for the first time, she felt as though she had belonged as they continued to give her their love, so she deemed that day Hearth’s Warming - a holiday where one brought their loved ones gifts and showed their appreciation for one another, but as the ponies were confused by this, Celestia had given them the story that you all have grown up with today.

Celestia used the her servant to find the last of the gold in the lands from the few creatures who had managed to survive before her forgot generation of ponies would die off. With the gold, she brought the lands together and created an empire which she named Equestria.

Why my sister worries is because in order to save our world, there is a chance that her secret will come to the surface, if this happens she will lose her power and the love you ponies have for her - this is something she will not be willing to give up, she needs her power and your adoration because she never received it when she lived in the sky empire of Alicorns,a s she was the runt of the liter. If you need to go and banish the creature for good, you need to trap this beast into the crystal caverns and find Star Swirls journal, in it are two spells that you will need. The first is a portal spell, it will allow you to see and enter the world of our enemy so long if they are connected to our reality which will work, and the second spell is the dimension spell - it is the only spell that will work, as it is irreversible. Because there is an endless amount of dimensions, the spell was designed to go to the next one each time it is used, the spell will never go back and there for the seal of the previous dimension, will never be able reopen, anything that falls into it will be trapped and unable to make their way back to Equestria, If you manage to bring the Cavern into the dimension, our world will be saved, and there will be no more dark magic to release and hopefully, that will help my sister, as I am afraid that she may still have dark magic in her that blinds her from her humble sefl and forces her to believe that she still has a right over all of you. If you can do that, our Equestria will once again be a utopia.” Luna had ended.

“Again?” Rainbow Exclaimed. “You just said that before, Celestia was a crazy ruler who killed a bunch of Ponies and that our cutie marks are a category tool” Rainbow shook her head in shock of all this new information, this couldn’t be true? “I’m getting out of here.”Rainbow tried to swarm atay, but was stopped by Luna’s magic and slammed to sit onto the floor.

“You will do no such thing. I am not asking you ponies, I am telling you.”

“But if Celestia is as evil as you said, then why are we helping her by getting rid of the fews that know the true history of Equestria?” Twilight asked.
“Because either way Equestria had been invaded, so shall we all live in misery as this new ruling or should we continue to fight our land have yourself rules by two princesses who have been fair to you all for as long as you can remember? Luna asked.
“I don’t know,” Twilight said, “right now, there are no words fo me to process the information you’ve given me.
Twilight had then left the room and went farther up the path to be alone and sit in a corner to cry in her legs.