• Published 26th May 2018
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Mortal Kombat vs My Little Pony Story Mode - zgwrox

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Chapter 32: Kung Lao

Kung Lao cut a hole in the door with his hat, and it burst open. Sindel was standing there, all alone. She said, “You are too late. Lord Staten and Shao Kahn will soon rule all of Earthrealm! I will kill you all, and I’m going to start with you!” Sindel grabbed Spike with her hair, and was about to kill him, until he blew fire at it, forcing her to drop him. Sindel screamed in pain. She yelled, “You will pay for that!”

Kung Lao defeated Sindel and said, “See ya, girl!” Kung Lao cut her head off.

“Very impressive.” said Noob as he and Nightmare Moon walked up to them. “Stand back, Nightmare Moon. Let me show you how it’s done!”

Kung Lao defeated Noob and said, “Be thankful I chose not to spill your tainted blood over you.”

“That’s it! I’ll tear you apart limb by limb!” Nightmare Moon yelled.

“You stand no chance against a Shaolin.” Kung Lao defeated Nightmare Moon and said, “You should just give up! You’ll never stop us from reaching Staten, just admit it.”

They reached the gargoyle’s throne room. The door closed, but not before Sheeva stepped out. The Shokan princess warned them, “This is your last chance! Surrender, or die!”

“We’d rather not surrender! We’d rather die!” The rest of the ponies yelled in agreement.

“Then die it is!” Sheeva said.

Kung Lao defeated Sheeva and said, “Looks like YOU’RE the one who’s gonna die. Ready, Applejack?”

“Ready!” said Applejack as she bucked Sheeva into the air. She then raised her front hooves and Kung Lao jumped on them as he leaped into the air. Kung Lao then cut Sheeva in half with his hat. Kung Lao landed on the carpet as it got covered with blood.

“Now let’s go kill Staten!” said Kung Lao as they ran to the throne room. He killed the two Mulito guards.

“Damnit, Lao! You covered my favorite rug with Sheeva’s blood! I will obliterate you!” Staten said as he, Shang Tsung, Kintaro, Queen Chrysalis, and four more Mulitos ran up to them. Just then, a series of golden lasers killed the rest of the Mulitos. “Huh?” Staten said in confusion.