• Member Since 26th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Foal Star

Just a Brony who writes fun Fanfiction


This story is a sequel to How to train a Baby Dragon

This story is based off the events from the episode, "Look Before you Sleep."

After the unexpected but fun sleepover at Twilight's library Applejack starts secretly wearing a frilly dress that Rarity dared her to wear during the slumber party. But what she didn't realize was that the dress was enchanted making her think she's a five year old filly.

Now Big Macintosh and Twilight Sparkle will have to work together to help Applejack remove the dress; or risk seeing the rustic farm mare's mind turn into that of an adorable little filly.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 19 )

Interesting first chapter. Glad to see this is a sequel to "How to train a Baby Dragon" since that is a favorite of mine.

Can't wait to see more soon!

This seems like it could be good.
Like my new moustache :moustache:

The only bad thing is its imperfect grammar. Still understandable, though.

Glad to see the how to train a baby dragon sequel, hopefully some cute spike and Applejack interactions coming up

Sweet! I had always wondered where that dress did come from. Exploring it as another 'cursed garment' is quite amusing.

You had some really nice visuals in this story. the scene with Twilight throwing the clothes all over the place seemed very cartoon-like. I also liked how things went with her and Big Mac as she prepped to go to Kindergarten. Very visual scenes.

The way the dress is working is definitely like how the baby clothes worked on Spike. Good thing they are disenchanted.

This was an extremely satisfying chapter. I was mentally 'in the show' for at least 95% of the story and that, for me, can often be tricky given how everything is read to me through a 'mechanical voice' to adapt to having no eyesight. :)

All of Applejack's actions were very spot-on. I really liked how dedicated she was to going to school, too. When you're that 'little' you actually like school and want to be there. You nailed her so well for the age along with being sneaky enough to make her way there.

I also loved the naivity of youth she had while heading to school. All the ponies reactions were not seen as mean but as complimentary. When you're small you feel the world is all around you and Lil' Jackie certainly was all that.

Poor Apple Bloom. This certainly is going to be quite the adventure for her. I think she'd take 'Apple Teenie' over her regressed sister.

What a fun chapter. Plenty of Pinkie silliness as we gradually get every pony seeking the bewitched AJ directed safely to her.

Big Mac's tantrum was a fun visual. I could hear him getting as upset as he did when the CMC became "Gabby Gums". Now that's frustration.

Oh, Spike. No secret is safe from Pinkie. Fortunately a little 'baby time' may be just what it takes to rally the troops before AJ gets found out in her regressed situation.

this is great but to me it seems more fast paced then it's prequel, don't get me wrong i don't mind as i find this story a lot more funny than it's prequel. i just hope twilight doesn't fall victim again like before. i look forward to your next chapter. who will find twilight first scootaloo or big mac and redheart?

Whee! What a fun chapter!

Best parts were Spike. Imagining him all crinkly and sleepy in Pinkie's hooves as she bottle fed him was too cute!
I really like the additional element of how the curse of the dress is removed. Needing to 'defy it' will certainly be far trickier than the clever way they got 'Jackie to take it off. It also adds an element of "And the lesson of this story is..." to how everything comes together and is resolved. It certainly will make for a great "Dear Princess Celestia. when it is all done.

drat we almost freed Applejack from granny Sparkle's control i hope we free her soon i'm starting to feel really sad AJ is having a hard time breaking free from the mind control she's under. That being said how many more cursed things Twilight has from her grandmother. I shudder to think who else might get mind controlled after we conclude AJ's story

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! This whole story is just going by absolutely epic!

Loved the scenes of Rarity 'acting' to help AJ. They were great and beyond visual. The whole moment of her coming to enjoy bucking apples was also totally brilliant to bring her back to her senses from the dress' curse. It felt very, to me, show-like for that is how I really could see the writer's snapping AJ out of such a spell.

Very nice! Great read. Looking forward to seeing how this all wraps up.

yay AJ broke free i'm glad but now i'm worried who is going to be cursed next. plz anypony but fluttershy.

Very nice! This chapter was kind of like that proverbial "One step and two steps forward". AJ seemed like she was going to really give into the mysterious voice and it also seemed Pinkie was going to thwart the progress by giving in. However Rarity, quite literally, put her hoof done ant hardcore to make sure AJ came back to her senses.

The final scene where 'the voice' gave up makes me think there may still be another enchantment left somewhere. Where it could be is definitely a mystery. Especially given it is only a guess.

I do love all your different ways to regress characters. You have multiple story arcs to play through with each having its own unique means of making it happen and characters coping with it. Definitely much to be proud of. :)

i should have seen that coming well i will wait for the sequel involving big mac i look forward to it

Wowwie-wow-wow! What a perfect connection from the dress to Smarty Pants! The spirit, in all likelihood, went there in the hopes that, one day, Twilight would bring her out and get her grandmother's original target under its spell. However, just as "The Want It Need It" spell backfired so did the spirit's plans... Well, at least in getting to Twilight.

Did you ever see the MLP Trading Card for Smarty Pants that came out of BronyCon a few years back? The text on the back works quite well with what you created here. :)

Love to see more story's of the many pony characters end up cursed or blessed to think they are baby's but their body is still an adult.

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