• Published 26th May 2018
  • 3,088 Views, 9 Comments

Manehatten MediTech - MetalBrony20

A mare, down on her luck, decides to sign up to a new project to pave the way for obesity, in the name of science!

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Day 97 - New faces and new stripes

It was early afternoon, and another month and half had passed. Slurping on a thick milkshake, the cup almost the size of a foal, she gulped down mouthful after mouthful of the creamy fattening mixture, barely filling her cavern of a belly. Over the last couple of weeks she had grown more and more slovenly as her body grew wider and wider, fat building up as more morsels of greasy, sugary cuisine passed her lips. Her belly was now a giant ball of fat, split into two thick rolls that covered her thighs almost completely when sitting down. It was as easily as large as a beach ball, but considerably more squishy and heavy, as it let out loud glorps and groans as it continued to process the almost unending avalanche of food.

Her butt had ballooned outwards, each cheek bigger than a prize watermelon, but with the consistency of jelly. Dimples of cellulite began to mar the once smooth flesh, giving the impression of a pair of saggy moons had been strapped to her backside. The imprint on the sofa as a result had grew even wider and deeper, perfectly surrounding those flanks as the sofa molded to her obese proportions. Her forelegs were becoming gradually more wrapped in layers of blubber, forming a heavy pair of bingo wings that swayed and wobbled with every movement of her forehooves as they sagged over her elbows. In fact, they were becoming so heavy that prolonged eating sessions would tire her out, trying to move her heavy limbs to her mouth becoming a hard task. So she often opted to drink liquid alternatives, resulting in her throat muscles being the only muscles which she regularly worked out.

Her face was slowly becoming thicker and more fat laden with every passing day. Her cheeks were as large as tennis balls, bouncing and jiggling with every chew and heavy swallow she made. Her thick chins had been joined by a follower, with the ghost of another on the way. On her back, her thick belly rolls appeared to have partially ringed around Lake, leaving two squishy back rolls that provided to be excellent additional cushions for her busy schedule of getting out of bed, getting an increasingly difficult shower, followed by several hours of mindless eating, only interrupted when nature called, and when other ponies entered her room to perform a test or, more often, bring her afternoon supply of food in. Lake was almost constantly hungry, with her taking a slightly less potent 'Digestant Accelerator' every day to pack on the pounds. And it showed.

She had more than doubled her weight, shooting up to a whopping 782 lbs. With these astronomical gains, it was no surprise that she was slowing down more and more. It took a little longer every day for Lake to shift her bulk out of the gradually shrinking bed. It wouldn't be long before either her belly or butt pinned her to the ground, and judging by the fact her belly was but a couple of millimeters from the floor when she was rarely standing, and did touch when sitting, it looked like she would immobile before too long. Her suit was beginning to take some wear and tear, whilst still conforming to every small part of her person, the overstretched material was acting up a little. Processes would take longer and self cleaning took a significant amount of time. The logo in the centre had been warped as well, the circle becoming more oval shaped with each day.

There was a knock on the door, and Sept walked in, a beaming smile plastered on her muzzle. "Good afternoon Lake, how are you feeling?"

"Pretty goooOOUUURRRPPP!!!! Pardon me..." Lake blushed a little, her hooves rubbing into the grey fabric covered belly, sinking several centimetres into the thick blubber, parting and squishing with even the lightest pressure applied, creating thick depressions where fat once was.

"It's fine dear, now I have someone for you to meet. She's going to be part of the same testing procedure that you are going through. In fact, she's already had the drugs and we decided to show her some of the results from testing, and somepony to show her the ropes as it were. Zenechka, would you like to come in?" Walking, or rather waddling into the room was the largest zebra Lake had ever seen. Admittedly, she had only ever seen one zebra in person before, but that way years ago when she took a small excursion to a town called Ponyville.

Standing in front of the door was a rather round black and white blob of flesh. She wasn't nearly as large as Lake was, but her gargantuanly proportioned ass was as large, if not larger than Lakes, but only had a fraction of the dimples. On the side of each cheek was Zenechka's cutie marks, a pair of rather stylistic looking bowls, with steam rising out in swirly patterns. Her eyes were a light purple, wide as they stared at the mass of concentrated feeding before her. Above this, her hair was noticeably short, the top part of her fringe lay mostly flat against her head. Her tail and rear portion of her mane had been done up as a fairly thin strand of hair, held in place by small patterned golden rings and coloured beads, each bouncing against a fattened portion of her body with each step.

"By the stars, I didn't know pony folk could fatten so, just how big does she intend to go?" Zenechka rhymed in the traditional manner associated with Zebras. Lake chuckled, her body rippling as she did so. "Oh this pony has a long way to go before she is large enough. Besides, just what is a Zebra doing in a place such as Manehatten, never mind a medical centre?" A slightly guilty look appeared on the zebras' muzzle. "Alas, in my hometown, where I once settled down, I was the local chef and glutton, for you see I would pop many a button. I grew large and fat, and just like that I was made to leave and take my coat and hat. My big gut I would glut, until I was too big for most huts."

Lake patted the couch and Zebra sat down, their asses slightly too close, the two orbs of blubber fighting for room as adipose overlapped. The sloping caused by the imprint physically made the two slide into one another, blubber filled rubber meeting fat swelled fur. "So I traveled to the city with a hoof full of bits to my name, but I could find no job to claim. They said I was much too wide, a liability they could not hide. But I said, I love food, and that will change with nobodies mood." She adjusted her bulk, seeming to lean some more weight against the gargantuan blobby bean bag like equine that sat next to her, causing their bodies to squish further together.

"As my enjoyment for pony food grew, some work I needed I knew, so I saw this building's sign and immediately stood in line. The doctors, they told me of project, one with prospects I could not reject, one which I would get lots of grub, in exchange for ballooning tub." Lake nodded her head, she could relate a little to her plight, having been ejected from her home, not under the same circumstances mind you, but like it or not, they were both outcasts for one reason or another.

Carefully, Lake leaned down and grabbed one of the large milkshakes and offered it to the Zenechka, Lakes hoof having to squish past her vast chest to reach the zebra, who was about the same height of Lake sitting down, owing to the waterbed like plots they sat down on. "Thank you for this sugary mass, hopefully I can add it to my blubbery ass." Shoving the straw into her mouth, she gave a deep pull on the red and white striped straw, quickly gulping down mouthful after mouthful of the fattening beverage.

Sept smiled at the two already getting along, her horn lighting up as she dragged a larger than normal food cart into the room, stacked high with greasy hayburgers, pizza, and a smattering of other greasy and fatty sides and mains. She pulled another in, which was loaded with the typical assortment of cakes and other deserts. "Well, I see the two of you are getting on well, I'll leave you two alone to enjoy the food together. I'll see you in a couple of hours." Closing the door behind her, she left the blubbery pair of the sofa, mindlessly slurping down their fattening treats.

Zenechka gave one huge pull off her straw and belched loudly, letting the cup tumble to her side, laying between her ass and the arm of the sofa, with only a couple of centimetres between the two. "Oh dear me, I almost forgot how delicious pony food be, and look at all these treats for me." Lake let out another chuckle, and reached forward to grab a gargantuan hayburger. "Well stop talking about it and go and grab some, I'll eat it all otherwise." And so, over the next hour, the two ate with reckless abandon. Whilst Lake wasn't very tidy with her eating, she could be sloppy due to her magical suit being able to fix any spills. Zenechka wasn't so lucky to have the piece of kit. She was even messier than Lake, her ferocious eating leaving a ring of tomato sauce, grease and other condiments spattered her mouth as she shoved more delectable rich food into her gaping maw, with specks of sauce dribbling onto her flabby chest and belly.

The two ploughed through everything with ease, their drinks laced with digestant accelerators, processing everything into a new layer of blubber. Working their way to the desserts, Zenechka was practically in heaven, as her tastebuds exploded with flavours so foreign, but so delicious. Inhaling one after another the zebra continued to attempt to change her face colour with stains, now brown smears of cocoa and creamy white streaks matted the normally ivory white and ebony black stripes.

Right at the back was one last thing. Two large cylinders with long rubber tubes were attached to taps. There were large labels stuck to each, both reading 'Weight gain shake, for those who want to go from fit to flab and fab!' In some smaller text below read the nutritional information, among which featured a big red and bold warning 'Do not consume unless you wish to gain large quantities of adipose tissue. Manehatten MediTech is not liable for excessive weight gain.' The Lake and Zenechka gave each other a glance, before grabbing the hose and placing it into their mouths. A quick turn of the taps resulted in their mouths being quickly filled by the creamiest, most sugar filled shakes they had ever tasted. Soon the two fell into a rhythm, almost synchronised gulping filling the room. If one could look closely, you could swear that both of their bodies were expanding.

Belly rolls, ever so slowly, began to sag further off the sofa, their immense reserves of fat oozing over the edge, thickening as they sunk lower. Their butts, pressing together, began to fight for room on the progressively thinner sofa, the mounds of lard pushing against one another as they squeezed around one another. Zenechka's butt, where the majority of her gains had been focused, grew at a greater rate than Lakes, and was beginning to rise over the tops of the other pair, soft blubber squishing further and further as they became progressively more malleable. With one last gulp, the flow stopped, and after trying to suck as much out, they let the hoses fall out of their mouths.

"BBUUUUUUUUURRRRRRPPPPPPP!!!!!" "UUUUUuuuuRRRRPPppp!!!!" A pair of thunderous belches rang out between the pair. The sheer force sent their expanded stores of fat quivering a wobbling, rolls and folds smacking together creating a cacophony of noise. "Oooh, that was really good..." Lake mumbled, coming out of her daze as she stared at the far wall, the mostly unread books staring back at her.

"That was the best meal I ever ate, and I got to eat it with my new best mate..." Zenechka tried to adjust herself, only to now be fully aware of her new weight, and her now firmly wedged in body. "I do not wish to sound rude, but your big posterior is greatly expanded by our food."

Trying to glance past her thickened forelegs, Lake felt the pillowy enveloping of Zenechka's ass around her own. "My butt? Have you seen the size of your own, Miss Thunder thighs?"

Chuckling, the zebra leaned as far forward as she could manage, pushing the trolley out of the way with a hoof. After some struggling, her butt finally was dislodged, a slick pop sounding as she fell forward onto her hooves, landing with a heavy thud.

Looking over in the mirror, Zenechka inspected herself for new folds and rolls and wasn't disappointed. Her belly had distended further, divided into a large roll above her belly and a smaller one split in two by her belly button. They pressed between her legs, flesh conforming around the columns of lard. Her face had rounded out further, with enough pudge in her cheeks to give her a small pout. She tried to use a hoof to wipe some of the food debris from her face, only to be met with more resistance than usual. Her foreleg was wrapped in a sleeve of blubber, with most of it collecting above the elbow. Turning slightly, Zenechka could only just gaze at the glorious pair of ass cheeks. Two proverbial hills of overnourished lard, her stripes and cutie mark stretching to match, with additional celluitic dimpling pockmarking each sagging lump of butt blubber.

"Lake, my dear, I have a question which is a little queer." Lakes eyes flicked over to her large zebra booty, wobbling and shaking with every slight movement, audibly slapping together with every step she took. Lake hummed in confirmation. "Does this large wobbling fat pile make my buttocks stretch for miles?"

Lake giggled a little at the silly sounding question. "Of course it does! Now, does this mound of blubber make my belly look big?" Zenechka studied the colossal butter ball, her stomach resting against the floor, spreading out and pooling from the sheer weight of the flab above. Slightly worryingly were a couple of overly stretched parts of her suit she wore, looking like stretch marks as they gathered around the bottom most roll.

"In my opinion, it is an encompassing part of your personal dominion, that is to say, it makes you look like a blob over fed on hay." She paused for a couple of moments. "It makes your gut enormous and fat, it doesn't take a fool to see that."

The door opened and Sept's face appeared in the gap. "Alright Zenechka, are you ready to go to your room? It's just across the hall from here?" The zaftig zebra nodded, and waddled towards the door, flab slapping together with each step.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Lake, I can only hope that this isn't the only meeting we make, I would love to see you even larger when we next meet, for me to see you a large pile of lard would be a treat." Nodding, Lake watched as the juicy buttocks disappeared around the corner, followed by Sept dragging the empty trolley out. "I'll make sure to schedule some more meetings with Zenechka, with plenty of extra food."

"Thanks, Oh, can I get some more of that shake, it was soooooo good!" Sept put a hoof to the corner of her mouth. "I'll see what I can do. Those two you drank were the first test batches, so it'll probably be a few days before you get some more, OK?"

"That's cool." Lake tried to ease herself to her hooves, her belly squishing and moulding as more weight was applied to it. However, the comfy sofa and the anchor Lake called her butt provided equal attraction to not move. Additionally, her sheer mass made it hard to physically move, as her weakened muscles tried in vain to hoist over a quarter of a tonne of fat pony up. In the end, gravity won, and she slumped back onto the sofa, panting from the effort.

"Do you want some help?" Sept offered, slightly concerned, as Lakes gut glorped and groaned.

"Huff...no...thanks. I'll stay...here tonight...I'm absolutely...exhausted." Sept nodded, picking up a clipboard and writing down a couple of notes.

"We will try this again in the morning, is that alright?" She got a small nod in response, before the mound of concentrated feeding began to snooze, completely worn out from the day's events. If anything was apparent to Lake that day, it would be that her weight gain was going to kick up a notch, already in the labs below gallons of the blubber inducing mixture were being made and stored. Sept placed a hoof onto one of Lake's belly rolls, and felt as her hoof sunk into the pillowy mass. Nodding slowly to herself, she vacated the room, turning the lights off, leaving one blob of snoring adipose alone, regaining her energy for another day of expanding her fat stores.