• Published 21st Apr 2018
  • 11,487 Views, 695 Comments

Anon-A-Miss: Friendship is Home - PonyJoel

Before of Anon-A-Miss came, sisters were distant, friendships getting stronger. After the birth of Anon-A-Miss everything falls apart but something good comes out of it. Something very special. Friendship came make itself come home.

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Day 1 of Anon-A-Miss! Piggly Wiggly! CMC Meeting! CMC Agreement!

Author's Note:

Took some references from the comic once more. I added deeper details for the reason of Anon-A-Miss for both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. I also add a deeper understanding of why they would go for it despite it being from jealousy. It represents a personal feeling towards Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

Next chapter will be about the slumber party and day two of Anon-A-Miss with Rarity's secret. I will start on chapter 3 sometime later today or nighttime. I need more pixy stix to help concentrate.

CMC here in the Equestrian Girls dimension means Career Making Crusaders.

Hope you enjoy, thanks for the favs in advance.

Have any comments please let me know.

Have any constructive criticisms please let me know.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Sunset Shimmer had woken up earlier than her friends. It is 6:30 in the morning. She enjoys watching the sunrise in the morning. When the sunlight beams on her, she feels the warmth of the sun and she feels like she is glowing with Equestrian Magic. Today she needed to wake up early at this hour to send Twilight a message in her journal. Sunset told everything about last's night slumber party and she asked how Twilight is doing. Sunset expected that for a Princess like Twilight she would be able to get an answer sometime later in the morning or about now since Twilight loves to stay up at night just reading her mind away. One thought came to her mind and it's her mentor Princess Celestia. Would she be proud of her for the accomplishments she made? Defeating the Sirens, changing into a better person/pony, having friends and most of all finding her happiness or would Celestia still be ashamed for what she'd done to Cadence when they were younger, stealing Twilight's crown, turning into a raging she-demon and enslaving the school to walk back into Equestria to conquer it. All sorts of thoughts in her head for both sides and yet she can't decide which one to lean on since both sides have good reasoning to either hate or love. Only time can tell her that but what time is telling her to get ready for another day of school with her friends cause in less than 4 days, the holidays begin. Also, it would be a good time to start waking up her friends so they can go out and have breakfast together before going to school. Sunset takes a good look at her journal to see if Twilight had sent her a message and there was no buzz or light indicating her of Twilight. Sunset sighs in happiness as today gonna mark a fresh new day of friendship and happiness. Nothing can ruin this week she thought to herself.

Apple Bloom is woken up from her slumber along with Big Mac and Granny Smith. Apple Bloom grabbed her laptop to see if anyone has liked Anon-A-Miss Piggly Wiggly post.

"Holy cow that is a lot of likes!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

Apparently, there were over 300 likes and 100 comments of Piggly Wiggly. Apple Bloom then started texting to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo about how they gonna get their sisters back from Sunset Shimmer and to meet them at the far end of the library to have their meeting. To Apple Bloom's surprise, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were not alright with it but curious to know exactly what Apple Bloom had in mind.

15 minutes later Apple Bloom grabbed her laptop, her phone, her breakfast and went with Big Mac and Granny Smith to the school. Like always and as a family, they go to Canterlot High first before anyone else.

It is now 7:15 in the morning. Sunset Shimmer along with her friends just left Sugarcube Corner. They just had their breakfast and talked about the upcoming slumber party at Rarity's house. Everyone was excited about that but not excited for school knowing it'll be a long day but at least they'll see each other during lunch. So like any other day, all is not as bad as it seems.

20 minutes later Sunset and their friends made it to school on time. Their next classes will be starting at 7:45 so they had a little time to spare. Apple Bloom sees them coming down the hallway. To make them believe something new and serious is happening on Mystable. To make them believe that something ain't right is to make the best impression as possible. To Apple Bloom's surprise, she saw a couple of students heading towards Applejack saying "Hey Piggly Wiggly." as they laughed away. That just gave Apple Bloom the momentum she needed as other students were already mocking her. Apple Bloom turned and ran towards her sister in a state of panic.

"Applejack! Applejack!!", she shouted while faking her pants a little. Applejack turned to her dear sister.

"What is wrong Apple Bloom?" she questioned.

Faking her pants once more "Look!"

She gave her older sister the phone showing Anon-A-Miss newest account and her first post. Applejack is now shocked and furious as she reads "Did you guys know when Aj was a kid she loved playing with pigs? OMG! She sat in the mud for hours! Her whole family calls her Piggly Wiggly cause she loves them so much! What a pig!".

She questioned how the hell did something like that was even posted but Apple Bloom told her that comment was posted hours ago. Apple Bloom told the girls that she posted that comment on everyone's page. The entire school knows about Piggly Wiggly and now Applejack has to deal with the petty insults for the next few hours or even days. How embarrassed she looked when all of a sudden other students are calling Applejack by her nickname. Rainbow questioned about Anon-A-Miss for how the hell did she ever got that secret and Fluttershy thought of how terrible it is to post something on the internet for all to see. As the school bell rang, Applejack gave Apple Bloom her phone back. Apple Bloom went with her sister to physics class.

After a few periods, it is now lunch time. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo went to the far end of the library to have their meeting. Like many times in the past few months, no one was with them and they were all alone.

"Alright girls, my plan to have our sisters back from Sunset Shimmer is to continue the Anon-A-Miss account spreading everyone's secrets. To get our sisters into hating that Sunset Shimmer is back to her old ways." Apple Bloom explained.

"Yea but," Sweetie Belle responded. "Why would this be a good way of getting our sisters back? This can be our downfall if we get caught."

"Well you are pretty good at computers and you've done so well with computer science." Apple Bloom pointed out.

"Well I have been getting better grades as of late but to use my skill to hurt someone online seems rather harsh." Sweetie Belle said.

"Was it harsh when Sunset used to blackmail everyone in the school, torture everyone by being a bully, enslaving us and verbally inflicting chaos into friendships. Splitting them apart and beyond repair?...... Huh?" Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie Belle sweated a little, "Well when you put it that way, putting something online is not as bad as what she's done in the past."

"See! That is exactly my point!" Apple Bloom nearly shouted.

"Not to mentioned," Scootaloo chimed in. "Sunset's punishment was completely unfair. Just a slap on the wrist, rebuild the wall and say sorry. If I were Principal Celestia, I would have Sunset expelled and sent to jail but I'm not her and I'm still not sure about this. Apple Bloom, what you said is true for the most part but is this how we're gonna get our sisters back?"

Apple Bloom stated, "Of course I'm sure. I already have Applejack's secret shown throughout the entire school. Tell me this Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle. When was the last time you had quality time with your sister? Scootaloo I know that Rainbow Dash isn't your sister but she treated you as her very own."

"Well," Sweetie Belle said, "the last time I had fun with my sister was one day after the Battle of the Bands...." she sighed sadly.

"As for me," Scootaloo added, "it's been a month and a half since Rainbow Dash and I had fun. Normally she would walk me home after school but ever since the Battle of the Bands, she has stopped taking me back home. She spends more time with Sunset Shimmer than I. I feel so isolated. It feels like I'm in solitary confinement. As of late, the older kids would bully me to the point since I don't have much of a protector anymore...." Scootaloo tearing up a little.

"See girls. These are the reasons why we need our big sisters back. Without them, we would become lost and distant." Apple Bloom stated. "So my question for you 2 is....will you join me?"

There was a brief pause from the two of them. Sweetie Belle is the first to speak.

"I don't know Applebloom. The party is well coming to my house and I do want to try and see if Rarity can allow me to stay with them. After all, she would not shove family out the door of a party right...?"

She questioned not only them but herself in that statement.

"Yea and I'll see if Rainbow Dash can bring me along to her house for the next slumber party," Scootaloo said.

"Well if that's how you feel then alright but please don't tell anyone that I'm Anon-A-Miss."

Both girls nodded in agreement. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sang "Cross my heart. Hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye." This signified the Pinkie Promise as it will never be broken.

Apple Bloom said with a sigh of relief, "Thanks girls and hey if things don't work out for you then I encourage you to join me with Anon-A-Miss. Together, we'll have our sisters and happiness back."

At this moment of time, Sunset, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie Rarity and Applejack were having their lunch. Applejack was telling the girls that she had to go through hell thanks to Anon-A-Miss. Seeing how Applejack is feeling and how the other students were making pig noises towards Applejack, she reminded her friends about the slumber party and how much fun they gonna have. This gave Pinkie the excitement she needed to cheer up Applejack.

"APPLEJACK!" Pinkie screamed.

"What!" Applejack shouted.

"I have an awesome idea for the slumber party tonight! An apple themed slumber party with the side of makeovers, dresses, dancing, and so much more!" Pinkie said with joy.

Rarity thought about it since it was happening at her house but liked the idea of making Applejack feel better with the whole Piggly Wiggly nickname out of her mind. "Alright!" Rarity said, "I shall design the most fabulous Apple Themed slumber party after school. It'll be so amazing it'll know your shirt off!"

Applejack was surprised to hear exactly what Rarity said. It made her feel happy. All the others nodded in agreement with Rarity and Pinkie's idea for the theme for tonight's slumber party.

"Then it's settled," Sunset said. "Tonight will be a slumber party to cheer up Applejack and it'll be a great one to remember."

"And!" Rainbow shouted, "There will be nothing but awesomeness at this party! Day 2 of the Slumber Party Stretch! Woooooo!!!"

The girls shouted in joy before the bell rang. Now that everyone is pumped up for tonight's Apple Themed slumber party nothing can go wrong.

The day went by pretty quick once school was over. Rarity and Pinkie Pie headed out to the mall to gather quite a few things for the party. Rainbow Dash already ran home to gather her things for tonight's slumber party. Applejack, Granny Smith, and Apple Bloom got into Big Mac's truck and headed home. Sweetie Belle was lucky enough that her mom picked her up to head back home. Scootaloo, however, was unfortunate. She was all alone again for the 6th straight week. She had a long walk back home since the bus doesn't take her in the right direction. She didn't even have any coins for the bus. Sad and alone once more. Scootaloo walked home.

10 minutes later Scootaloo felt raindrops hitting her head. She had forgotten her umbrella in her locker so now she'll be wet heading home. Tears were coming out of her eyes. She had never felt lonelier than the time her dad left for the military. She lives with her mom while her dad is fighting a battle in the east. Scootaloo stopped by a bus station that had protection from the rain as it rained harder than before. Not knowing how long it'll be till the rain eases up a bit, she started to cry. With no one around her to comfort, she imagined that Rainbow Dash being next to her looking down at her with those rose color eyes to ensure her that she is here and nothing bad gonna happen to Scootaloo on her watch.

At this moment of time, Apple Bloom asks her sister again if she can come to the slumber party but like yesterday, Applejack said,

"No sugarcube. Maybe another time. This is a party for my friends and I. Also it's still a school night so its best for you to stay home."

Sighing in defeat once more, Apple Bloom just hugged her sister and went to her room. She was sad that her sister still told her no but enlightened that she still have Anon-A-Miss to make things go her way. She just needs an opening and she's hoping for Sweetie Belle to chime in. She is hoping that Sweetie Belle can contribute to Anon-A-Miss. To get their sisters back, one must be taken out of the equation. In her mind, she cursed at Sunset Shimmer for making her feel upset.

As for Sweetie Belle, she called her sister to see if she can help with the slumber party tonight. Rarity accepted her younger sister's request. Now she'll be able to help out and maybe get to spend some time with Rarity along with her friends at the slumber party. What a way to start a new with her big sister with her friends as well. She couldn't wait till tonight.

15 minutes later the rain had finally stopped pouring hard enough for Scootaloo to start her walk back home. Scootaloo dried up her tears and walked only to find 2 bullies from Canterlot waiting for her especially.

"Now pay up if you don't want to get hurt dweeb!" Gilda shouted.

Tearing up a little, Scootaloo said, "I have no money to give. Please don't hurt me." She flinched.

"What?! No money!" Lightning Dust shouted.

Scootaloo then got kicked in the gut by Gilda. "Well for having no money to give to us, let us show you why we mean business."

For nearly 5 minutes both Gilda and Lightning Dust beat up on Scootaloo. Punching her and kicking her at the most. They were careful not to aim in the face so things at school don't look suspicious.

After the beating Gilda said, "Next time you're paying double if you know what's good for."

Scootaloo can only feel misery and defeat. She has no one to protect her and she herself isn't a good fighter towards the bigger kids. It's been like that for her ever since Rainbow Dash hung out with Sunset more than her. The very least she could have walked her home before hanging out with Sunset but that is not enough. Scootaloo thought perhaps she should just go along with Anon-A-Miss with Apple Bloom. She is tired of getting hurt all the damn time. She took out her phone and calls Applebloom.

Apple Bloom picked up her phone as she was checking Anon-A-Miss MyStable account. She answered, "Hey Scootaloo what's up?"

Without hesitation, Scootaloo responded, "I'm in. I'm sick of this hell hole that I'm in. I'm sick of being hurt, desperate and alone. I need Rainbow Dash to protect me. Whatever dirt you need, I'll be glad to help."

A smirk on Apple Bloom's face as she heard her best friend wanting to team up with Anon-A-Miss. "Welcome aboard Scootaloo. Now, all we need is Sweetie Belle to join in."

It is nearly 8:00 at night. Sweetie Belle had just finished helping Rarity and Pinkie Pie with the Apple Theme Slumber Party. Sweetie Belle knows about Anon-A-Miss but hasn't told her big sis. She pretends that Anon-A-Miss is nothing and enjoys the fact that she is helping and spending a little time with her big sis. Soon Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash and Applejack came. All were shocked especially the desserts that Pinkie made entirely. Rarity had to go out for a quick errand to ensure the slumber party to her is perfect. As she went out of her home and into a store nearby, Sweetie Belle decided to talk with the girls for the time being. Sweetie Belle can sense that she'll be included in the party for helping her big sis and Pinkie. She couldn't wait to be part of the fun. As Sweetie Belle was talking to Fluttershy about animals and computers, Rarity came back with new fashion design for the outfits she's gonna make later in the night for a big surprise for Applejack and Sunset Shimmer. As Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy having a great discussion Rarity escorted Sweetie Belle out of the room.

"Come along, little sister, its time for your big sister and her friends to spend time together," Rarity said.

"What?!" Sweetie Belle reacted. "Why can't I stay with you and your friends? I helped out with making the slumber party perfect."

"I know Sweetie Belle and you did a good job but it is a school night and I don't want you to be in trouble with schoolwork or homework that you didn't get too so good night Sweetie Belle. See you in the morning."

Rarity shuts her door leaving Sweetie Belle outside of all the fun her big sister gets to have. Being fed up and tossed out like she's not worth it anymore made her realize that teaming up with Apple Bloom with Anon-A-Miss wouldn't be so bad. She just got kicked out of her own sister's room after helping her set up for the party.

10 minutes later Apple Bloom received another phone call. She answered it but was cut off by Sweetie Belle, "I want in on Anon-A-Miss. My own sister just kicked me out of her room. Her party after I helped make it perfect for her and her friends. Whatever you need tonight, I'll give you info if any secrets were to be spilled or something very embarrassing happens. I am fed up with this bs!"

Apple Bloom responded, "Well that settles it. The CMC is now officially Anon-A-Miss. Time to get back at our sisters and time to have quality time again".

Apple Bloom decided to give the passwords to both of her friends for when they find something good and interesting on their own. To type devious posts to share with the entire school to read. For the entire school to realize that Sunset Shimmer is to blame. Make them realize how scary being neglected can be. It was time to end the misery in their hearts from here and out.

As of right now, the slumber party is on its way.