• Published 27th May 2018
  • 4,046 Views, 52 Comments

The Hearth's Warming Surprise - TexasDragon1995

Hearth's Warming has arrived! Now the two long-lived best friends, Twilight and Spike, face the task of announcing to EVERYPONY that they are now a couple. How will they all react to the news?

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Chapter 1

The Hearth’s Warming Surprise

By: TexasDragon1995

Chapter 1

This is going to be the best Hearth’s Warming ever…right?

There was really no other feeling like it.

The way the fireplace lit up our room.

The way the snow fell outside in the cold, dark night from the balcony window.

The way the velvety cushions of the couch pressed against my back.

The way her soft lavender coat brushed against the hard scales of my abdomen.

The way her silky smooth mane felt in between the fingers of my claws as I carefully stroked it.

The scent of her lavender shampoo.

Her fluffy, beautifully preened wings.

Her clean hooves.

Her diligent attitude.

Her humble heart.

Her intelligent mind.

Her adorkableness.



A Princess of Equestria.

The Princess of Friendship.

Twilight Merea Sparkle.

I love her.

I love her so much and even more than that.

I always have, and I always will.

Alright, I couldn't take it.

She needed to be kissed.

I opened my eyes and looked down at her.

And I smiled.

We were both sitting on the couch with me holding her in my arms as she sat in front of me, reading her book. Her entire body was lying against my front with the back of her head lying against my chest.

Just seeing the back and top of her head brought a kind of warmth to my heart. The one that ponies wouldn’t normally get unless they already knew where they were meant to be in life.

I may not have seen her face now, but I assumed it was one of both concentration and peace as she continued to read the latest Daring Do book that ‘A.K. Yearling’ sent her as an early Hearth’s Warming present (along with Rainbow Dash of course). What was it? Daring Do and the uuuh…? Well, Daring Do and the something something with the artifact.

Regardless. It’s not like my kissing was gonna break her concentration. She was so still, she was like a stone statue that would make even a cockatrice blush.

In fact, she looked so concentrated that she had been on the same page for…

Wait. She’s…she’s been on that same page for a while now. That’s…weird. And I know how she paced her reading. For research, it’s 5 seconds a page. For leisure, it’s 20 seconds. 30 at most. And for the more…um…what word should I use? Obscure? Sure, lets go with that before my whole body heats up again. For obscure, it…well it actually varies.

My point is that it was not normal for her to be on the same page for over even a minute, let alone…5 minutes? What page was she on again?

I looked up at the book that she still had in her levitation. It floated just over the coffee table against the silhouette of the fireplace. The page she was on was…chapter 1? Chapter 1?! Nopony would ever concentrate this much on the first chapter of any story ever!

In fact…how could’ve I not even noticed?!

Okay, I didn't want to over think this. It’s one of the few good/bad traits she’s blessed/cursed me with over the years.

I could always tell by how much she concentrated on a book by the look of her face. So, let us find out.

I looked down at the back of her head, still being all cute. No. Bad Spike! Don’t get distracted! I leaned in and moved my neck to the right of her head and lowered mine. The moment of truth. I then turned my head toward her face…

Her eyes weren’t even opened? So, she wasn’t even…

But she had a small smile on her face. A small, cute, adorable…dreamy like smile on her beautiful face.

She couldn't be asleep. I’ve felt small, subtle movements from her ever since we sat down together.

…which meant she had been like this ever since we sat down. She hadn’t been reading at all.

So, let me guess this straight. She made it very clear to me about how excited she was to being able to read with me tonight…only for her to not be reading at all?

I continued to look at her face. So calm. So peaceful.

Twilight, you think you’re so clever.

Actually, she probably was, considering how slow I was to figuring all of this out.

She must be punished. What should I do with her though?

Heh…hehehe…I could just start tickling her right now if I wanted to. Her reaction alone would be more than worth whatever punishment she would have for me. The look on her face would be absolutely priceless!

Her face. I never took my eyes off.

Then again, could I really blame her for doing what she’s been doing?

I cracked an admittedly cocky grin.

How could I blame her? I am pretty awesome.

Eventually though, my face somewhat matched the peace and tranquility of hers as I looked at her with much fondness.

You know what, forget it. I will do what I originally intended to do and give her a nice, soft, warm kiss on her tender loving cheek.

Talk about going full circle. Curse you Discord.

I tightened my arms around her curved form, only slightly from behind. I felt her wings extend a little bit against my body, but I didn’t bother looking since my eyes were already closed. I then leaned into my destination. With much anticipation, my lips connected with her furred cheek. And just like that…

…my heart was pumping as I entered into pure blissfulness.

Kissing Twilight was quite an exquisite activity that shall never get old as time itself.

With my second most favorite sound in the world, I disconnected my lips with her cheek, leaving an audible pucker.

I opened my eyes, with my face still close to hers. She then slowly opened her own lavender gemstones as she turned her head up toward me.

Both of us smiling.

“Hey there beautiful.”

“Hey there handsome.”

“You know Twi, if all you wanted to do was snuggle together in front of the fire place you didn’t need to use reading as an excuse.” I smirked at her.

I giggled as she was already blushing. And I haven’t even gotten started with her.

“In fact.” I put a hand on my chest for emphasis. “I never would have thought that you…Twilight…of all ponies…would use a book as an excuse for doing anything, other than for the sheer act of reading.” I widened my eyes to try and act like I was hurt, and then lightly booped her on the nose with my index finger. “Shame on you.”

Twilight swelled her cheeks and blew a puff of air up into the bangs of her mane. She looked a little irritated, but she was still smiling.

And blushing.

“Well, to be fair, I actually did want to start reading this book.” Now trying to look irritated. She levitated the book forward, but was now closed.

I just kept smirking at her.

“Okay.” I said as I giggled. “What happened then?”

Instead of keeping her lightly irritated expression, to my surprise, her face slowly softened as she averted her eyes away from mine by looking down. Having let go of the book and put on the table.

By that point, my smirk disappeared, and my expression softened along with hers.

I gave a genuine smile.

But she needed to see it.

I lifted my right claw up under her chin and carefully guided her gaze toward mine. Her small smile widened ever so slightly to the point where her loving face could only be seen on a mare that was perfectly content.

Our eyes were cemented on each other’s for who knows how long. The next thing I knew, some unknown force was pushing our heads forward by the heavenly powers that be. Our eyes gently closed and no more than a second longer…

…our lips met one another.

Now this was true bliss.

The world that surrounded us completely disappeared and it only became us. Everything that we thought of, everything that we felt was only us.

Twilight shifted her entire body around so that she was completely facing me. My arms tightened back around her when she was done. I lifted her body up just a little to where her head matched the same height as mine. After that I put my right claw on the back of her head while my left claw was just above her tail on her midsection to help keep her lifted. Her fore hooves were cuffing my cheeks.

Our kiss was becoming what I would assume to be the second closest to two souls dancing inside the bodies of two sentient beings who love one another.

But it could just be our tongues though.

Our tongues were both so different. Her round bulge of a tongue could only do so much. Of course, I knew it’s not her fault, but it still felt amazing. In contrast to hers however, I had far more control over my much longer forked tongue. Because of that, I discovered a certain move just yesterday that would only make her giggle out of pleasure.

And I was about to utilize it.

I slid my tongue slowly over the top of hers. Then ever so slowly (on purpose to pleasure her as much as I could) I wrapped my tongue around hers. I would only imagine that my tongue looked like the red stripes of a candy cane to her tongues white base.

Happy holidays to me!

Just as I expected, Twilight began to giggle.

My favorite sound in the world.

Because I knew of the amount of pleasure I was giving her, and the engrossing pleasure that she was giving to me with our never ending kiss…I did the only thing that could come from pure, natural dragon-born instincts when this happened to a dragon as old as I was.

I purred.

I mean I really purred. It’s not like the kind of purr that ponies try to do to make themselves sound sexy. My purr wasn’t weak and high pitched. It was deep, loud and…well…to Twilight it was cute, but I couldn't help it. It’s a form of release that dragons have to do to when insinuating pleasure. It’s a reflex like sneezing. Your body just can’t help it.

…but you kind of like doing it if it meant to make your mate happy.

And for Twilight, it most definitely did.

After I purred, of course it caused her to giggle even more.

What felt like an eternity, but was probably only…who knew how long, our kiss ended. But her giggling didn’t.

I opened my eyes to see her giggles. Then she opened hers.

Both of us were still smiling.

But our gazes softened.

And our faces were still close. Only a few inches apart.

“Ah. So that's what happened.” I said with a bit of jest, but my face was still soft. “You were so mesmerized by me that not even a page within the book, you let me consume you by my love.”

She giggled once more, then leaned forward and gave me a small kiss on my lips. She took her fore hooves off my cheeks and onto my shoulders.

“Okay Spike, you got me.”

“Yes! I guessed correctly.”

Her giggles never got tiring, because she did it again.

“Well, can you blame me? Is it so wrong to love you? And you loving me?”

As I continued to look at her, my stamina level for teasing her lowered significantly when she said that for some reason.

I leaned in and gave her a short but deep, loving kiss.

I pulled back and continued to get lost within her pearly whites.

“As long as you always let me love you…” I said as I began to stroke her mane. “…I will be nothing short of the happiest dragon that this world will ever see.”

Her eyes went half lidded, her ears drooped and she tilted her head slightly to the left with her long mane falling a bit in that direction (still love it when she does that)…as she gave the most dreamy sigh I think my ears have ever heard.

“Considering that you continue to make me the happiest mare alive, I can only hope that the love I give you will be enough.”

I rolled my eyes at that statement.

“Twilight. After everything you’ve done for countless creatures and ponies across the globe, how is it that you still sell yourself short, Ms. Wondermare?”

It was her turn to roll her eyes.

“Spike. This isn’t about them or anypony else. This is about me doing enough for you as not just your best friend, but as my first friend. Who loves you.”

I could tell she suddenly looked a little disheartened. I so badly wanted to say something, but I could tell it was best for her to let it out. She continued.

“It’s just that…Spike I…” I gently rubbed her back midsection with my left claw and gave her a quick kiss on her right cheek.

“It’s just what Twi?”

She then used her breath technique.

“I love you and you love me.”

“I’m glad we got that sorted out.”

She could only smile.

“You’ve been my number one assistant your whole life. Most of my life.” She put her right fore hoof on my chest. “You. Spike. Have helped me through so much in my life to help achieve all the goals I wanted and needed to get done.” She began to rub her hoof against my chest. “I just want to be able to…you know…”

“Hey Twilight?”


I rewrapped both of my arms around her midsection as I unraveled my giant wings and wrapped her within them like how a bat would while hanging upside down. Her eyes widened a little as I did that. If anypony came in and saw her they would've only seen her head. I then leaned into the left side of her head and put my chin on the side of her neck with my right cheek touching hers.

“There is something that you can give me.” I kissed right under her ear, which was still drooped. “I just want to know if you can do this.”

I felt her rub against my cheek as she then wrapped both her forelegs around my neck.


I gently started to rub the sharp nails of my claws over the spine of her back to massage her. She tensed at first but easily relaxed.

“I want you to freak out over anything that you believe is worth freaking out about.”

I could tell she was giving me a confused look, but I continued.

“I want you to always get excited for every second Tuesday of every month when we reshuffle every book in the entire library.” I gave her another small kiss, but on her ear. “I want you to laugh adorably whenever the littlest thing makes you excited.” I kissed her under her ear again. “I want you to take a nice walk in the park and stop to say hello to everypony you come across so you could listen to them and see how they are doing.” I kissed her cheek. “I want you to always be studying so hard that almost nothing can bother you.” I kissed her cheek once more before I leaned my head back to face her.

Her eyes glistened and shimmered more than when I last saw her face.

“Even though you may feel like there needs to be more for you to show how much you love me…” I put my left claw on my chest. “I want you to know that everything that you’ve already been doing is more than enough for you to show how much you love me…” I then cuffed my left claw on her right cheek. “…even if you don’t feel like it is.”

I leaned in gave her another deep kiss on her lips and leaned back again.

“I want you to keep showing me love that comes naturally for you. If you try to show any more or less than what you want then you might change into somepony you’re not.” I gently caressed her right cheek with my thumb. “That is the last thing I want for you.” I nuzzled her nose. “There is no other place in the world than I’d rather be than right here with you. You know why?”

All she did was stare at me with tear filled eyes ready to take their fall and caress the cheeks of her face.

But she was still giving me a small smile.

“It’s your love. The love you’ve shown me my whole life is not only what wanted me to be with you, but it was, and always will be, my drive to do everything I can to please you, to make you happy…” I hadn't expected a tear to fall from my right eye. “…and to show you how much I love you.”

She blinked both her eyes as a single tear fell from her left eye.

Yet she was still smiling.

“That’s why I ran away after you told me I wasn’t the same dragon you loved. When I thought you didn’t love me anymore, my…” I sniffled. I took a deep breath. “…my drive completely shattered. I know it was all my fault for acting so horribly and trying to frame Owloicious, but that’s what I truly thought at the time.”

I still kept a small smile on her.

“That’s why I’m afraid of you doing more or less for me and others than what you want to. You’ll become somepony you’re not. I’m afraid that you’ll lose your drive to do anything anymore. The thought of it terrifies me.”

I gave her a long deep kiss. I leaned back to see her when I was done.

“I know how you are Twi. You always want to overachieve everything you do. One of the many qualities that I love about you. But since you’ve already…” I paused to smirk at her. “…overachieved in showing me love for so long it’s become natural to you.”

I raised my head up to its natural position, which is a head and a half taller than from hers. I leaned into her forehead and with my nose; I nuzzled my way through her bangs to the base of her horn. I even gave a small puff of air through my nose to push her bangs out of the way.

I heard a mix of soft giggling and sniffling from her. With a genuine smile plastered onto my face I continued.

“So…” I gave my first of many kisses on her forehead. “…here’s what I want you to do…” I kissed the base of her horn. Eliciting another giggle. “…I want you to get it through your thick..." I kissed her again. "...beautiful skull that as we both continue to love each other…” I kissed her yet again. “…we are only going to love each other in the ways that come naturally to both of us…” I kissed her. “…just pure instinct…” I kissed her. “…no more…” I kissed her. “…no less.”

And from there began a nice, soft barrage of small kisses on the forehead of my amazingly wonderful, beautiful best friend, ensued.

Along with her giggling.

Every kiss I gave her was quick but full of love. My lips never actually left her head, it just went to different parts of her head every second.

“S-s-spike hehehahaha o-okay okay hahaha I-I get it hehehe!”

“Heh Heh.”

With one, last, big, long kiss under her horn, I leaned back.

After I gave her one last quick kiss on the tip of her horn.

I leaned back again to see her face. She was giving a wide smile. Her eyes were still shimmering from tears that were long gone. We both gazed at each other for a little while until she broke the silence.

“Okay Spike.” She then gently put her fore hooves on my chest. “Okay.” I see her horn start to glow, which made me raise my brow. “Love that comes naturally to me.”

In one, quick motion, faster than maybe even time itself…

…my wings unwrapped her body. The pressure on her hooves increased dramatically. My entire body fell over on the couch and I was lying on my back. She was on top of me and stared at me with her half lidded gaze, while I stared at her with wide eyes.

Without waiting a second longer, our muzzles pressed together and her forelegs wrapped around my neck. My eyes were still wide open out of complete shock. I hope nopony could blame me, I’ve never seen Twilight act this brashly when it came to us becoming intimate.

This is what I get for opening my big mouth.

I should talk more often.

What did I do in the situation I was in? What any male with common sense would do.

Willingly submit to her.

I closed my eyes, and simultaneously, wrapped both my arms and wings around her perfect body.

Celestia knows how long the two of us enjoyed our little world together. After a surprisingly amount of moaning from Twilight and um…purring from me, Twilight separated us with an audible pucker and leaned back. Her gaze was now soft instead of…hungry like earlier. My face was still a little shocked from her actions earlier. I was trying to say something but my mouth could only manage to say one thing.

“W-w-whoa.” I whispered.

She giggled and was wearing a very prideful smirk.

“Well…” She leaned down and nuzzled my nose. “…I am doing what you told me.” She then kissed my nose.

“Twilight. I can honestly say that if this is your way of showing how much you love me in your own natural way…then I don’t mind you doing it more than you want.”

We could only both laugh as I leaned up and pecked her on the nose.

“Me neither. But, even then, as much as I love giving you kisses, there has been nothing in the world that beats this.” She laid back down on my body and started to nuzzle her way into my neck until she found her little sweet spot, which being the crook of it. My arms and wings were still wrapped around her so there was nothing I could do but gently tighten my hold around her. I then closed my eyes and snuggled my neck around the top of her head with my chin coming to rest on the side of her head. And began to stroke her mane.

It was our classic snuggle position. One that has gotten through many of her rough nights months prior. Unfortunately, I don’t exactly remember which night it was where we perfected it but I believe it was an important one.

Regardless, what mattered was now. My best friend and I were together. Just the way we both love it.

I felt her head wanting to rise up so I opened my eyes and lifted off of hers. I laid it back down on the pillow cushion on the end of the couch. She rose up her whole body and got up off of me to sit back on the couch, but never took her eyes off of mine.

We were both still smiling.

I decided to rise up as well. After I folded my wings back to their sides and getting my long tail to intertwine with Twilight’s, much to her pleasure, I sat straight up again with my back against the couch. She was sitting right next to me on my left still facing me, so I decided to simply wrap my left arm around her shoulders.

Both of us were still hypnotized by each other.

“I love how even after all these years you still have…” I started running my claw up and down her back. “…the same soft fur coat that I’ve long loved.”

She lightly giggled, and then put her left fore hoof on my chest, over my heart.

“Well, I’ve really come to love your hard, strong scales.” She lightly patted my heart with her hoof. “Of course, even after all these years you still have your own warm, soft spot that I’ve long loved.”

Grrr. She just had to play and pull at my poor heart strings.

“It’s because of you I have it in the first place.” I placed my right claw over hoof on my chest and clutched it.

“Still the greatest thing I’ve ever done in my life.” She leaned her head in and kissed where my heart was.

Curse your adorableness Twilight! Curse you!

Enough being lovey dovey.

“So Twi, you actually wanna get back to reading, or I mean, attempt to read now?”

She looked up quickly from my chest with her attempt to look irritated with her failing glare and pouty lips.

Twilight…your cuteness is going to kill off all of the breezies and puppies if you’re not careful.

“Like I said, at least I was trying to read it. Were you?” She said as she poked at my chest.

“Heh Heh, good point. But it’s not my fault that I was so busy being mesmerized by you.” I leaned down and kissed her nose. Her irritated cute face went away, but was soon replaced by a smirk and raised eyebrow that Fluttershy would be very proud of.

“Really? You weren’t reading at all?” As she said that, her body slowly rose up until we were both face to face with each other. “And yet you…” She poked at my chest. “…are telling me that I’m the one who should be ashamed?”

“Uuhhh, actually, if I were to be completely honest with you.” I gave her the most sheepish smile I could muster. I might as well be honest with her. “Ever since you started asking me to hold you while you’re reading…I’ve never read any book with you.” From her position, all I could do was wrap my arms around her again. “I really was too busy trying to make sure that you were comfortable.” I said as I started to rub my claws along her back.

She nuzzled my nose and gave it a quick peck.

“Well, I don’t think I could possibly ask for a better job for you to do.” She then gave me a very loving kiss from her furry lips. “My number one assistant.”

“Yay! I’m useful!”

Twilight could only laugh, while I could only yawn.That took me by surprise.

“Someone’s getting tired.”

“Yeah, looking at your beautiful face and being around your aura of gentle friendliness can be really tiring.”

She playfully hit my chest as I laughed.

“Okay Spike, since you’re so tired from your strenuous activities today, you want to go ahead and hit the hay?”

I looked up at the big clock that was hanging above the fireplace and saw that it was 11:07 P.M.

“Yeah, it’s pretty late. We might as well.”

“Alright. I just need to use the little fillies room and then we’ll make ourselves more comfortable okay?” She then kissed me.

“Okay. You powder your nose.” I kissed her back.

We both got up from the couch and made our way around. While I was heading to the bed I felt something pull against my tail. I turned around and saw that our tails were still intertwined with one another. I then looked at Twilight who was wearing a deadpan expression towards me.


“Yeeees?” I say very innocently.

“Your tail.” She said as she yanked on mine lightly.


“Let go. Bathroom, remember?”

“But I’ll miss you.” I quivered my lips.

Her deadpan stare never ceased as she raised her right eyebrow.

My lip quivering ceased.

“Okay okay sorry.” I said as I unwrapped my tail around hers.

Not before I gave her tail a tug.


I looked back at her with a smirk and her at me with forced irritation. We both laughed once more.

“See ya in bed Twilight.” I winked at her.

“Oh, I can’t wait.” She winked back.

I trotted up to my left side of the bed and turned off the lamp on the nightstand. The new lamp shined a little brighter than my personal taste, but it was still nice. I opened the covers for both our sides just so Twilight won’t have to. I then easily slid my way into her- I mean, our bed and snuggled into the soft, lavender silk covers.

So comfy.

I wasn’t sure how long Twilight would be absent, but it left me some time with my own thoughts.

Mainly, the fact that my best friend, the same pony who has been there for me my whole life has become my girlfriend…

...my girlfriend. Just thinking that gave me a very ticklish feeling in my heart.

It truly was an amazing feeling.

It was exactly two nights ago that her and I became a couple. The both of us admitted how it felt a little odd since our whole dynamic as a couple is…a bit different. In most cases when two beings become a couple, even if they were already long time best friends, they would finally admit their love for one another. Then that newly found couple would begin to become more intimate towards each other as time goes on. Not only that, but most of the time, the couple would actually want to shout to the roof tops and announce to the whole world about their newly found love and celebrate it along with all of their families and friends.

This wasn’t exactly the case for us. I mean it was, but it wasn’t.

I needed to get my mind straight.

Clearly, Twilight and I have always loved each other in its most genuine form. There was no admitting anything between us because we already knew we loved each other when we first kissed.

On the lips.

I couldn’t help but sigh with a dreamy smile.

As amazing as that night was, it was strange in one way. Twilight and I couldn’t help but wonder why. Just why it had to be that night? We've both genuinely loved each before that, but what stopped us from becoming romantically attracted then?

We both came to the conclusion that our love for one another has only grown since we were young and that night just happened to be the tipping point for us.

What did I think? As I thought back to that night, as I was lying on top of Twilight and trying to comfort her with kisses; I felt like...my heart was…I guess you could say, let off its restraints. It was free. And just like what I thought when we kissed…and whenever we kissed, I felt like I was where I was supposed to be. I was doing what I was meant to do.

That’s really all I could think about on that part.

When it came to intimacy, well, it’s also a little strange, but definitely in a good way. While most newly found couples would explore more ways to become intimate with one another, Twilight and I have, for the most part, already became very intimate quite awhile before we became a couple. We’ve hugged and kissed (on cheek and forehead) each other plenty of times before since I’ve helped Twilight with her depression. It always felt great and rewarding then. Since two nights ago, we’ve been doing the exact same thing.

What’s funny though is that despite showing many of the same levels of intimacy, it has felt great like before…yet so much more.

Every touch, every hug, every kiss, every snuggle session…just everything we did to show each other even a little intimacy felt fresh and reinvigorating.

Needless to say, nopony could have kept Twilight and I away from each other even if they tried.

I’d like to assume that this might have to do with my heart being let off its restraints ever since that kiss we shared. Again, it’s another strange thing about the relationship we’ve had the past two days. Honestly though, Twilight and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Like I said, what mattered was now, and not then.

Announcing our love to everypony however…

I didn’t have time to think about it though, because I heard the bathroom door open. I got myself a little comfortable by fluffing my pillow and moving my head up against the headboard.

Since the bathroom door was on the same wall as our beds' headboard and the door was pretty close to the right of the bed, I turned my head toward where it was.

I saw Twilight trotting out and we smiled at each other.

“Déjà vu, huh Twi?”

“You could say that again.”


“No Spike.” She said while she gave me a deadpan expression.

I snickered.

“Just get over here and show me your natural love.” I said as I opened my arms toward her.

She started to blush furiously and then looked toward the closet for some reason.

That was weird.

She quickly looked back and saw me waiting and gave me a genuine smile as trotted up to the bed.

“You opened the covers for me? Such a gentledrake.” She said as she slid right into the covers and opened her arms toward me.

Taking it as my cue, I wrapped my arms and wings around her as she levitated the covers over both of us. She also used it to help get her mane out from under her head by splaying it back across the rest of the pillow so she wouldn't lie down on it.

I somewhat kind of wished she asked me to do it for her like last time. Any chance I can get to touch it.

We both laid our heads on our own lonely pillows just a few inches away from each other’s noses.

I’ll correct that soon though.

“Soo…” She started. “…you excited for tomorrow?”

“Eeuyp. The big one. Our fateful night where we shout to the whole world ‘HEY, we’re in love.’” I said the last part in a whispered yell.

“Well, we wouldn’t exactly say that since we’ve already loved each other. We’ll just simply say that we’re a couple. It sounds more umm…”

“Platonic?” I smirked. Then snickered when she gave her iconic deadpan stare.

“No. More like...professional.”

“Ah, of course. There’s nothing better then making your friends and family proud then showing professionalism and not being yourself.” I said with a little a more sarcasm than I wanted.

“Well, can you blame me though I just…I…” She sighed. “You know what, we’ll talk more about it in the morning, alright? We’ll probably just wing it.”

Just wing it.

Just wing it!

Winging things was something that Twilight would never do. What she said was already going to a place that I did not like and it wasn't going to start by having my Twilight doing things that she’s not supposed to. Seriously, did she not hear my whole speal earlier?

I saw her start to close her eyes and yawning. Oh no, you’re not gonna get away from me!

Time to go on the offensive.

In one quick, fluid motion, I unwrapped my wings and arms around her and pushed my body on top of hers with my claws on her pillow, both beside her head. Our noses were still only a few inches apart. Her eyes widened a bit, but they weren’t as big as the first night I did this.

“Spike what are you…”

“Shh.” I hushed as I put my index finger on her lips. “I don't think I heard you correctly, but did you say, ‘wing it’?” I removed my finger. Her ears drooped and averted her gaze away from mine.


“Okay, tell me how in Equestria did you come to that conclusion?” I started stroking her mane with my left claw as her mane was lying limply on the right side of her pillow.

She sighed. Her eyes were still averted.

“Spike, it’s just…” I stopped her by cuffing her left cheek with my right claw.

“Twi, please look at me.” I whispered in a very gentle tone. Her eyes then finally landed back on mine.


I simply smiled as I leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips.


“Spike, I just have a feeling that everypony isn’t going to react very positively about us being a couple.”

At least I knew I wasn't the only one.

“I’m guessing this has been on your mind for the past couple of days?”


“You’re not alone, but what has you so worried about their reaction? Like, how do you think they will react?” I was kind of asking that question more toward myself, but I knew asking Twilight would be better cause of how much smarter she is than me.

“Well, in terms of just our inner friends, it will undoubtedly surprise them.”

“I’m sure we’ll surprise everypony Twilight.” I said as I gave her a deadpan stare. She rolled her eyes in response.

But, in the end, I believe they’ll support us, so I’m not that worried about our closest friends.”

“What about Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?”

“I…honestly don’t know. I mean, I feel like they’ll support us in the end…”


“…but what if they know something we don’t? Like, maybe there’s some kind of health, a mental or even historical issue that will prevent us from being together!”

She was on the brink of another one of freak outs. I must clam her through logic!

“Twilight, if that were the case then I don’t think Princess Celestia would have us be together at all since day one. Heck, I’m sure she never would've even rescued me when I was still in my egg. So no, I don’t think that’s the case.”

Her eyes started to relax...along with her heartbeat that I felt pummeling against my chest.

“That's...actually a good point." She took a calming breath. Disaster had been averted. "Alright, well at least I’m not worried as much about them." Her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. "Oh! Cadance! I know she’ll support us!” She said very giddily in her own cute way. However, I didn’t share that.

“I’m honestly a little worried that she already knows, I mean she can sense these kind of things. So, what if she's already told somepony? Or everypony?” Twilight shook her head.

“No, not this time. She’s always known that we love each other, but in the platonic sense, not the romantic one.”

“Okay, but what if she senses our romantic love as soon as she arrives?” Twilight still had a small smile when she shook her head.

“Don’t worry, you will know that she’ll know, you know what I mean?”

I raised a brow.

“Remember, when she’ll sense it, her eyes will widen just a little and you’ll see a tiny quick spark from her horn.”

I eyes widened in remembrance.

“Ohhh. Now I remember, but what if she starts to get all you know, giddy and excited because…you know…it IS us after all.”

“I still wouldn’t worry that much, you know how good she is at keeping a calm face. Besides, you know that she won’t tell anypony about it since she’s always treated love between a couple with the upmost secrecy. So again, I trust Cadance and you should too, okay?”

It was my turn to take a calming breath.

“Okay, I'm sorry for getting a little anxious.”

“It's alright, Spike.” She leaned up and gave me a loving kiss. I smiled as I leaned down and nuzzled her.

“I love how understanding you are. Besides, if Shining found out he..." And just like that, a scary realization hit me like a hurricane. A hurricane filled with manticores. "Umm…Twilight?”

“Yes?” She raised a brow at me as a chill went down my spine.

“What about umm…Shining?”

“Oh.” She started to look at me with a little concern. “Yeah, Shiny. I do wonder how he’ll react to us being a couple.”

“Yeeeaaaah. I don’t mean to sound selfish Twilight, but I’m just a bit more concerned about what he’ll say…or do to me than us.” I said as I gave her a sheepish smile.

“Are you actually implying that my brother may hurt you?” She said in a way that’s made me think she took a little offense to that.

“Wellll, I’m not not implying that he will hurt me.” I said while I kept the sheepish smile. Twilight furrowed her eyebrows; she wasn’t playing around. My smiled disappeared as I sighed. “Look, you and I both know how protective he is of you. When I went to Canterlot to go train under him to become your bodyguard, he…well...he was kind of scary.” I whispered as another chill ran up my spine. “Now, don’t get me wrong, Shining was still pretty casual during break time or whenever it was just us hanging out like our classic guy time, but…wow…I feel sorry for any of the new recruits that had to train under him in the past. My point is that even though he’s already taught me to protect you, I…I’m afraid he’ll think I’m not good enough for you when it comes to being romantically involved with you. If that ends up being the case then…what will that mean for our friendship?”

I was genuinely saddened by the thought. Other than Twilight, he truly was one of my greatest friends and in some ways was like a big brother to me too.

“Spike.” She looked at me with genuine concern. “You know he loves and cares for you too, right? He never would have trained you to protect me if he knew you weren’t ‘good enough’. That IS his cutie mark after all, to protect other ponies a-and…” Tears suddenly started to form in her eyes. By complete instinct, I leaned my head down and gave her a deep kiss. She closed her eyes and a couple of tears fell, leaving their marks. After I was done she looked back up at me with a grateful smile as I cuffed both her cheeks to wipe the tear trails off. She took a deep breath. “He protects other ponies and those he will always love. Those that are closest to him. You understand me, Spike?”

Even though I wanted to know what caused her to tear up like that, I felt it wasn’t the right time. I know I’ll find out someday.

After the way Twilight cried with not sadness, but with love, how could I not heed her words? I leaned down and gave her another peck.

“Okay Twilight.” I said as I caressed her cheeks once more. “Okay. I trust you and I’ll trust your words. Nothing bad will happen between Shining and I. I’ll continue to love him like a brother and he’ll love me as well.”

“Thank you.” She leaned up and kissed me on the lips. “Don’t underestimate him. He's not just stronger physically.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

“Hah! Underestimate Shining? Nuh-uh.” I averted my eyes, my ears suddenly drooped and a blush appeared on my face. “Not again.” I looked back and saw Twilight smirking.

“Must I ask?”

I responded with a sheepish smile.

“Please don’t?”

She just continued to stare at me with her torturous smirk. Then she finally broke the silence.

“Alright, fine.”

I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding.

“Thank you.” I leaned down and gave her a long, deep kiss while she giggled. We broke apart and then she started to look concerned once more. I knew exactly what she was thinking, so I might as well say it.

“You’re parents.” “My parents.”

We both said at the same time.

Our eyes widened and we just stared at each other with jaw dropped gazes. Eventually, those jaw dropped gazes turned to tired ones.

Very tired ones.

“You know what?” I started.

“What?” She responded.

“I think that can wait until tomorrow.”

“You took the words right out of my mouth.”

We then both smiled at each other.

I leaned down and gave her another loving kiss.

“So, is this good night?” She asked.

I responded by kissing her once more. I then just stared at her. I had no idea why, but I started to really appreciate the fact that we were actually together. And how much I loved it. How I wanted to show it to her. I smiled down at her with gentle eyes. I moved my claws off her cheeks and wrapped her body within them. Soon, my wings followed, and wrapped her within them too. With another quick, fluid motion I picked her up and had her lay on top of me with my back on the bed.


I leaned in and pecked her on the nose. I made my way to her left cheek and soon down to her long neck.


I purred in response. She giggled.

“Spike, I’m serious we need to get to bed!” I stopped kissing and looked up at her with pouty lips. “No mister, you know that’s not going to work on me. Tomorrow is going to be hectic as it is so we’ll need all the sleep we can get.” Her last sentence was said with such gentleness and care to them. She leaned down and nuzzled my nose. “Okay?”

Why must you say that with such adorable innocence Twilight!

My ears drooped.

“Okay.” I said as I put Twilight down back in her own spot on the bed by unwrapping everything I had around her.

“Thank you.” She said as she kissed me on the lips again.

“You’re welcome.” I gave her a gentle smile.

“That doesn’t mean I don’t want to be cuddled up by you.” She gave a hopeful smile. I immediately did what she desired and wrapped both my arms and wings around her. She closed in by nuzzling into the crook of my neck. “Eeyup. Everything is going to work out just fine tomorrow. I’m sure of it.” She said with such perkiness.

Oh boy. I’ll have to wait and see if she’ll think the same way tomorrow morning.

I continued to just smile at her.

“Goodnight Twi.” I said as I turned my head down and kissed her on the base of her horn.

“Goodnight handsome.” She kissed my chin. “I love you.”

She has already said that to me many, many times in my life. There was a time when we were both so young that saying those three words to each other came as naturally to us as eating and breathing. Yet, these past two days, whenever she said those words, whenever I said those words, they have fallen into a whole other realm of deep that not even my mind could ever comprehend...

...but my heart did.

“I love you too.” I said as I nuzzled my way through her bangs just to hear her giggle one last time. I looked back down to see her eyes closed. I took my usual spot and put my chin on top of her head.


I was still anxious about it despite some of my worries being lessened.

More than anything though, the biggest thing that worried me was how Twilight would handle everypony’s response. In the end, I know I’ll be fine, but what about Twilight? All I could think about was her. There was a reason why I never brought up tomorrow’s events with Twilight the past two days. Well, one was because we were both so infatuated by each other that the thought had barely crossed our minds. However, when it did cross my mind, my heart began to ache. I didn't know why at first, but when the two of us were cuddling together one night and I saw just how peaceful her face was, I knew. It was because of one, single thought.

Twilight has already been through so much already.

One by one, having to watch all of her friends find and be with their special somepony’s was a pain that I’ll never understand, but it was one that Twilight knew all to well.

So just the mere thought of finally being with someone you love after so long, only for everypony else to say that she shouldn’t be with him…how she shouldn’t be happy...

...it completely infuriated me.

If, for any reason, everypony tomorrow were to say that they didn't accept us as a couple…I wouldn't be sad or annoyed…I’d be angry. VERY angry. I would stand up against anypony who disagreed. I would tell them how Twilight has suffered long enough and deserved to have love in her life even if it wasn't me, but it was.

I looked down at Twilight once more. She was now peacefully sleeping.

I felt my heart immediately begin calm.

Thankfully, I believed that wouldn't be the case, at least when it came to family and friends. They all knew what Twilight had been through last year and they all wanted the same thing as I did. For Twilight to be happy. I knew this would go public eventually and everyone around the world would find out. However, my concern was about tomorrow. It didn't hurt to prepare though.

Overall, we needed to trust those that we believed would defend us from anypony that disagreed. If push comes to shove, Twilight and I would protect ourselves if we ended up being cornered. In the end though, all we could do was hope for the best.

Though, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was something missing from that statement I just said.

Regardless, as long as Twilight and I stand together as not just a couple, but as long time best friends then nothing could stop us.

That sounded really cheesy.

How about, as long as Twilight is happy then I will be too. That’s better.

A smile formed on my face as I held onto Twilight with my life.

With one last look at her, I closed my eyes.

I eventually fell asleep with the same feeling of belonging in my heart as before, as if it's being wrapped up in a warm, comfy pillow.

Author's Note:

Thanks again for taking the time to read this :pinkiehappy: