• Published 19th May 2018
  • 1,158 Views, 18 Comments

From Nirn to Equus - NoMoreNormalcy

This wasn't the first time this soul's been reincarnated, though at least they have memories of their past life this time around.

  • ...

4. A Particular Party for a Particular Pony

One tour later, I had rested my haunches inside one of the multiple libraries. This particular one pertained to overarching studies of magic. Seems they have different groupings here than the Collages I'm accustomed to. Though I faced the A Composite Guide to Magic I had picked out earlier for review, I couldn't help but lift my eyes and stare into the crystal wall in front of me. In the many facets of the wall, I could make out a distorted image of a bright and light-blue furred mare with wings to rival that of a hawk's and a prismatic mane and tail. I couldn't make out the mark on her flank due to the distortion, though I could easily tell by the wind from her wings and her breath that she was literally hovering over my shoulder, though for the reason alone to stare into the side of my head.

I know not what her intentions are, though if it were to distract me from reading on this realm's magic and annoy me to the furthest reaches of Oblivion, she had succeeded. It must have been a strange sight, however: The mare staring at me, whereas I faced my book, though stared at the wall to a reflection of her. The repetitive sound of her wings keeping her airborne began to cause me to reach my limit. She had been staring for hours, it seemed.

I swung my face to be directly in front of her's, if only to be a hair's width away as I stared into her magenta eyes, "What could you possibly want of me?" She visibly flinched and retreated a half-pace before steeling herself.

"Uh, suspicious pony? Appear in the middle of nowhere? Tries to find my best friend? Hangs out in her house while she's gone? Any of that seem suspicious to you?" Won't deny, that does seem strange, however she wasn't done just yet. "You're up to something, and I won't stop until I figure out what!"

"Oh, and, pray-tell, what do you suspect I may be?" Though I hadn't used it in ages, I did my best to lay the sarcasm on as thick as possible.

"I- I-, uh, I don't know, something!" Her final word was nearly shouted, frustration clearly written on her features. My eyes remained half-lidded as I starred back at here, still un-amused. A good and loyal ally to the princess, however she doesn't seem all that bright.

"Oh, so perhaps I'm an Illusionist bent on enslaving your princess's mind?"

My statement seemed to shock her. She attempted to speak though I wouldn't let her.

"Or perhaps a Conjurer that plans on using her as a sacrifice for a ritual? Perhaps an Elementalist wishing to test their spells upon her and test her durability? Or even a Necromancer wishing to use her power for my own end? Truly, if I were any of those things, I first off A) wouldn't tell you, B) wouldn't plan on exhausting myself to try to get close, as foolish an idea that is, C) would know exactly whom she was prior to arriving in town." During my rant, she had slowly lowered herself to the floor, curling into herself. "Honestly, I'm not sure how you even came to the conclusion that I'm 'up to something'." She had finally landed and thoroughly chastised. Perhaps she shouldn't jump to conclusions. "I know how it looks, it is strange. Though perhaps rather than jumping to your own conclusions, perhaps inquire the involved parties and get a larger picture to paint a clearer image for yourself." I turned back in attempt to resume the page, having lost my place almost an hour ago.

"I'm sorry."

Against my will, my right brow arched and a slight frown pulled at my face as I turned in my seat and faced her proper.

"You're right, I should have asked for your side, or asked Twilight for more information rather than racing here to keep an eye on ya," she stated as her head hung low. "I didn't even introduce myself, I just raced through the castle to find you and stare holes into your skull and annoyingly hover over you when you're clearly trying to, uh, what are you reading?" She blushed, looking all the more sheepish and far less hostile than earlier.

"Already you've apologized?"

"Wha- what's so surprising about that? I wasn't being very nice, so I apologized?" Genuine confusion etched in her features simple reflected my own.

I did my best to relax, "I believe it is my turn now: I'm sorry about the confusion. Where I'm from, folks don't work out differences so quickly."

"What, really?"

I couldn't help a light chuckle escape my throat, "Truly. Instead, the latest place I was, the locals had arguments that were prone to come to blows." The mare's eye went wide.

"No way! That's hard core! Uh, I guess that's why you're trying to tell me to 'beat it' in a way," she spoke a little more softly, which amounted to normal speaking volume.

"Not so much now, though I would like to make sure I don't look a fool when I attempt even a simple spell."

"Eh," she waved her hoof, "don't worry about it. Twilight could teach ya a thing or two if you need to brush up on anything! Just, be prepared for a pop quiz or tests and such." She was about to leave when she exclaimed and turned back. "Oh, sorry, I totally didn't introduce myself, still!"

"It's all right. You were preoccupied." She managed a weak laugh.

"Name's Rainbow Dash! Fastest flier in Equestria!" Her proclamation was quite far-fetched, though it may have some merit for how fast she had flown in earlier from the door to half-way across the library.

"Shade. A pleasure."

"Shade...." She waved her hoof expecting more.

"Yes, just Shade."

"Huh, yeah, why?"

"It's a long story and I'd rather not get into that detail-"

"Oh! Sorry, too personal, huh?"

"Quite alright, though, I do have a question."

"Shoot." Her wings shifted on her back and her chest puffed out. Just how confident was she of everything.

"She's clearly royalty, though you only call the princess by her name rather than including her title. Any reason for that?"

Confusion returned. "Really? That's all you wanna know?" I nodded. "Well, we've been friends for years. She wasn't always a princess. In fact, she doesn't really care if other ponies call her princess, either." My brow arched again. "In fact," she began with mirth in her voice, "She got all embarrassed when anypony called her Princess Twilight! Ha! It was hilarious!"

A light smirk found it's way on my mouth, "I'm sure she thought otherwise."

"Eh, she's probably over it mostly," she waved her hoof dismissively, "After all, we are friends." She turns to leave. "Sorry for interrupting your reading!"

I waved goodbye as she left in a bit more tame manner than her entrance -which still was exceptionally brisk- before resuming the book. As I turned to face it I had a realization.

"Oh, great. Not only did I lose my spot on the page, but I also don't know where that page went off to!"


The sun had lowered considerably by the time I had wrapped up reading. The composite guide was a great leaping off point and even pointed me in the direction of other works. It seemed a bit generalized in grouping basing off what the spells did, rather than their potential or power. The passive magic possessed by normal ponies -earth ponies- that is more in tune with the earth itself as well as weather and sky related magic for the flying ponies -pegasi- due to their nature of flight. Then of course us unicorn ponies with our ability to use magic in a plethora of manners. Magic that made things grow -size, age, or even literal growth of plants, hair, or similar-, transformed from one to another, summoning, earth, transformation, searching, light, various levitation magic and more. A fourth, and rarer, race were the alicorns. Winged unicorns that held the strength, skill, and magical capacity of the prior three races. The least information I found were on combat and dark magic, surprisingly. Setting the stack of books and tomes I had collected whilst in the library aside for later, I decided to ponder this whilst clearing my mind with a walk outside.

After a few wrong turns and a farewell to Spike, I began my walk around the town I came to know as Ponyville. I kept an eye around me to prevent from walking into any of the townsfolk as my mind wandered to the previous subject.

Why was there so little information on the Dark and Combat branches of magic? Seems the most viable there was were a beam of pure energy for combat magic, and base theories on dark. I had a few theories.

1) The local leaders restricted knowledge of combat magic and spells to the public for various reasons.
2) There was an actual lack of need for the common folk to know combat magic.
3) The more delicate or complicated spells were actually lost to time due to disuse with an increase of peace with how quickly disputes can be resolved prior to a potential fight breaking out.
4) Dark magic was equivalent in corruption as Necromancy or some of the darker conjuration rituals.
5) There is simply a lack of need for dark magic due to the more utilitarian use of light magic, it's counterpart.
6) These branches of magic were secluded to a group of casters that did not share their knowledge for any reason and thus reduced the capability and knowledge of these branches of magic and respective spells.

I would have continued were it not for a brief interruption from a very pink mare suddenly in front of my face, abruptly ruining my concentration.

"Hiya! Sorry I ran off like that earlier! I was just super excited to see you then I had a super idea so I needed to head home real fast then grab pretty much every pony in Ponyville and your the last one and will you come to Sugar Cube Corner pretty pretty pretty please!" Each word was said faster than the last as she leaned ever slowly in. Her light-blue eyes stared as deeply into me as they possibly could. Never had I met a mortal being such as her that could get a particular emotion from me. I'm not even sure what it is supposed to be due to my lack of familiarity with it. Not fear, gods no. Concern, I'd recognize, though this wasn't it.

I suddenly realized my haunches were on the ground and my ears stuck to the sides of my head. My eyes were beginning to strain with how wide they had gotten in my initial shock of her appearance. The most I could muster was a shaky affirmation prior to being dragged by the surprisingly strong mare. "Great! I promise, you'll have lots of fun! By the way, my name's Pinkie Pie! What's yours?"

"...Shade," still unsure how to respond to a woman -mare- like this. Only time I met someone this perky was when they had a penchant for swinging between docile and homicidal on top of being an immortal Daedric Prince.

"I like it! It fits you! You look like you could disappear into the shade of a tree without magic! That would be so cool to see! Do you think you actually could? Oh! What if you do have magic that does turn you invisible! Ah! That'd be so neat! Think you'll like it here in Ponyville? I think you'll love it and make lots and lots of friends! So many you wouldn't even know! I bet you have a few now! Here we are! Sugar Cube Corner! Go in! Go in!"

I attempted to make out most of what she was saying the whole trip though much I couldn't discern, prior to noticing the lights being out in the shop. I tried to speak up, thinking they were closed when she gave me a casual shove, nearly launching me into the middle of the shop floor. Were all earth ponies this strong? The moment I gathered my bearings and got onto my hooves, many things happened at once that I could only process once I found myself on my back on the floor again.

1) The lights were suddenly turned on to full brightness.
2) Every color that existed was on every equine that was in this store which had to have been most of the town.
3) Every one of them yelled "Surprise!"
4) I had been startled and attempted to get into a battle stance.

I ran number four through my mind again. I attempted a battle stance.

That I used to use prior to this world.

I fell on my back because I attempted to reach for a blade or bow that wasn't there.

Every pony that was there went quiet. Though I couldn't read minds, I could tell they were trying to process what had happened. Pinkie Pie either didn't care or was oblivious to it all, simply standing near me. "Welcome to Ponyville, Shade!" She pulled a conical hat with a string and attached it to her head and pulled out an instrument and blew into it. It sounded like a damaged horn. "You were super surprised, weren't you? I just knew you were!" I couldn't manage a retort, rather I laid there before I found the energy and will to get up.


Time had passed and at least twenty ponies I didn't know came up and introduced themselves. Each and every one of them had their own particular quirks, whether they be physical, psychological, or even magical. There were sweets of every kind I knew and thousands more I didn't know existed. There were party games, all of which I didn't recognize nor know the rules of. Everyone mingled and I did so in obligation when approached. Otherwise, I stayed to a corner, practicing the basic levitation which seemed to be inherent to every unicorn I've met thus far. However, as time passed, though the sun was setting, the colors seemed to get brighter, movement faster, and sound louder. All of it growing and growing into a roaring crescendo. It was proving to be a bit much. I finished my glass of water and placed the empty glass onto a random table and made for the exit. I took care not to make much sound or movement. I couldn't tell, though it seemed that I may have been able to walk out without anyone noticing.

I made my way outside and immediately I felt better. The twilight hour it currently was strengthened me. I couldn't help though wish that dawn and dusk lasted longer than just an hour. I sat on the step leading in off to the side so as not to trip anyone that wished to exit. It was a more familiar stance: on my hindquarters with my hooves in front of me, fore-hooves resting on what I could only presume what would be my knees. I stared at the sky, watching the stars emerge from their hiding as for a few minutes, both the sun and moon could be seen at once.

Moon to the left. Sun to the right.

Though I had to turn my head to see this better. The exit evidently faced south and both celestial bodies were behind me, though I did not want to turn around. If I were to.... Well, not sure where that thought was going, but I feel as though it might have been ridiculous. Though probably not to the level of ridiculousness that is Pinkie Pie or that of Ponyville itself. Everyone was so social. Even a few mares that appeared shy to some degree socialized with one another and a few outside their circle.

Perhaps retirement from adventuring was going to be harder than I thought.

"This spot taken?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a familiar voice as the speaker sat next to me. "Your Highness. I didn't know you stepped out."

Princess Twilight had a brief look that crossed her face. I wasn't able to examine it properly in the brief existence it had before a kind smile took over. "Any reason your out here? This is a Pinkie-Pie-Welcome-to-Ponyville-Party for you, you know?"

I couldn't help the sigh that escaped, "I figured as much, I just didn't expect the party nor the sheer numbers to attend at such short notice."

"Yeah," she chuckled, "I think nearly everypony in town is here!"

"Oh gods, I hope not," I stated, returning the mirth, "after all, there seems to be hardly enough room to house twenty ponies, let alone a couple hundred!"

"You'd be surprised at what extension charms are capable of." The arch in her brow made me suspect something. I decided to voice my theory.

"Now, Princess, don't tell me you had a hand -hoof- in planning this?" I pray she overlooks the slip.

Another chuckle, "Yeah, not really, I was just asked to refresh the spell -did you say hand?" Oh, damn it all.

I face-palmed. Then realized why I shouldn't really do that. "Ow." All the while, the princess was muttering at high speed. I didn't bother listening in, as she must have been processing everything. Then she swept a critical eye over my sitting position before jumping to all four hooves, flaring her wings, and letting out a loud gasp, "Were you a human?!"

"Wait, what?" Were there humans in this world? If so, why was I turned into this form upon arrival instead? What plausible theory had run through her mind? Before I could inquire further, her magic enveloped me as she bolted towards the castle, making sure I followed behind.


"A mirror. You dragged me here to see a mirror? Is there something you are trying to tell me, your Highness?"

After convincing her to at least get a message to the party planner, I found myself in a different library. This one for sciences, including the science and mystery behind magic. The prominent feature, however was a large, full-length mirror. The frame was purple and horseshoe-shaped with gemstones lining around the edges. There was a decoration on the top of it of a pony rearing within an upright horseshoe, and the pedestal also had horseshoe motifs all along the base. What I could tell was not of the original mirror was what surrounded it: boxes upon boxes of machinery, all connected with either some form of tubing or lines. Just above the rearing pony was a rest for a tome, which was a bit too high up and obscured by said machinery and the glow of magic as it was activated for me to get a good look at the cover. Her Highness was already in front of the mirror. "I just want to test a theory! Come on, this way!" She approached to step through it as though it were a doorway before pausing, "Oh, and it may be jarring at first so, don't freak out." With that, she turned back to the mirror and as though the surface were water, it rippled as she entered the glass before disappearing.

I did not have a dignified look. My mouth was drawn tight with the corners in a frown and my eye held a light glare. I had to now retrieve here. With the glowing glass still active, I threw all caution to the wind and plunged through as though it were a portal to Oblivion itself.

I then found myself rocketing towards an unknown destination and at such a speed, I though I was being stretched. I won't deny, my eyes widened at the sensation, though I didn't have time to cry out in alarm or worry for myself. She may know what's on the other side in general, though she won't know whom. On top of that, I doubt she would go back through the portal expecting me to be following her at any moment.

The stop was jarring. I lurched forward as most of my momentum halted before falling to the ground. "Oh! That didn't look pleasant, are you okay?" I lifted my torso up and attempted to gather myself. Gradually, a woman came into focus. Once I could get detail, it appeared to be Princess Twilight as if she were given a human body, though her skin and hair retained her fur and mane colors respectively. She was kneeling down and lowering a hand to aid me up. Accepting, we got me to my feet.

I wavered only for a few moments, mostly to shake off the effects of the sudden transportation. I had noticed that during the transport, we had also -thankfully- been given clothes. Mine were a set of simple commoner's clothes, a brown and green set of belted tunic and pants with buckled shoes. Her's, however was bright. A skirt that was a darker purple than her fur with her mark upon it, tall matching boots, a white shirt with puffed, short sleeves. Looking around, I noticed that we were at a building with the lettering Canterlot High, though I could not ascertain it's purpose. Behind me must be the return portal: a shining surface of marble which was a base to a pegasus rearing, wings open and ready to take flight. I turned back to the princess, her eyes wide with excitement and expecting my reaction.

"Where in Oblivion are we?"

She almost deflated literally, "The human world, I thought you might have seen something familiar to some degree here. I mean, to think, another potential portal?" I decided to cut her off before she could rant again.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, though I recognize none of the structures or similarities in architecture, and I've been all over Tamriel," I walked forward and motioned to the large building, "I don't even know the purpose of this structure!" I sighed, and ran a hand over the side of my head for a two-fold reason. 1) I truly needed to calm myself as this was getting to be a bit much in one day and 2) I needed to see if my ears were pointed and I was back to myself.

They were not. They were rounded like a human's. I restrained a sigh.

"I'm sorry." Again, I could not help though appear surprised. I looked up and faced the princess. "I kind of get gun-ho with my theories and trying to either prove or disprove them in one manner or another. Guess I got carried away again. Can you forgive me?"

Sighing, "Of course I can, you only did what you thought was right." This was getting a bit strange, though speaking with both Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash did help me confirm that ponies were quick to make up and resolve problems as opposed to hold a grudge or start a fist-fight. Well, I guess hoof-fight?

She chuckled, "Okay, let's go back then. Didn't have much of a reason to come here rather than show you the other side of the portal. I'd like to be able to use my magic," and she started for the portal.

"One moment," I turned around for another look, "I'd now like to test a theory." Her Highness did so, stopping in front of the portal and facing me. After a brief inspection, I found a suitable target. A small border stone for a flower bed. I raised my left hand, and in a practiced motion cast Telekinesis. Though I didn't have a unicorn's horn and it's strange finesse, the feel of the spell was familiar and not unpracticed, though feels as though it was now closer to the accuracy of the foreign appendage. Even the spell reflected the glow from my horn. The rock I was focusing on shakily rose within the field and with a flick, raced back to my stretched palm. I couldn't help a confident smirk knowing that anywhere, I could still use magic. Princess Twilight, however, was quite comical with her expression. Her eyes and mouth were wide with shock as she slumped over, barely standing on both legs. "Your Highness? Are you alright?"

"What? How?! When? Why? Where!?" Soon, nonsense began to spill from her mouth as she incoherently babbled, attempting to grasp the situation. It appears that magic -unlike Equestria- was not practiced here. Now I have to calm her down before we can get through the portal. Then I myself owe an apology to Pinkie Pie for leaving the party she took time to throw.