• Published 29th May 2018
  • 2,948 Views, 105 Comments

My Little White Lie - ForestTrails482

A wise mare once said, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." But what if that pony (or in Applejack and Apple Bloom's case, changeling) tried to do you harm?

  • ...

Chapter 10: Uh... I can explain

Fruit Blender had seen Applejack angry before, back when he tried to attack Apple Bloom, but this was worse. She was growling like an angry timber wolf and her blood was boiling to the point that it made her face red with rage.

Okay, I know that I tried to suck the love out of you, but your acting like I desecrated somepony's grave.

Fruit Blender's eyes shot wide open when he realized why Applejack was so angry. It was because he was wearing her DEAD father's hat!


Fruit Blender smiled nervously as he slowly backed up. Maybe he could try to reason with her. After all, ponies prefer talking over fighting. Right?

"Now Applejack, we can talk about this. Be nice. Be nice!"

Screaming at the top of his lungs, Fruit Blender turned tail and ran up the stairs, with Applejack in hot pursuit. He had to get to Apple Bloom. She could calm down her sister. At least, he hoped she could.

"And that's how Fruit Blender got his name." said Apple Bloom as she concluded her story.

"I like it. It's a good name for him." replied Sweetie Belle.

"I still think you should have named him Wolf Bane. I mean, seriously! He scared off two timber wolves without using a pot and pan! That's almost Rainbow Dash cool!" Scootaloo said, throwing her hooves in the air for emphasis.

"What are you gonna do when Applejack gets back?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Hmm... I haven't thought that far ahead. Maybe I should try-"


The Cutie Mark Crusaders all turned toward Apple Bloom's door and shouted:


Applejack must have gotten home sooner then they thought. Why else would Fruit Blender be screaming in terror like that?

Apple Bloom and her friends ran as fast as they could to the door, hoping that they could get to Fruit Blender before Applejack did. But just as they were about to open the door, it slammed them flat against the wall as Fruit Blender barged in.

"Apple Bloom! Sister! Angry! Help!"

To Fruit Blender's dismay, and horror, Apple Bloom was nowhere to be seen. He couldn't even find Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle! Knowing that Applejack was close behind, he went for the next best thing.

The window.

Quickly knocking off the cowpony hat, and buzzing his wings, Fruit Blender flew towards the window, ready to smash through it with his horn. He felt bad that he was going to have to break Apple Bloom's window, but desperate times call for desperate measures; especially if that desperate time includes a mad mare!

Applejack seeing the changeling take flight and aiming for the window, she increased her speed; moving 20% faster!

Come on! Come on! Come on! Fruit Blender begged as he closed his eyes.


Yes! I made it!

Fruit Blender only made it five feet before he felt somepony grab his hind legs.

Oh flip.

Unprepared for the extra weight, Fruit Blender crash landed into the pig pen, splashing mud everywhere in the process. The poor pigs were all running and screaming.

Quickly wiping the mud from his eyes and yanking his hooves out of Applejack's, he started crawling away as fast as he could toward the fence surrounding the pig pen. Thanks to all of the mud, his wings were now too heavy for flying.

The changeling may have slipped through her hooves, but Applejack was not going to take failure as an option. Nopony ever beat her in a mud race, and she wasn't going to let this changeling be the first.

Just when Fruit Blender thought he was going to make it, Applejack body slammed him into the ground. Quickly recovering from the impact, Fruit Blender used his legs to launch himself off the ground and on to his back; crushing Applejack with his body.

Taking advantage of Applejack's loose grip, Fruit Blender rolled away as fast as he could from her. But once he was up, Applejack grabbed his head and slammed it into the mud.

"Mmh! Mmhmmh! MHMMHMM!!!"

Fruit Blender's legs kicked around frantically as Applejack pressed his head deeper into the mud.

"This is for touching my pa's hat!"

In an act of desperation, Fruit Blender flapped his wings as hard as he could. Doing so sent the mud flying into Applejack's face. She stumbled backwards, cringing in pain, as she tried to wipe away the mud from her eyes.

Fruit Blender gasped for air when he finally got his head out of the mud. But when he opened his eyes, he found himself nose to nose with Applejack.

Definitely not the first thing he wanted to see.

"I'm gonna knock ya into next Tuesday!"

She brought back her right hoof and tried to punch him in the face like she did before, only to have Fruit Blender block it with his right hoof. She went for a left hook, but Fruit Blender caught her left hoof with his own. She tried to pull back her hooves, only to learn that changelings have strong grips.

"Applejack! Will you just stop and listen to-"


Fruit Blender couldn't finish his sentence, because Applejack gave him a strong head-butt to the nose. The changeling screamed in pain as he fell onto his back. He pressed both of his hooves against his nose. He wasn't sure if it was broken, but it was definitely bleeding.

Applejack walked around to the changeling's head. Gearing up her right leg, she was ready to buck this thing's head, like a club to a golf ball.


Applejack stopped and turned towards the barn in confusion. She saw Apple Bloom, running towards her with the other Cutie Mark Crusaders. Granny Smith was walking as fast as she could behind them, panting as she did.

Why is my sister trying to defend this monster?

Applejack quickly came to the conclusion that those ponies in front of her were actually changelings. It was the only explanation of why this thing was loose in the first place.

Pulling Fruit Blender off the ground and putting him a chock-hold, Applejack shouted:

"Stay back! Or this changeling gets it!"

Apple Bloom and her friends skidded to a stop. Applejack smiled smugly when she saw that they wouldn't approach her. This meant that she had leverage.

"Now, where's my family?!"

"Applejack, we're not changelings! It's me, Apple Bloom!"

"Nice try, I ain't gonna fall for that dumb old trick!"

"This... (pant) isn't... (pant) a trick! (pant) Applejack... (pant) it really... (pant) is... (pant) us!" said Granny, having finally caught up to Apple Bloom and her friends.

"Prove it! What's my favorite color?!"

"Red!" shouted Apple Bloom and Granny Smith in unison.

Lucky guess.

"What's my favorite game?!"


Okay... well... that's a popular game! I'm not the only pony that likes it!

"What's my favorite tree?!"

Applejack was confident that she had caught these changelings now. No changeling could get that question right. A changeling would say that her favorite tree was an apple tree, when in reality her favorite tree was-



They got it right? But... that's impossible! Only my friends and family know that! Does that mean-? NO! It's not them! The changelings got them to talk somehow! But... how in the hay would they know to ask about Bloomberg?

"Applejack, it's us." said Granny Smith gently.

Both she and Apple Bloom gave her a reassuring smile. The type of smile that Applejack knew a changeling could not mimic.

This was her grandma and sister.

"Then... why in the hay are y'all trying to defend this monster?"

"He's not a monster! At least, not anymore." said Apple Bloom.

Applejack raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Will somepony help me to make sense of all of this?!"

"Applejack, we will explain everything. But first things first, would ya kindly let Fruit Blender go?" Granny Smith asked, pointing at Applejack's hostage.

"The changeling?"

"YES! ME! PLEASE LET GO!!!" said Fruit Blender, struggling to breathe.

Realizing that she was holding him tighter than she thought, Applejack quickly released Fruit Blender, who fell flat on the ground, coughing hard as he tried to get back some air.

"Sorry about that."

Which part? Chocking me, or trying to beat the living daylights out of me?!

Author's Note:

Yeah, yeah, I know. I used a Rainbow Dash reference for Applejack. Sue me!:ajsmug: