• Published 24th May 2018
  • 968 Views, 50 Comments

The Uncle - Alaborn

Because of a family emergency, Evan Sedmak is asked to care for his little brother's two children... or rather, foals. He may have helped care for his little brother in his childhood, but can he be ready to care for a colt and a filly?

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Chapter 1: Emergency Foalsitter

The Uncle

By Alaborn

Standard disclaimer: This is a not for profit fan work. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright Hasbro, Inc. I make no claim to any copyrighted material mentioned herein.

Chapter 1: Emergency Foalsitter

Thursday, August 31, 2023
Merrillville, Indiana

“Aren’t you done yet?” Darlene Jacobson said to her boyfriend.

Said boyfriend looked up from the paperwork on his desk. “I’d like to be done too, but if I leave any of this unfinished, I’m going to regret it when I get back from our vacation.”

Evan Sedmak was the manager of a health club, a job not conducive to taking any time off. A dozen or more assistant managers over the years had taught him that any given person could cover running the place for one day without serious issue. Two days, and something normally went forgotten. Taking four days off, like for the camping trip he was starting the next morning, was asking for a disaster. He hoped that thorough documentation of the various days’ tasks, including asking each manager in charge to verify that the previous day’s tasks had been performed, would spare most of the issues. But the work was taking far longer than he wished; the sun had long set.

Darlene sat down in the one other office chair not covered in files and huffed.

“Aren’t you normally awake at this time of night?” Evan said. He knew Darlene was a night owl who would frequently be up past midnight; again, staying up late was something he rarely had a chance to do.

“Sure, but if we’re going to get up that early tomorrow, I want to try to get some sleep.”

“I assumed you’d be sleeping in the car,” Evan said.

“I have a hard time sleeping when the sun’s bright,” she replied.

Given that she was still wearing sunglasses while indoors and after nightfall, maybe she had a point.

“It won’t be much longer,” Evan said.

Not much longer turned out to be twenty minutes, putting the clock at five minutes past ten when Evan was finally ready to leave. He had been at the health club since 11:30, and he was definitely ready to leave.

The couple got into Evan’s car and drove back to his apartment, a two bedroom unit on the second floor in an older apartment complex. He unlocked and opened the door. The interior was cleaner than normal, thanks to the new girlfriend, so the normal clutter on the couch and kitchen table was stashed away. The only unusual thing he left out was a thick, old-fashioned book, currently resting at the edge of the table.

And the book was glowing red.

“That doesn’t look good,” he muttered, and ran over to pick up the book.

Darlene looked at it curiously. “What kind of device is that?” she asked. “Some weird cover for an iPad?”

“It’s not a device. It’s a book... a magic book.”

“No, really, what is it?”

“A magic book... you know, one used to communicate with the other world. It’s for my brother,” Evan said.

“I don’t have time for this, Evan,” Darlene said. “Just tell me what... wait. Your brother is Jason Sedmak?”

“Yes.” He pointed to two pictures on his bookshelf. “There’s a picture of him from Christmas, and there’s one from this summer.”

Darlene looked at the two pictures. The first showed Jason, a woman, and a baby, maybe eighteen months old, in front of a Christmas tree. The second showed a unicorn stallion and an earth pony mare, with an earth pony colt balanced on the stallion’s head, and a newborn unicorn foal, wrapped in a blanket, held in the mare’s forelegs.

It still surprised Evan Sedmak that people would know his brother’s name. They were a normal family, and Jason’s choice of professions, civil engineering, was not something that would normally attract notice. But then came the day four years ago when humans learned of the existence of another world, called Equestria, and the revelation that Jason was one of several people who had secretly been living there for years. His videos of Equestria had hundreds of millions of views, and he had two books, with a third on the way, talking about the magical pony world. All this, and he was working the job of his dreams, while being a devoted father and husband too.

Darlene focused on the photos, along with some off the other artifacts Evan received from Jason, or brought back himself from his one trip to Equestria, for Jason’s wedding. Evan used the respite to see what was in the book, and why it was glowing red.

Rose is in the hospital. She’s going to be okay, but we need someone to watch the foals for two days. We want it to be family. Can you come?

“Damn,” Evan muttered.

“What is it?” Darlene asked.

“Jason’s wife is in the hospital. He’s asking me to babysit.”

“He’s asking you to come to Equestria for that?”

“He said family’s important. But I suspect there’s something else going on.” Evan scrawled a response in the book.

Darlene’s over. I was supposed to leave tomorrow to go camping with her.

Jason’s response came quickly.

I don’t think the princess would mind if you brought her.

“He’s saying you could come, too,” Evan said.

“What? I don’t want to become a pony,” Darlene said.

“I thought the same thing, too, but it was kind of neat,” Evan replied. “Didn’t you want a pony when you were a girl?”

“I didn’t like ponies or unicorns. I was the tomboy who liked sports and roughhousing.”

“Well, I’m not abandoning my brother. I’d like you to come. It’s an experience, that’s for sure. You know how hard it is to get to Equestria; you’re not going to get a chance like this again. Please?”

Darlene took another look at the photograph in her hand; it was one with Jason and his parents, dressed in formal wear, from the wedding. “I don’t... okay, you’re right. I would regret not seeing the other world. But can’t I stay a human?”

“So far, no one’s found a way,” Evan said. “I’ll tell Jason you’re coming.”

Darlene is hesitant, but she’s willing to come. How long will it take you to get the portal going?

Twilight Sparkle is waiting in the hospital. We can go whenever you’re ready.

Okay, give me a bit to get ready.

“Okay, let me cancel our reservation at the campground, and we can go.”

“I’ll get my bags,” Darlene said.

“You don’t really need them,” Evan said. “Ponies don’t normally wear clothes.”

“What?” Darlene exclaimed.

“You don’t need them. You’ll have a coat of hair and a tail covering you.”

Darlene looked again at the pony pictures, seeing the ones from the wedding. “You weren’t wearing pants?”

“I wasn’t. And I never felt naked, not even when wearing no clothes at all,” Evan said. “I’m sure if we need anything, Jason could provide it.”

She replaced the photograph. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

After canceling his reservation and sending an e-mail to his parents, Evan wrote back to Jason.

We’re ready.

He watched the book as the words of Jason’s response formed.

Twilight Sparkle will create the portal in about two minutes. It will appear centered on the book. I recommend putting it in the center of the living room, and keep loose objects away from it.

Evan did as instructed. He stood back and waited, standing next to Darlene.

Two minutes later, a panel of violet energy erupted from the book, reaching nearly to the ceiling. The portal hummed, and he felt a strange vibration in his bones.

“Let’s go. Don’t worry if the magic overwhelms you. I’ll help you.”

They stepped into the portal.

Evan had traveled by portal once before—well, once each way—but his memories didn’t prepare him for the overwhelming sensations. He felt his body shifting in a strangely painless manner, felt the twinges on his back that were his wings returning, and started to sense the magic of the portal in that strange sixth sense that ponies have. He remembered to lean forward, getting ready to walk on four legs again. And still, he came close to blacking out. But when he saw the colors of the portal shift, a dark patch reflecting the other end of the magical tunnel, he focused on that.

And with a soft whump, he stumbled onto a hard tile floor.

Darlene was sprawled to his left, knocked out by the transition. He pushed his cream-colored muzzle under her dark blue one and rubbed gently. “Wake up.”

Darlene stirred. “Wha... what?”

“We’re here.”

Here turned out to be a small windowless room, with shelves on three sides. It was lit by a single light, one of those magical crystals the ponies used in place of light bulbs. The room had one other occupant, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Welcome back to Equestria, Evan. And welcome, Darlene.”

“You’re real! It’s all real!” Darlene exclaimed.

“Yes, and we’re happy to have you visit,” Twilight Sparkle said.

Evan looked around. “Is that clerk from last time here? Because, ah, I don’t think either of us have our passports.”

Twilight Sparkle smiled. “The only reason we went through all that was because of all the attention on your brother’s wedding. As princess of Equestria, I am happy to admit you for a short visit.”

“Where’s Jason?” Evan asked.

“Up in the hospital room. I’ll take you there, once I’m done checking your bodies. Evan, are your wings working?”

Evan flapped his wings, the muscle movements learned on his past visit coming naturally to him. He felt the magic in his core, willing him to rise, though he closed his wings before he lifted too far off the floor. “I think I’m good.”

“Okay. Darlene, I’m going to give you a magical reflex test, to help you feel your magical core and how your wings pull from it,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“I have wings?” she said.

Evan finally looked at the pony form of his girlfriend. When he first saw her, he noticed the dark blue coat and mane colored somewhere between red and purple. Now, he noticed the yellow eyes with catlike pupils and the membranous bat wings.

Darlene turned her head, pivoting nearly 180 degrees, as ponies could do. She saw the wings....

“Get it off get it off get it off!”

Panicked, Darlene started running. Given the size of the room, she could only run in a circle, and she didn’t run long before knocking her head into one of the shelving unit in the room. It wobbled and started to tip over. Spare medical equipment rolled off the shelves.

“Look out!” Evan yelled. He flew into the air, looking to protect Darlene.

The danger was soon averted. The entire shelving unit and everything on it was encompassed in the violet glow of Twilight Sparkle’s magic. She set it aright and replaced the items that had fallen.

Evan extended a wing over Darlene and pulled her close. His girlfriend was rubbing her head with a hoof. “Is it gone?” she whispered.

“Is what gone?”

“The bat!”

“Uh, there wasn’t a bat,” Evan said.

“There’s a mirror on the door behind you,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Why don’t you take a look at yourself?”

Darlene and Evan turned. He kept his wing over her. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe,” he said.

She looked at their faces in the mirror. “Why do I look so different from you?”

“Because you’re a batpony,” he said.

“A what?”

“A batpony.” He removed his wing slowly, revealing her wings.


“What’s wrong?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“I hate bats! They’re creepy and dirty and have rabies....”

“But you aren’t. Despite the cosmetic differences, you are like any other pegasus, except for superior night vision.”

Darlene twisted her body; Evan suspected she was trying to flap her wings. “What do I do with these?” she said.

“I can teach you,” Evan volunteered. “Um, is batpony the right term?”

“It’s the one most commonly used. There’s also thestral, which is really the same thing, since the word is derived from the ancient Pegasan words for bat and pegasus pony. And there’s also lunar pegasus, but that’s a formal term most often used for guards in Princess Luna’s service.”

“And since you like staying up late, I guess that’s why you got to be a batpony,” Evan said.

“We haven’t had enough humans cross over to understand how Equestrian forms are determined, but it’s something I’m hoping to study,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Anyway, are you ready for your magical reflex test?”

“I guess. What do I do?” Darlene said.

“Just close your eyes, and feel what happens.”

Remembering what happened when he first visited Equestria, Evan stood back. Sure enough, the sparks of magic touching Darlene caused her wings to shoot out.

“Where did all the sparkles go?” she asked.

“With your magical pathways triggered, your brain is no longer translating the magic you squink as a visual effect,” Twilight Sparkle explained.

“The magic I what?”

“Some magic sense that all ponies have,” Evan said. “My brother mentions it in his book. I still don’t understand it.”

“Do you want to go see your brother now?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Yeah,” he replied.

The first thing Evan noticed about Ponyville Hospital was the flowers. Flowering potted plants occupied several corners, filling the room with a flowery fragrance, but not one that could cover the antiseptic scent that irritated his pony nose. The second thing he noticed was the attire of the doctors and nurses. It looked old-fashioned, like something he saw in classic cartoons.

“Rose’s room is on the second floor,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Wait. Visiting hours are this late?” Evan asked.

“There’s no formal policy, like I’ve read human hospitals have,” Twilight Sparkle explained. “Ponies value friendship and family too much to stop somepony from visiting. Just be mindful of everypony around you.”

They reached the room, and Twilight Sparkle opened the door with her magic. Inside, Evan saw Rose, asleep in the hospital bed, several machines connected to her. Through his wings, he felt the magic running through those machines. On a bench, Jason sat. His daughter was snug against his chest in a carrier, something like a papoose. His son was curled up at his side, asleep.

Jason looked up as they entered. “Evan. You’re here!” he said quietly.

“Do you need anything from me?” Twilight Sparkle asked Jason.

Jason shook his head, and Twilight Sparkle disappeared with a soft pop of rushing air.

“For the Princess of Friendship, she didn’t seem all that friendly,” Darlene said.

“Well, we’re all on edge after the manticore attack,” Jason said.

Evan nearly choked. “Manticore attack?” He realized at that moment that Jason never specified why Rose was in the hospital; he certainly wasn’t expecting that.

“Don’t worry, she’s going to be okay,” Jason said.

“Okay? What about a manticore attack is okay?” Darlene exclaimed.

“Shhh, ponies are trying to sleep,” Jason said. “It’s just the way this world is. With an abundance of magic comes risks that wouldn’t happen in the absence of magic.”

“What happened?” Evan asked.

“A mated pair of manticores that were driven out of their territory in the Everfree Forest stumbled into the park where a bunch of ponies were playing. Because it’s their mating season, they were aggravated and hostile. Rose was one of the ponies to distract the beasts while others helped the others retreat, and delay them until Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy arrived.”

“That sounds frightening,” Darlene said.

“It was, but once we realized what was happening, it was like we all knew what to do. The two fastest fliers went to get help, the strongest and most agile worked to contain the manticores, and I and others used magic or force to shield the foals and move them out of harm’s way. But Rose got stung.”

“Was anyone else hurt?” Evan asked.

“Another pony was stung, and a few others had claw or bite marks that were easy to fix. But this takes time.”

“What’s happening?”

“Rose is in a medically induced coma while the manticore venom is being treated. The poison is magical in nature, so the treatment is like a combination of antivenin and chelation. I don’t know exactly how the treatment works, only that it has to be thorough, since manticore venom is particularly insidious. Something about serving the dual purpose of killing the prey and making it poisonous for other manticores to eat.”

“I still can’t believe you’re willing to live like this,” Evan said.

“It’s a trade-off. There are risks in our world I’m avoiding by being here,” Jason replied. “But enough about that. It’s about time you met your niece.”

Jason’s horn lit, and his magic undid the buckles and straps of his baby carrier. He floated it over, allowing Evan and Darlene to see the tiny unicorn filly inside. The filly had a pale rose coat and two-toned red mane, and she was quietly gumming the tip of her hoof as she slept.

“Hi, Rose Aurora. I’m your uncle,” Evan whispered to the sleeping filly.

“Awwww,” Darlene cooed as she looked at the foal.

“Do you want to carry her?” Evan offered.

Darlene nodded.

With a burst of magic, Jason secured the carrier to Darlene. He then nudged Stonehoof awake. “Wake up. Your uncle’s here,” he said softly.

The earth pony colt rubbed his eyes with his hooves and looked to Evan. He frowned and shook his head. “Unca hooman,” he said.

“Yes, your uncle is human, but that’s when he’s in the human world. You’re a human too, when you visit him.”

“Not hooman. Big strong colt,” Stonehoof said.

Jason nuzzled his son. “Yes, you’re daddy’s big strong colt. But my big strong colt needs to go home and keep his baby sister safe. You want to keep Rose Aurora safe, right?”

“Uh-huh,” he said.

“And your uncle came all the way from the human world and became a pegasus just to keep both of you safe. So go home with your uncle and his marefriend, so that Mommy can sleep and get better.”

“Okay,” Stonehoof muttered, though he didn’t look convinced. In fact, Jason had to nudge Stonehoof to get him to move from his place at his side.

Stonehoof finally hopped to the floor and slowly walked to Evan. He craned his neck to look up at his uncle.

Evan lowered himself to the ground and smiled. “Hey there, Stonehoof,” he said.

Stonehoof walked to Evan. Evan reached out with a wing and pulled his nephew into a hug. “Nice to see you again, kiddo,” he said. He smiled, and gave him a noogie.

“Hey! Stop!” Stonehoof protested. “Daddy!”

“Surely, a big strong colt like you isn’t afraid of the noogie monster?” Evan said.

Jason and Darlene both laughed at the scene. Seeing no support, Stonehoof pouted cutely.

“Come on, let’s get you home,” Evan said.

“Do you remember where we live?” Jason asked.

“Uh, no.”

“The hospital is on the main street through town. Turn right out the door, go to the third intersection, which is by the purple house, and turn right. We’re number 15, but you’ll recognize it by the smell of roses first,” Jason replied. “Come here. There’s a few things we should talk about before you leave.”

Evan got up, and he and Darlene joined Jason on the bench. “Stonehoof has his own room, and Rose Aurora’s crib is in our room. Stonehoof is potty trained, but he still wears diapers to bed in the evening, just in case. You’ll find the diapers in the changing station.

“There’s plenty of food in the pantry, and there are two bottles of milk left in the icebox. You’ll need to buy more. There are bits in a box in the pantry.

“Rose Aurora has no trouble sleeping most of the day, but Stonehoof will fight you before his nap. But he needs his nap. I recommend taking the foals out to play early in the afternoon; that will help them sleep.

“If Rose Aurora has a magical surge, first try holding her and talking to her. If that doesn’t work, you can try rubbing her horn, but be gentle.”

“Magic surges?” Darlene said.

“All unicorn foals have them, some more than others,” Jason explained. “The effects are completely unpredictable, but they’re normally not dangerous.”

Sleeping in her carrier, the little filly certainly didn’t look dangerous.

“Anything else?” Evan said.

“I’m sure I’m missing something, but don’t worry. Use your judgment. And anypony would be happy to help you. Just ask,” Jason said.

“Okay. Then I guess we’ll be going,” Evan said. He turned to Stonehoof. “Want a ride?”

Stonehoof frowned. “Big colts walk.”

“Okay, you can walk. Let’s go!”

Sure to his boast, little Stonehoof had no problem keeping up with Evan and Darlene. Of course, they weren’t walking that fast; Darlene was still uncertain on her hooves.

The rapid clip-clop of the colt’s little hooves sounded softly behind the adults as they walked. Until they reached the lobby, and the sound stopped.

Evan turned and looked at Stonehoof. The colt was staring up at the nurse’s station, where a jar full of lollipops rested. The candies were arranged like a bouquet, their bright colors muted by their wax paper wrappings. It was still capable of catching Stonehoof’s complete attention.

“Lala!” he shouted, reaching with a hoof.

“No, no lollipop,” Evan said. “We need to go home.”

“No!” Stonehoof cried. He planted his hooves firmly and the ground and frowned.

“Come on,” Evan said.

When Stonehoof didn’t move, Evan took the matter into his own hooves. He went to pick up Stonehoof, only then realizing that the method he thought to use, picking him up by the scruff of his neck, was something only a pony would do.

And then he found that Stonehoof wouldn’t budge.

Even when he tried to use his legs, Evan couldn’t move Stonehoof. It was like he was glued to the ground.

“What’s going on?” Darlene asked.

“I don’t know,” Evan admitted.

“He’s just channeling his magic,” the pony at the nurse’s station said, a unicorn wearing a nurse’s outfit. “It’s an inborn defense mechanism used by earth ponies against ancient predators like the griffons.”

“How do I stop it?”

“Make him laugh. That should break his concentration.”

Evan reached out with a wing. It didn’t take long to find a point where Stonehoof was ticklish. The colt giggled, and Evan snatched him up, putting him on his back.

“That was a very good display of magic,” the nurse said to Stonehoof. “I think somepony deserves a reward!” The nurse floated over a red lollipop, unwrapping it at the same time.

“Yay!” Stonehoof cheered, and closed his mouth around the treat.

Evan turned his head and looked at Stonehoof. The colt was happily sucking on the lollipop, with a smug expression that just said “I won”.

Evan grumbled and started walking.

Evan and Darlene stepped out of the hospital and into a pleasant Ponyville night. The full moon and the old-fashioned gas lamps provided enough light to see.

“Wow, it’s bright,” Darlene said, donning her sunglasses.

“I’m guessing, with those eyes, you see better in the dark,” Evan said.

“Whatever. If this is what night is like, I’m really going to need my sunglasses tomorrow.”

Evan felt a small kick on his barrel. “Down!” Stonehoof said.

“Are you sure you can keep up?” Evan asked.

His nephew pouted. “Big strong fast colt.”

“Let him walk. You can always carry him later,” Darlene said.

Sure enough, Stonehoof made up for his little strides with the exuberance and energy that all children have. He kept up with their leisurely pace.

Darlene looked to Evan, to the colt trotting between them, and then to the sleeping filly held close to her chest. “Are we really doing this?” she said. “I mean, I’ve thought about a family, but never like this.”

“I helped take care of Jason when I was a child. I think I can handle a few bottles and diapers.”

“But ponies?”

“If there’s one thing seeing this world has taught me, it’s that humans and ponies are so similar,” Evan said. “How hard can it be?”