• Published 24th Oct 2018
  • 646 Views, 10 Comments

Can You Hear the Drums? - Symphonicdysonince

I was given a job offer I couldn't refuse. Not because it was good, but because of the power of the one who gave it. Well, if I'm going to be Havoc's tool, I'll milk it for as long as I can...

  • ...

The Unexpected Guests.

They weren't kidding about this place being a ruin. I looked around the run down hovel the dogs had lead me to. It was one of many that had been carved into the far wall. At my request, Rover had scratched a map of Old Home on one of the walls, labeling the tunnels leaving from the massive cavern. I was briefly stunned when he just started carving with his claws, not even bothering to grab a chisel. Spot and Fido had crawled into their bedrolls against the fair wall to try and sleep.

I'm being generous with calling those tattered cloth scraps 'bedrolls'.

"Alright, Rover." I said at length, turning from the wall. "What, and where, are the nearest packs?"

Rover stepped up to the wall to point at the tunnels. "Well, there's Bruno's Devil Dogs to the south east, near the pony town. The Iron Wolves are to the east, near the border of the Badlands. They're lead by a she-dog called Ash Ear. Up northish is the Steel Labs. They're the best metal workers in the forest. Don't know who the Alpha is, though.

"There's a group of packs that made an alliance to the west, called the Trader's Market. It's made of the Thunder Paws, the Freebooters, and the Black Fangs, lead by Lassie, Badrok, and Ralph, respectively. They tend to trade with the Buffalo out that way. They get their goods from the last nearby pack, which is south west of us, called Coyote's Howlers. Obviously, the Alpha's Coyote." Rover marked the packs' names on the tunnels leading to them.

"What about pony settlements?"

"Eh, Dodge Junction to the northeast, a new one to the west called Appleoosa, or something, Hollow Shades up that way." He waved to the upper left corner of the map, before tapping a point near Bruno's pack. "But the important one is Ponyville. They've got new heroes there."

I felt a shiver of excitement run through me. "Oh?"

"Yeah." Rover nodded. "I've only heard rumors, mind you, but they apparently wield the strongest of pony magics between them. They defeated an ancient evil in a single night."

"So, the ponies used to be oppressed?" I mused.

Rover slowly looked at me. "No.... This evil escaped its prison in the moon and defeated the Princess. Then the six ponies beat it in this ancient castle in the Everfree."

"Don't you mean 'Princesses'?" I rumbled.

"No, there was only one Princess at the time." Rover looked down in thought. "The second Princess showed up shortly after that night, though."

"That makes me wonder." We shared a look. "Just where exactly did this new princess come from?"

Rover shrugged. "Maybe the leader of the six heroes was crowned?"

Something tickled the back of my mind. "Maybe." I looked at my crude map. "Any pony cities?"

Rover tapped the wall off to the south. "Baltimare is the second nearest." He waved a paw to the south east. "Canterlot's closer, but it's the Alpha Settlement, and the Princesses live there."

"We won't be going there with only four dogs." I stated. I hummed in thought. If we hit a small town, it'd be safer, but might not give us the resources we need to start a pack. Hitting a larger city will give us more renown to start recruiting dogs, but would be riskier with just us. I stared at the wall, staring at nothing as I focused on potential plans. Hmm, big cities have suburbs....

My eyes snapped to Rover. "Get some rest. We leave for Baltimare tomorrow."

We had packed up everything we had owned, and left Old Home behind. I followed Rover as he led us through the tunnels. Spot walked behind me, while Fido carried the only lit torch at the rear.

As we walked, I let my thoughts wonder. While it may have been useful to live there, I don't think we should set up shop in Old Home. But where to set up? I focused on the lead dog. "Rover," I lowly rumbled, "Where is a good set of caves directly south of Old Home?"

"It's a little ways off." He shrugged. "But it's too close to Bruno's pack. When he finds out..."

"If he finds out, I will deal with him." I growled, my hand tightening on my messer's hilt. "When we come back from Baltimare, take us there."

"Got it, Alpha." Rover said.

We continued our walk in silence, stopping only to eat and sleep once "night" fell. Waking early, we ate our breakfast on the move. Even though we only focused on moving, it still took us two more days before the tunnel started to slant upwards.

"I take it we need to leave the tunnels?" I asked. "A safety precaution against the ponies finding us?"

"Got it in one." Rover confirmed. "Not many dogs out here. We'll need to dig our own tunnels for whatever you may have planned."

"Very well." I rumbled as I stepped out into the light. I blinked as my eyes adjusted to proper sunlight. "Let's get as close to the suburb sprawl as we can before we start digging."

"Should be another day, then." Rover nodded.

About a day later, we stood on a cliff looking out over the forest and the distant buildings marking the edge of Baltimare's suburbia. The trees were awashed with the setting sun's light, the near by river reflecting the dying light. Planting my new walking stick, we got started with making camp. Soon enough, Fido was boiling a wild bird we had caught earlier while Spot put the finishing touches on our lean-to. Rover and I were sitting at he cliff's edge, discussing our potential plans.

The next day, we would begin to dig.

We had spent a few days digging, setting up a few dead end tunnels and traps as was the dog's apparent habit. We even included a trap of my own design. We were taking a break while we ate the last of the bird.

Hmmm. Going to need to send someone for food tomorrow. I pulled my scroll out looking for anything new on it. Noting a blotch of ink I reached out and poked it. I watched as the blotch expanded out to cover a section of the scroll. It took me a moment to realize that it was showing a map of the tunnels we were in.

But if that section was our tunnel, what was that open spot ahead of us?

I quickly hid the scroll before standing and drawing my blade. The motion wasn't missed by the others as they readied themselves for a fight.

"Something's ahead." I growled. Fido and Rover flanked the wall with fists raised while Spot carefully dug a small hole.

He managed to poke a claw through the wall. Stepping back, he turned to me. "There's a space ahead. You want me to look through hole?" With my nod, Spot returned to the wall and leaned forward to look through his peephole.

Without warning, a large paw smashed through the wall, grabbed Spot around the neck. Before we could blink, there was a new, Spot-shaped hole in the wall. Rover and Fido began to widen the hole as we listened to Spot's cries of alarm.

They were taking too long.

"Move!" I barked before throwing my shoulder into the wall, bursting through in a spray of earth and rocks. Without slowing, I body-checked the first dog I saw. Feeling that I had lifted them off the ground, I thrust my left hand out and threw the dog into the far wall. I turned to see Spot being thrown at Fido while Rover brawled with a border collie. A dachshund lay dazed against the wall.

I barely had time to raise my blade before a walking mountain slammed a paw into my gut. With a wheeze, I refused to bend as I slashed out at the beasts arm. My blade only scored a shallow cut through the thick fur as the force of the blow pushed me back. I glared at the furred giant, giving a grim smirk as frost clung to the thing's fur. I felt my chest and hid a wince. Oh, that's a broken rib.

I kept my blade at guard, growling at the being in front of me. "If you stand down, we'll stand down."

"What's stoppin' ya from just keepin' fightin'?" It rumbled back at me.

I watched as Fido held Spot back by the hole in the wall. "We didn't know you were here." I replied. "We will stay on that side of the wall, you stay on this side?"

It nodded.

"Rover!" I commanded. He ducked back to look at me. I pointed towards my other two dogs. "Stand down."

"You too, Missy."

I backed towards the hole in the wall, taking the chance to get a good look at our opponents. The dachshund was being lifted to their feet by the mountain of a creature, while the collie glared at us. None wore collars.

This gives me an idea. I mused as I felt my rib set itself. Sucking in a deep breath, I spoke. "I apologize for breaking into your home." I rumbled to the group. "We didn't know that others were out here."

The dachshund leaned on the largest, I assume, dog. "Who's that?" She whimpered.

"Just some stupid strays." The collie answered at a quick glance at our necks.

"I'll judge tha'." The big one grunted. It turned to us. "What'chu wan'?"

I sheathed my blade as I replied. "We're on our way to Baltimare to make a name for ourselves. Get the shit we need to start a pack."

The collie scoffed. "Just the four of you, taking on a city of ponies? You really are just some stupid strays!"

"Stupid or not, we're going to do it." I shrugged. "Of course, when word spreads of our deeds, do you really think the ponies would care which dogs the retaliate against?"

The mountain of fur let loose a growl that I could feel through my shoes. "Is tha' a threat?"

I shook my head, holding a hand out to stop Spot from bolting. "No, merely a warning. I can't, nor will, force you to leave. But, we will be passing by this way when we're done here, and I'd hate to have you caught up in our consequences." I gave my best disarming smile. "Of course, you could always join us."

"What would you want with a crippled bitch?" The dachshund demanded.

I blinked. That was rather straight forward of her.

"Crippled how?" Spot cut in before I could speak. Fido gave him a smack for me.

"I'm blind, you idiot." She snapped back.

"Blind or not," I rumbled, glaring at Spot before his mouth could get us into trouble, "the Arctic Hounds will take in any strays." I turned my look to the other two, and saw them give me slight nods. "We are collarless right now anyways." I turned my smile back onto the three strangers. "I'm sure that there's something that we can offer each other..."

The big one looked us over. "Ya know th' rules o' hospitality?" I nodded. "Good. Then yer our guest. Missy, help Zeva git some foods goin'." It turned to me. "You an' I gots some words to have."

"Of course." I nodded. "Where can my lads rest up?"

"Down th' tunnel, to th' left." It flicked a massive paw between me and it. "We'll stay here t' talk."

I leaned against the tunnel wall as Rover led the others past me. We stood in silence, taking our measure of the other. It almost seemed like a silent battle of our wills.

"So." It broke first. "What'chu here for?"

"I told you: to make a name for ourselves." I shrugged. "We don't have much -we're strays, after all- so we need to steal what we can to get started. Don't matter if it's supplies or wealth."

"Ya must've been doin' somethin' right. Got yerself a fancy coat an' sword." It eye-balled me while rubbing the last of the frost off. "What's yer story?"

"Tell me yours, and I'll tell ya ours."

A grunt came as my response. "Ya know Zeva's, she's blind. Ain't a pack that'll take a blind dog. She's lucky she ran inta us. Missy made a play fer Alpha, got banished fer her troubles. Mutt didn' even give'er a fight. Just upped and booted her. Shit pack, anyways. An' me?" It waved a paw at itself. "I'm a Mastiff. One o' the rarer Tibet'n ones. No Alpha'd risk a dog my size in their pack, even a girl like me could make a play at bein' Alpha."

That's a girl?! I nodded. "Rover, Spot, and Fido all got kicked from the same pack. Wouldn't take slaves." I watched for her reaction. She gave a nod and a smile. "I take it we're of the same mind on that?"

"Takin' pony slaves is pointless. Git a dog t' do a dog's work."

I sighed. "As for me, never had one to get banished from. Everything I have, I found or made myself."

The silence fell again. This time, it seemed to have shifted to a companionable one. Eventually, it was broken.

"Hey, Alpha!" Fido leaned into the room. "Missy sent me. Food's done."

As one, we made our way to the table. The she dog and I sat at the head of the table. Neither of us took the actual head. Instead, we sat on opposite shoulders, with our dogs alternating sides down the table. We ate in silence, each focusing on their own bowls. Even still, I could feel a tension in the air. Missy, sitting beside me, kept glancing at me out of the corner of her eye.

Soon enough, our bowls had been licked clean, and Spot had helped Zeva put the leftovers away. The mountain of a dog led us to a room we could rest in while Missy left with Zeva. As I watched my dogs unfurl their bedrolls, I turned to our host.

"We will be leaving in the morning." I stated. "Thank you for tonight's hospitality." I turned to leave, but was stopped when she paw onto my shoulder.

"Did ya mean it with yer offer?"

I nodded.

"I'll talk it over with th' girls. Give ya our answer before ya leave." She started to turn away, before pausing. "Didn't give ya m' name. It's Capricorn."

"Fernando." I smiled as I rejoined my pack. "Good night, lads."

"Night, boss." Spot muttered.

Author's Note:

Yay! Exposition and world building. Everyone's favourite!

Anyway's, it's too-late-o'clock, so I'm going to go pass out now. As always, read, review and enjoy.