• Published 21st May 2018
  • 2,526 Views, 202 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: Tales of Scootaloo - PonyJoel

During a brutal week before the winter break, Scootaloo was having a difficult time in her life. She went through a deep depression, loss her family but found salvation in a new family. These are now the Tales of Scootaloo's new life.

  • ...

Blaze's Arrival! Team Tactical! Investigation!

Author's Note:

This is what happened before Blaze came and took down the demons the next day. Also, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon gets to have a little taste on Team Tactical.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Today is the day that Blaze will be heading over to the home of Sombra and Hope for the next week and a half. Sombra didn't like the fact that Blaze will be staying over but for something that is demonic, Blaze's family has a history of defeating the toughest demons known to man. Blaze comes from a bloodline of Demon Slaying since the medieval times. His sword has holy properties that can burn and hurt the demon into submission. Blaze can perform exorcisms without the bible which terrifies other demons in the world.

Blaze is now in front of Sombra's house. It is 5:30 in the morning. He knocked once and that's all it took for Sombra to open the door.

"Hello, my friend, please come in."

Blaze entered the household with his belongings as Sombra escorted Blaze into a guest room near the back. He and Sombra sat down on the chairs in the room.

"Blaze," Sombra took a deep sigh as he felt uncomfortable knowing that Scootaloo will see him some point later today. "I want you to know that I have a daughter. Her name is Scootaloo. I want you to stay away from her when dealing with the demonic situations for today. Right now, she has her own demons to conquer."

"I understand Sombra. Know that if something, in theory, does come up, I'll have to ask her some things that are more pivotal. Do you understand that?"

"Yes. I understand my friend." Sombra got up. "Just hope it doesn't happen at all."

"Of course King Sombra."

"Graaah, I told you to stop calling me king!"

Blaze chuckles as he left the household and went on towards the library.

Hours later, Hope and Blaze were on their way towards Sweetie Belle's house to check up on her. Sombra and Scootaloo headed off to the Equestrian Military School.

"Hey, dad?"

"Yes, Scootaloo"

"Since Silver Spoon and I arrived at the school earlier in the week and there is no Team Tactical, what would happen with my classes and unit?"

"Team Tactical is still in effect. You and Silver Bullet would not be participating this week. The Razzle Dazzles will be joining you so they can tell you how Team Tactical works. Also, to give you an idea for future Team Tacticals."

"Alright, dad, thanks for letting me know."

"Of course, Scoots. This Tuesday coming up will be your first."



"What would you be doing for today?"

"Observe the armies in Team Tactical. I won't be joining you, Silver Bullet, and the Razzle Dazzles. During lunchtime, yes but during Team Tactical, no."

"Ok, dad."

Sombra drove his truck into the parking lot. He went off in a different direction of the school as Silver Spoon and Aria meet up with Scootaloo. They took her to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"So Aria, where is Adagio and Sonata?" Scootaloo asked.

"They're with the Dragon Army getting ready for Team Tactical today. They missed last week's session due to illness so they have to make up the time. I'll be telling you and Silver Spoon about Team Tactical for the day."

"So, uh, what would they be doing with possibly Connor and Rollin Thunda?" Silver Spoon asked.

"More likely close quarters teamwork. If sniping is not on their agenda then it's close quarters. They do allow us to use hand-to-hand combat on the fields. We're just not allowed to kill anyone or else risk being expelled."

"Wow..." Both Scootaloo and Silver Spoon said.

Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, and Aria finished eating their breakfast and headed outside towards the bleachers. Salamander Army is sitting by the bleachers.

"Hey, Johnny Rocket, what is Salamander Army doing up here? Aren't you guys supposed to be engaging in Team Tactical today?" Aria asked.

"You kidding me after we scorched Eagle Army and Lizard Army in our Total War last week, we received a day off from this event. Giving us the advantage to see how bad your new army plays out." Johnny sees Scootaloo. "No offense to you Scoots but you're in the wrong Army. Dragon Army is weak. I should ask Commander Sombra to trade our weakest link for you."

"Excuse me?" Scootaloo questioned.

"Your excused Scoots." Johnny laughs but winds up getting shot with a bb pellet. "Ah dammit!" Johnny looks and saw Adagio and Sonata smiling and waving. "You'll regret that next week in Total War Bitches of the West!"

Aria got mad and sucker punched Johnny in the face causing him to fall back.

"Never mock my sisters, you punk ass bitch. We will see you next week crying like the bitch you are when your mother took your pacifier away." Aria got up and escorted Scootaloo and Silver Spoon far away from Johnny and the rest of the Salamander Army.

"What was that guy's problem?" Scootaloo asked while looking at Aria.

"That was Johnny Rocket, the biggest loudmouth jerk you'll hear throughout the school. He's the commander of the Salamander Army which is why his team is undefeated in Total War. His army sucks which is why they have the lower record in Team Tactical but due to their winning streak in Total War, they can skip Team Tactical and strategize on their next target. Now that he sees Adagio, Sonata and myself joining Dragon Army, he needs to renew his strategies to take us down but now that we have the best sniping unit, we'll be able to shut him up once and for all."

"I hope so, I would love to shoot his ass with my sniper." Silver Spoon said.

"Same here for calling out the Shooting Stars like that."

10 minutes later, Sergeant Slaughter and Lieutenant Fleetfoot came outside and gave the orders to both Dragon Army, Hawk Army, Lizard Army, and Bull Army about their objectives for today's Team Tactical. Adagio and Sonata got Rollin Thunda and Connor together to discuss their plan for taking out the other armies. Salamander army watched but didn't bother of engaging to see who'll come out on top. It doesn't really matter to them. Just looking out and finding new ways to counter the army's strategies. A loud horn was blown and all armies went their separate ways.

"Where are they going?"

"Into the fields Scootaloo. It's a bit of stealth and close quarters first. Depending on the objective. Could be similar to the Stealth Mission we worked with against Leopard Army."

"Before they stole the win from us."

"Yea, Silver Spoon. Those Leopards are snakes."

"That they are. Still, it surprises me that the army never changed its name. Oh well."

"So, Aria, how many battles will commence for Team Tactical?"

"Normally it's five but due to having 4 armies participating, it's more likely 3 battles for today. It's a free-for-all Team Tactical so based on the points each team scores will determine the winner."


"Yes, Scoots. Ranking points to be more precise. The team that comes in first place gains 4 points. The second team gains 3 points and the last two teams gain no points whatsoever."

"How come?"

"It's Sergeant Slaughter's method for pushing armies to engage more. They keep a close eye on every army based on their movement and thinking. No army slacks off otherwise they get a heinous penalty for being lazy."

"What is the penalty for being lazy Aria?"

"50 laps around the track, 100 push-ups, curl-ups, and pull-ups."

Eyes widen in horror for Scootaloo and Silver Spoon.

"Have your army ever...."

"Yes, Silver Spoon. Eagle Army was caught for being lazy thus we got the penalty not once but three times. It was brutal."


"Yea, well, now that I'm with Dragon Army, I don't have to worry about it. Dragon Army is loyal, hardworking and an actual team when facing the most difficult battles throughout the school year. We're in good hands. Also, Adagio and Sonata are kicking Hawks and Bull's asses in hand-to-hand combat."

Sonata and Adagio are taking down cadets left and right. They are not doing so well. Apparently, Sonata and Adagio are pressure point specialist. They are overwhelming them. As for the Lizard army, they remained hidden during the fight. Sergeant Slaughter blows his horn signaling the armies that the battle is over. Sonata and Adagio walked out with the Dragon Army like it was nothing. Lizard Army came out of the bushes and followed the Dragon Army. Hawk Army and Bull Army dragged themselves out of the fields. It looked like zombies were crawling, trying to get up and walk.

"Oh damn...Look at them."

"Lizard Army are cowards. They always hide when things are tough."

"How can you be certain about that Aria?"

"Simple Scoots, they hide during the fights until one team is remaining. Then they ambush the tired army. That's how they win their battles but sometimes, it cost them to win the war."

"Wow. Here I thought they can get away by and steal the victory just like Leopard Army has done."

"Yea, well, Leopard Army puts in the work. Lizard Army doesn't. It's a darn shame too. If it weren't for that tactic, Salamander Army would be 4th easily."

"What was that Bitch of the West?!" Johnny Rocket shouted as he overheard about his army.

"You heard me, dickhead. Are you deaf or something?."

Johnny got up and left the bleachers. He and his Army went with him back inside the school.

"Wow, send him running as well. He must be scared."

"He's a pussy. What do you expect from loudmouth jerks?"

"To be cowards in disguise I guess."

Adagio and Sonata came to Aria, Silver Spoon, and Scootaloo.

"Enjoyed the view?" Sonata said.

Silver Spoon and Scootaloo nodded in agreement.

"I think they saw what we can do to those other cadets."

"For sure. The way the other two armies came out of the forest terrified them." Aria said.

"So, is Dragon Army in the lead?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Yes, Silver Spoon. Dragon Army takes the lead in Team Tactical. Next battle is Take the Fort." Adagio said.

"So what's that like?"

"Goes down like this. The two top armies such as Dragon Army and Lizard Army will be teaming up vs Bull Army and Hawk Army. The two sides are given a fort to control. Within each fort, there is a flagpole. The first side to raise their flag on enemy territory signifies victory." Adagio said.

"Also, instead of airsoft guns, we're using customized paintball guns. Kinda like capture the flag but on different grounds." Sonata said.

"That's cool."

"Sure is Silver Bullet. Luckily for us, that battle is in the next hour. We have a break till then."


The Shooting Stars headed inside the school to regroup with Dragon Army and discuss with Lizard Army about the upcoming battle between Hawk Army and Bull army. Sombra came by and noticed something in which Sergeant Slaughter did not. Sombra and Slaughter remained outside to have a discussion about today's first battle.


"Yes, Commander Sombra."

"Did you noticed anything about Lizard Army in today's battle?"

"Yes, Commander. They were hiding like cowards again sir."

"You think of it as hiding but I think you're condemning on the army."

"Pardon me, Commander."

"Lizard Army was treating today's battle like it's a stealth mission. Am I wrong Slaughter."

"Yes...I mean...No....Uh....."

"Lizard Army are not cowards as you think they are. They waiting until the time is right for them to strike."

"Well, Commander, any army can do that, Sir."

"You're right Slaughter but have you've seen an army that has the patience to wait it out for long periods of time?"

"No, Sir but the point is that all armies needed to not only be stealthy but be ready for combat. Lizard Army has not had any hand-to-hand combat in nearly three months, sir."

"Why is that Slaughter?"

"You know the reason Commander, time restraint."

"So with what you witnessed from Lizard Army, you can't see the potential they have against all other armies?"

"No, Sir. Lizard Army is not capable of passing with their scores as of late."

"Slaughter. You are not seeing the bigger picture as I do."

"Commander Sombra, what are you seeing from Lizard Army?"

"The next Equestrian Special Forces."

Silenced reign for a few moments. Sergeant Slaughter has forgotten about the Equestrian Special Forces. They are used to handling more difficult tasks, especially for stealth missions. Sergeant Slaughter realized how blind he is for not realizing Lizard Army sooner.

"Slaughter, I want you and Fleetfoot to give Lizard Army more stealth Team Tacticals for the next two months. Test on their abilities instead of the strengths of every army but them."

"Yes, Commander. My apologies for being blind sir."

"Apologies accepted my friend. Now, help me set up the forts for the two sides. Things are going to be heated up soon."

"Yes, Commander."

Around the same time as Sombra and Slaughter were setting up the two forts, Blaze left Rarity's household. He's pissed that Hondo was in his way when confronting the possessed Sweetie Belle. Hondo took a cab and headed towards the library. He needed to read what Sweetie Belle bookmarked. The websites that he looked on were the same old nonsense he's used to seeing. Rituals, animal sacrifices, human sacrifices, pentagrams. Demons love to try and bring misery upon everything that has light. After checking out the last website that was bookmarked frightened Blaze. He found out about the Archfiend Ritual. Archfiends are more corrupted than any other demon in hell. After reading about the first few stages, the website crashed. The laptop is hacked as FBI sent a warning about visiting a dark website. It didn't bother Blaze but one thing he has to do now is mentally preparing to see Apple Bloom and hope that she is not possessed. Blaze left the library and threw out the laptop as it is no longer needed and took a cab back to Sombra and Hope's house. As he got, Hope is home and trying to ease today's mishap at Rarity's house. Blaze entered the household and sat on a chair near Hope in the living room. Silence reign until Blaze spoke.

"How are you holding up Hope?"

"I guess you can say I'm in the middle. With Discord out there plus demons, I think we all are going to hell..."

"Well, Discord is an ass but he'll be taken down before you know it. As for the demon you saw within Sweetie Belle, sorry you had to see that."

Hope covered herself as she remembers seeing Sweetie Belle walking on all fours in a demented disturbing way. She shudders herself, hoping to forget what she witnessed for today.

"Never easy at first until you get used to it. At least you will never see anything like it unless you are watching a movie."


"Hope, there is something that I'll have to do later today if my theory is correct."

"Please don't. I don't want my daughter getting involved with this. She's been through enough."

"I understand but for me to complete my work, I will have to question her. I need all the answers I can find in order to solve this case. Even if it means for her to relive some horrible memories, it'll be worth it at the end of this madness."

Hope sighs.

"Better hope your theory is wrong."

Hope headed upstairs to her bedroom to take a nap. Blaze headed towards the guest room and laid on his bed for a while. As he closed his eyes, all he can think of is kicking Hondo's teeth down his throat for allowing a demon to get away,

35 minutes later, the second battle is about to commence. Bull and Hawk Army are in discussion on how to take down Dragon Army mostly since Lizard Army doesn't really do anything. Dragon Army and Lizard army came to an agreement to take down the fort. Sombra, Fleetfoot, and Slaughter came to give each cadet their gun.

"Alright maggots!" Slaughter yelled into the megaphone.

All the armies turn their attention to Slaughter.

"The task is simple. Take the enemy fort by raising your flag in enemy territory. You have 90 minutes to complete this task."

"Sergeant" Sombra gave Slaughter a slight look of the Shadow of Fear.

"Excuse me...I meant to say the first team to complete the task is the winner. No time restraint whatsoever..."

Sombra left and headed towards the observation booth. Fleetfoot stayed as Slaughter went with Sombra. She sounded the alarm and headed towards the observation booth. Dragon Army and Bull Army shot at each as Lizard Army are getting themselves ready to take down the fort.

"Excuse me Commander Sombra." Aria said.

"What is it Aria?"

"Would it be alright if Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, and I stay here with you in the observation booth."

"Permission granted cadet."

Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Aria stayed with Sombra and Slaughter.

"Scootaloo? What you think Team Tactical so far?"

"It's similar to Total War. One thing I wasn't expecting is two different armies working together dad."

"It's Commander to you, cadet."

"My apologies da...Commander."

"Apologies, accepted. What's your intake on Lizard Army cadets?"

"Easy Commander, Lizard Army are cowards."

"From what Aria said Commander, I want to say they are sir." Silver Spoon said.

"I think they hide until the time is right to strike sir."

"Hmm...Only Scootaloo has the mindset of Lizard Army."

"What?!" Aria shouted.

"Before, you question me, cadet, let me save your breath."

Scootaloo looked at Sombra.

"Lizard Army has a different mindset than any other army within the school. Sure, at first they seem like cowards but that's because Slaughter has a time limit. For this Team Tactical, there is no time limit and therefore, Lizard Army can finally show their true potential. Watch and witness what Lizard Army is really about. You'll learn something."

Silver Spoon, Scootaloo, Aria, Sombra, and Slaughter watched as they see Lizard Army getting prepared while Hawk, Bull, and Dragon Army are shooting at each other.

Moments before Fleetfoot sounded the alarm, Lizard Army and Dragon Army were in discussion.

"Alright, now that we understand your tactic Lizard Army, how are you going to infiltrate Bull and Hawk Army's fort?"

"Simple Adagio, Mara, Lucy and I will lead the first stealth team in the front while Kate, Jade, and Joel the second team from behind. They have a longer path but with no time limit, we can easily sneak in and take down the fort. We just need cover fire from you to grab their attention. Some of us Lizards will remain here guarding the flagpole in case they come in." Kara said.

"Excellent, and forgive us for calling you cowards for the last few months. We didn't know exactly what you were really capable of."

"Apologies accepted my friend. From this day on, Lizards and Dragons are now allies." Joel said.

Everyone cheered.

"Just make sure that the Bulls and Hawks get splattered with paintballs for us."

"Will do Joel. Dragon Army!"

They rise with Adagio.

"Let's show these armies what Dragon Army is truly capable of!"

Dragon Army roared like dragons as best as they could. They went to their positions in and outside of the fort.

"Get ready Connor! Get ready Rollin! It's time to light it up!"

"RIght Sonata!" Both Connor and Rollin said at the same time.

Fleetfoot sounds the alarm. Bull Army charged at Dragon Army and shot at them. It's a back and forth shootout between Bull Army and Dragon Army outside as Hawk Army came out from behind and try to move with Bull Army. They provided cover fire for Bull Army as they make there way close.

"Fools," Kara said. "They'll be in for a surprise."

Kara, Mara, and Lucy divided their squad into pairs of three. They crawled in their ghillie suits as both Bull and Hawk Army didn't recognize them moving. They were moving slowly so they don't get spotted or trip either army up. As some of Bull and Hawk cadets fell back a little by Dragon Army's forces, Joel, Jade, and Kate were deep in the forest area. Like many times when they had their run in the forest during a time limit, no other army or cadet were in there.

"So far, so good Kate and Joel. No other army or cadet is here. Given with a no time limit, taking down the Bull and Hawk's fort will be easy."

"Nothing is ever easy Jade but today, every army will know that Lizard Army is an Army you should not sleep on."

"Let's keep moving. We don't want to keep them waiting."

"Right." Kate and Jade nodded as they lead their squad.

Sombra smiled as the drone picked up the action. Slaughter is amazed by Lizard Army's tactics.

"Commander Sombra, you were right about Lizard Army. Bull and Hawk Army can't even see them moving on the grounds sir!"

"There's more to it than that Slaughter. Lizard Army is not only on the grounds moving but using the area as well. Joel, Jade, Kate, and their squads are leading an attack on the back end of the fort."

"I feel ashamed for mocking them for being cowards when in disguise, they were brilliant."

"You should be ashamed, Sergeant. All armies within the school are special in their own way. You should never condemn an army for being different from any other army. That is how we, ourselves, are defeated from within."

"Yes, Commander. My apologies, Commander Sombra."

"Apologies accepted, Sergeant. Don't fail me again."

Aria, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon are amazed by what Lizard army is capable of. No one can see them. Bull and Hawk Army are unable to see them moving on the ground as they moved forward.

"How can you idiots not see them moving!" Aria shouted. "They're right there! Easy targets!"

"So, Aria, which Army are you rooting for?" Sombra asked with a smile on his face.

Aria blushed as she realized she was rooting for the opposing army to shoot at Lizard Army. Silver Spoon and Scootaloo laughed. Sombra couldn't help but chuckle at the situation.

"Commander! Look!" Slaughter yelled.

Sombra looked and sees Jade and Kate entered the fort from the back as Joel climbed up on the fort.

"Hmm, wonder why he's climbing up."

The drone got a bit closer to him and Sombra saw why he was climbing up.

"He has the flag."

Eyes widen for Slaughter, Aria, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon.

A few seconds later.

"Dammit! Dragon Army just won't go down." Decker said.

"Don't worry Decker, it's only a matter of time before they run out of paintballs. Then we can barge right in, have a little rematch with those pressure point gals and their army." Travis said.

"Finally, we can score a victory and tie with both Dragon Army and Lazy Army," Mitchell said.

Hawk and Bull Army had a good laugh. This enraged Kara. Mara and Lucy and they decided to let their squads move forward and ambush Hawk and Bull army out in the open. Cherry takes the lead for the squads as they crawled towards the fort. They are within reaching distance as they crawled. Kate and Jade opened the doors for them to come in.

"Three," Kara said.

"Two," Lucy said.

"One," Mara said.

"Now!" All three shouted and stood up behind both Bull and Hawk armies.

Bull and Hawk Army looked and were blasted by the Trio Triplets. As they made themselves known behind the enemy, Some of Hawk and Bull forces that were left behind in the fort shot at the Trio Triplets. This gave the distraction Joel needed as he sneaks in. Kate and Jade shot squads shot Bull and Hawk forces from the lower grounds of the fort. Cherry and her squad came upstairs making loud noises to draw the other cadets towards them. Joel came in and pulls down Hawks and Bulls' flag. He removed it and raised his and Dragon's flag while the shooting is happening outside and inside of the battlefield.

"Amazing, isn't it Slaughter?"

"I have no comment, Commander. I'll go down and sound the alarm."

"While you at it, tell the armies that this is last Team Tactical."

"Why, Commander?"

"It's past lunch hour. Also, I want them to rethink their strategies for Tuesday's Team Tactical. Today is an observation for our newest cadets. They have seen enough."

"Understood, Commander."

Sergeant Slaughter left the observation booth and headed towards the forts. He sounded the alarm that the battle is over. Dragon Army, Bull Army, and Hawk Army will never ever underestimate Lizard Army. He and Fleetfoot took the paintball guns away from the cadets. Lizard Army and Dragon Army met with each other. Saluting to one another as Bull and Hawk Army took the walk of shame.

"Alright, maggots! Commander Sombra is waving off Team Tactical for today. Winning Army is Dragon Army. Follow-up is the Lizard Army. Losing Armies are both Hawk and Bull. Rethink on what you learned today! No more shutting down an army for their true potential! All of you, go down to the cafeteria! Dismissed!!!"

All four armies headed down to the cafeteria. Sombra, Aria, Silver Spoon, and Scootaloo met up with both Dragon and Lizard Army.

"Enjoyed the view, Commander?"

"Yes, Joel. You Lizards are something."

"Thank you for the no time limit, Commander Sombra," Kate said.

"You're welcome, cadet. I knew you all have hidden potential and without a timer, you'll excel. I know exactly where Lizard will fit in the most in the Equestrian Armed Forces."

"Where, Commander?" Jade asked.

"The Equestrian Speical Forces."

Eyes widen for the Lizard Army.

"You have the mindset of them. You work things like how they would. There is no denying the truth cadets. When graduation year comes up, I'll let all of you come forth into the Equestrian Special Forces. From there, you'll be a great use to them and for our nation."

"I speak for the Lizard Army as a whole. Thank you, Commander Sombra."

Joel and the entire Lizard Army saluted to Commander Sombra.

"You earned it. All of you. Now let's get moving."

In the cafeteria, Dragon Army decided to merge their tables with Lizard Army and get to know each other better. Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Silver Spoon, Scootaloo, and Sombra sat at their table. Sombra got up to grab a big tray for the six of them.

"Wow, I can't believe that Lizard Army is that good. They can give Salamander a run for their money." Scootaloo said.

"Well, only if there is no time limit. Most of the time, there is a time limit and Salamander Army is better under pressure than Lizard Army Scoots." Adagio said.

"How are you and the others holding up from today's Team Tactical?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Adagio and I are fine. Surprised by what the Lizards can really do. We were the only few Dragons that didn't get hit with paintballs as the others have."

"So are there any other armies that have allies?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Most armies within the school have allies. I think we are the first to have Lizard Army as an ally." Aria answered.

"What about Salamander Army? Do they have any allies?" Scootaloo asked.

"No, Johnny Rocket and his Salamander Army are good enough. They feel that other armies within the school are not compatible with them. Just a few selective cadets to join their army."

"Like how he was hitting on me?"

"Yes. Johnny feels by having the daughter of a legend within the school can make his army superior to all armies put together but there is no way Salamander Army will ever get their hands on you. You are a Dragon now."

"Yea, and I can't wait to shoot him for the next Total War coming up."

Sombra came back with two pies of pizza.

"Seems that the school had order pizza. Everyone take your slice. After we eat, Dragon Army and Lizard Army are allowed to head home early as both Bull and Hawk have to stay in for extra hours. Helping the janitors clean up the academy here."

"Wow, aren't we lucky right Scoots?"

"Right, Silver Bullter."


"Huh?" Both Scootaloo and Silver Spoon questioned.

"Despite not participating in today's Team Tactical, never leave a soldier behind. If Dragon Army were to lose today, the same penalty applies to the both of you. Be glad that you aren't in Bulls and Hawks position."

Scootaloo and Silver Spoon took a deep breath. They grabbed their slices and ate.

10 minutes later, Blaze has woken up from his nap. He grabbed his sword and supplies and he left the household. He noticed Sombra's motorbike and took it. He drove into town for a while. He looked around the area in hopes of finding where Sweetie Belle had possibly run off to. He checks abandoned buildings, haunted locations within the area and even an underground bunker with a horrific history. There weren't any signs of Sweetie Belle and her ritual presence.

After an hour of searching throughout the town area for Sweetie Belle, it was obvious to him that she'll be at Sweet Apple Acres. It's the last place to go and possibly meet up with the creator of Anon-A-Miss. Blaze drove back to Sombra's house and parked the bike in the exact spot where he took it. Around the same time, Sombra drove up to the driveway with Scootaloo. Sombra was not happy to see Blaze at the moment with Scootaloo.

"That idiot. Why now?"

"Dad, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Just need to take care of something. Go inside, I'll catch up."

"Alright, dad."

Sombra parked the truck and Scootaloo ran inside of the house.

"You alright, Sombra?"

"Blaze, what are you doing?

"What do you think I'm doing?"

"Getting a drink."

"You got jokes don't you Sombra."

Sombra sighs. "What exactly are you doing?"

"My job. I'm investigating the demon case. Right now, there is one on the loose."

"What?" Sombra is now showing his Shadow of Fear look at Blaze.

"Oh please, your Shadow of Fear doesn't work on me. There is a demon on the loose thanks to Hondo the dumbass father who allowed his possessed daughter to get away from me. Now that I know the full story on why a demon has resided with Sweetie Belle, I need to more about the Anon-A-Miss ordeal."

"You will not ask my daughter about this!"

"I'm gonna have to Sombra! It is my duty as a Demon Slayer to get the job done. Even if it makes some feel uncomfortable!"

"My daughter has been through enough with the Anon-A-Miss ordeal. She has her demons to conquer. I refuse to allow you to talk to her about it."

"Not enough if you ask me!"

Sombra punches Blaze but Blaze caught his punch with his left hand.

"You call me up for a reason. You understood earlier today that I have to what is necessary. I will carry on with this."

Blaze dropped both his and Sombra fist.

"I want my daughter to move. Not look back. She is trying to have a new life with her new family and friends."

"I understand my friend, but to move forward, some things must be talked about in order to remove the pain of the past. Holding onto it, will come back and haunt you."

Sombra sighs and looked at Blaze.

"Fine. Allow me to be with you and my daughter for when she speaks. It'll be a heartbreaking moment for her to reflect on."

"I understand and know that she'll be protected if a demon tries and to possess her. It'll have to go through me and you know that no demon has ever defeated me."

"Give me a half hour to speak to my daughter about you. Then I'll bring to your room for questioning."

"Thank you, my friend."

"No problem. I'll see you in."

Sombra entered his household and headed straight to Scootaloo's room while Blaze entered and headed straight to his room. Hope got up as she heard Sombra coming up the stairs.

"Hey Sombra," Hope kisses him. "how's your day?"

"It's alright but it's about to get serious in the next half hour."

"Why is that love?"

"Blaze is going to question Scootaloo about Anon-A-Miss."

Hopes takes a deep breath.

"I was hoping he doesn't. I could only assume from his investigation that the fate of the world is on the line."

"What?!" Sombra shouted which caught Scootaloo's attention.

"You have to be kidding me right! Please tell me your joking Hope!"

Hope remained silenced.

"Sweetie Belle is possessed and the demon bookmarked various sites about a ritual to bring all sorts of demons. Our best chance of Blaze succeeding is to allow him to do what is necessary even if it means having to see Scootaloo cry..."

"Alright, I'll go talk to Scootaloo about this. I'll meet you down to his room."

Hope kissed Sombra on his cheek and left the room. Sombra came out of the room and knocked on Scootaloo's door.

"It's open dad."

Sombra entered the room and saw Scootaloo in her pajamas.

"Scootaloo, we need to talk."

"Sure dad."

Sombra took a deep breath as it won't be easy to explain.

"You know that guy outside we saw today?"

"Yea, what about him?"

"He's a close friend of mine. Something did happen to Sweetie Belle and I have asked him to go with your mother. Apparently, Sweetie Belle is possessed by a demon. Blaze is a Demon Slayer. He's capable of handling the situation. Hondo accidentally helped the demon escaped and Rarity explained a lot about Anon-A-Miss and Blaze wants to talk about it."

"No...I won't talk to him about Anon-A-Miss! I refuse to relive the tail of that demented life. I'm done with it!"

"I know you are but," Sombra took another deep breath which Scootaloo noticed that he's being serious. "in order for this to be dealt with, he'll need to know what you know. Hopefully to prevent a demon from possessing you and that other child that started the Anon-A-Miss ordeal."

Scootaloo is having problems breathing as her heartbeat pounded a bit faster. The idea of a demon possibly possessed her is a true nightmare. Tears streamed down her eyes as she accepted what Blaze will have to do. She accepted taking in the pain to prevent a demon from possessing her.

"So...when will I have to talk to him...?"


Sombra and Scootaloo went downstairs. Instead of meeting Blaze in his room, he is sitting in the living room with Hope. Scootaloo sat next to Hope and Sombra sat next to Scootaloo on the couch. He put his arm around Hope. Blaze grabbed a chair and sat down on the opposite end.

"Hey Scootaloo, my name is Blaze and I have some questions to ask you."

"Alright then, what's your first question?"

"I know this is going to be unpleasant but trust me when I say this, you'll be happy at the end of this and be happier with who you have in your life."

Scootaloo smiled weakly.

"What was the purpose of Anon-A-Miss?"

"To bring Rainbow Dash back into my life and ruin Sunset Shimmer's friendship with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. By having her friends turn on her, I can be with Rainbow Dash again. I missed her and was miserable with the constant bullying. Also, my depression was eating me alive."

"Who was involved in Anon-A-Miss?"

"Apple Bloom is the creator of Anon-A-Miss. My friend Sweetie Belle is the accomplice. Then I came as well but I didn't post anything on the internet. I couldn't and it didn't feel right with me."

"Do you know why Apple Bloom created Anon-A-Miss in the first place?"

"She wanted her sister back. Applejack spends more time with Sunset Shimmer than with her own sister. All Apple Bloom wanted is a sisterly day but was denied about it for weeks which turned into months."

"Is that the same for Sweetie Belle?"

"Yes. What got Sweetie Belle into being an accomplice with Apple Bloom was getting kicked out of a slumber party that happened in her house."

"Really?" Blaze raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Rarity basically escorted her out of the slumber party after helping her and Pinkie set it up nicely. She did most of the work and was rewarded by getting kicked out."

"Interesting to say the least. Quite sad when thinking about. The feel of betrayal. I can see why a demon would possess her."

"You can?"

"Yes. As a Demon Slayer myself, I understand the laws and technicality of a demon. They thrive on weak minded people, hatred within their hearts and finally, vengeance in their minds."

"Then why isn't everyone possessed then?"

"I'll tell you what. You're like King Sombra with the jokes."

Sombra groaned at Blaze. Hope and Scootaloo couldn't help but laugh a little.

"What's wrong with being King dad?"

"For starters, no one likes someone being a smart ass."

Blaze laughed.

"And second, being king means being lazy and I am not lazy."

"Anyways, demons only feed on the true hatred and vengeance of someone wanting to be gone for good. Out of their lives and ruin those who were with them."

"Alright then, so what's your next question?"

"Hmm, what happened during Anon-A-Miss reign of terror?"

"Hell on Earth to be more precise. Everyone in school was either turning on each other, laughing at each other or hating at each other. Most of the school played the blame game and assumed that Sunset Shimmer was the culprit."

"Why was Sunset Shimmer targeted?"

"She has a history throughout Canterlot High before the Battle of the Bands. She was a bitch. Blackmailing everyone, getting other students to fear her including some of the teachers in the school. So by making an account with her colors on Mystable, we can have everyone assume that she is back to her antics."

"Hmm, so what happened to Sunset Shimmer?"

"Do you believe in magic?"

"Yes. Magic does exist in our world. I have battled many demons so if there is magic that has a good purpose, I believe that all sorts of magic can take place. Why you ask?"

Scootaloo said a brief summary about Princess Twilight Sparkle, the magic she brought and her taking that very magic right back. Scootaloo explained everything she can about the Fall Formal and the Battle of the Bands. She made sure that Sombra, Hope, and Blaze swore to not reveal anything she said about the sirens nor have any judgment on them as they are better now.

"Very interesting Scootaloo. Mind if you show me the statue where the portal was. I want to see if I can feel anything?"

"Sure but why the stature?"

"Demons need a gateway and they can possibly use the statue as a power source."

"Any more questions you have to say to Scootaloo, Blaze?

"Yes Sombra, I have a few more. Scootaloo, what you did during your time with Anon-A-Miss?"

"I stretched the truth about Sunset Shimmer and that's about it. I didn't partake in any action of putting things on the internet or anything. When Principal Celestia called my name to come into her office..."

Tears started to stream down on Scootaloo a little.

"She told me...that my dad passed away I..."

Scootaloo began to cry and hugged into Hope as she missed her father Speedy Bullet very much. Blaze got up to get some tissues for Scootaloo. Sombra came close to hug Scootaloo. Blaze came back with some tissues for Scootaloo to use.

After a good 10 minutes, Scootaloo calmed down a little and is ready to answer more questions Blaze have in mind.

"Alright Blaze, I'm ready."

"What happened next?"

"I was told to take the rest of the week off. When my mom came and picked me up, I felt guilty for what I was doing. I called in Vice Principal Luna to inform her about my doing with Anon-A-Miss. She was a bit mad at me but can understand my sincere. She knows that I'm depressed and knows the struggle I was going through. I didn't tell her that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were involved. I was hoping that they can see the light as I have. I was dead wrong about that."

"What did they do?"

"They're the reason why my mom died and my house being scorched. Since they were caught, Diamond Tiara led a group of students into burning down my house. They wind up killing my mother and going to jail. Soon to be in prison. Anyway, the reason why I put the blame on Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle is due to the fact that they were smiling that Diamond Tiara and her crew were caught red-handed. It was like they were enjoying the torture of others so much. When they saw my face. When I was tearing up, everything changed. I changed. I gave them a lesson they won't forget as, from that point on, they are no longer my friends."

"Good for you Scootaloo. I will say that you gave me good enough reason why demons will come after you three."

"Three?!" Sombra and Hope shouted.

"Yes, three. Now Scootaloo is heading in the right direction so chances are a demon will still show up but end up failing at possessing her. Also, I put enough salt in this household to prevent any spirits from coming in here."

"Salt?" Scootaloo, Sombra, and Hope questioned.

"Isn't salt used for cooking and eating?"

"Yes but this salt I'm using has holy purposes. Anything that is evil will not be able to enter. They'll feel nothing but pain and agony. Never eat this salt."

"Why not?"

"You'll get sick and need to be hospitalized."

"Alright then. Curiosity kills the cat."

"That'll be enough questions. Sombra, can you give me a lift to the statue?"

"Sure, Scootaloo, wanna come with us?"

"Sure dad. Also, I can help Blaze find the statue."

"Sounds good. Let's go."

Blaze, Sombra, and Scootaloo went off to Canterlot High. Hope stayed and started making dinner for four. Along the way, Scootaloo started to have a nervous breakdown about visiting the school that was basically hell for her. Sombra and Blaze took noticed and Sombra dropped off Blaze a block away from the school.

"The statue is in front of the school. You can't miss it unless you are blind."

"Thanks, my friend. Hope everything is alright with Scootaloo. I'll be back at the house later today. After this, I'm going straight to Sweet Apple Acres."

"Take care Blaze."

"You too, King Sombra."

Sombra flipped the finger at Blaze and drove back home. Blaze couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, where is that statue."

Blaze walked towards the school and sees the statue. He senses powerful magic from the statue as he came closer to it.

"Yea, there is a ton of magic power coming from this statue."

Blaze touched the statue and his hand slide right through it.

"Interesting. I thought Scootaloo said that the portal is shut down. It appears that this Princess Twilight Sparkle needs to destroy both portals and not just one."

Blaze stick his head through the statue and saw things he never has seen before. A swirling vortex with stars in between. Blaze's sword absorbed the magic power within the portal a little. He also saw that his sword is creating rippling effects in which he pulled himself out of the portal.

"Note to self, do not bring sword in here when I don't know what else the portal can do."

Blazed looked around as no one was around.

"Seems that if a demon were to come in here, they'll be imprisoning themselves. Also, the energy is too light and strong. They'll be ripped apart."

Blaze looked at the time.

"Better head off to Sweet Apple Acres."

On the way to Sweet Apple Acres, Blaze is preparing himself mentally as he'll be inspecting Apple Bloom. Hoping that there won't be any demons possessing her. 20 minutes later, Blaze is in front of the Apple House. He knocked and Big Mac answered.

"You must be Blaze that Rarity mentioned to Applejack."

"Yes, may I come in?"

"Sure, come on in."

Blaze entered the household and immediately he felt the presence of another demon. The force is strong but remains quiet to see what kind of demon is possessing Apple Bloom. He sits down on a chair in the living room.

"I'll get Apple Bloom." Applejack said. "Weirdo."

Applejack knocked on Apple Bloom's door then peeped inside.

"Sugarcube, what are you doing?"

"I thought that I should do a little redecorating in my room."

"Why red?"

"It's the color for apples silly."

Applejack had a cringed look on her face. A while ago she saw Apple Bloom in the break of violence and self-inflicting and now just acting as nothing has happened.

"Something wrong sis?"

Applejack shook her head.

"Apple Bloom, we have a visitor and he would like to see you. "

"Is it Sombra and did he brought Scootaloo with him."

"No, but someone who may know her."

"Alright, I'm coming down."

Blaze stayed silent. He was meditating on the demon's next move. Applejack and Apple Bloom are now in the living room. The entire family is now present. Blaze opened his eyes.

"So, this is Apple Bloom."

"Yea, that's me. Why are you here and why you want to see me?"

"You're friend Sweetie Belle is possessed by a demon known as Ne. I want to check and see if you are not possessed by one."

"Why would I be possessed?"

"Demons loves hatred more than anything else. They don't feed on love. Whatever love may be left inside someone is normally easy prey. You are the creator of Anon-A-Miss. Chances are, a stronger demon would come for you."

"Wow, thanks for checking on me. Now I can get going."

Apple Bloom rushed her way back upstairs.

"Apple Bloom!" Blaze called out.

"What is it?"

"What are you doing?"

"Hey, I asked you first, don't try to answer a question with another question."

"You're hiding something."

"I am not!"

"Yes, you are. One thing that I've seen over the past 15 years of doing this, demons have their way to sneak out of a situation when things are troubling them."

"What proof do you have?!"

"You're eyes are mildly red. Behavior is different. No sane person can change that quickly"

Apple Bloom glared at Blaze as he remained calm. Apple Bloom's eyes bother her a little which she used as a distraction.

"My eyes are red because the blood vessels in them popped a little. I can't be here anymore and I want to be alone!"

Apple Bloom stomped her way back up her room. Blaze didn't buy it one bit. He gave the Apple Family salt. He also explained to them that the salt has powerful properties when dealing with vicious forces such as demons. Then all of a sudden, Applejack felt sick to her stomach and winds up throwing up. Granny Smith and Big Mac shouted Applejack's name. Blaze texted 911 and gave them the location to pick up Applejack. As Blaze made his way up the stairs, he can feel a stronger presence unlike any other. He made his way into Apple Bloom's room and looked around.

"Hey! That's breaking and entering!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"I sensed something up here. I have my rights to investigate the situation at hand. I'll even give you my lawyer's number so she can talk things through to you."

Blaze can feel all sorts of demonic activity in this single room alone. Thoroughly, he looked around and left the room as EMT's came in and took Applejack to the hospital. Granny Smith yelled to Apple Bloom that Big Mac is going with Applejack to the hospital. As Blaze left the household, he looked back.

"You will see me again. When I come back, the Archfiend Ritual will be nothing more than a complete waste of time and effort. Then, I'll do what is necessary to rid you demons for good."

Blaze called a cab and headed back to Sombra's house. Tomorrow he'll be on the lookout for phase four of the Archfiend Ritual. The heart of a child. Only then, everything else will fall in place to stop the evil from within...