• Member Since 18th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Comments ( 146 )

Hope your arm gets better.

Thank you I will try to finish more chapters.

Why does this remind me of something?

Names for what?

You know... I am happy that your story is enjoyable and I wish you good luck on continuing it, but i would recommend to leave a bit of space between picture and text and maybe to make the links work. Besides that I can't complain besides maybe a bit of grammar errors, but my start wasn't much better in the beginning so I won't judge. Have a nice evening.

Yours faithfully,

Names for the story I'm not the best at coming up with names. I'd even say I'm the worst at coming up with names so I kinda need some help with that.

Chapter names or characters?

Characters names, I probably should have been more clear on that.

Well for dude's how about Armstrong,Keen Eye,Flame Shield,and Hammer Drop.
For the mares try Crystal Clear,First Aid,Rooty Floats,and Fair Lady.
Hope that helps.

I stood up and said “catch me if you can!” I broke into mad dash out of the room Celestia hot on my tail.


You need an editor, mate.

Sorry pal, but I am very good at finding fitting music for most stories I read and the one I am currently writing. Maybe next time you can almost beat me :pinkiehappy:

Ok id like to see more cause it's got potential and I loved world of warcraft but had to quit diablo 3 heck yeah and skyrim

Aaaww omg I know one pony who would adore her and dote over her. And I also thinj shed like the fact he did that for the little one

I wonder how many people got my references? Or if anyone found them.

Question have u read don't you dare or are some of the names cannon and the black flames coincidence? Just wanting to know and great story so far

P.S: I also gave you monster magic from undertale

Is this all monster magic or just a certain characters?

“What am I going? If someone finds out I just let the new king of Equestria just walk out the door, I'm in so much trouble. What am I going?!” I said as pasted back and forth in front of the castle library.

Where it says what am I going isn't it meant to be what am I doing?

love reading this. it just fun to read

Wow... Luna just shot towards the big prize didn't she?

Thank you pointing that out I really get narrow side at sometimes and forget to go back and edit I can catch myself for the most part but sometimes it slips through thank you

Isabelle, what happen to Amy?. The story is starting to fall apart, try to not trow in random characters that has not been given a proper reason for existing, it is confusing. And dont forget earlier interactions with characters for future events. If there has been no interactions and the chars start talking like they are the closest of family, and support lies or truths without even the reader knowing them it will read bad.

Improve, and plz continue

Damn son. Really burnt the almonds coming up with this one, didn't ya?

“yes I am.” I snapped my fingers and everyone was teleported out. Except nightmare moon “If you have a problem with it you can take it up at our customer complaint department at 1-800- go fuck yourself.” 'I was up for two days straight you try being the nicest person when you're absolutely tired’.

1-800-EatADick would have been better

Nice Chapter besides a few grammar errors, but I suggest you to change a few sentences a bt more so that they'll fit better in 'A new hero'. Also I am not angry at you for copying some sentences, I rather find it hilarious, but you should maybe consider labelling inspired by Don't You Dare.

Amy kind of watches Casey die. As supported from the details here

As I walked away I saw Amy so I called her over as she was coming closer my vision started to blur and something whorm run down of my face. I rubbed off with my hand. I looked down at my hand with horror it was covered in blood. I then fell to the ground passed out from blood loss.


And to answer your question Djohng all monster magic.

When are you planning to use the powers from Diablo 3, and Reapers shadow skills?

Good Chapter. Wonder what's next. Looking Forward to more.

A bit short for my taste, but not bad. Though I have a question, is this story going to be a 'following the timeline' story or will you add a few original events like for example a Villain?

Get a proofreader please.

Get. A. Editor.

The story isn't too bad. I recommend that you run it through a online grammar checker and that should fix some of the phrasing issues.

Good story when will the next chapter be out ?

Soon I'm half way done


uhhhh~ Dizzy is coming to play, I see. Well, let's start the Chaos song

(ha ha ha ha haaa)

Well well well, what have we here, little Casey huh?
Oooh I'm really scared ,So your the one everypony's talkin' about? hahaha

You're joking you're joking I cant believe it now,
you're joking me you gotta be this cant be the right guy.
He's armored and shy I don't know which is worse.
I may just fall to pieces if I don't die laughing first.

If only you had Pinkie-sense for the trouble thats in store,
you better attention ceasy cause I'm the chaos lord.

Now if you aren't shaking there's something very wrong.
Cause this will be the last time you hear the chaos song.

whoa (woah)
whoa (woah)
whoa (wooooow)

I'm the lord of chaos man.

Now if I'm feeling evil and which i Normally do,
I may just cook a special batch of chocolate rain brew,
and don't you know the one thing that would make it work so well,
a little bit of magic pal now that would be just swell

Woah (woah)
Woah (woah)

(he's the oogie boogie man)

Realse me now and for your sins you should go and repent
You might want to consider that or be turned to cement

Ha you're joking your joking i cant believe this news
you think your be the death of me? ill be the death of you

Its funny I'm laughing, you really are too much.
and now with your permission boy, I'm going to strut my stuff.
what are you going to do?

I'm going to dance on your head.

hahahaha ooooooooh!

The sound of chaos can be heard just everywhere,
for I'm a gambling chaos man and I do not play fair.
It's much more fun I must confess with minds on the line,
Not mine of course but yours old horse now that would be just fine.

Release me fast or you will have to answer to my magic act.

Oh Caesy your something, you should see your face.
Perhaps you should consider the conditions in place.
Your magic its useless, cause your not with your friends,
now I'm the lord of chaos buddy, its time to meet your end.

Ha ha ha ha haaaaa

......Can i barrow this? Please?

Want to see if I can get some one to do an Actual song for this :pinkiehappy:

It's not mine, nor his I believe, but someone already sang it pretty well so go ahead.

Yeah I know, I want to see if i can't talk Emerald Joy or maybe even Ashley H into doing a Rendition of it :D

Also Coolcatnate if you need help with editing I would be more then willing to lend some Assistance! Just drop me a PM :raritywink:

It would be, let me see if they would be willing :D

What do you mean by PM?

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