• Member Since 17th May, 2018
  • offline last seen Jun 19th, 2021


Hi! My name is Bitty Bug. I like entomology and making friends. Nice to meet you!

Comments ( 642 )

Who will the sex be between?

Trixie and Sunset; the tag is mostly there for innuendo and implication, but I am considering writing the sex scene itself as a bonus chapter.

8941771 With a mature rating, you only need the sex tag if there is actual sex. Innuendo and allusions don't require it.

This is pretty tense, and do love it. While I do like Trixie and Sunset, I prefer Sci Twi and Sunset myself, but understand this takes place before the games.

Will Sunset lose not only trust in the Rainbitches, but also Princess Twilight, as she seems to quote quote busy to bother check on Sunset.
does she put that much stupid trust in the girls?

Oh cool, thanks for the info! I'll take it down for now, I can put it back up if I decide to add a sex scene.

I'm glad you like it so far! Sunset and Sci-Twi is actually my favourite as well, but I had a lot of ideas related to the Anon-a-miss storyline and wanted to start off with it. I'll definitely be writing some SciSet in the future though :raritywink:

I personally headcanon that Sunset was so lost and scared after the Fall Formal that she sort of put all her eggs into one basket, so to speak. She didn't even consider that her "friends" could betray her so she was SUPER unprepared when it actually happened.

You have my attention

Plz write more.

And do you do character requests?

I usually don't like the Anon-a-miss trope, as they don't build up a foundation for the depression into the character, however I appreciate how you tie the cutting to the catalyst event of the fall formal, letting the friendships with the Mane 5 becoming her lifeline, which can make a spiral much much worse.

This actually read almost like a Worm fic, which is one of my other favorite fandoms to read about.

This well written. It really makes you believe Sunset’s issues. Too many fics tell you that she has dealt with depression and/or subsidal thought/actions, but few take the time to show you and really let just what that means sink in. I will admit that this story has not given me the same kind of feels as some, but I think this is a strong base to build towards something quite uplifting or heartwarming if Sunset manages to get better.
It did a very good job of pissing me off at AJ. My guess is she actually firgured out it’s her sister but is too caught up in denial and buried anger at Sunny to admit it to herself. Still want to kick Applejack in the teeth though.

I am a little worried with how the 1st chapter’s AN said this was being used to help cope. I hope the author is do alright. Also hoping that doesn’t mean the story will stop getting updates if it’s not need to help cope anymore.

OK then. A new Anon-a-Miss story. And there's one thing that me; and sometimes or mostly everyone else, always look forward to in these stories: When the truth is revealed and we see the consequences of the CMC, the students of CHS and the five bimbos who f:yay:k'd up. :twilightsmile:

I hope the CMC get expelled for this and not just get six months of detention.

I definitely plan on writing more! Chapter three should be up later today :raritywink:

I’m new to writing fanfiction so I won’t be doing character requests just yet, but potentially in the future :)

I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far!! I appreciate the concern; writing like this just helps me get all the angst out of my system. No matter what, I fully intend on seeing this story through to the end. I’m almost on Summer break, so I’ll have a lot of time to write! :twilightsmile:

Trixie told Sunset to wait, something tells me that not everyone thinks Sunset’s Anon-A-Miss 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Hmm... it seems the next chapter button is broken? Darn.

In all seriousness, this seems like a great story in the making. Can't wait to see the next chapter.

This is gonna be dark, but very interesting to read, especially with the pairing with Trixie.

Glad Trixie found her. I really really hope Sunset turns her back on the Rainbitches, even if she doesn't hate them how can she ever trust them. Also hope Granny Smith spends a long time regretting her treatment of Sunset.

Trixie to the damned rescue, good fucking timing!

Anywho great chapters, this story is already up there in my fav Anon-A-Miss.

one day, they'll regret everything, and on that day....

I won't reveal anything big, but Sunset definitely won't be forgiving them :twilightangry2:

Good. she doesn't have to hate them, but she doesn't have to trust or accept them back what so ever.
Besides she can get newer more trusting and better friends in the end.

“Hey, Dad. Yeah, I’m fine- is it okay if I stay at my friend’s house tonight?”

Whyyyyyy???? Do they always decide to hide stuff like this from their parents?

Also, was the feeling the Mane 5 had, was it them losing their connection to the elements of harmony? Or just a temporary foreboding?

Finally, the appearance of Luna could have been removed I think... I just don't know how this can happen without Luna telling Princess Twilight like 5 minutes after, you know? Now, if she were just a hallucination and not really Luna, that would be different, but if Twilight doesn't barge in on Sunset and Trixie within 2 hours, or Celestia, or somepony, then what's the point of bringing in the Night Princess?



Thank God Trixie decided to stal- I mean find where Sunset lives & to save her from a horrible fate.

Not that she was paying extra attention to Sunset, of course!

Any passerby would have thought Trixie’s flushed cheeks were a result of the crisp wind. They would be wrong.

I have admit the romantic thing is a little heavy handed from Trixie’s side of things, but maybe that’s kinda the point. It wouldn’t be out of character for her to go full tsundere on the topic if it came up.

I do hope that Sunset’s issues aren’t fixed in a snap, like I’ve seen in other similar fics, but the way things have been paced so far tells me that probably won’t be an issue. Bitty seems to understand the gravity of the characters’ situation, and I think (s)he can provide a satisfying resolution to this setup.
Looking forward to more, but I wonder what Luna will tell the other princesses.

Most Anon-A-Miss fanfic tend to paint Trixie as one of Sunset's tormenters, so it's nice to see her trying to help Sunset for once.

Something tells me Forgotten Friendship had something to do with it

I headcanon that the Mane 5 and Sunset’s magic was linked during the Battle of the Bands when they all ponied up together, and gives them this sort of subconscious link that alerts them when another is in danger.

Luna’s appearance was mostly there to really affirm that Sunset is not happy. Her attempt wasn’t a fluke or a rash decision, it was concrete. Don’t worry, Luna will be explained soon ;)

Yeah, Trixie has a bit of a crush on Sunset; she just gets really flustered because she doesn’t want to admit it. She’s known for being over dramatic, so I made that bleed into her love life as well. She’s the kind of person who freaks the fuck out at the slightest bit of attraction to someone :rainbowlaugh:

I definitely intend to take Sunset’s problems very seriously; years of depression certainly can’t be cured in a few moments!

As for Luna’s appearance, all will be revealed in due time :trixieshiftright:

My guess is that that comes from the source material itself. In the comic, Trixie stands alone as the one person who is a jerk to Sunset's face without the excuse of believing Sunset is Anon-a-Miss.* That said, she does it after Sunset accuses her of being Anon-a-Miss, so it can be seen as simple turnabout rather than enjoying seeing Sunset suffer.

Trixie's (brief) portrayal in the comic is also a good example of how the comic didn't care about characters being in character. She's enjoying the animosity in the school and would thank Anon-a-Miss if she could because . . . bwah?

Neither pony-Trixie nor human-Trixie is ever shown to enjoy widespread hatred in any of the animated canon. Even under negativity inducing mind-altering magic (Alicorn Amulet for the pony, Sirens for the human) they don't seem to have any particular desire to stir up conflict, but the comic manages to, in such a short space, make her out to be worse than the Dazzlings. (They at least have the excuse that negativity is their food source, comic-Trixie seems to want it for its own sake.)

Now that I write that, I'm kind of surprised that we haven't seen more fics responding to how Trixie was mis-portrayed.


* Ish. A basic understanding of human nature implies that a lot of the students bullying Sunset in the halls don't believe it either, but none of them are given the opportunity to show that they believe Sunset to be innocent and are bullying Sunset anyway. Trixie gets the opportunity and uses it.

no words fro this...


I know right, its a fresh sight seeing someone that's usually a monster, more human.

Just like in my story.


A darker take on anon-a-miss eh? Read quite a few of those but I'm willing to give this a shot.
One thing though, during the Luna sequence there was lots of Luna and Sunset speech in the same paragraph. Always start a new paragraph when a new person is speaking. It was quite confusing reading that bit.
Otherwise it's looking interesting! Looking forward to seeing how Trixie helps.

When is the next update I’m not rushing you just curious I love the story by the way

Okay, well first thought was that Sunset probably would have survived without Trixie. Then I realized that Sunset would have bleed to death while unconscious because her rope knocked her out. I found it amusing in a way how Sunset was just petulant Sunset was with Trixie after Trixie saves her from the brink of death.

Next update will be tonight! I'm shifting to a weekly schedule now, so updates will hopefully be every Monday :twilightsmile: Glad you're liking the story!

Trixie stood abruptly, slamming her hand on the table. Fluttershy shut up with a quiet squeak.

“Last I checked, this was a public space. You don’t have any say over who can and can’t eat here.” Her voice was simmering with barely suppressed anger. “But luckily for you, we were just leaving,” Trixie grabbed Sunset’s hand and stormed out of the shoppe, ignoring the appalled faces of her ex-friends and the angry shouts of Rainbow Dash attempting to get the last word.

:rainbowlaugh: Way to go Trixie, that's showing them!

Yeah... I know how that feels. My attempts on offing myself is in double digits. The feeling is surreal and its terrible how anything small can trigger it. But a small account of kindness can make somebody want to continue on.

omg this trixie and sunset dynamic is just killin it. in the good way. like I NEED MOAR. *ahem* i mean, this has my interest, totally not in a *slack off work to read in the bathroom way*

Trixie is amazing in this fic, love the interactions with her and Sunset.

It's official. I love this Trixie!

Sunset’s right... Trixie is a BADASS.

I really like this interpretation of Trixie!

Does Princess Celestia know everything??? AND she's not over there knocking at Twilight's door to get her to the human world?! I'm assuming Luna told Celestia some, but not all of it... ORRRR... hmm... maybe since suicide apparently isn't prevalent in Equestria, Celestia isn't taking it seriously enough...

I am going to laugh if Twilight shows up with all these trinkets that boost serotonin, or normalize other imbalances and stuff. If the ponies can do this though, they basically can give themselves all the symptoms of being high with no withdrawal by just putting a necklace on or taking it off

Woo, another chapter! After this, I plan on keeping to a weekly update schedule, so hopefully there will be an update every Monday!

Cant wait!

Sunset looked back at her in amazement. Trixie had so fiercely stood up for her, without any hesitation. “Trixie,” she started, appreciation filling her voice. “... That was fucking badass.”

Hell yeah it was! Great chapter BTW

But if I know one thing about Sunset Shimmer, it’s that she is very perseverant.

Poor choice of words about someone who just attempted but failed to commit suicide.

Trixie is definitely becoming the rock Sunset needs in her time of healing. This story is getting better & better, I can't wait for next week!

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