• Member Since 18th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen May 25th

Dusk Raven

"Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia." - Kurt Vonnegut. Currently accepting commissions!

Comments ( 74 )

Let me guess: The Greater Cave Tentacula looks like a spider.

Actually no. The original artist did their best to keep its appearance vague, and I've tried to do so here as well.

...I'll admit that's a connection I made when I first saw the name, though. :twilightblush:

So this chapter seems like it was inspired by the first Tentacular images he created. Does that mean that we can expect an Applejack goes fishing chapter, as well as a Rarity and Sweetie Belle one? Not to mention Fluttershy's.

I'd definitely like to cover the Applejack series, as it's my favorite, at least in terms of the accompanying story. I really like the feelings captured in it... things I kinda touched on here, but would like to explore more in another chapter. Speaking of which, it'd be interesting to portray the different characters' reactions and interactions with the Tentalicus...

Also, I love the names you give to some of your favorites folders. :pinkiehappy:

I'm not sure how to react to this, granted that I only read the first two paragraphs.But in all the heat fics I have read when heat season comes around the mares literately go full nymphomaniac and they try to rut anything and everything that has a penis, and because of that every single one of the stallions run for the hills. That being said i will try to read this. (WISH ME LUCK SAILOR,I will be needing it...).
Edit: T'is good, kind sir; great read, I look forward to more

Sidenote: i am NOT one to read this kind of story but i was curious so i read it and....... other than the fact that i am never going to read another one of this books, i’d say its pretty good. I will keep track of THIS SPECIFIC story only, seeing as you intend to update it.

Man some of the Fetishes out there.

Damn that was a good read.
Oh shut the hell up Deadpool.

But what about-

I actually don't like that trope much. It gets there for real horses, perhaps, but I figured since MLPonies are sapient they can keep it in check a little more... so long as they stay away from anypony they find attractive, that is! That, and I figure since our intrepid duo are just entering heat, it's not at it's worst yet.
For the cover pic? Just hover your mouse cursor over it, there's a "source" button that will show.

Thanks :)
Edit: Fuck no wait i meant The Greater Cave Tenticula.

This..... was so so so SO freaking HOT! I love it. Amazing, sexy, intense tentacle fucking, while still being loving, caring consentcles, breeding, sharing the love, just there is so much about this that is so damn amazing, not even sure what else to say beyond MOAR!

Ah, well just go to the search bar and enter "tentalicus hentailidae" and that should give you the list of pics!

Weird? Perhaps. Well written? Definitely. :yay:

I love this story just for introducing me to the amazing pun of consentacles. seriously busted my sides from that alone.

A relaxing spa visit with massage, and souvenirs! :rainbowlaugh:

Dammit, why dies GMod always gotta look so derpy?

I'm excited for the actual story in any case xD

A well written story, I urge you to continue it if you can.

Daaaaamn. That was impressive and some very well written tentacle porn. Very curious as to what happens next...

It's actually SFM. I don't think I've seen a pony GMod animation in some time...

LMFAO the 50/50

But yeah, I probably should've guessed better.

This might be one of the weirder tentacle fics out there, but it's certainly one of the best. God damn that was a good read; I can't wait for more.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I've been on trips into the Everfree before and I've been fine!”

*cough* Cockatrice *cough*

I'm a bit surprised Rainbow wasn't a bit upset at Twilight keeping something so awesome from her, I guess she was just too happy.

My theory on heat in Equestrian ponies has always been that they can go into heat any time of year. That is to say each pony will go into heat once a year at the same time each year, but it could be any time of the year. This is because they have tamed their environment and so there is no need for breeding to occur at a specific time of year. Over many generations pony heat cycles would have drifted out of alignment and eventually you have ponies going into heat all year round. If this story were to comply with this theory then it could easily be said that Rainbow and Twilight coincedentallly go into heat at the same time. The reason I'm going into this is that Twilight could invite other ponies to cure their heat this way (maybe after coming up with a contraceptive spell) and then the creature could have company all the time and not have to be lonely anymore. Just a thought.

She did complain a little, but all's well that end's well...

As for estrus, since I imagine it'd be chaotic if the entire female population went into heat around the same time, I agree for the most part... for Equestria's sake. However, I believe that their cycles, despite being loose, tend to cluster around the time just after winter. As I recall, there are scientific reasons for why many animals breed in the springtime, and even in humans the season with the most birthdays is fall, IIRC.

8942323 Perhaps, but recall there was an episode where Pinkie starts reeling off how long it is until several ponies' birthdays and they were all over the place, hundreds of days apart in some cases.

Ho-lee shit... it doesn't seem all that often that consentacles is done right, but when it is it is HAWT! Well done, author; I present you with a like and some shelf space as my thanks for crafting this magnificent work of art...

Whelp, there's another thing I'm into (moreso) now.

Could have done with some better details of what Twi and Rainbow were feeling, but hey, I'm a bit of a stickler for highly-detailed sex and orgasm scenes, and especially impregnation scenes. Would be cute to learn what the offspring look like too: if they're just more tentacle creatures, or if they're a hybrid of pony and tentacle creature. You said you were interested in continuing this, and I only too eagerly urge you to please do so, especially if we get to see the above, or at least another breeding and impregnation scene.

Well, that was something, interesting to see a tentacle fic where the creature is gentle and kind to it’s mates

Will definitely be keeping an eye on this one

I'd think that the foals would probably look like normal ponies, except with tentacles in place of their manes and tails. They would be adorable little things, no doubt. Heck, I could imagine an interesting sequel set years in the future...


Or, in another idea, the foals could be full pony, mane and tail and all, but have the coloration and a combination of traits from the father tentacles and mother mare alike. Of course, the offspring could interbreed with the tentacle creature, and I'm referring to a certain image by badumsquish, and it's previous image involving it's creation.

Also, funny thing about this story, in the beginning Twilight said that they would be far out and away to not get pregnant by stallions, but instead were bred for three weeks and impregnated by a tentacle creature instead! Same result, different methods eh?

In the source material, it's heavily implied the offspring grow up to be normal Tentalicus hentailidae. I have not decided what I'm going with, although one possible idea is that the foals are half-ponies, half-Tentacula, who in maturity can breed with the Tentacula to produce full Tentaculae, who then continue the cycle by breeding with ponies. It's a variant of a system I once pondered for changelings, which was a little more elaborate... but basically revolved around the offspring of changeling and ponies being different depending on whether they were the product of a male changeling and female pony, or female changeling and male pony...


Also, funny thing about this story, in the beginning Twilight said that they would be far out and away to not get pregnant by stallions, but instead were bred for three weeks and impregnated by a tentacle creature instead! Same result, different methods eh?

...It occurs to me that Twilight will inevitably have to explain all that once it becomes obvious that she and Rainbow are pregnant... actually, as it turns out, I have already considered that and planned accordingly~

Not usually a tentacle guy, as most are rapey and I don't like that, but this was kinda sweet.

Best tentacles ever!
Loved the premise, curious to see where it goes in the future! All going things!

Beautiful work. Loved the care and focus you paid to descriptions, narrative, and motivations (the last is easy to leave by the wayside in a cloppy fic). The thing that interests me in particular is the mind-link. I assume some kind of telepathy is involved. You have shown that Twilight and Rainbow can reach out to the "monster" (scare quotes because it is far from monstrous), but can they now do the same to each other?

And that last bit brings me to the number one thing you do very right: you used their names. No purple-unicorn-syndrome, no repeated use of fan-names in narrative... Very well written—this completely deserved to hit #1 on the feature box. :twilightsmile:

This was really great. I loved the attention to everything. I'll admit the endosoma note in the description made me leery, but it was really well done and I'm looking forward to more chapters.

Should have addressed this earlier, but you know, schedules. I want to say I'm very grateful for your praise - the praise of fellow writers is what lets me know I do have potential as a writer. :twilightsmile:

The thing that interests me in particular is the mind-link. I assume some kind of telepathy is involved. You have shown that Twilight and Rainbow can reach out to the "monster" (scare quotes because it is far from monstrous), but can they now do the same to each other?

I'm not sure whether to elaborate on it here, or in a special "Twilight's Notes" chapter where Twilight tries to analyze the Tentalicus Hentailidae. I mean, it's hardly a spoiler but it would be interesting to write about...

And that last bit brings me to the number one thing you do very right: you used their names. No purple-unicorn-syndrome, no repeated use of fan-names in narrative...

I try to avoid it for the most part, only using it when I've already referred to them once in a sentence and I don't want to keep repeating their name. I also try to use words that refer to relevant aspects of the characters - such as referring to Twilight as a bookworm, rather than just referring to her coat.

By the way, reading this site's article on "Lavender Unicorn Syndrome" was quite enlightening when I found it a while back, I have to say. it's not the kind of thing I'd have noticed unless it was pointed out to me.

The fact that the tentalicus and ponies are capable of successfully interbreeding and producing fertile offspring makes them (scientifically speaking) the same species.

Okay, then...

If this weren't a fantasy setting with eldritch biology in play, that might be true. I can think of a few alternative possibilities even without involving too much magic...

Trying to figure out the answer to that very question is why I haven't posted a new chapter yet. :facehoof:

Well…Fluttershy would be the obvious choice. “Nature is so fascinating” and all that. I can’t see any of the others being so willing to go anywhere near that cave unless…they saw one of the others go in…or something. Ugh…can’t think on an empty stomach…

fluttershy and applejack are my first picks... after that is fluttershy and pinkie pie (to pick between pinkie and AJ flip a coin, if heads pinkie, if tails AJ... just make sure to flip it 10 times to make it a more solid decision{whichever side is facing up the most out of 10 will be the one chosen to accompany fluttershy}) that leaves the final pairing between either rarity and pinkie or rarity and AJ depending on what random chance has to say about it

not necessarily… perhaps their DNA is flexible enough or able to rearrange itself to combine without permanently damaging either strand...

Well, if pony (or more generally, equestrian) DNA wasn't so flexible we wouldn't have hippogriffs and dragon ponies (i think dragon ponies are kirins but how i'm not sure i'll stick with it)

Oh yeah more of that please. This was one of the most interesting tentacle fics I've had the pleasure to stumble into.

Well, hippogriffs (as in the pony-griffon hybrid, not those from The Movie) and "draconies" are purely fanon at the moment... but then again, I love fanon, so that doesn't stop me. Also, kirin/qilin aren't quite dragon-pony hybrids - in fact, they're often associated with giraffes in China... although we do have "Eastern Unicorns" and perhaps their curved horns are a sign of a bit of dragon in their collective ancestry.

Meanwhile... it's kind of an assumption that DNA is even a thing in this setting. Think about it... in a fantasy setting, without scientific confirmation, things don't actually need to work the same way. There's nothing stopping, say, diseases from actually being caused by magical curses instead of by microbes. Likewise, DNA may be replaced with something tied to a living creature's innate magic.

Besides, since there's a disease in Equestria that can turn ponies into trees, if DNA is a thing in this setting it obviously works very differently. Ah, fantastic biology. :yay:

Wow. That was a really great story! I almost didn't read it because it was labelled as "incomplete". I'm glad I did now though! The only downside is that now it's 2:30 in the morning.:facehoof:

Sorry if this story doesn’t involve soarin’s 8 foot cock I can’t read it

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