• Published 30th Apr 2018
  • 11,491 Views, 201 Comments

The Forsaken - AmberSun

Anon-a-miss has all but destroyed Sunset Shimmer's life. Her relationship with her friends, her reputation, and her happiness were seemingly gone in an instant. Finding her life after this is difficult enough, but with THIS, it's almost impossible.

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Principal Celestia looked down at the papers that had been place on her desk. She gazed over the information with a critical eye before addressing the people before her, “Are you certain that this is correct? It’s hard to believe that these people would be responsible, but here you come with proof that I’m not sure even the most tech savvy of individuals in the school would have been able to obtain.” She sat straight, folded her hands and cooly looked over them.

“Snips. Snails. Would you care to explain how you uncovered the identity of Anon-A-Miss?”

The two usually oblivious students shuffled nervously. They cast quick glances around the room in an attempt to avoid their principal’s gaze as long as the could, before Snips finally caved. “You know, even though we were with Sunset when she was a bully, she was never that bad to us. Yeah, she would yell and get irritated when we messed stuff up, but unlike what most people would believe, she had her kind moments. Helped us with our homework, made it so the other bullies that would get to us had to go through her first. That kind of thing.”

He looked over at the taller boy by his side, some unspoken thing between the two that Celestia managed to catch before Snails took over. “When she was reformed, she tried to tell us to stay away from her. She didn’t want what was happening to her to fall on us to make it seem like we were forced instead of helping her do stuff of our own free will.” He swallowed, tears coming to his eyes. “ Boss was always there for us and now we wanna be there for her.”

Celestia closed her eyes, softening her demeanor as she listened to their reasons. It was honestly hard for her to think that these two would go to such lengths for Sunset. But then again, she supposed she never really knew everything about the girl either. “I understand,” she started “But that still doesn’t explain how you managed this.” She gestured to the papers littering her desk.

“Oh, well when we were actually with Boss in her bully days, we were the ones that had to collect info on people in the school for her to use as blackmail. We had to do the sleuthing, and scope out what would be good enough for her to use.” The two winced in shame. “We just used what we learned then for this, so it wasn’t too difficult. Besides, we knew Boss wouldn’t do something like this anymore. Even if she did, she’d cover it up better than this shoddy frame job. And we never had any of our secrets posted. But anyway, Snails and I just split the school down the middle and eliminated who would be the most likely. After that, we gathered information and tried to do some hacking with help from Micro Chips. He owed Boss too and wanted to help us out. We’re not that good at computers like how he is, so I can’t say what he did for sure. But next thing we know, in two days time he had managed to track the site address to these three.”

The shorter boy held up the pile of images to Celestia. She once again looked over the faces of the Crusader trio, barely managing to keep her temper in check. These three would have much to answer for once she called them in. But she took a deep breath and favored being impressed over the amount of work these two students- usually negatively labeled by most of the student body- put into helping Sunset out. She was disappointed to find out the hand they had in helping Sunset to bully other students before the Fall Formal, but when she next looked to them, there was a softer and understanding expression in her eyes when she addressed them. “You two have done something amazing for the school, and I thank you for that. I just wish it could have been helped sooner,” she sighed.

“What do you mean?” Snails asked in confusion.

“What I mean is that it’s already happened that the consequences of this cyber bullying event have come to pass. Sunset came to me a while ago with intentions to ask for a transfer.” She continued despite the heartbroken looks on their faces. “I assume that Monday would have been her first day at her new school. She would have been there for almost a week already. I truly am sorry that this happened.”

“Heh, you know I’m not really surprised. With everything that the other students had been doing to her, I wouldn’t have wanted to stay here either. It would explain why she hasn’t been here in almost a month.” Snips laughed bitterly. Snails merely agreed with a nod of his head.

“Would it be too much to ask where she is now? Or at least know if she’s doing alright?”

Celestia sighed. It would be a complete breach of confidentiality, but knowing how far they went for the girl, it was hard to stick to protocol.

“I might get in trouble for this, but I know how much you two really care. I had been able to get Sunset’s transfer expedited with my niece, who also happened to be the dean at Crystal Prep. Sunset will be there. Of course I don’t need to tell you that no one outside of this office and the staff need to know where she currently is, correct?” her tone shifted to an icy undertone that cause the boys to shiver involuntarily. They just nodded their heads quickly, thanking her before speeding from the office.

The principal gazed after they left and continued to stare at the door for a while afterwards. She eventually grunted, picking up her intercom to call the three girls to her office. She detested to think what the rest of the day would be like once this was said and done.

Oh yes. Those three will have much to explain indeed.

Applebloom snapped her head to attention at the sound of her voice being called by the intercom, promptly followed by the those of her two friends. She looked towards Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, noticing their confused gazes as well. They left their desks and once out of the room, made their way to principal Celestia’s office. For some reason, as Applebloom walked there was a growing feeling of dread that was settling in her stomach, like something bad was about to happen. But nothing’s happened. What could we be called in for...unless...Fear fully set in and the redhead gulped in nervousness. There’s no way. Out of the corner of her eye, she was able to catch her two friends’ expressions morphing into fear as they too seemed to come to a similar conclusion.

Their steps seemed to take them to Celestia’s office too quickly for their liking. No student was ever not terrified of being called by their principal, but normally, Celestia was warm to all of her students. Unless, you were really in trouble, there was nothing to worry about with her. But now, the usual feeling of warmth was gone, replaced with an icy emptiness as they entered the room. The tall woman was at her desk, head held in her hands. The click of the door closing behind the Crusaders was deafening.

“Tell me girls. Was it worth it?” She didn’t lift her head when she spoke.

“Was what worth it, ma’am?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Silence followed her question until Celestia finally gazed at the three young girls and sighed in exasperation. “I see. So that’s how it’s going to be.” She motioned them to sit in the chairs before her desk, waiting until they were seated before walking around with a manila folder clasped in her hands.

“I was given something this morning by a couple of students this morning. Some interesting information that finally helped crack this Anon-A-Miss nonsense that’s been going on for the last few months. I’m sure you know of this right?” Applebloom was about to answer before being cut off. “Of course you do. What with all of the fights breaking out recently, friendships broken and lost, and students disenrolling left and right, how could you not.”

“Y-yeah. Shimmer really did a number on the school this time didn’t she. I can’t believe she’d do something like this after convincing everyone she’d changed,” Scootaloo nervously spoke.

“Hmm, yes we all believe it is Miss Shimmer on another of her school wide bullying agendas.”

“Well it has to be her! Look at tha account: it looks jus’ lahk her! I can’t think of anyone else who could’a done somethin’ lahk this” Applebloom argued.

Celestia smiled knowingly before holding up the stack in her hands. “You know, I was inclined in the beginning to believe it was Sunset. However, I began to think. When she used to be a school terror, she was able to effectively cover her tracks. Even if a misdemeanor was caused by her, no one would ever be able to prove her guilty.” She then began placing papers from the stack onto her desk neatly for all of the girls to look over. What they saw chilled their veins.

It was them. Large, high definition pictures of them gazing towards one of the school computer screens as well as several others indicating their virtual footprint, so to say. A virtual footprint that was plain indication of their actions over the course of the past few months. The past few months as Anon-A-Miss.

The older woman let them mull over what they were shown before continuing. “This entire event was too shoddy to be done by someone as clever as Miss Shimmer. I had planned to have a private investigator - a friend of mine - take a look in this matter.” Celestia would never admit that she relished the flinch they all did when she said that.

“Imagine my surprise when a couple of my own students kindly spared me the trouble and was also able to provide solid proof of Sunset’s innocence as well as the identity of the guilty party.” She leaned down over the backs of the Crusaders. “You three.”

She made her way back to her seat and sat primly, steepling her hands. “So tell me girls. Was it worth it?”

Five girls walked together towards Principal Celestia’s office, each confused as to what they would need to be called in for. None of them had done anything noteworthy of attention since this mess caused by Sunset was started. Four were too focused on trying to figure out what was happening. One pale yellow and pink haired girl was gazing down in sadness that none of her friends noticed.

They eventually arrived at their destination, and upon entering, were surprised to see not only their principal, but three girls known school wide as the Crusaders in opposite chairs. They all looked close to tears, some already leaking from their cheeks before Celestia turned to them.

“Ah, girls. I’m glad you could make it.” Her voice was hard, something the girls all felt was strange given her usual bright aura. Something like this was expected of her sister Luna more than herself.

“Eh, Principal Celestia, what’s going on here? Why are our sisters present?” Rarity asked cautiously.

“Yeah! And why are they crying?” Rainbow demanded, going to stand by Scootaloo. She was confused as to why the girl turned away.

“Oh! Well, why don’t you ask them yourselves? I’m sure they can explain much more than I can.” Her tone was slightly sarcastic, still very unlike the woman the girls were used to seeing.

“Applebloom, what in the hay is goin’ on here?” Applejack questioned.

The younger Apple sibling seemed adamant on not meeting her sister’s gaze, firmly looking down towards her feet. She mumbled something, but no one was able to hear.


“Now, ya know we can’t hear ya when ya talk lahk that. Come on, whatever it is ya know ya can tell me.” Apple Jack attempted to comfort the girl by placing a hand on her shoulders. An answer was eventually given. Just not by her.

“We did it!” Sweetie Belle sobbed. “We’re Anon-A-Miss!” A few beats of silence. The only thing heard was her frantic sobs.

“Now wait a minute! You expect us to believe that you three - you three - are responsible for all of this mess going on in the school?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously. “Yeah I don’t buy that. Not a for a second. This has Sunset and her dirty lies all over it.”


“No two ways ‘bout it.”

“Uh huh!”

The principal sucked her teeth in annoyance, and rolled her eyes before revealing a stack of papers and images placed on her desk. “I’m so happy you think you know Miss Shimmer as well as you do, because maybe these will help clear up those lies you think she is so capable of telling.” She handed the stack to Fluttershy; the girl had been quiet up until this point and accepted them quietly, looking them over as her friends slowly gathered around to see what she was given.

Still, the sound of Sweetie’s sobs prevailed in the room. The other two had their shoulders slumped and heads facing the floor in shame.

All of the girls’ faces had morphed to shock and horror. Rainbow, being the first to gather herself, went over to Scootaloo, knelt down to eye level and grasped her shoulders almost desperately. “Scoots. Tell me this wasn’t you. Tell me what I just saw was a fake, and that...and that Sunset was framing you. She had to be, right? There’s no way you’d do something like this on your own!” She screamed near the end.

Scootaloo gulped. “It was us. It was all on us,” she mumbled. “We’re Anon-A-Miss. We wanted you guys to spend time with us instead of Shimmer, so we made the account, and then we framed her for it.” Tears finally began trailing.

“Why would you three do something like that!” Fluttershy hissed, finally making herself heard. The rest of the people in the room were stunned as she stalked forward, papers tossed to the side, her calm persona nonexistent. “Do you know what we had to go through? What people at this school had to go through all because you and your petty jealousy? Do you know what you did Sunset?” She screeched.

Pinkie Pie, her hair flat and dull, quickly grabbed the other girl by the waist before she could do anything else. “What do you mean Fluttershy?”

Her only response was a slew of sobs, cries and angry shouts that no one could really understand as she struggled against the dull pink girl’s grasp. Celestia watched this exchange with nothing short of sympathy. It was good to see that Fluttershy cared as much as she did, it’s just too bad she was choosing now to stick up for the other girl. Still though, angry Fluttershy was a sight to behold. She took this moment amongst the confusion to clear her throat loud enough for everyone to hear.

“What she means is that Miss Shimmer no longer attends CHS. The actions of the student body towards her, prompted her to request a transfer to another school. Not surprising, as there have been multiple transfer requests as of late, however, Sunset seemed to be as much of a victim if not more so than the rest who blamed her for something not of her doing.” She glared icily at the Crusaders, who shrunk in their seats, and towards the five girls, all rendered to stunned silence with this new information.

“And before you ask, no, I will not reveal her location. I’m sure you all have said quite enough.” She stated upon noticing Rainbow’s attempt to speak. “As of now, only myself and a few select individuals in the school are aware of Sunset’s current location, and it will stay that way. Now as for you three,” she turned to the Crusaders with a hard gaze. “I’m sure the terms of your punishment we discussed before your sister’s arrival will be sufficient.”

“Now hold on. Punishment? What punishment are ya talkin’ about?” Apple Jack asked.

“These girls are guilty of high profile cyber bullying - something I was considering getting the police involved with - which has resulted in numerous cases of physical violence towards other students - mainly towards Miss Shimmer- at least a dozen cases of transfer requests, missing students, vandalism to school property and harassment. If you think I wasn’t going to administer punishment, you are sorely mistaken.”

Applejack didn’t bother trying to argue after that.

“They will be tasked with the cleaning of the entire school property after school for a year of after school detention, four months of at home suspension, disbanding of any school clubs and activities until graduation, and a public announcement of their involvement with this foolishness in a school assembly that every student will be present to hear. Frankly, you lot are lucky I’m not expelling you. But we’ll see how things play out after the announcement. Based on how the students behaved when they believed Sunset was the perpetrator, I would not be surprised if transfers for you three would be the wisest thing to do.” The Crusaders shivered in fear at the thought of what would happen in the near future.

The other five girls glanced away from the principal and each other, too ashamed to meet anyone’s gaze. Save for Fluttershy, who was still kneeling on the floor in tears, they were all thinking the same thing.

We fucked up, Sunset. We’re sorry.

Author's Note:

Aaaaaaand, I'm back! So sorry for the lateness. There was some drama and I had a bit of writer's block trying to figure out how to make this chapter go smoothly.

Btw, I know Celestia seems a little strict compared to how we see her in show, but I was going for a more realistic school principal reaction to cyber bullying.