• Published 8th Jun 2018
  • 4,179 Views, 100 Comments

I'm Listening - DrakeyC

Starlight uses the power of radio to help Equestria's citizens with their problems

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Maud Pie on Line One

Maud Pie on Line One

“Trixie, who do we have on the line today?” Starlight smiled at her friend in anticipation.

“We have Maud on line one.”

Maud? Starlight’s eyebrows lifted. “Well, let’s get right to that, then.” Starlight pressed the button to connect the call. “Hello, Maud. I’m listening.”

“Hi, Starlight. The reason I’m calling is some disagreements with my boyfriend.”

“Oh?” Starlight frowned. “And what sort of disagreements?”

“Well, Mudbriar wants to go to a lumberjack protest next Tuesday, but that’s the same day as a geode show in Appleloosa.”

“I’m sorry, just out of curiosity’s sake, what are a bunch of lumberjacks protesting and what has Mudbriar interested in supporting them?”

“I misspoke. The lumberjacks are cutting down a section of the White Tail Woods and Mudbriar wants to go and protest.”


“He’s very good at writing protest chants. Do you want to hear one?”

“NO!” Starlight blurted out the refusal and quickly covered her mouth. “I mean, no, thank you, that’s rather off-topic. Back to such, I’m getting that the conflict is you’re not sure which activity to go to?”

“I want to support Mudbriar, but I also don’t want to miss the geode show, I go every year. It’s the most exciting rock event in the entire southwest.”

Starlight sighed. “We can’t allow Mudbriar to take you away from that party, can we?” She ignored Trixie’s snickering as she adjusted her headphones. “Perhaps what you need to do is just be honest with him about your conflict.”

“I have.”


“He doesn’t want to miss the protest, either.”

Starlight held up her hooves. “Perhaps the easy solution is best then – you could each attend the event you like and just not spend the day together. Is that an option?”


“Wonderful, glad I could help.” Starlight reached to the cut call button and tapped it. “Trixie, I think that one was a bit of a softball, how about something more befitting my talents as a problem resolver?” She smirked.

Trixie smirked back. “Sure. We have Maud on line two.”

“Huh?” Starlight reached to the switchboard and tapped the button. “Hello?”

“Hi, Starlight. There’s something I could use help with.”


“I’m worried one of my friends may be trying to get me to break up with my boyfriend.”

Starlight frowned. “Why would you say that?”

“They told me I should go to the geode show without Mudbriar.”

“Maud, I only said that to try and solve your problem!” Starlight protested. “I would never try to split you up from Mudbriar, I know how happy he makes you!”

“I was talking about Sunburst.”

Starlight blinked. “Oh… um, well that’s another matter.”


“To be honest, I’m just not comfortable being part of this, Sunburst is my oldest friend and he’s entitled to his opinion. I’m not going to denounce him on-air like you’re prompting me to.”

“So you agree with him?”


“You agree with me?”


“You seem a bit confused about the situation, Starlight. Should I start over?”

“NO!” Starlight rubbed her hoof to her head. “Maud, this is why I ask callers to use an alias, so any personal biases I may have on them from my own relationships with them can be taken off the table, and I can give them my fair, unfiltered opinion. If I didn’t know I was talking to you about Mudbriar and Sunburst, I might very well see things entirely different and could be honest with you about my thoughts without feeling guilty over taking sides. You see?”

“That sounds reasonable. Goodbye.”

The drone of a dead line filled the airwaves. Starlight groaned and cut the call. “Apologies to our listeners for that tirade. Trixie, let’s go back to the easy ones. Who do we have?”

“We have May on line three.”

“Great.” Starlight pressed the button.

“Hi, Starlight. My name is May.”

Starlight barely had the strength to keep her head from falling forward to slam on her desk as she heard Maud’s voice in her headphones. “Yes?”

“I’m worried I may have upset my friend Stardust.”

Starlight struggled to stay calm. “Why say that?”

“I asked her for opinions on my relationship with my boyfriend Mudbramble, and I asked her to take sides between me and her friend Sunlight.”

“And how did she react to that?”

“I think I may have confused her.”

“I’m sure she’s not the only one,” Starlight muttered.

“I’d like to tell her that I’m sorry and I didn’t mean to get her involved in a spat like this. I’m willing to do anything it takes to make amends and repair our friendship.”

Starlight’s angry expression softened. “Well, Mau-May, I’m sure in her heart, she already knows and appreciates your concern. That’s enough for her.”

“I’d also like to invite her to a geode show with me.”

“I think that may be taking it too far.”

Comments ( 51 )

saw the picture, caught the Frasier reference.

Again, this is some darn funny stuff. Thanks for getting the next chapter stuff. :-D

I absolutely loved Starlight's exchanges with Maud in this chapter as she tried to explain certain things to Maud .

I'll most assuredly be looking forward to more.

:rainbowlaugh: Good Lord, that was fun. I can only begin to imagine who may call in next...

Could be worse, could be Starlight's dad or Sunburst's mom calling.

Would be interesting if Chrysalis actually called in for something and it not backfiring on her in someway.

That would be awkward.

This can only end in mushroom clouds.

Hey baby, I hear the blues are callin' tossed salads and scrambled eggs (Mercy).

And maybe I seem a bit confused - well maybe - but I've got you pegged! Ha ha!

But I still don't know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs....

They're callin' again. :trixieshiftright:

Tossed salad and scrambled eggs all over my place. What is a filly to do?

Starlight has left the building.

“Hi, Starlight. The reason I’m calling is some disagreements with my boyfriend.”

Then throw him out, he is still better than Cheese x Pinkie and only half the clone Cheese is, but he is still as original as a stormtrooper in the stormtrooper army.

“I’m worried one of my friends may be trying to get me to break up with my boyfriend.”

Starlight frowned. “Why would you say that?”

“They told me I should go to the geode show without Mudbriar.”

:pinkiehappy: I get the bad feeling this ends with starlight stopping to make her show.

Starlight barely had the strength to keep her head from falling forward to slam on her desk as she heard Maud’s voice in her headvoices. “Yes?”

You need no one else, call it the Maud show.
It was nice, I mean the first one was alright but I think this chapter won me over.

this was such a fun read, saddened there are just 2 chapters :)

...I kinda wondered, was Twilight the only one saddened by the loss of the Library?

I think Mudbriar would’ve been on his way to return a book but then the best building he was ever in was one day and then on... a burnt stump.

Huh. I wonder why Sunburst told her that.

The question is whether he saw it as art or exploitation.

Trixie being Trixie.

You seem a bit confused about the situation. Should I start over?

I didn’t think about it that way. 🤔 🤯

This is hilarious!!!!

This is hilarious! I'd like to ask a question. May I have your permission to adapt this into a fully voice acted radio play? All credit and links will be directed to back here :) I only want to do the first chapter for now, then if all goes well I'd do the next and should you make more we'll see where it takes us.

Heh, sure, be my guest!

Oh, I laughed, I laughed a lot...

I'm definitely following this! :pinkiehappy:

Complete already? This must be a mistake.

it's a chapter by chapter basis, it is forever complete and incomplete.

Please, do it!

It's coming ;) I have VA's and I'm working on the video while I wait ;)

God, I wish there would be more.

I'll never understand why Mudbriar is upset about what he calls stick abuse. I mean, you have to cut a branch to produce a stick, so technically he's the one abusing the threes. And protesting against the lumberjacks would be a contradiction, because if they don't cut the threes then there won't be sticks to- Urgh, my head hurts. Time to relax with some good old yak-style stomping


mud briar isn't supposed to make sense

also yaks are racist stereotypes of middle easters

Technically speaking, he's supposed to make too much sense; as for the Yaks, given their attire and their culture, I think Yakyakistan was intended as a mix of Mongolia and central asian countries rather than middle east (which should loosely be Saddle Arabia). I don't get the racist part, if it's just for how they act ( I mean, bulls and male bovines can be rather violent), then for the same reasoning the ponies in Manehattan are a racist stereotype of New Yorkers because many of them were portrayed as rude people.


it's just that a race of characters who live in a country whose name is a pun on 'Pakistan' being portrayed as aggressive and willing to go to war for idiotic reasons feels...uncomfortable


and you have to admit, the episode where they were introduced didn't exactly portray central asian cultures in the best light

Not to sound racist or offensive, but the only famous local historical figure I can think about is Genghis Khan, and he wasn't exactly a nice guy.
Maybe not, but I think that the point wasn't to portray foreign cultures in an accurate way, but rather to teach people (or rather kids) to be open to new things and ideas (and don't act like the tourist that when he goes abroad pretends to eat the same things he eats at home instead of trying new flavors) and be respectful of the traditions of other countries.


maybe you're right, but I personally think MLP would know better than to rely on stereotypes, for comedy or otherwise

but then again, it's not like the yaks were all portrayed as terrorists, now THAT would make even red-pillers go 'ummm...'

The line between stereotype and simply portraying a different culture is rather thin, but sometimes people tend to over react. I get that it's necessary to not be offensive, but stereotypes are kind of inevitable when you try to portray foreign countries, and if they're not taken too far (like in this case), we should just take them with a bit of self-irony and have a laugh (I mean, I'm Italian, but the worst I do whenever I hear Super Mario say "mamma mia!" with his fake accent is rolling my eyes and snorting in amusement, not starting an angry mob).


yeah, you're right i'm nit usually a big fan of political correctness, but the Yaks are just something that make me go 'ummm...'


but yeah, some people might take issue with the fact that capper, a con artist and street ratcat with dodgy morals, is portrayed by a black guy, but at least he's a nuanced character that wasn't created to insult people

this was fun big fan of frasier hope you get to do more maybe a chapter with fraiser a pshychiatrist vs a guidence consular

You missed a big opportunity to have Maud be Lilith in this.

Is this one of those fics that's marked "Complete" because there's no underlying story, it's just an anthology that could be expanded upon at any time, or is it just going to remain the two chapters?

The former.

That's what I figured, I just wanted to be sure.

Haven't even read the first chapter and I already know I'm in for some Howard Stern references. And I barely know the guy.

I love how this could be a fun continuous story that remains complete but can be expanded with new chapters since it technically doesn't have a plot aside from Starlight and Trixie having a talk radio show.

Great callers. Those two episodes were fun. Especially the Hungbow. The May one was sweet.

That was a fun series, especially the episode where they woke up as humans. :rainbowlaugh:

This is magnificent. I love it. Faved and tracking.

Yes :yay:, also Equestria really needs radios: whenever magical or electrical.

This is amusing, it's kind of too bad you had to quit after only two calls, but it's cute none the less. :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Davis Collus deleted Jan 28th, 2019

I DID IT! It took a while but here it is!
I hope you like it because I loved making it! :)

Yes yes yes, the Frasier crossover I've been looking for! :pinkiehappy: I'd love to see more, perhaps some more serious callers or Starlight and Trixie meeting at Cafe Nervosa Sugarcube Corner after work. I can kind of imagine it degrading into a bunch of crank calls, since everypony knows each other in Ponyville.

Nicely done! :yay:

P.S. I'm curious as to where you got your cover art from? (Edit: It looks like Bobthedalek's style.)

nice work
could i translate it into Chinese?i ll leave a link here.

Sure, go ahead. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

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