• Published 1st May 2018
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Equestria Wars: The Magic Unleashed VI - sonicdash123

Charming Thunder solves a mystery with Sunset, Danny, and Trixie to find the memory stone before night falls as a Dread Master from Equestria roams free.

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Chapter 4: The Investigation

Charming Thunder, Danny, Sunset, and Trixie sat at a table in the cafeteria as they looked around. "A cafeteria full of suspects, two detectives, and only one Memory Stone," Trixie said. "Seems impossible, but so does pulling a rabbit out of a hat, and I do that all the time. Let's talk motive. Who here hates you enough to erase everyone's good memories of you?"

"If you go back far enough... everyone," Sunset said. Trixie then writes the answer down.

"Known enemies: all." Charming Thunder sighed as she wrote it down.

"If the students fear Sunset Shimmer, then it is probably the work of the Dread Master," Danny said.

"I didn't sense anything in the students," Charming Thunder said as the group got up and left the cafeteria.


The group opened the door to the nurse's office and saw Nurse Redheart and Bulk Biceps in the room. "G-G-Good afternoon, ladies and gents," she said. "Y-You feeling okay?"

"That depends on how well you answer my questions," Trixie said. "Has anyone come in complaining of memory problems in the last few weeks?"

"Not that I can recall..."

"You can't recall?" Trixie gasped and looked at Sunset and the others. "We're too late!"


At the library, the group approached Micro Chips who was working on the computer. Micro turned in shock after seeing Sunset and took out a carrot in fear. "Will you accept a half-chewed carrot stick?" he asked. Charming Thunder rolled his eyes at the offer.

"What?" Sunset asked. "Ew! I told you I don't want your lunch money, and I definitely don't want your lunch." Trixie took the carrot and took a bite off of it.

"Speak for yourself," Trixie said. "Thanks. Word around school is you know a lot about erasing memory."

"I erased a ton of memory just this morning," Micro said.

"You did?!" Sunset asked.

"Four terabytes of quantel-accelerflex memory to be precise." Charming Thunder then face palmed and nodded in disbelief. "How come no one's ever impressed by that?"


Maud was looking at he drawing of the stone as Sunset asked, "Is there anything you can tell us about it? Anything at all?"

"I can't tell much from a drawing," Maud replied.


The group was about to walk away but was stopped by Maud adding on to her answer, "Only that it's felsic-intrusive igneous, granular in texture, most likely arranged in an equigranular matrix, with scattered biotite mica and amphibole, at least sixty-five percent alkali feldspar by volume, with a melting point of twelve-fifty centigrade, plus or minus ten degrees." The group slowly backed away to leave. "Sorry I couldn't be more helpful."


Trixie sat at a desk while Charming Thunder, Danny, and Sunset stood. "Sure, it seems like we've only come up with dead ends," Trixie said. "But I mean, it could be worse?" Charming Thunder and Sunset looked out the window and saw their friends. Charming Thunder only walked away as Sunset stayed to see them take their best friends photo. "What's with you, Charming?"

"It's complicated," Charming Thunder said.

"It's worse," Sunset said.


Charming Thunder paced around in the yearbook room while Danny, Sunset, and Trixie looked at the picture that was taken by Twilight and the others. "Oh, stop looking at that," Trixie said. "You're just going to wind yourself up. You can't think if you're wound up. Oh, think, Trixie!"

"I wanted to come in here and see who we're missing," Sunset said. "But we've talked to everyone, A to Z."

"Wait. Not pictured: Wallflower Blush. Who's Wallflower?" This got Charming Thunder's attention and made him walk up to them.

"I'm right here, you know," Wallflower said.

"Uh, who are you?"

"Wallfower. I've known you since third grade."

"Ahh! I remember third grade. Not you specifically, but what a grade it was. The Great and Powerful Trixie debuted her disappearing frog trick. You know, a lot of people don't realize how much work goes into raising tadpoles. You really have to coddle them..." Sunset then saw her book glowing and opened it to read a message from Twilight as Charming Thunder and Danny rushed to look at it as Trixie trails off. They see a drawing of a rock formation as Sunset was confused and started to look around.

"How am I supposed to find a rock formation that looks...like...that rock formation?!" Sunset said as she looked at the image on the computer. "That'll work." Sunset then got up from her chair and walked up to Wallflower. "Can I ask a silly question, Wallflower? Where did you take that lovely photograph?"

"That's my garden," Wallflower said. "Well, the school's garden, technically. I'm the president of the Gardening Club. I founded it, too. I'm also the only member. And the only one who's ever been to the garden. Or seen it. Or even asked about it."

"You're not really into other people, huh?" Trixie asked.

"I was maybe going to add this picture somewhere in the yearbook. What do you think?"

"Sorry. Sunset doesn't let anyone put things in her yearbook. No matter how much they deserve them."

"No!" Sunset said. "You should do that, Wallflower. Uh, so don't let us keep you from working on it."

"What?! The Great and Powerful Trixie is...annoyed and insulted!" Now was Sunset's chance as Wallflower was typing on the computer. She grabbed her arm and began to see visions. Charming Thunder and Danny joined in to see what she is seeing.


Wallflower was walking through the forest and found a good place for her gardening club at a strange rock formation. She digs with her small shovel and found a something in the ground. She opened it and found a stone with a carving on it wrapped with a piece of cloth with weird writings.


The scene changed where Wallflower was in the yearbook room looking at one of the old yearbooks Applejack threw aside. She then sighed and said to herself, "Why should you notice me? After all, you're Sunset Shimmer. Everybody loves you now. Why can't they see you haven't changed?" She then remembered the stone she found and grabbed her bag to leave the room.


The scene changed to Wallflower's garden where she took out the stone from her backpack. "Trying to to do what you think is right, little girl?" a female voice said.

"Who's there?" Wallflower said as she looked around for the source of the voice.

"Behind you." Wallflower turned quickly and encounters Bestia which made her jump and take a few steps back. "No need for fear from me, child."

"Then why are you here?"

"I am here because of this so called Sunset Shimmer and her friends. I trust that you have heard of me?"

"No. And why should I trust you?"

"Because we have something in common. We don't like being invisible, forgotten. I was forgotten until someone set me and the other masters free from our prison."

"You are not from around here, are you?"

"No." Bestia then looked at the stone in Wallflower's hand. "I see that you have the memory stone."

"You know of this stone?"

"Yes. And how it works. It wipes fragments of memories on anyone. You were planning on using it, were you?" Wallflower only nodded at the thought. "Why not use it on Sunset Shimmer's friends and make them forget about her being nice?"

"I take it that you know her past as well."


"And why should I trust you?"

"Because I can help you take care of one of her friends; Charming Thunder." Wallflower looked at the stone and back at Bestia. She then sat down on the ground and unrolled a piece of paper with writings on it. She then quietly read it as the stone glowed and Bestia watched.


Sunset released Wallflower's arm and gasped. Charming Thunder took a step back in realization on what he just saw. "You made a deal with the Dread Master?" Charming Thunder said.

"You erased everyone's memories?" Sunset asked.

"Uh...yes," Wallflower said.

"Wait," Trixie said. "Who are you again?"

"But why, Wallflower?" Danny asked. "What have we ever done to you?"

"Everything! You never see me trying to fit in. It's like I am invisible to you guys." Sunset quietly grabbed Wallflower's bag and began to search it while Wallflower was distracted.

"You do realize that the Dread Master is an evil being from another world trying to destroy me," Charming Thunder said. "If you go down that path, there is no going back." Wallflower then noticed Sunset going through her bag.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Wallflower grabbed her bag as Sunset fought over it.

"What did I do to you?!" Sunset asked. "Honestly, I don't even know you!"

"Exactly! You had everyone fooled, but now they know you're still...the Biggest Meanie!"

"You're about to see how mean I can get!" Charming Thunder and Danny tackled Sunset to stop her from what she was about to do.

"Let's not antagonize the person with the all-powerful mystery rock!" Trixie reassured.

"I don't like confrontation," Wallflower said as she took out the Memory Stone. "Let's just...forget this ever happened!" The stone then began to glow as Danny and Charming Thunder used the force to block their minds from the effects of the stone.

"Don't erase---" Sunset shouted, but it was too late. The room grew bright as Charming Thunder and the others closed their eyes. They then opened their eyes to see that Wallflower is gone.

"Huh?" Trixie said. "What was I saying? I'm sure it was something brilliant. Also, how is it already three o'clock?" Sunset tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Why won't this door open? And what are we even doing in here?"

"I...don't remember," Sunset said; all confused. Charming Thunder and Danny gasped as the situation just got more worse than they thought.