• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).


The Storm King was defeated. Equestria and the rest of Equus were finally save from the threat he posed for so long. The Friendship Festival had been a rousing success, as the ponies of Equestria celebrated their victory. The Princess of Friendship had even managed to raise her self-esteem again, by pointing out what she could not see herself for so long.
But there was one more thing. One thing was left for Tempest Shadow to take care of, before she could find peace.
She had to return to the place where it all began, to settle the score. To free herself from the chains of her past, once and for all.

The cover picture was drawn by RaxaMermaid on Deviantart.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Nice! They really should have shown what happened to Tempest after the movie.

You did good Temp. You did good.

I think there's actually an IDW comic that will address that.

I still wish she stuck around as a new central cast member, but oh well. More room for fan authors, I guess.

Yeah. Still, I'd love if she would appear in an episode

Karma is a glorifies bitch ain't she?

That would suit her.

Wait. That's it? No reconciliation? Nothing like that at all??

I'm...not sure how I feel about this.

Old place, old faces and old memories. It is good story, Tempest had a dreadful past, and now she start the new life. But Just remember - don`t look behind. I hope for Tempest find of own way and best friends!


I am very interested in that, too, and I can't wait to get the comic arc with her next month! Thanks for reading!^^


She definitely deserves closure. I hope she will be able to get that. Thank you for reading!^^


Indeed. Tempest Shadow is the type of mare who rather takes matters into her own hooves. Thanks for reading about her revenge.^^


No. This was not the intention here. Coming from a village full of elitist unicorns (although, admittedly, the story here puts this only very subtle), who only care about magical prowess, there is not any room for reconciliation.
Neither have Glitter Drops and Spring Rain changed their ways, nor is Tempest Shadow interested in rekindling a friendship that never was a true friendship in the first place.
Tempest Shadow wanted to get closure for her past and there was only one way to get that closure, telling her so-called former "friends" what rotten apples they are. Sometimes, even friendship can be fake.


I would hope for that, too, that she can open herself up to friendships again without fear of getting hurt by pseudo-friends again.
Thanks for reading, I'm glad you liked it!^^


.....cause I'm the Music Meister!

I thought that tempest would meet up with the major

This is well-written, and I like your take the "yes, I'm reformed but don't expect miracles" variant of Tempest. I'll admit to feeling that the ponies from the flashback in the movie deserved to be forgotten (as the flashback seemed to indicate) based on their response to Tempest's mishap, which was partly their fault in the first place.

The ending of the story does seem a little harsh and unsupported, and I think it's because we don't see enough of what Tempest's village is like, and what Glitter Drops and Spring Rain are like now to feel that they still deserve Tempest's eye-for-an-eye payback. They do at least invite her in without being asked, and attempt to make conversation, even though they apparently have heard about her return (judging by how much they're sweating when talking to her) which makes Tempest come off as being simply vengeful and harsh. If, for example, Tempest happened to observe them still being aloof or uncaring before she spoke to them directly (e.g. while doing "reconnaisance" on the village, out of habit), that would help justify Tempest's actions in the reader's mind.

But apart from that, this is a strong story with a point to make, and it makes it. Well done!


You're right, a harsh revenge was indeed the intent behind this story. Whether or not both of them are still horrible ponies (Tempest actually met Glitter Drops again since then and apparently forgave her, which can be seen in the official comics) is something we don't know, but the point I wanted to make here is that some wounds don't heal and that the actions of someone who wounded you like this can still be felt for the rest of your life, regardless if the person who did this has become a better person or not.
The reason why I can relate to Tempest Shadow so well is because I went through something similar during my own foalhood. People who claimed to be your friends abandoning you when something happened that made you less strong than them, immediately when I heard about Tempest's past for the first time, I knew she is just like me.
To some extent, this event still affects me today and Tempest is just as much affected by what has happened to her. What I have written here is largely based on my own thoughts when I pondered how I would react if I would see certain "friends" from very, very early on in my life again.
Sometimes, people can better themselves. But what they can't is undoing what they caused, because the past can't be changed, so Tempest's little retribution here is well-deserved. She even went easy on them, I think.
It's something her old "friends" deserved and something that she deserved, as well, to close that chapter by knowing that they got at least a little comeuppance for their neglect and abandonment and for the pain throughout her life that they triggered with their actions back then.

I could never see tempest do that
But i know alternate timelines exist
Its just...even then you see similarities
Its ... too dark seeing this in my opinion
But good read!


This is technically an alternate timeline, as the official comics have shown that something like this didn't happen. But when I wrote this story, it was before I read Issue #68 and so I was going by what I knew about Tempest at this point in time.
However. Tempest's enactment of revenge here is aligned with her personality and her experiences and is, therefore, something that very well could have happened like that in Generation 4's official timeline.

As someone who had something very similar happen to them as what happened to Tempest, "friends" leaving you in a time of need and weakness because they decided you don't belong to them anymore after you failed with something, I understand that this is exactly a thing that Tempest would do. She nearly did something like that and then only stopped herself because Glitter Drops told her a literal sob story (that even was a lie on top of all the strategically-placed tears). Tempest Shadow didn't look through that lie and forgave Glitter Drops because she said "sorry" (which she only did because she was scared of Tempest) and because Glitter Drops gave the impression that she regrets what she and Spring Rain did to Tempest.
This isn't something that Glitter Drops did in the timeline this story is from, but even in the timeline we see in Generation 4, she is exactly that kind of stuck-up, conceited bitch that this story portrays her as. The lie she spoke is a very clear giveaway for that.

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