• Published 3rd Jun 2018
  • 354 Views, 3 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Legends from the Wasteland - PeskyJewel

Throughout the years, many ponies have lived and died in the wasteland. These stories are hardly ever complete, but they show the wasteland in it's every light.

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The Lost Doctor

Fallout Equestria: Legends from the Wasteland
The Lost Doctor
By: PeskyJewel

Steelback sat on a hill, his warband behind him, overlooking the Red Hoofs stronghold. He could hear the cries of pain coming from the ponies held within. The Red Hoofs were detestable, honor-less creatures who would raid towns and villages just to kill the ponies who lived there. They had been useful as dumb fodder for his conquests, but they had finally crossed a line. His doctor had disappeared a few weeks ago, and while technically she was a freelancer, she was a nice, almost innocent mare. Mare's like her were hard to come by these days. So when he had found her little hospital broken in and raided, and her robot going on about how she left, he decided to save her. He had already invaded and conquered five other raider gangs in search of her, and if she wasn't here, then he would probably never find her.

Steelback let out a sigh as his son stepped up and sat beside him. He silently worried about his son, about the doctor, about his ponies, and his legacy. His son was strong, and made a fine general, but he feared that without a cooler head to temper him, he would allow the kingdom to fall into ruin. He wouldn't be around much longer to teach his son, the doctor told him as much. And these things only made it more important to find the doctor that much more important.

Both him and his son rose and descended the hill to their warband, the importance of the coming battle weighing heavily upon their shoulders. This battle needed to be won, and the doctor found, before Steelback died. Because without a ruler who cares more about the kingdom than themselves, the kingdom would fall to the savagery and greed of the wasteland without anypony to stop it. And as Steelback readied his warband, he truly understood, just how much the coming months were going to shape this wasteland.

Author's Note:

So, the way fimfiction works to start a new story, I'm going to have to release a few stories together at once. But that's fine, and I don't really mind.
- Pesky