• Published 14th May 2018
  • 502 Views, 5 Comments

Tales From The Magic Isles - Dragonfire2lm

A series of short stories set in a world where the characters from Cuphead and the creatures of Equestria exist in the same world.

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1. To Hell and Back

The casino was lively as always, with tourists from all corners of the globe here to spend their bits and generally have a good time. Lively, upbeat jazz music from beside the performance area filled the entire building as the blue coated, silver maned unicorn mare on stage performed tricks alongside a large anthropomorphic white rabbit in a blue suit and red bow tie.

As the various casino games were crowded by spectators and players alike, the bar seats taken up by both returning customers and tourists, a lone mare sat in the corner closet to the bar.

Her white pristine coat and baby blue eyes matched the softness of her silver mane and tail. Her wings seemed too large for her small frame even as they rested folded against her back, as if to create a cape of white feathers that contrasted with the black hooded robe that served as her uniform. Strapped to her side via a leather belt was a large leather-bound book and a golden quill was tucked neatly behind one ear.

“U-um, excuse me?” a timid voice mumbled and the mare looked over to see a butter yellow pegasus with a long, light pink mane and tail shyly standing off to the side. “Is this seat taken?”

The robed mare, kindly gestured for the Pegasus to take the seat beside her and both quietly watched the various people, creatures and other oddities around them. Though the mare noticed the younger Pegasus glancing up at the golden halo that floated over the robed mares head.

“I take it you’re wonderin’ if I’m a toon?” the mare asked and the yellow pegasus squeaked and began to protest.

“Oh my, I didn’t mean to stare-” the pegasus replied but was silenced when the robed mare raised a hoof and smiled warmly.

“I am a toon despite my pony-like appearance. Miss Shy I know full well most pony folk ain’t seen this many toons in one place, we toon folk are native to these isles after all,” the robed mare explained. “My name is Dove and let me just say it is an honour to have two of Equestria’s greatest heroes at this establishment tonight.”

“It’s not that big of a deal, really.” Fluttershy mumbled and tried hide behind her own mane.

“Mr King Dice seems to think so, with the way he’s treating your friend over there.” Dove stated and pointed over at the craps table, where a rainbow maned pegasus was cheering about another win at the table with the casino’s manager, a tall man in a purple suit with a six-sided die for a head congratulated her on another victory.

“Do you work here?” Fluttershy asked.

“My job takes me all over the isles miss ‘shy but yes, I do what I can here,” Dove replied. “I keep folks in line mostly. During a busy night like this we get a few fights or the occasional poor soul trying to bargain for their life should the boss step in, you do know how things work here right?”

“Y-you mean that part about ponies losing their soul? That’s real?” Fluttershy glanced over worriedly at the craps table as she spoke.

“You’re not the first to come here thinking that it’s all a bunch of hooey, see the mare onstage?” Dove said and pointed at the magic show that had drawn a small crowd. “Miss Lulamoon lost a game when her pride got the best of her a few months ago, since then she’s been working here to pay off her debt and one of our bartenders, a nice young fella by the name of Capper wound up here when he was just a kitten. He tried to steal from us and got caught red-handed.”

“Oh dear, maybe I should…” Fluttershy began but by then, it was too late.

Silence fell over the casino s a large, humanoid figure covered in fur with pointed ears, curved horns and clawed hands and feet entered the main floor from the employees only section. Fluttershy froze in fear as The Devil himself walked over to the craps table and tempted Rainbow to take part in one last game.

“I’d run if I were you,” Dove stated calmly. “This won’t end well.”

When Rainbow rolled the dice and lost, The Devil’s booming laughter was cut short by a single cry from the quieter of the two element bearers.

“Wait!” Fluttershy pleaded as she darted to her friend’s side. “Please let her go! Take my soul instead!”

The Devil’s grin became all the more sinister as he boomed out his response.

“You have a deal.”

After Fluttershy had been taken away and her rainbow maned friend had stormed out, things continued on as normal. Dove remained on her seat in the corner of the room near the bar and scanned the main floor. She caught sight of King Dice charming a few mares that giggled and ate up his words as he guided them to a game of blackjack. Dove huffed in annoyance and turned her focus to the billiards table, she blinked, not expecting her fellow co-worker Mr Wheezy, a man wearing a long-sleeved shirt, suit pants, dress shoes, a large fur coat and had a cigar for a head to be overseeing the current game. After a few minutes she saw Gilda the griffon sneak out from the employees only section and take her proper spot at the billiards table.

The casino finally closed its doors in the early hours of the morning and every member staff sat or stood around the bar as the casino’s manager evaluated their performance. An orange cat with light brown paws, ears and face idly cleaned a glass and smirked when he was addressed first.

“Capper, you’ve done good work today. Though you might want to brush up on some bar tricks to keep the regulars entrained.” King Dice stated and Capper nodded.

“I’ll see what I can do sir.”

“Glad to hear it boy, now then Trixie, Hopus I’m glad you two have finally started to get along. I want the both of you to work on a new routine for next week’s big show,” King Dice stated as he looked over at the stage mare and the rabbit as they looked up at him from their seats at the bar, a book on card tricks open between them. Trixie’s face lit up in excitement but that quickly turned into a pout at the managers next sentence. “And no, that is not an excuse to use fireworks in the next show. I ain’t letting either of you near the pyrotechnics until I’m sure you won’t burn the place down.”

“Jerk.” Trixie muttered.

“Tough luck dweeb.” Gilda the griffon snickered from the seat beside her.

“Somethin’ funny Gilda? Because last I checked you don’t have anything to be laughin’ about,” Dice stated coldly. “Mr Wheezy had to cover for your mysterious absence for most of the night. Care to explain that?”

“Does it matter? I just… didn’t feel like socializing.” Gilda huffed.

“Is that so? Sounds like you don’t feel like getting paid for today!” the manager replied with a harsh glare at the griffon. “It is your job to go out there and see to the customers, I will not tolerate anyone slacking off in this establishment!”

“You can’t do that!” Gilda exclaimed but King Dice simply continued glaring at her.

“I can and I will, you best get your act together or I’ll have the boss reassess your contract. Or do you want to go straight to Hell to pay off your debt?” the manager asked with a sinister smirk and Gilda shrunk back in fear.

“Dice, lay off the poor gal, she just didn’t want to be noticed by those two pegasi the boss dealt with,” Dove spoke up from the other end of the bar. She had her book open and held her golden quill in her right hoof as she idly skimmed the pages. “Miss Griffon has history with them.”

“How do you even know that!” Gilda exclaimed and the angel pony looked up from her book with a smile.

“It’s my job to know these things,” Dove replied. “With that said, and this goes for all of you, once you step through these doors you are to leave any past grudges, hang ups and relationships behind you while workin’. If someone you recognize but don’t want to deal with walks in, you talk to me, if a customer is giving you a hard time, you call for me and stars forbid if you get roped into a fight with somebody, you send for me, Dice or the boss immediately. We have rules here, rules that we all need to follow.”

“Now you all know I ain’t a saint by any stretch of the imagination, I do serve The Devil after all, same as you but I will not stand to see my co-workers caught in some sort of drama when they should be working, understand?” Dove finished and gave the group a flat look. “I’ve worked too damn long and too damn hard to let it all go to waste because someone doesn’t want to pull their weight.”

With her piece said, the group eventually fell into idle chatter and Dove moved to an empty seat across from the bar by one of the game tables.

“You still have a way with words, I’ll give you that.” King Dice as he took the vacant seat beside her.

She snorted in amusement. “I didn’t want Gilda trying to rip ya a new one Dice, she’s got quite the temper.”

“Her, against me? I’m The Devil’s right-hand man! There’s no way she’d risk angering the boss just to get a fast one on me.” King Dice replied with a confident grin.

“We still on for drinks tomorrow night?” Dove asked.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world darlin’ but why you asking?” King Dice replied.

“No reason, just making sure I guess.” she replied as Capper walked over to them carrying a tea set.

“I do believe Lady Dove is feelin’ a mite insecure after your little act with the ladies’ tonight Sir.” The cat replied as placed the tray on the table and went to work fixing up hot drinks for the three of them.

“He has half the dames on the isles eating out the palm of his hand!” Dove replied as she added several cubes of sugar to her cup of tea. “How in hell am I supposed to deal with that?”

“You got jealous of a little song and dance?” King Dice asked with a sly grin. “Now that’s just adorable.”

Dove rolled her eyes at his antics. “I know, I know. I’ll get over it soon enough, besides it does bring in a good amount of cash to the casino which is the whole reason you’re doing it in the first place.”

“Once I’ve bled those suckers dry and gotten their souls, perhaps the boss’ll let you torture them for a bit?” King Dice suggested.

“I like the sound of that.” Dove replied with a wicked grin, her halo turning red and sprouting small devil horns.

Dove awoke the next morning to the sounds of ponies waling past her first-floor apartment and a tour guide, happily explaining the history of the place and its peculiar residents to the group.

“Today marks the 666th anniversary of the isles being founded as the native home to Toons, a race of creatures that settled in the isles when the unsafe amounts of magic left from centuries of unicorn spells generated a portal that brought the very first Toons to our world,” The tour guide explained as Dove looked out the window to watch the group as they passed by. “Due to the heroic actions of one Toon, Miss Dove Angelwing, peace was quickly established between pony kind and toons with the isles transformed into a home for Equestria’s newest allies.”

The pony that was leading the group stopped by the entrance to Dove’s apartment complex and pointed across the road to where a train tracks could be seen in front of a large cave.

“Across the road and past the tracks here you’ll find one the isles biggest tourist hot-spots, The Devil’s Casino,” the guide explained while a large number of the group looked excited at the prospect of going the casino. “Now I’m obligated to remind you all that the isles have a strict set of rules and to warn you, please use the three R’s when entering the casino, Respect, Restraint and Retreat. Show respect to your fellow creatures, show restraint when partaking in the casino’s activities and know when to take your winnings and retreat. If you fall into debt, the Eqeustrian government cannot and will not come to your rescue.”

Dove was startled as something flew into the widow. She blinked as an ace of hearts with eyes landed on the windowsill and tapped on the glass, frantically moving and jumping to get her attention. She quickly opened the window for the small creature, it mewled at her in worry as it latched onto her mane and tugged at it, seemingly eager to get her to follow it.

“You’re one of Dice’s cards,” she realized and hurriedly ran out of her small, sparsely furnished bedroom and into the main living area, the small card hanging onto her mane for dear life. “Oh stars, somethin’s going on at the casino right little buddy?”

The card nodded and Dove bolted out of her apartment. As soon as she was out of the building, she spread her wings, large enough to rival Princess Celestia’s and made a beeline to the casino. She burst through the front doors to find her co-workers cowering behind upturned tables o r taking shelter behind the bar.

“Somepony stop that madmare!” she heard Trixie hiss from behind the bar, as it was closest to the casino’s entrance.

“Begging your pardon Trixie but the only pony here is you.” Replied Capper as the cat poked his head out.

Dove shook her head and motioned for the group to stay down while she turned her attention to the middle of the room.

She stopped, trying to put a lid on her anger and fear at the sight before her. King Dice stood in the centre of the main area, his head chipped and cracked in several places, his gloves torn to shreds, bruises on his hands and cuts on his arms while his suit jacket had been tossed aside and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up. It all showed signs of a serious fight if his injuries and his ruffled suit were any indication. Between him and Rainbow Dash stood his entire deck of cards, hissing and growling at the pegasus as she stood her ground against the casino manager.

Before the fight could continue, Dove flew into the air and dive bombed the group, the cards breaking their formation as she landed in between King Dice and Rainbow Dash.

“What is going on here?” she demeaned.

“I’m here to get my friend back! Where’s Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked and King Dice glared at her.

“I told you before filly, you lost the game and The Devil took your friend’s soul as payment!” King Dice stated. “I’m not letting you see the boss, now scram!”

“And I’m not leaving without Fluttershy!” Rainbow roared back.

“Dice, hold still.” Dove commanded and before he could protest, Dove turned to face him, her body glowing with golden holy magic as she touched his arm with a wing. That same light travelled over King Dice and as his wounds healed, the exact same injuries appeared on Doves body, fresh bruises on her forehooves, cuts on her face and forelegs that oozed golden liquid and a crack in her halo appeared as if she had been in the fight herself.

“Now I may look less than presentable but I assure you Miss Dash, if you intend to keep on trying to fight your way to the boss then I will put myself between you and him,” Dove stated. “You need to learn that your actions have consequences that go far beyond you and your little group of friends.”

“I just want my friend back! That’s all… That’s all, please!” Rainbow begged.

“I’m sorry Miss Dash but you were warned and you let your greed get the best of you, so why don’t you just be a good filly and leave?” Dove suggested kindly. “You wouldn’t want Miss Shy’s sacrifice to be in vain, would you?”

“No! I’m not leaving without her! Give her back!” yelled Rainbow and used her incredible speed to charge at Dove.

Dove was knocked back by the blow, her head ringing as she barely registered King Dice catching her as she was sent tumbling backwards. She forced herself to her hooves, Rainbow’s speed amplified the strength of her attacks and as the pegasus charged again, Dove rolled out of the way and stumbled to her hooves, the room spinning around her.

She struggled past her nausea and the pain of her wounds to glare at Rainbow. Dove spread her wings and took to the air, rays of holy light poured off her form and she heard Rainbow cry out in pain as the Pegasus flew into it and crashed to floor. Similar beams of light descend from above one at time in a path towards the pegasus and Dove watched as her enemy had press herself against the wall to avoid being burned by the sacred light. When Rainbow made another attempt to charge her, Dove countered by surrounding herself in a magic barrier which Rainbow harmlessly bounced off of.

“Miss Dash I implore you, please stop this nonsense and go home!” Dove said even as the element of loyalty snarled in rage and rammed into her barrier again. Her pleas feel on deaf ears as this time, Rainbow had enough force to shatter the barrier and slam into Dove at full speed, both crashed into the wall and landed on the floor with a thud.

Dove’s mane and tail burst into pink coloured flames, her white fur turned blood red and her blue eyes became green and brimming with vengeful fury. Her halo glowed red hot and sprouted iconic devil horns as she completed her transformation.

No words could express her rage, her fury at the one who not only insisted on fighting her way to The Devil but harming one of the few she called friends as well? Dove looked over at King Dice, he was herding his cards away from the fight as many of them still hissed at Rainbow while the ace of hearts sat on his shoulder, clearly worried about both its master and its fellow cards.

Hellfire rained down from above and pillars of fire erupted from the floor beneath their feet. Dove summoned a golden trident and with the skill of an expert, swung, swiped and stabbed at the pony as Dove tried to pin Rainbow down and end the fight. It was to no avail as Rainbow darted around the pillars of flame and brute forced her way past the fireballs raining upon her to land several hits on Dove. As the fires died down, the toon struggled to stay on her hooves and Rainbow smirked.

“You gonna take me to see your boss or what?” the Pegasus asked arrogantly. “Like I said, I’m not leaving without my friend!”

Dove growled and stood to her full height, her wings spread in intimidation. “I will not stand here and let you win! You’ve assaulted my friend, terrified several others and made a mess of this establishment!”

“Friend? You’re friends with that jerk?” Rainbow snapped.

“Yes, I am and I am none too pleased at your actions Miss Dash,” Dove replied curtly. “If you want to see the boss, then you’ll have to kill me.”

“Wait-what!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“You don’t know who you’re facing do ya filly?” King Dice drawled. “That there is Dove Angelwing, one of the oldest angels around and one the boss’s most loyal servants, no one gets past her without getting her blood on their hands.”

“But I don’t, I can’t kill you or anypony!” Rainbow said.

“Don’t you worry none Miss Dash, I won’t be dead for long,” Dove cooed. “So, go ahead, give it your best shot.”

The lights in the casino dimmed and a single spotlight illuminated Dove. A funeral march droned on in the background as Dove changed once more. Abandoning her pony guise, she twisted and morphed into a humanoid, feminine figure with slender gloved hands and large white wings. She wore a black hooded robe that hid her face from view and the same brown book she carried to work appeared in a puff of smoke. Her halo returned to its normal golden hue, though even more cracked and chipped than before, Dove held the book in her right hand and pulled out a golden quill from under her hood with her left.

“Do you still wish to fight?” she calmly asked, her voice now humming with full might of her divine power. “I won’t kill you but you’ll have to kill me if you want to see your friend again.”

She saw the hesitation in Rainbow’s eyes, how the pegasus’ legs shook and almost buckled beneath her. A sharp whistle broke the silence and both parties were stunned as King Dice’s cards swarmed the blue pony and pinned her to the floor in a dogpile.

I win.” King Dice growled.

A shadow fell over the room, gasps of fear came from the employees as the smell of smoke and brimstone permeated the air. The Devil loomed overhead his stern gaze firmly locked on Dove, king Dice and Rainbow Dash.

“Am I interrupting something?” he growled menacingly.

“B-boss! We were just dealing with a ruffian, nothing to worry about!” Dice said hastily, his cards rushed to hide behind him as The Devil grabbed Rainbow in one clawed hand and examined her.

“I take it you’re here for your friend?” Devil asked and Rainbow could only nod weakly, too afraid to speak. The Devil looked thoughtful and he looked over at Dove, still in her third form even as she tried to keep herself on her feet by casually leaning against the wall.

“You’re injured,” he stated flatly. “What happened?”

“I-it’s my fault Boss! That damn filly picked a fight with me trying to get to you and Dove well, you know how she is with her friends getting hurt and all.” King Dice explained.

“Your head was cracked Dice! I was scared half to death when I saw you!” Dove retorted hotly.

“So, you healed him.” The Devil stated and let Rainbow fall to the floor. He grinned wickedly as the pony cowered beneath him.

“You want your friend back so badly?” he asked and summoned a contract and a quill. “just sign here.”

He grinned even wider as she did so without even looking at what she was signing. As soon as he snapped his fingers, the contract and quill vanished in a puff of smoke and Fluttershy was teleported into the room.

“You can leave and go back to your happy little lives of rainbows and sunshine,” The Devil mockingly said. “but remember, your souls are still mine!”

His booming laughter terrified the two ponies and they bolted from the casino in pure fear. With Rainbow and Fluttershy gone, The Devil got to work ordering his minion.

“Dice, I want you and Dove to meet me in my office. The rest of you head home, I’ll have to close the casino for the day and get my imps to fix this mess. I expect you all here bright and early tomorrow morning.” he stated.

“Come on, let’s leave out the back,” Capper stated and he led the group of frightened employees out the casino.

Not long after, King Dice and Dove stood before The Devil as he sat on his throne.

“How are two holding up?” he asked.

“I’m fine boss, Dove is a bit rattled now that the fight’s over,” King Dice replied and looked over the hooded angel, she clutching onto his arm like her life depended on it, her wings twitching erratically. “Is she gonna be alright boss?”

“Hm…. Dice, do you remember the day you came to work for me?” The Devil asked.

“How could I forget? I was at deaths door when Dove bought me to your office-” Dice paused and looked at the clearly terrified angel clinging to him. “I see…Poor gal probably thought I was gonna keel over there and then when she walked in this morning.”

“Precisely, therefore I want you to look after her until she’s recovered.” The Devil said.

“Alright then, if you say so boss but what them mares? You just went a let them go. What about their soul contracts? Not to mention all them debtors that ran off.” King Dice asked.

The Devil grinned and leaned back in his seat. “You worry too much Dice, I’m a patient man and when they die, well they’ll be mine won’t they?”

“You have a point but what about the folks who won’t die? Like Djimmi or The Phantom Express? You got a plan for them?” King Dice asked.

“Sooner or later some fool will lose in the casino and beg for their life. Once the opportunity presents itself, I’ll send them to collect the contracts from those cowards that thought they could get away,” The Devil explained. “Once I’ve gathered the contracts from here on the isles it’ll be time to head on over to those no-good debtors hiding in Equestria!“

“Then why not get those two fillies to get them contracts?” King Dice asked.

“Because if I kept them here working for me, how long do you think it would take for those damned princesses to notice their absence?” The Devil retorted. “I was always going to let them go Dice, I knew they didn’t have the stomach for our line of work.”

“True, anyway I’d best get going. I’ve got to get Dove back on her feet after all, see ya tomorrow boss.” King Dice said.

“Try to be more careful in the future Dice, I can’t step in to save your ass every time.” The Devil replied.

“Will do boss!” his lackey replied.

Once his two most loyal servants had left, The Devil let out a sigh and his mind wandered back to the days before the casino, before toons even had a place here in the isles.

“Why did you follow me down here?” he asked as the black robbed, hooded angel before sipped on her tea. “You don’t agree with everything I do and I didn’t need to convince you. You just followed me down, gave up your home, friends, even your name. Why?”

“Why boss isn’t it obvious?” Dove replied. “I can do more good here than I ever could up in heaven. The world ain’t as black and white as the big man thinks it is so a lot of souls that wind up down here didn’t really have a choice, did they?”

“Besides, Devil or not you need as much support an’ help as anyone else down here. I followed you down so I could help anyone and everyone who needed my help, ‘course I didn’t leave without my own punishment,” Dove added. “I can help all the folks I want, heal the sick, the injured but as penance for abandoning heaven I take on those wounds and ailments for a time.”

She laughed sadly. “I just wish I could’ve made something of a life down here but you know the old saying, I’m married to my work and none of the imps or demons are my type.”

“Then how about a deal?” The Devil asked. “If you keep working for me, I’ll give you your prince charming on a silver platter, sound fair?

“Trying to keep me loyal boss? I suppose I’ll play your game. A girl can dream, can’t she?” Dove replied and reached for her golden quill to sign the newly made contract. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”

The Devil pulled himself away from his musings and pulled out an aged piece of parchment. The edges were a bit a tattered but the contract written on it was as clear as day.

“It’s high time I fulfilled my end of the bargain.” he said to himself and chuckled darkly. “I’m going to enjoy watching her reaction.”

He pulled out a second, far less worn soul contract and began making adjustments to it. The signature at the bottom was barely legible, as was common for most of the soul contracts in his possession but if you looked at it long enough you could make out the word Dice.

Author's Note:

This all started after I spent a few days binge watching TearOfGrace and Jacksepticeye play Cuphead, alongside watching a couple of music videos, several comic dubs and so on.

This is set before the events of Cuphead and midway through season 1 of MLP. While the events of Cuphead and major events in the show act as a storyline of sorts, this'll just be whatever I feel like having the characters do or whatever you guys want to see! Ask the main cast (Dove, King Dice and The Devil) or anyone else questions and I''ll answer them in future shorts as I don't really much of an idea where the story is headed or what I want to do with it, I just want to have fun and do whatever without trying to keep track of a cinematic universe's level of continuity.

Next chapter- The Devil ships DovexKing Dice, a wild Princess Luna appears and two cups walk into the casino...